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November 9th, 2006, 05:58 PM

[So this explains the Voices I've been hearing in my head?! I'm joking! Here is some very interesting stuff a reader sent me. A long time back we did have some discussions about using sound as a weapon.

In his book, "Through the Eyes of the Enemy", Colonel Lunev spoke about the time when he was in the GRU spying on China for the Soviet Union. He said the Chinese responded by beaming rays into the Russian embassy!! I think he said X-Rays - I can't remember. Either way, he said that the Chinese got back at the Russians by beaming these rays on them, and that later a large number of the Russians in the Russian Embassy died mysteriously of cancer! Lunev himself later got cancer and attributed it to his days when he spied on the Chinese! Wild huh? Jan]

Hi Jan
There are other ways of poisoning people, or more accurately, affecting their health. Actual poisons are not always required.

It has been discovered that the heart rate of a frog can be affected *and* controlled by pulsed weak microwave emissions.

* Yee KC, Chou CK, Guy AW. "Effects of pulsed microwave radiation on the contractile rate of isolated frog hearts." J Microw Power Electromagn Energy. 1986;21(3):159-65.

* Caddemi A, Tamburello CC, Zanforlin L, Torregrossa MV. "Microwave effects on isolated chick embryo hearts." Bioelectromagnetics. 1986;7(4):359-67.

It has also been discovered that audio signals can be transmitted to a person by modulating a weak microwave beam and aiming it directly at his/her head. The microwaves then cause parts of the brain tissue to oscillate. Those oscillations are mechanical waves that travel through the brain matter until they hit the inner ear bones. The inner ear bones vibrate and you hear the audio. Just imagine how much fun you can have with one of these simple devices. Any microwave engineer can build this in less than a day. And people think that laser pointers are cool!

* Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin "MICROWAVE-INDUCED PRESSURE WAVES IN MAMMALIAN BRAINS" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 289-294 (1983)

* Sharp, J.C., H.M. Grove, and O.P. Gandhi "GENERATION OF ACOUSTIC SIGNALS BY PULSED MICROWAVE ENERGY" IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 583-584 (1974)

Now one does not need to sit in a panel van aiming a microwave transmitter at somebody. Nope, all one has to do is make use of the ubiquitous cellular base stations. Each base station is a phased-array transmitter. Combine several base stations and, using the targetted person's cell phone to determine his/her location, one can direct quite a bit of microwave energy towards them - and track them in real-time. Modern jetfighters use phased-array radars to track multiple targets simultaneously. No moving parts are required. Only a collection of small CMOS-based microwave transreceivers is needed.

Using these ideas, one can make a person think that there are voices in his head or trigger off a heart attack - all from a distance. The operator can be anywhere as long as he can have access to the base stations systems. Cellular base stations already use the phased-array techniques to beam hi-bandwidth signals for data communications. So, it is not much trouble for a skilled, well-funded group of people to do this. A private group of people could do this with strategically placed WiFi transceivers if they don't have low-level access to cellular base stations.

A bunch of experienced microwave engineers can easily prove/disprove all of this.

I think that even the piezo-electric effect of bones can be exploited to give a person aches and pains and make them really irritable and miserable.

* http://www.vivato.com/prodtech_overview.html

It is so amazing that off-the-shelf technology can be used to cause so much harm. For example, my Bluetooth dongle makes everybody in the near vicinity nauseus, even if they are not aware of its presence.

Jacks Complete
November 15th, 2006, 09:47 PM

You could easily drive a person mad with a set of small hidden microphone/speakers. Trigger them at low volumes, such that they appear to be inside the head of the target. Do this at very low volume levels. Arrange the signals to be additive in his head, and they will be directionless and inaudible to others. Reduce the power of the nearest ones so that they aren't found even by careful analysis or being lucky and having a speaker next to the ear.

Use the microphone side to bug the person, and you could even replay bits of conversation from earlier on to them.

Drive them loony in short order!

November 16th, 2006, 05:39 AM
I've read that an audio feedback loop with a slight delay, of about .6 seconds, makes it impossible for someone to talk, unless they are deaf or unable to hear what they are saying (earplugs).

Applying the same principle to a transmitter operating on a frequency capable of interfering with the brain would be interesting.

I'm assuming your idea is something the the target has no clue about?

Does non-lethal radiation exposure or drugs constitute 'poisoning' in this topic?

Jacks Complete
November 18th, 2006, 12:54 PM
NBK, is that a 0.6 second audio delay alone, or did they use something to suppress the bone audio conduction as well?

Watching people being befuddled by hypotist and magician types is quite interesting. Interupt someone, then, as they are trying to recall what it was they were thinking, interupt again after about 1/2 to 1 seconds. It will leave them unable to recall what they were saying a moment before, when you then ask them what they were saying. It's a git thing to do, very, very funny on a drunk.

November 18th, 2006, 09:12 PM
It was strictly audio.

It was intended to prevent soccer hooligans from being able to make 'racist' chants in unison, since no one would be able to co-ordinate with each other.

November 20th, 2006, 05:18 AM
I've noticed the effect of this while trying talk on a cryptologic radio with the loudspeaker on. The crypto causes about a 1/2 second delay over the loudspeaker while the radio encrypts. It's very disorienting and you actually can forget what you were trying to say in the first place. After awhile you learn to tune it out though.

November 20th, 2006, 05:02 PM
I don't know if anyone else has ever had this happen to them, but on several occasions while talking on my cell phone I hear myself talking about a half second after I talk. It is IMPOSSIBLE to stay focused on what you are trying to say. I wonder if that is a sign of possible wire tapping :p?

November 20th, 2006, 05:29 PM
That’s happened to me too, I don’t think its wire tapping because there was no reason to tap my phone line at the time.

I still find it quite easy to talk, I can just ignore it which may be the same with a 0.6 second loop so good luck tying to affect my health ;).

Red Beret
November 22nd, 2006, 07:27 AM
Severe stress will effect a persons health, just find out about the person, phobias and such and play on it. It's so variable that I wont go into great detail, but find something that stresses or scares them and use it.

Even harassing phone calls may work on highly strung people. I know of someone who almost broke down over a string of late night calls, the calls eventually stopped them sleeping properely, they were done at the same time each night, and the result of this was a strung out tired person, who was ready to flip, basically. Won't work for all, but you get my point. Wear them down physically, the start the psycological work. Voices in the head and such.

Continuity is the key to wearing them down. The rest is easy. ;)

April 2nd, 2007, 05:03 AM
Sorry about bringing this topic back up... I was told by my aunt (a nurse) that if tape recorders were played next to a person's ear while they were sleeping, over a long time period, they would get accustomed to it. Taking away the audio then causes them to experience a disturbance at a subconcious level.

No idea whether or not his is true, just my $0.02 for anyone who might try it :rolleyes:

April 2nd, 2007, 06:53 AM
Chembio - Expanding on that idea, it would be possible to use constructive interference to create a "zone" around there bed which, at specific times of night (I'm thinking between 12-3 in the morning) someone talking softly is played at their position.

Anyone outside the "zone" wouldn't be able to hear it. This is documented, so I don't need to prove it.

Possibly rig some kind of motion detector so if the person wakes up to take a piss or get a drink, the sound stops playing. This could be embedded in their wall without them knowing when they go on holiday, or are out of the house for the day.

April 3rd, 2007, 07:32 AM
Chembio - Expanding on that idea, it would be possible to use constructive interference to create a "zone" around there bed which, at specific times of night (I'm thinking between 12-3 in the morning) someone talking softly is played at their position.

Anyone outside the "zone" wouldn't be able to hear it. This is documented, so I don't need to prove it.

So what you're saying is that two coherent sources of sound waves need to be placed facing the target? Maybe two hidden speakers will do the job...

All I'm saying is theoretical. No need for pork to come and pork up my house for 'assassination'.

April 3rd, 2007, 05:42 PM
I don't suppose that something like the <a href="http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/8c52/">Annoy-a-tron</a> would work.
Also, over in the chemical sterilizaation of humans thread they mentioned a remote organelle roaster that fits in here quite nicely.

Jacks Complete
April 3rd, 2007, 07:22 PM
You could do something like a bright flashgun hidden in a person's bedroom. Have a remote switch on it. Trigger when they are asleep. They will (probably) wake up and wonder why, since there was no sound. Since there is no noise and it is incredibly short in duration, even if they had not fallen asleep, they wouldn't know what had happened, as it is so out of place. You'd have to silence the flash charging back up, though.

April 4th, 2007, 05:39 AM
About coherent sources, it would be possible to use such wave lenghts which are prime between each other to get a peak at a desired location. Problem is your magnitude can't be more than the sum of each. You don't get a big sound by adding 2 small ones.
What happens more frequently is a resonance phenomenom, which causes an auto amplification. While it works the same you won't be able to use that (too complicated, not always possible, quite detectable)
Or did I miss something?

simply RED
April 5th, 2007, 01:05 PM
Some literature concerning bio-energo-informatics. Dr Lai is a real psy guru...

Bibliography HENRY LAI, P.h.D.

Publications in Refereed Journals

1. Sweeney, G.D., Janigan, D., Mayman, D. and Lai, H. The experimental porphyrias: a group of distinctive metabolic
leisons. In: "The Proceedingsof International Conference on Porphyrin Metabolism and Porphyria". South African Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, South African Medical Journal, Sept. 25, 1971, pp. 68-72.

2. Sweeney, G.D., Freeman, F.B., Rothwell, D. and Lai, H. Decreases in hepatic cytochrome P-450 and catalase following allylisopropylacetamide: the effect of concomitant hemin administration. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 47:1366-1374, 1972.

3. Horita, A., Carino, M.A. and Lai, H. Influence of catecholamine antagonists and depletors on the CNS effects of TRH in rabbit. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. 1:107-112, 1977.

4. Lai, H., Quock, R.M., Makous, W.L., Horita, A. and Jen, L.S. Effects of methylazoxymethanol acetate on brain biogenic amines and behavior of the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 8:251-257, 1978.

5. Lai, H., Makous, W.L., Quock, R.M. and Horita, A. Visual deprivation affects serotonin levels in the visual system. J. Neurochem. 30:1187-1189, 1978.

6. Lai, H., Makous, W.L., Horita, A. and Leung, H. Effects of ethanol on turnover and function of striatal dopamine. Psychopharmacology 61:1-9, 1979.

7. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Sperry, R. and Horita, A. Effects of thioridazine on apomorphine elicited stereotypic behavior and motor activity. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 13:397-401, 1980.

8. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Horita, A. Effects of ethanol on central dopamine functions. Life Sci. 29:299-304, 1980.

9. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Sperry, R. and Horita, A. Effects of microinjection of 2-chloro-11-(2 dimethylaminoethoxy)-dibenzo thiepine (zotepine), thioridazine, and haloperidol into the striatum and nucleus accumbens on stereotypic behavior and motor activity. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 33:252-254, 1981.

10. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Horita, A. Chronic treatments with zotepine, thioridazine, and haloperidol affect apomorphine-elicited stereotypic behavior and striatal 3H-spiroperidol binding sites in the rat.
Psychopharmacology 75:388-390, 1981.

11. Lai, H., Kazi, M.S., Carino, M.A. and Horita, A. Chronic haloperidol treatment potentiates apomorphine- and ethanol-induced hypothermia in the rat. Life Sci. 30:821-826, 1982.

12. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Psychoactive drug response is affected by acute low-level microwave irradiation. Bioelectromagnetics 4:204-214, 1983.

13. Yamawaki, S., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effects of apomorphine on body temperature: involvement of dopamine and serotonin mechanisms. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 227:383-388, 1983.

14. Lai, H. and Horita, A. Apomorphine-induced hypothermia affected by acute treatment with apomorphine, haloperidol, and ethanol. Psychopharmacology 82:335-337, 1984.

15. Yamawaki, S., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Ethanol induced hypothermia: effects of dopaminergic and serotonergic drugs. Life Sci. 34:467-474, 1984.

16. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Acute low-level microwave irradiation and the actions of pentobarbital: effects of exposure orientation. Bioelectromagnetics 5:203-212, 1984.

17. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation affects ethanol-induced hypothermia and ethanol consumption. Bioelectromagnetics 5:213-220, 1984.

18. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Microwave-induced postexposure hyperthermia: involvement of endogenous opioids and serotonin. IEEE Tran. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-32:882-887, 1984.

19. Pae, Y.S., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effects of acute treatments with apomorphine, haloperidol, and ethanol on apomorphine-induced changes in body temperature. Neuropharmacol. 23:1109-1112, 1984.

20. Pae, Y.S., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Hyperthermia in the rat from handling stress blocked by naltrexone injected into the preoptic anterior hypothalamus. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 22:337-339, 1985.

21. Chou, C.K., Guy, A.W., McDougall, J. and Lai, H. Specific absorption rate in rats exposed to 2450-MHz microwaves under seven exposure conditions. Bioelectromagnetics 6:73-88, 1985.

22. Fatherazi, S., Lai, H., Kazi, M.S. and Horita, A. Intraseptal morphine potentiates pentobarbital narcosis and hypothermia in the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 23:505-507, 1985.

23. Zucker, J.R., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Intraseptal microinjections of substance P and analogues potentiate pentobarbital-induced narcosis and depression of hippocampal cholinergic activity. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 235:398-407, 1985.

24. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation attenuates naloxone-induced withdrawal syndrome in morphine-dependent rats. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 24:151-153, 1986.

25. Liles, W.C., Taylor, S., Finnell, R., Lai, H. and Nathanson, N.M. Decreased muscarinic acetylcholine receptor number in the central nervous system of the tottering (tg/tg) mouse. J. Neurochem. 46:977-982, 1986.

26. Lai, H., Zabawska, J. and Horita, A. Sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake in hippocampus and frontal cortex of the rat affected by acute restraint stress. Brain Research 372:366-369, 1986.

27. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on amphetamine hyperthermia are blocked by naloxone and classically conditionable. Psychopharmacology 88:354-361, 1986.

28. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. A review of microwave irradiation and actions of psychoactive drugs. IEEE Engin. Med. Biol. 6(1):31-36, 1987.

29. Lai, H., Bowden, D.M. and Horita, A. Age-related decreases in dopamine receptors in the caudate nucleus and putamen of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Neurobiol. Aging 8:45-49, 1987.

30. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation affects central cholinergic activity in the rat. J. Neurochem. 48:40-45, 1987.

31. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on hippocampal and frontal cortical choline uptake are classically conditionable. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 27:635-639, 1987.

32. Zabawska, J., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Neural mechanisms mediating the hyperthermia elicited by prostaglandin E2 injected into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 142:9-16, 1987.

33. Lai, H. Acute exposure to noise affects sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake in the central nervous system of the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 28:147-151, 1987.

34. Zucker, J.R., Calkins, D., Zabawska, J., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effects of intraseptal drug administration on pentobarbita1-induced narcosis and hippocampal choline uptake. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 28:433-436, 1987.

35. Lai, H. Effects of repeated exposure to white noise on central cholinergic activity in the rat. Brain Research 442:403-406, 1988.

36. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Acute low-level microwave exposure and central cholinergic activity: studies on irradiation parameters. Bioelectromagnetics 9:355-362, 1988.

37. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Acute low-level microwave exposure and central cholinergic activity: a dose-response study. Bioelectromagnetics 10:203-209, 1989.

38. Horita, A., Carino, M.A., Zabawska, J. and Lai, H. TRH analog, MK-771, reverses neurochemical and learning deficits in medial septal lesioned rats. Peptides 10:121-124, 1989.

39. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic systems. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 33:131-138, 1989.

40. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Wen, Y.F. Repeated noise exposure affects muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the rat brain. Brain Research 488:361-364, 1989.

41. Clarren, S.K., Astley, S.J., Bowden, D.M., Lai, H., Milam, A.N., Rudeen, K. and Shoemaker, W. Neuroanatomic and neurochemical abnormalities in nonhuman primate infants exposed to weekly doses of ethanol during gestation. Alcoholism: Clinical & Expt. Res. 14:674-683, 1990.

42. Lai, H. and Carino, M.A. Acute white noise exposure affects the concentration of benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 36:985-987, 1990.

43. Lai, H. and Carino, M.A. Effects of noise on high-affinity choline uptake in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat are blocked by intracerebroventricular injection of a corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist. Brain Res. 527:354-358, 1990.

44. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist blocks microwave-induced changes in central cholinergic activity in the rat. Brain Res. Bull. 25:609-612, 1990.

45. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Wen, Y.F., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Naltrexone pretreatment blocks microwave-induced changes in central cholinergic receptors. Bioelectromagnetics 12:27-33, 1991.

46. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Single vs. repeated microwave exposure: effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 13:57-66, 1992.

47. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 13:237-246, 1992.

48. Lai, H. and Carino, M.A. Opioid receptor subtypes mediating the noise-induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 42:553-558, 1992.

49. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of a 60-Hz magnetic field on central cholinergic systems of the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 14:5-15, 1993.

50. Khan, A., Mirolo, M.H., Lai, H., Claypoole, K., Bierut, L., Malik, R. and Bhang, J. ECT and TRH: cholinergic involvement in a cognitive deficit state. Psychopharmacol. Bull. 29:345-352, 1993.

51. Khan, A., Lai, H., Ukai, Y. and Mirolo, M.H. NS-3, a TRH-analog, reverses repeated ECS-induced deficits in water-maze performance in the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 47:477-481, 1994.

52. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Microwave irradiation affects radial-arm maze performance in the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 15:95-104, 1994.

53. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 16:207-210, 1995.

54. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Selective cancer cell cytotoxicity from exposure to dihydroartemisinin and holotransferrin. Cancer Letters 91:41-46, 1995.

55. Khan, A., Lai, H., Nishimura, Y., Mirolo, M.H. and Singh, N.P. Effects of ECS on DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells. Convulsive Ther. 11:114-121, 1995.

56. Moore, J.C., Lai, H., Li, J.R., Ren, R.L., McDougall, J.A., Singh, N.P. and Chou, C.K. Oral administrations of dihydroartemisinin and ferrous sulfate retarded growth of implanted fibrosarcoma in the rat. Cancer Letters 98:83-87, 1995.

57. Singh, N.P., Lai, H. and Khan, A. Ethanol-induced DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells. Mutation Research 345:191-196, 1995.

58. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Intraseptal b-funaltrexamine injection blocked microwave-induced decrease in hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 53:613-616, 1996.

59. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. DNA Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to low-level radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 69:513-521, 1996.

60. Lai, H. Spatial learning deficit in the rat after exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics 17:494-496, 1996.

61. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Acute exposure to a 60-Hz magnetic field increases DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 18:156-165, 1997.

62. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Melatonin and N-tert-butyl-a-phenylnitrone blocked 60-Hz magnetic field-induced DNA single and double strand breaks in rat brain cells. J. Pineal Res. 22:152-162, 1997.

63. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound blocked radiofrequency radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 18:446-454, 1997.

64. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., and Singh, N.P. Naltrexone blocked RFR-induced DNA double strand breaks in rat brain cells. Wireless Networks Journal 3:471-476, 1997.

65. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Ushijima, I. Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field affects rats' performance in the water maze. Bioelectromagnetics 19:117-122, 1998.

66. Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. 60 Hz magnetic field exposure induces DNA crosslinks in rat brain cells. Mutation Research 400:313-320, 1998.

67. Lai, H. and Carino, M.A. Intracerebroventricular injections of mu and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60-Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 19:433-437, 1998.

68. Lai, H. and Carino, M.A. 60 Hz magnetic field and central cholinergic activity: effects of exposure intensity and duration. Bioelectromagnetics 20:284-289, 1999.

69. Singh, N.P., Stephens, R.E., Singh, H. and Lai, H. Visual quantification of DNA double-strand breaks in bacteria. Mutation Research 429:159-168, 1999.

70. Wang, B.M. and Lai, H. Acute exposure to pulsed 2450-MHz microwaves affects water maze learning in the rat. Bioelectromagnetics 21:52-56, 2000.

71. Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. Selective toxicity of dehydroartemisinin and holotransferrin on human breast cancer cells. Life Sciences 70:49-56, 2001.

Manuscript submitted

1. Lai, H and Singh N.P. 60-Hz magnetic field induced DNA strand breaks. (Submitted to Bioelectromagnetics.)

Book Chapters

1. Lai, H. Neurological effects of microwave irradiation. In: "Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems, Vol. 1", J.C. Lin (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1994, pp. 27-80.

2. Chandos, B., Khan, A., Lai, H. and Lin, J. C. The application of electromagnetic energy for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. In:"Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields", E. Ueno (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1996, pp. 161-169.

3. Feagin, J.E., Wurscher, M.A., Ramon, C. and Lai, H. Magnetic fields and malaria. In "Biologic Effects of Light: Proceedings of the Biologic Effects of Light Symposium" Holick, M.F. and Jung, E. G. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, 1999, pp. 343-349.

4. Lai, H. Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation from wireless transmission towers. In "Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?" Levitt, B.B. (ed.), New Century Publishing, East Canaan, CT, 2001, pp. 65-74.

Other Publications

1. Horita, A., Carino, M.A., Lai, H. and Lahann, T. Behavioral and autonomic effects of TRH in animals. In: "Central Nervous System Effects of Hypothalamic and Other Peptides", Collu et al. (eds.), Raven Press, New York, pp. 65-74, 1979.

2. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Horita, A. Antiserotonin properties of neuroleptic drugs. In: "Psychopharmacology and Biochemistry of Neurotransmitter Receptors", Yamamura et al. (eds.), Elsevier North Holland, New York, pp. 347-353, 1980.

3. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Naloxone-blockable, classically conditionable hyperthermia in the rat after microwave exposure. In: "Homeostasis and Thermal Stress: Experimental and Therapeutic Advances", Cooper et al. (eds.) pp. 174-179, Karger, Basel, 1986.

4. Horita, A., Carino, M.A. and Lai, H. Pharmacology of thyrotropin releasing hormone. Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 26:311-332, 1986.

5. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of low-level microwaves on neurological functions. In: the "Sixth US-USSR Workshop: Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment," J. Monahan (ed.), 1988.

6. Lee, Q.H., Guy, A.W., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effects of 147-MHz RF fields on calcium efflux from chick brain in vitro. In: "Sixth US-USSR Workshop: Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment," J. Monahan (ed.), 1988.

7. Lai, H. and Guy, A.W. Neurological effects of low-level microwave irradiation. In: "Seventh US-USSR Workshop: Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment," M. Shandala (ed.), 1990.

8. Lai, H. and Guy, A.W. Neurological effects of low-level microwave irradiation. In: "Eighth US-USSR Workshop: Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment", J. Monahan (ed.), 1992.

9. Lai, H. Research on the neurological effects of nonionizing radiation at the University of Washington. In: "Past Perspectives and Future Directions on Bioelectromagnetics- the Contribution of Dr. Arthur W. Guy." Bioelectromagnetics 13:513-526, 1992.

10. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Reply to comments on "Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells". Bioelectromagnetics 17:166, 1996.

10. Lai, H. DNA damage in EMF-exposed rat brain cells. EMF Health Report, volume 5 (number 6), November/December, 1997.

11. Lai, H. Memory and Behavior. In: "Biological Effect, Health Consequences and Standards for Pulsed Radiofrequency Fields," R. Matthes, J.H. Bernhardt, M.H. Repacholi (eds), International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and World Health Organization (ICNIRP 11/2001), 2001, pp.


1. Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effect of intrastriatal injected thioridazine on apomorphine-elicited behavior. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 5:652, 1979.

2. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Horita, A. Effects of chronic haloperidol, thioridazine, and zotepine treatments on apomorphine elicited stereotypic behavior and 3H-spiroperidol binding sites in the striatum of the rat. Proc. West. Pharmcol. Soc. 24:5-6, 1981.

3. Lai, H., Horita, A., Carino, M.A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave exposure affects the onset of action of phenobarbital in rats. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 3:2, 1981.

4. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Acute low-level microwave exposure affects drug actions. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 4:100, 1982.

5. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Acute low-level microwave irradiation affects the actions of psychoactive drugs. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci.9:109, 1982.

6. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Conditioning of amphetamine hyperthermia with low-level microwave irradiation as the unconditioned stimulus. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 5:89, 1983.

7. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation activates endogenous opioid mechanisms in the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 5:89, 1983.

8. Horita, A., Carino, M.A., Fatherazi, S., Lai, H. and Pae, Y.S. Naloxone and naltrexone block the gastrointestinal effects of TRH and MK-212. Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 27:385-386, 1984.

9. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. The pharmacology of postexposure hyperthermic response to acute exposure to 2450-MHz pulsed microwaves. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 6:31, 1984.

10. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Effects of acute and repeated exposure to low-level microwaves on ethanol-induced hypothermia in the rat. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 10:570, 1984.

11. Horita, A., Carino, M.A. and Lai, H. ACTH1-24-induced arousal is mediated by a septohippocampal cholinergic mechanism. Fed. Proc. 44:721, 1985.

12. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Effects of low-level microwave exposure on hippocampal cholinergic functions. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 7:78, 1985.

13. Zucker, J., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Substance P analogue antagonists act as substance P agonist in the rat septum. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 11:621, 1985.

14. Lai, H., Horita, A., Chou, C.K. and Guy, A.W. Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on choline uptake in the rat are classically conditionable. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc.8:8, 1986.

15. Zabawska, J., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Pharmacology of hyperthermia induced by injection of prostaglandin E2 into the preoptic/anterior hypothalamus of the rat. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 12:235, 1986.

16. Lai, H., Zabawska, J., Chou, C.K., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation affects central cholinergic activity. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 12:893, 1986.

17. Swearenger, E.S., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Effects of body temperature on pentobarbital-induced narcosis and depression in cholinergic activity. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 12:896, 1986.

18. Zucker, J., Zabawska, J., Lai, H. and Horita, A. Duration of pentobarbital anesthesia and septal hippocampal cholinergic activity. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 12:916, 1986.

19. Horita, A., Carino, M.A. and Lai, H. Preliminary studies on the effects of a TRH analog, MK-771, in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 30:57-58, 1987.

20. Lee, Q.H., Guy, A.W., Lai, H. and Horita, A. The effects of modulated radiofrequency radiation on calcium efflux from chick brain in vitro. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 9:10, 1987.

21. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Acute microwave exposure and central cholinergic activity: parameters of radiation. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 9:25, 1987.

22. Lai, H. Book review: "Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Lithium," by J.H. Lazarus, American Scientist, September 1987.

23. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Low-level microwave irradiation affects learning in the radial-arm maze. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 10:81, 1988.

24. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of repeated low-level microwave exposure on central cholinergic receptors. Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. 1988.

25. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Naltrexone reverses the effect of repeated low-level microwave exposure on hippocampal muscarinic cholinergic receptors. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 11:5, 1989.

26. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. A comparison of the effects of low-level microwaves and white-noise on neurological functions in the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 11:6, 1989.

27. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Neurological effects of low-level microwaves are mediated by endogenous opioids. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Soc.11:1161-1162, 1989.

28. Lai, H., Carino, M., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of acute and repeated microwave exposure on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 12:41, 1990.

29. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Opioid receptor subtypes involved in the microwave-induced changes in cholinergic activity in the rat brain. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 13:5, 1991.

30. Khan, A., Lai, H., Mirolo, M.H. and Ukai, Y. ECT and TRH: cholinergic involvement in cognitive deficit states. Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, December 1992.

31. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Neural mechanism involved in the microwave-induced deficits in radial-arm maze performance in the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 15:64, 1993.

32. Singh, N.P., Malik, S., Kenny, M.A., Lai, H. and Khan, A. Acetaldehyde induced DNA single strand breaks in human lymphocytes. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1994.

33. Khan. A., Mirolo, M.H., Claypoole, K., Lai, H. and Tucker, G. Low-dose TRH effects in ECT post-ictal state. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1994.

34. Khan, A., Lai, H., Nishimura, Y., Mirolo, H. and Singh, N.P. ECS effects on neuronal DNA strand breaks. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 1994.

35. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Microinjection of an opioid antagonist into the septum blocked microwave-induced decrease in hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 16: 1994.

36. Ramon, C., Czapski, P., Marks, R.J. II, Lai, H.C. and Lee, S. Noninvasive biomagnetic sensing of biological current. IEEE AP-S International Symposium and UNSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, June 1994.

37. Lai, H., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of acute exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields on spatial learning in the radial-arm maze: involvement of cholinergic systems. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 17: 1995.

38. Ramon, C., Pao, I.M., Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. Electric and magnetic field profiles of video display terminals. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Seattle, July 1995.

39. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Acute exposure to a 60-Hz magnetic field increases DNA single-strand breaks in brain cells of the rat. In: the Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, Palm Springs, CA,
November 12-16, 1995.

40. Lai, H., Carino, M.A., Horita, A. and Guy, A.W. Effects of 60-Hz magnetic fields on cholinergic systems in the rat. Abstr. Bioelectromagnetics Soc. 18: 1996.

41. Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. Use of the microgel electrophoresis assay to study DNA strand breaks after microwave exposure. 1996 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, India, Dec 17-20, 1996.

42. Lai, H. and Singh, N.P. Melatonin blocks microwave-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hong Kong, January 6-9, 1997.

43. Lai, H., Carino, M.A. and Singh, N.P. Magnetic field-induced DNA damage in rat brain cells are blocked by the vitamin E analog Trolox and an iron chelator. In: the Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, San Diego, CA, November 9-13, 1997.

44. Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. 60 Hz magnetic field exposure induces DNA crosslinks in rat brain cells. Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting, March 1998.

45. Wilson, M.A. and Lai, H. 60 Hz magnetic field affects iron oxidation by ferritin in vitro. The Gordon Conference, July 1998.

46. Singh, N.P. and Lai, H. Effects of EMF on DNA. "BIOSYS '99, National Seminar on Low Level Electromagnetic Field Phenomena in Biological Systems", New Delhi, India, February 3-4, 1999.

47. Singh, N.P., Stephens R.E. and Lai, H. Visualization of DNA double strand breaks. Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting, March 1999.

48. Singh N.P. and Lai, H. Selective toxicity of artemisinin on human breast cancer cells in culture. Third World Conference on Breast Cancer. June 4-8, 2002, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Invited Presentations

1. "Effects of low-level microwaves on psychoactive drug actions," presented at the Department of Pharmacology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, June 1986.

2. "Effects of low-level microwaves on neurological functions," presented at the 6th US-USSR Workshop on the Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1987.

3. "Effects of 147-MHz RF fields on calcium efflux from chick brain tissue in vitro," presented at the 6th US-USSR Workshop on the Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1987.

4. "Neurological effects of low-level microwaves," presented at the 7th US-USSR Workshop on the Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment, L'vov, Ukraine, USSR, October 1989.

5. "Neurological effects of low-level microwave irradiation," presented at the Symposium on Issues and Mechanisms of Nonionizing Radiation, 12th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 1990.

6. "Neurological effects of low-level microwave irradiation," presented at the 8th US-USSR Workshop on the Study of the Biological Effects of Physical Factors in the Environment, Midway, UT, June 1991.

7. "Research on the neurological effects of nonionizing radiation at the University of Washington," presented at the Symposium to honor the retirement of Professor Arthur W. Guy, sponsored by the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine; Battelle Conference Center, Seattle, WA, October 1991.

8. "Neurological effects of low-level microwaves," presented at the XXIVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Kyoto, Japan, August 25-September 2, 1993.

9. "Neurological effects of low-level microwaves", presented at the Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organization (CSIRO), Sydney, Australia, June 29, 1994.

10. "The brain's own opiates", presented at "Making Connections Summer Institute: Celebrating the Decade of the Brain" organized by the School of Nursing, University of Washington; July 14, 1995.

11. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation: a review", a presentation to the Toxicology Working Group, Wireless Technology Research, L.L.C., Washington, D.C., July 27, 1995.

12. "Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation exposure on the central nervous system", presented at the European Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technical Research (COST), Project 244: Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, 8th Workshop on Biological Effects Relevant to
Amplitude Modulated RF Fields, Kuopio, Finland, September 3-4, 1995.

13. "Bioelectromagnetics research at the University of Washington: biological effects and medical applications", presented at the Battelle Pacific Northwest Research Laboratory, Richland, WA, March 29, 1996.

14. Panel presentation invited by the Washington State Board of Health regarding San Juan County citizens' concerns on cellular antenna siting, September 11, 1996.

15. "Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system", presented at "Unplugged: Health and Policy Implications of the Wireless Revolution", a symposium organized by the Vermont Law School Environmental Law Center, November 15-16, 1996.

16. "Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system", presented at the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Rockville, MD, February 7, 1997: a workshop entitled "Physical characteristics and possible biological effects of microwaves applied in wireless communication" organized by the Bioelectromagnetics Society and hosted by the FDA.

17. "Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and spatial learning and memory functions", in a mini-symposium on 'Learning and Memory: Effects and Mechanisms', the Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Bologna, Italy, June 8-13, 1997.

18. "Electromagnetic fields, DNA damage, and free radicals", presented at the World Conference on Breast Cancer, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 13-17, 1997.

19. "Neurological effects of low level microwave radiation", in Mobile Phones- Is there a Health Risk?, organized by IBC-UK Conferences Limited, in Brussels, Belgium, September 16-17, 1997.

20. "60-Hz magnetic field and DNA damages: implication on cancer development", presented at the Bioelectromagnetics Society workshop "Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer" at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., February 6, 1998.

21. "Can radiation from cell phones cause neurodegenerative diseases and memory loss?" presented at the Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organization (CSIRO), Sydney, Australia, July 29, 1998.

22. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation", presented at the "Workshop on Possible Biological and Health Effects of RF Electromagnetic Fields", Mobile Phone and Health Symposium, Oct 25-28, 1998, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

23. "Magnetic fields and malaria", presented at the "Biologic Effects of Light Symposium", held Nov 1-3, 1998, in Basel, Switzerland.

24. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation", presented at the Wayland Forum organized by the Wayland Board of Health, Wayland, MA, February 15, 1999.

25. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation", presented at the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, February 17, 1999.

26. "Going Wireless: a public forum on the health effects of microwave radiation from cell phones, antennas, and radio/TV towers" at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Tiburon, CA, April 10, 1999.

27. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation", presented at the National Radiological Protection Board, England, June 15, 1999.

28. "Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation" at the House of Commons, British Parliament, London, England, June 16, 1999.

29. "Neurological effects of electromagnetic fields", presented at Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada, July 29, 1999.

30. "Deciphering scientific reporting in the media", presented at the World Conference on Breast Cancer, July 26-31, 1999 in Ottawa, Canada.

31. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation", presented at the Goteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden, September 15, 1999.

32. "Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation", presented at "Mobile Telephones and Health: an Update on the Latest Research", September 16-17, 1999, in Goteborg, Sweden.

33. "Neurological effects of radiofrequency radiation", presented at the National University of Singapore, November 19, 1999.

34. "Memory and Behavior", presented at "The Biological Effects, Health Consequences and Standards for Pulsed Radiofrequency Field", an international seminar sponsored by the International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection and World Health Organization, at the Ettoll Majorare, Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, November 21-25, 1999.

35. 'Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation', presented at the 'Profile of Success' lectures, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA, January 24, 2000.

36. "Behavioral and neural effects of RFR", presented at the Bioelectromagnetics Society workshop " Radiofrequencies and Modulations Applied in Wireless Communication - Biological Effects and Safety Concerns " at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., February 4, 2000.

37. "Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation" in: "Cell-phone Transmission Antennas---A Need for Prudent Avoidance?" a public forum sponsored by the City of Toronto, Canada, February 7, 2000.

38. "Treatment of malaria and cancer with magnetic fields" presented at the "RIFE 2000: International Technology Conference", Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 6-8, 2000.

39. "Health effects of radiations from cell phones" presented at the Rotary Club, Mercer Island, WA, November 28, 2000.

40. "Science overview: biological effects of radiofrequency radiation at low intensities comparing to cell tower exposures", in: "Cell Tower Forum: State of the Science/State of the Law" sponsored by the Berkeshire-Litchfield Environmental Council, Lakeville, CT, December 2, 2000.

41. "Mobile phone radiation and health" at Centro Cultural Belem, Lisbon, Portugal, December 12, 2000.

42. "Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation from wireless transmission towers", at the Ramtha's School, Yelm, WA, April 22, 2001.

43. "Effects of electromagnetic fields on the central nervous system" in "ElectroMed 2001, Second International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases", in Portsmouth, VA, May 20-23, 2001.

44. "Effects of RF radiation on brain functions and behavior" in "Conference on Mobile telephone and Health- The Latest Developments", in London, England, June 6-7, 2001.

45. "Biological effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields" at the symposium to honor the retirement of Professor Akira Horita, sponsored by the Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, June 11, 2001.

46. "Genetic effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields" at the International Workshop on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Fields and Chemical Toxic Agents, October 2-6, 2001, Sinaia, Romania, sponsored by the European Commission, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, and the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.

47. "Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation" and "Biological effects of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation" at the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, in San Antonio, Texas, June 16-21, 2002.

A really good site about EMF bio activity:
Search there for Dr Lai's articles (many of them are presented) and related ones.
Other links:
Journal of BEM:

Note that in order to alter bio system with EMF, you need effect other than thermal absorbtion.
Spectra of bio molecules and micro/nano/systems are needed, and should be irradiated in their peeks depending the effect you want to induce.
Search for Terahertz and Microwave spectroscopy also.

Note that the electromagnetic rays have the next parameters:
1. Frequency spectra (coresponding to modulation, monochomatic or not)
2. Phase characteristics (coherent or not etc.)
3. Poliarization
4. Direction
5. Intensity
Modulate those parameters in order to increase efficiency.

Is it possible that we gather all possible infrared, FIR, terahertz, microwave, NMR spectra of bio importaint/active molecules and complexes into systematized data base? Spectra of neuromediators and their receptor complexes are among the most importaint (not well studied till now, btw)...

Keywords:bio energo informatics, biochemistry, biophysics, bioelectronics, [B]bioelectromagnetics, non-thermal, neuro mediators, neurons, synapse, GABA, ion channel, chlorine channel, psychotronics, spectroscopy, infrared, FIR, terahertz, microwave

April 7th, 2007, 05:29 AM
I've read the post, but don't see how any of the cell signals can possibly effect someone in real-time unless they have a Pace Maker. No chance of 'voices in their head', and how has ever heard someone dying 'mysteriously of cancer'.

Now even if cell towers were used to centralize their output into one given space, it should not be fatal by any means. Now I don't doubt such technology, I'm sure it does exist, but using such commercial cell towers shouldn't be that dangerous. Also, keep in mind that further cell towers would have a weaker signal rather than closer towers.

If I personally would drive a person insanity, or death; I would use both low and high frequency signals/sounds directed towards them at random times. The US Army has perfected a way of directly projecting sound, now only if that technique was found by the public (probably is), then we could send "voices" to the person we hate without a single person in the crowd around them hearing a thing....

simply RED
April 7th, 2007, 10:23 AM
Wavelengths used by cell phones, TV, sattelites etc. are chosen to be harmless...

Note that the wavelength you use is often more importaint than the power of the source. The idea of bio energo informatics are non-thermal effects. This may happen when biological tissue falls in resonance and then non-thermal process (or change in nerve tissue) occure.

200mW IR in 1cm2 causes heat sensation (thermal mechanism).
1. The molecules fall in resonance, vibration states are excited.
2. The molecules undergo vibration relaxation releasing their energy as heat into the tissue.
200mW vacuum UV in 1cm2 causes burns.
1. sigma-sigma* (for example) states are excited (electron excited states). (resonance)
2. C-C bonds brake to radicals (C. + C.) (photochemical - non-thermal relaxation)
3. Radicals dammage tissue. (biological effect)

April 21st, 2008, 10:33 PM
CBS has a "science of sleep" documentary, it's in two parts online.


A sleep lab in the documentary denies a poor college student from REM sleep by making noise when his EEG starts heading towards pre-REM. He doesn't remember the lab operator waking him with loud sirens multiple times that night. I believe he wakes up saying he thought he had a good night's rest. His performance is completely ruined.

August 11th, 2008, 05:23 PM
I think I remember seeing (on FutureWeapons IIRC) a modular speaker system audible in a 5 degree cone. Maybe one could stick such a gadget in an attic of a house broadcasting downwards. The government is supposed to be able to use them for ultimatums and such.