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November 19th, 2001, 06:33 AM
wasn't sure whether or not to put these in the MISC section or in here...mod can decide

there are 2 movies(obviously, i had nothing to do with the production of these movies..because that would be illeagal *wink*)


these were made with the 60% h2o2(see this <a href="http://theforum.virtualave.net/cgi-bin/ubbcount.cgi?expath1=Forum3&expath2=&topic=000345&type=&number=3">post</a>

something that i was wondering about was the smoke, i never used to get any smoke from AP using 10% h2o2, however now that i'm using this 60% stuff i get a fair ammount of blue smoke.

green beret
November 19th, 2001, 06:37 AM
Blue smoke eh? I always get a little black smoke when I use 6%.

Just looked at those jpegs, didnt check the avis. What did you use on those trees?

[This message has been edited by green beret (edited 11-19-2001).]

November 19th, 2001, 01:43 PM
i forget the exact quantity for the tree..i'm thinking around 30-40g

i think the lounge chair was the same.

November 19th, 2001, 01:44 PM
thats strange...

"True freedome is not without anarchy"

November 19th, 2001, 03:37 PM
How compressed was the TCAP in the container and what was it made of?

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November 22nd, 2001, 01:30 AM
it wasn't..i find that compressing it doesn't make huge effect on the out come

i just poured it in, put some blue glue(PVC glue) on the pipe, and put the cap on. simple.

November 22nd, 2001, 02:58 PM
could the smoke be vapourised glue? you could test by lighting a small amount of AP in the open without any type of casing. then if there isn't any smoke you know its from the container. and if there is smoke you know its the AP.

December 15th, 2001, 12:15 AM
Can someone out their plz tell me if the recipe in the makeshift handbook for Acitone Peroxide is correct because i have found many formulars on ho to make and i'm just getting confused.

December 15th, 2001, 03:02 AM
Yes it will.

Also, posting the same question in two different sections is called "double posting" and can result in being banned.

Don't do it again.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

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December 15th, 2001, 03:39 AM
Your using Sanitizer now homey, it could have any number of soaps, or softeners in it that would make blue smoke.

If you wash it really well, and it still burns blue, then its probably just the PVC burning.

fire stilzchen
December 15th, 2001, 12:01 PM
is it possible to make AP in the colder month about -10�C or will it freeze? can I leave it openly outdoors?
anyone maybe tried this?


- fire stilzchen -

<-- [url] http://polizei.dd.vu -->

[This message has been edited by fire stilzchen (edited December 15, 2001).]

December 15th, 2001, 05:35 PM
I stuck my AP mix in a freezer at -20C overnight once, and it wasn't frozen solid when I took it out.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 15th, 2001, 07:50 PM
Depends how much water you have mixed with the reactants. It only takes a few degrees below zero to get ice in it, a few more and you're got an AP ice lolly.

December 18th, 2001, 05:18 PM
Could somebody give me an idea on how big a 1KG block of Ap would do to a car or anything really.

""""When the hunter becomes the Hunted""""

simply RED
December 18th, 2001, 05:48 PM
The queestion about the car is dull...

In case of perosnal hatred, lost life of unrequited love, the poisonous mushrooms, very tasty and insidious, - will bring consolation to the suffering...

December 18th, 2001, 05:53 PM
wait a sec i just realised how the hell can you have a block of AP?! also AP is a powder so it can have varying densities and therefore 1kg may take up more or less space depending on how tightly pressed it is. are you thinking of making a kilogram of it or somthing?

December 18th, 2001, 06:00 PM
My mix was 50ml acetone, 30ml 30% (Reagent grade) H2O2, and 2ml H2SO4. The black book ratios, back in the late 80's-early 90's.

Not a whole lot of water in there to freeze.

Anti-O, what do you think a kilo of powerful explosive will do? It sure isn't going to go "poof" and leave a smudge, now is it?

It won't annihilate a car, but it would kill anyone in the car if it's inside with them.

Question, has anyone tried detonating a mix of acetone and hydrogen peroxide while it's still in the liquid state? The BB says it's a primary explosive once the A and P are mixed with the acid addition, before crystallization.

Seems like an easy enough to make binary explosive, assuming a strong enough peroxide content.

Just the thing for a time bomb. The acetone has a small bit of acid catalyst mixed with it, and the peroxide in a seperate bladder. Merely break and mix on site, and walk away. The mix doesn't become explosive for a few minutes anyways till the catalyst has had time for the reaction to complete.

Thus, if your cleverly constructed booby-trap switches activate prematurely while you're setting the device, you don't get blasted by the full force, just the cap.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 18th, 2001, 10:11 PM
I have wrote some stupid stuff in this forum i am sorry but thats me. Now could someone tell me if this method of creating AP is correct if it is not could someoe please tell me what i need, i have done a search on this webpage didn't find what i was looking for now i am asking someone with brains.

pour 200ml peroxide into glass, to this add 150ml of acetone then 50ml hydrochloric acid.
Stir these mixed chemicals for 2mins than put into the fridge, leave for a good 3 days.
After 3 days all the crystals of A.P should have formed out of the mixture and formed a thick layer of white crystals in the bottom of the jar.
Now is time to filter the crystals out of the solution, do this by folding a single piece of newspaper in the fashion shown than placing in the mouth of a large mouthed jar .

""""When the hunter becomes the Hunted""""

December 19th, 2001, 02:11 AM
Perhaps you should refer to my website:

For the most comprehensive and informative web site on explosives and related topics, go to Megalomania's Controversial Chem Lab at http://surf.to/megalomania

December 19th, 2001, 02:59 AM
Thanks very much for the website i have a good understanding on how to make AP now, one more thing could i use Sodium bicarbinate solution to wash the finished product.

""""When the hunter becomes the Hunted""""

December 19th, 2001, 07:20 AM
Yes, a wash with saturated bicarb solution would be advisable.

Or you can hold the filter (use a coffee filter instead of newspaper) under a stream of running cold water from the tap for a couple of minutes to wash off the acid.

Your process is from Lowerys cookbook. It'll work. There are also plenty of other receipes in this section to try as well.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

Mr Cool
December 19th, 2001, 02:01 PM
The question about detonating acetone + H2O2 (or C6H12N4 + H2O2?) has come up before. IIRC it was decided that if your H2O2 was conc. enough for it to work well it'd spontaneously ignite after a few seconds... which would have uses, but not really as a HE.
I suppose it might work with 30%, if you had a big enough detonator though.

"Nothing makes a man fear much, more than to know little." - Francis Bacon.

December 19th, 2001, 08:20 PM
Ahh...but that's where the catalyst comes in to play.

Without a catalyst, the acetone and peroxide won't do shit together. Only after addition of the catalyst does it become AP.

And AP is very shock sensitive. Using a strong concentration of peroxide, you'll have a very concentrated solution of AP. Given a few hours, it'll turn into a sludgy mass of crystals anyways.

I know it wouldn't be anything like astrolite, but it's simple and cheap. I'm sure there's applications for a simple liquid explosive.

And might it not be used as a poor mans NM for making ANNM? It won't have the power, but it should greatly increase the sensitivity of the AN to detonators.

I wouldn't want to try using superperoxide. Too much probabilty of spontaneous decomposition from impurites. Even a speck of dust could cause it to explosivly decompose. Not good.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 19, 2001).]

December 19th, 2001, 09:10 PM
Wouldnt a more stable product be obtained if the AP were washed as always in a bicarbonate bath, then dissolved in a solvent?

That way a saturated (and more sensitive) solution could be made easilly.

Teamwork is essential.
It lets you blame someone else.

December 20th, 2001, 01:26 AM

But we also need to consider expediency also. A simple mixing on site is to be preferred over the mix/cool/wait/seperate/wash/redissole cycle.

Also, in it's component state, it's not an explosive as far as "the law" is concerned. Important if you're pulled over while driving somewhere with it.

Especially with all the terrorism bullshit going on now.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.