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View Full Version : Burying nitromethane

Red Beret
October 26th, 2006, 01:38 AM
Recently I have come across 1L nitromethane bottles that are fairly cheap. If one was to bury these, would wrapping the necks of these bottles tightly in duct tape and putting them in plastic bags (not airtight) be enough to protect them from moisture when buried?

Also, realistically, if the NM took in some moisture, would it render it useless for things like ANNM and PNNM? Could the water be extracted using Magnesium sulfate?

I suppose one could do a proper caching job and put them in PVC pipes, the only reason i mentioned this method is that it is quick, simple, cheap, and results in smaller caches.

Any thoughts, comments etc.

October 26th, 2006, 02:41 PM
Duct tape is not really suitable for an airtight barrier for long term storage. I would suggest parafilm, but I doubt many people have tons of that laying around like I do. You may want to try coating the entire cap seal with melted wax, and wrapping the bottle in a tightly sealed bag. If you can, one of those vacuum sealers with the wire heater that melts the plastic shut might be a good idea. You can even get bag resealers rather cheap in a handheld unit for a few dollars.

If you are worried about long term storage you may wish to search for how they do it in the racing and rocket industry. I don’t think nitromethane forms explosive peroxides on long term exposure to air, but don’t take my word for it. You could distill the nitromethane if you were crazy enough to attempt the process. From what I have read, as long as you keep acids, bases, and metal ions away from nitromethane, it should be fine.

You biggest problem will be slow evaporation and leeching of the nitromethane through the plastic container. You can slow this process down, but not entirely eliminate it. Glass bottles would be better. The only sure way to store it indefinitely would be to encapsulate the nitromethane in glass ampoules melt sealed.

October 26th, 2006, 06:07 PM
On the subject of ampoules. I would like to know, would it be possible to purchase or improvise ampoules of that size (1L volume), or would one have to use dozens of small (maby 25ml) ampoules?

Additionally, would it be a sound idea to melt shut an ampoule containing nitromethane using a blowtourch (assuming we are both thinking about the all glass containers commonly used to store pharmaceuticals)?

shady mutha
October 26th, 2006, 07:03 PM
I have found NM to be quite storage stable. I stashed a couple litres in a petrol can wrapped in bin liners for 3 years or so with no worrys. The NM was still clear and worked fine. Thing that worried me was the hot days and cold nights but like I said no worrys. Its finding these stashes after a few years that can be a real problem.

Red Beret
October 27th, 2006, 10:53 PM
Ok, Thanks everyone.

To summarise; store the nitromethane in glass vessels, sealed as best can be managed, in a cool place with no contaminants out of the sun.

I have some nitromethane from three years ago, I have kept it in the screw top plastic bottle it came in. Over the years it has gone a darker almost yellow colour. It was never too clear when i got it though. Does anyone else have NM that has gone amber/yellowish? Does it still perform well?

Realistically, even if the NM had degenerated, and darkened I still think a 5-10g PETN cap/booster would set off ANNM. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

Essentially, the reason I bought this up, is that these days, something that is common and OTC, may dissapear overnight. Purchasing large quantities and chaching is a good way to deal with this. For me NM is easy to get now, hence I wish to stock up while I can and find ways to use it down the track, whether it be good storage to prevent deteriation, using a bigger cap, extracting moisture from the NM prior to use or whatever.

Any comments and suggestion would be appreciated.

October 27th, 2006, 11:16 PM
It would not be easy to ampoule such a large volume, nor would it be safe unless you do it like the professionals do. I forget the specifics of flame sealing glass ampoules with flammable substances, but I know it can be done. I think they supercool the solvents before sealing and might use an inert atmosphere.

You could get very long glass tubes and seal them, or you could affix a series of smaller glass tubes to a large diameter tube, fill it, and seal it up.

October 28th, 2006, 01:29 PM
Recently I have come across 1L nitromethane bottles that are fairly cheap.

Care to share the source? I know several who would be glad to have some nitro at an affordable price.

Red Beret
October 28th, 2006, 08:58 PM
Cobalt 45: Send me a PM.

I am very reluctant to give out supplier locations these days, except to long term "genuine" members. I know of at least a couple of suppliers, one supplying very hard to come by items, that no longer sell to the public due to an innundation of email enquiries shortly after someone posted the suppliers details here.

As we all know, there are alot of people around who aren't really dedicated to E&W and will waste and abuse these resources.

I would encourage you to keep the "hard to find" type of suppliers to yourself. If someone really wants something enough and are a true E&W member, they will search till they find what they want. Whereas the "kewl" type people will generally give up before trying, thus limiting the people that know of the suppliers to true entusiasts. This will keep suppliers around longer, which will, of course be beneficial to dedicated members.

It may not be such a dire situation in the US and Europe but here in Oz, you have to be really carefull about such things.

Here in Oz, the government has stated that certain chemicals require "special attention", by this they mean liscencing or banning. They are fucked in the head. Slightly off topic; 400kg of blasting grade AN was stolen from a rail car, while it was parked in a siding, allowing another train to pass, THE DRIVER WAS IN THE TRAIN!! I was very happy to hear this, as AN is basically banned here unless you have a permit. Stick it to the government!!

October 28th, 2006, 11:28 PM
Unfortunate that it's come to that, but that what has to happen when the government is out of control. :(

The Hive was very much similiar in the No Sources policy, and for similiar reasons...idiots fucking it up for the serious experimenter. :mad:

While we would ideally be able to share all our sources to anyone who wanted to know, the sad reality is that doing so benefits no one in the long run, because the incautious actions of foolish lamerz inevitably draws the attention of the piggies, thus closing off yet another source.