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October 24th, 2006, 09:11 AM
Since it was brought up, and I can't find the thread any longer (probably deleted it), I thought it might be useful for some of us in the future to know of chemicals that cause miscarriages or such horrible deformities that the child doesn't survive past birth.

CHENNAI, India -- A child born here last month with one eye and severe brain damage has died, leaving unanswered how doctors came to suspect the infant’s mother may have been exposed to an experimental cancer drug known to cause the defect.

The child was never given a name and was listed in the hospital's register as "baby of Gomathi." She died in the first week of September of complications arising from her condition, known as cyclopia, having survived longer than any other known similar case. Wired News first reported on the child's condition in August.

Cyclopia is a rare defect that affects about one child in a million. The child's brain had been fused into a single hemisphere; she had no nose and only a single eye socket in the center of her forehead.

An internal hospital report seen by Wired News stated that there were only two potential causes: Either it was the result of an undetected chromosomal disorder or the child's mother had been exposed to cyclopamine, an experimental drug being researched by several U.S. pharmaceutical companies as a potential treatment for cancer.

Cyclopamine is available through several drug suppliers in the United States and Canada.


1 week is the LONGEST any affected baby has lived. :)

It is NOT cheap, though. :(

But any expense now is far less than that of an unwanted child for the next 18 years. ;)

Add others as you may run across them.

October 24th, 2006, 09:30 AM
Somebody mentioned massive doces of the horse-sized morning after pill, which was discusses and abandoned.

Somebody mentioned ibuprofen I’m large doses but I pointed out that it can cause liver failure and internal bleeding on the soon to be mother.

The funniest part of the thread was when people started replying to the thread starter saying, its your problem, you caused it so you should deal with it, next time keep your dick under control. :D

Sorry if I offended him, I just found it humorous.

October 24th, 2006, 09:41 AM



It would be nice to know of a substance that inflicted fetal death after the 26th week of gestation.

October 24th, 2006, 04:14 PM
Well, the morning after pill "Plan B" is just a higher dose of the same chemical in standard oral contraceptives, levonorgestrel. Instead of being 100ug to 150ug of levonorgestrel, Plan B is two doses of 750ug seperated by twelve hours[1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levonorgestrel)], so why not just take a few "Plan B" doses? I'd be willing to bet the fetus isn't going to respond very well to the mother having her horomones going that far out of whack.

October 25th, 2006, 02:40 AM
Besides abortifactants there are also tetragenic compounds that cause birth defects, and most infants don't live too long with those. Strange, I did a search on tetragenic compounds several weeks ago, but now the term produces very few results.

Keeping YOUR dick in your pants is all well and good, but administering abortafactants need not be because of your actions. Consider if you will passing out tainted "care packages" to the local negro projects, urban school, or welfare center.

If you can stand all the period talk (women’s troubles just disgust me for some reason) go to http://community.livejournal.com/bloodmoonherbs/. I hear they know their abortions. Oh god, a whole forum dedicated to women’s troubles… I don’t feel well :( Why did I keep reading?

Here then is an entire website devoted to herbal remedies of unwanted bastards: http://sisterzeus.com/ They have a “library of forbidden knowledge” at http://sisterzeus.com/List.htm for all things abortion. I think these sluts must be kindred spirits of The Forum with all the suppression of abortion info and the heavy handed government legislation against the unwilling preggos. Tansy and pennyroyal are two powerful natural abortifactants it seems.

Google is really on the fritz tonight, I am getting much longer descriptions than usual, and it actually redirected me from going to a cracks/warez site to a warning page about badware.

Here is a snippet about someone with the right kind of agenda:
A documentary entitled The Human Laboratory, aired by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) exposed how population controllers had tested Norplant birth control inserts in a similar manner on the women of Bangladesh without telling them the risks or possible side effects. Since then, Norplant has proven to be dangerous, and in some cases deadly, when used. American women experienced the same problems Bangladeshi women did. Now, in America, women are suing Norplant manufacturers in several class-action suits. The Bangladeshi women have no such system of justice.

The same BBC documentary reported that women in the Philippines and Mexico have also been used unknowing as guinea pigs for a new experimental pregnancy vaccine. According to human rights activists, it has been administered, without the consent or knowledge of female patients, as a “piggyback” vaccine in a series of tetanus vaccine programs. The women became suspicious when they noticed that those women who had received the “tetanus vaccine” were miscarrying at an unusually high rate. The lab tests confirmed that the “tetanus vaccine” had indeed been “laced” with HCG vaccine, which prevents women from carrying their pregnancies to term.

Here is a website with information on pregnancy vaccines: http://www.all.org/article.php?id=10134&PHPSESSID=053f6db38a8f128b4dd3abcfc4ba10be
The two vaccines the article discusses are anti-hCG and Trophoblastic Antigen (TBA) which seem to trick the immune system into seeing the fetus as a foreign organism.

Well, these will come in handy after I perfect the synthesis of the female aphrodisiac.

Another seemingly good website about population control is http://poisonevercure.150m.com/population_control.htm
This may seem like some conspiracy theory, but they do have sources to back up the claims. I should not be at all surprised that the US government had a contingency plan to control the population growth of other countries. I just wonder what other evil plans they have that will never be declassified. I guess we wait until they reveal their plans the hard way…

October 25th, 2006, 03:14 AM
Hey if it stops chinas never ending army of fucking chinks with pointy sticks im all for it.

Jacks Complete
October 25th, 2006, 06:02 AM
Syke, please up the quality of your posts.

Megadoses of hormones will work early on, but later on you aren't going to do anything to a 1lb+ fetus.

If you are going for population control, don't forget that you can chemically castrate as well. There is a bean in, iirc, India that causes permant sterility in men.

If the US wants the most bang for it's buck, all it would have to do is target the high class people, on the rough idea that they are who earn and control the money. Let the muds and soap dodgers breed like... er... trailer trash, and bingo, you sink a country in a few generations by breeding out the productive to the extent that they are then destroyed by the welfare state's demands.

October 25th, 2006, 06:07 PM
Actually, studies have shown that poor impoverished mud nations breed prolifically, while population increases level off with increasing levels of wealth. First world countries have very little population growth, and it is expected that the growth of China and India will also level off as they become more industrialized.

Industrialization means wealth, and wealth means comfort. Kids drain wealth, so having too many is undesirable to people of means. The poor also tend to breed “workers” for the family business (usually farming) so that there are enough kids around to do all the work. I am sure ones level of education has something to do with this as well.

Projections indicate that the worlds population will level off at 12 billion before almost all of the world is industrialized and people stop having so many kids.

To stop the breeding of rats you kill the rats that breed.

Jacks Complete
October 25th, 2006, 06:59 PM
Mega, you missed my point. What better way to keep your enemies down than to dose their top brains and productive people with problems that it costs millions to fix, such as low sperm counts and spontaneous abortions, whilst feeding the poor idiots they have to support with something to keep them breeding?

Rather than going to war with them, you use their own democracy against them, since once the state is crippled, and 50% are on welfare, they will vote themselves bread and circuses until the place sinks back down whatever league tables you care about, whilst your country continues along a similar but slightly better controlled path.

You then point to the disaster in the other country(ies) as a good reason why eugenics is the answer, implement it swiftly, and the only people who would/could complain outside your country are in turmoil due to your dirty tricks. At that point you kill your rats, and any others that try to get in from their sinking ships.

October 30th, 2006, 06:27 PM
Bullets are euphemistically referred to as "birth control pills" - just one can do its permanently. As for populastion, evenbn the present level of some 6 billion is quite unsustainable. I read somewhere that 2½ billion (which was world population in 1950) is the maximum population he world can sustain if fossil fuels were not available for agricultural and fishing food production and distribution. A group of economists said that the "optimum" population for the world, both economically and for sustainanability, would be only 900 million, which was world population in around 1805. I would say that the maximum population for indefinite sustainability would be somewhere between 1 billion (world population in around 1830) and 2 billion (world population in 1925).

As regards abortefacients, I read somewhere about injecting eucalyptus oil being used. As for an abortion drug which can be taken orally, it would have to be something that preferentially bonds to progesterone receptors in the uterus, thereby blocking progesterone from bonding to them, while not being progestogenic itself. This is the principle of the "morning-after" drug RU-486, discovered in France, which (I think) has a phenyl group attached to the 11-position on the progesterone molecule, and a S atom somewhere.

October 30th, 2006, 08:51 PM
What you are suggesting Jacks, is to swamp an enemy state with its own fast-breeding underclass, while suppressing its middle-class through birth control. :)

Sounds an awful lot like what's happening in America and a lot of western european countries right now. :(

October 31st, 2006, 04:10 AM
What you described, Bugger, is the "carrying capacity" of the Earth in terms of human population. The introduction to volume 1 of the Poor Man’s James Bond reproduced an article about that.

I get what you mean, Jacks. I was thinking about a powerful nation doing this to a weak third world craphole with no welfare state in existence. I never considered how this would be a powerfully devastating weapon to destroy the US and Western Europe. Since I live in the US, and I am a productive tax paying citizen on the rise to the upper economic strata, I don’t particularly want to think about shouldering the burden of lazy niggers :(

October 31st, 2006, 02:05 PM
The problem with this is that the 3rd world lets their excess population die of starvation or disease or use them as cannon fodder, thus reducing their load.

Whereas, the First World countries insist on keeping their 'excess baggage' fed, housed, clothed, and pampered with welfare 'rights' and all that shit. :rolleyes:

Hell, we even accept the 3rd worlds rejects(!), calling them 'refugees'. :barf:

Thus, we become burdened with freeloading scum, with the additional drain of spending resources to keep them alive. :(

August 21st, 2007, 01:33 AM
The solution to the "freeloading scum" problem is eliminating government welfare, period. If people are willing to pick crops, mow lawns and clean hotel rooms, who cares where they came from and whether their papers are in order? We have a cheap labor shortage, so seriously, who gives a fuck?

If it was good enough for my white trash Irish ancestors, it's good enough for them.

August 21st, 2007, 03:28 AM
A 'cheap labor' shortage is the excuse given by our NWO masters for letting in all the illegals.

The problem isn't that there's not a large enough cheap labor pool in the US - it's not like there's a lack of niggers - but that the businesses and corporations don't want to pay a living wage, which cuts into their profit margin.

Believe it or not, Americans used to pick crops that are now being picked by mexicans! :o

But once you got enough beaners in the US to allow for a continuous supply of illegal labor...why pay more?

You can't pay a living wage to your American workers when your competitor is paying less than half that to his illegals, making it impossible for you to compete.

Then the mexicans take their US dollars back to the mexican economy, propping up that failing 3rd world country, while poor Americans get even poorer when the US economy gets weaker by the hemorrhaging of its capital to other countries, rather than re-circulated within it by being spent by American workers.

Charles Owlen Picket
August 21st, 2007, 11:45 AM
Facts sited are from LA Times articles and HUD:

Standard wage for illegal aliens in the LA County area from the "pickup truck round up" are $15 an hour. (HUD)

OFTEN if wages lower than $12 per hour are offered Illegal Aliens in LA County they will turn down the work. (LA Times article).

On occasion wages up to $20 per hour are offered Illegal Aliens for drywall, interior carpentry, framing, sheet-metal work. & as low functioning as ditch digging.

--------> The LIE is that they take jobs no one else wants.... (Tennessee corporations often hire Illegals to work as sheet metal workers for Hospitals and new housing tracts: HUD)

Jacks Complete
August 21st, 2007, 06:35 PM
Perhaps someone has realised they can sub the work out to even poorer Mexicans by grabbing the jobs for $12, then having another Mex. do it for $10.

That, truly, is the American Dream.

August 21st, 2007, 09:05 PM
Standard wage for illegal aliens in the LA County area from the "pickup truck round up" are $15 an hour.

On occasion wages up to $20 per hour are offered...

True, but you have to remember that that $15 or $20 is only $15 or $20 an hour, not $15 or $20 an hour, plus FICA, plus Health Care, plus Union Wages, plus Payroll Taxes, plus the other innumerable taxes and fees, which still makes illegals a bargian because they don't bitch because they get good pay, and if they get hurt on the job, the boss says adios and they can't complain or they're deported. All in all employing illegals for the same wages as locals is still cheaper, because illegals have no unions, no rights, and so are cheaper even at full wages, which they rarely ever get.

August 22nd, 2007, 02:58 AM
Those wages sound like best case scenario tracked down by the journalist. How much are the families, children included, who pick lettuce all day? Aren't they the ones making a dollar a day? I find it very hard to believe only illegals would work for $20 an hour. Is the damn water in Kalifornia made of Dom Perignon, and the air taxed that it costs so much to live there?

Maybe this is just my midwest perspective. A job that paid $12 an hour around here would have hundreds of applicants. The highest paid blue collar workers at the automotive assembly plant barely make $20 an hour and that is a very high paying job. That's nothing for a professional salary, but for someone without a college degree that is an outstanding wage.

With that said, I do believe the intended purpose of this thread is to discuss abortifactants, not illegal immigration and the politics of third world countries.

August 22nd, 2007, 05:13 AM
Well, the original intent of the thread (or at least my intent) is the reduction of the illegal immigrants and third-world populations by chemical means.

Though, of course, this is the thread for discussing the acquisition of the required abortificants.

August 22nd, 2007, 11:38 AM
We in Africa are totally aware of the danger of over population especially on our frigile economies. And my generation is actively doing something about it.
Our flora is rich with natural chemicals that can inhibit foetal growth.We know them and we use them.
Finally be informed that we in africa are not dump.
A bottle of coca cola taken with aluminium magnesium sulphate interfares with preg under 8weeks.

August 22nd, 2007, 01:19 PM
"We in africa are not dump" Care to qualify that statement?

And the Cola/Al or Mg Sulphate mixture - are you implying that it takes eight weeks to have an effect, or that it is effective in a pregnancy of less than eight weeks' standing? Either way, I'm skeptical. *Gone looking for the other guy's proof*

EDIT- Google tells me that: Epsom salts (Magnesium sulphate) are used during pregnancy in women with gallbladder problems, as they are relatively harmless. Strike 1. Magnesium Sulphate is also the second greatest ingredient in Diet Coke Plus, which, to my knowledge, is not known as an abortificant. Strike 2.

August 22nd, 2007, 11:47 PM
It's a troll. :rolleyes:

I mean really, what self-respecting nigger is calling to call itself jujukemist? That's juju (as in magik) and kemist (as in k3wL).

August 23rd, 2007, 06:11 AM
Hopefully this isn't too far off topic to cause the beast to feed upon me, but it seems to me that the need for abortion could be avoided by sterilization of undesirable muds. I live in the perfect climate to grow Caladium Seguinum, and extracting the useful constituents would be a fairly easy process.

Problem is, this plant or seeds for the plant are proving to be impossible to acquire. Anyway, I'll keep looking, I'm not looking for a handout here, I've contacted the supplier a member suggested for the seeds, they claim to be looking.

It may be possible to use the constituents in Caladium Seguinum as an abortifacient though as it exerts its chief action upon the generative organs. Large amounts of this plant could easily be grown in tropical climates and well, use your imagination as to how it could fairly easily be applied...

August 30th, 2007, 08:01 AM
nbk2000, are you a racist? or you are being funny.I want to believe this forum does not accomodate racist tendencies! pls moderator take note. I refused to be provoked.
gammaray1981, thanks for your constructive criticism. I stand by what i wrote. It is effective in a preg of less than 8weeks.

August 30th, 2007, 01:41 PM
Not only is nbk2000 a RACIST! (http://www.google.com/search?q=nbk2000+racist), but also an admin of this board. :)

So any pleas for moderator intervention are going to on my hungry ears.

August 30th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Common question from newbies: who is nbk2000? But the question only made its way through the WorldWideWeb as: What is an nbk2000? (and how do I make one?) from. :confused:The answer, according to a discussion:

-add 2 parts Otaku-fan (?)
-add 3 parts scientist
-add 5 parts hyper elitist,
finish with 4 parts of raging white supremacist.:D

(Although the source is questionable - a breeding place of kewlz and other vermins - but I think its adequate, or even flattering. But maybe nbk2000 should adjust some of the quantities ;))

August 30th, 2007, 05:39 PM
Add 10 parts Ass-Kicking Mutherfucker.

(That google search was most entertaining :D )

Charles Owlen Picket
August 30th, 2007, 09:13 PM
I stand by what i wrote. It is effective in a preg of less than 8weeks.

Oh Heavens...I think someone is a bit out of touch here.

The discussion centers on resultant chemical actions on pregnancy. But this is not a University wherein one needs to wonder if what is said is Politically Correct or you don't get a grade. If you happen to be African, that's great. But somehow I doubt it...... The expression nigger is big league in the US & EU but Afrikaans expressions don't really care too much for the mighty "N" word.

Sophiatown & Jo-berg expressions:
kont-kop - to say someone has a vagina for brains (profanity)
tollie-lekker - woman giving fellatio (Afrikaans 'penis licker')

Terribut ? - oh I know....so very.

August 31st, 2007, 05:43 AM
Maybe coke and alum works, but how is it administered?

Is it ingested, or douched up into the pussy?

And I don't see how this could be covertly applied to a large population of undesirables.

September 6th, 2007, 06:12 AM
Ok you are the admin. I guess I have to give up, its your Command. I rest my Case.
It is ingested after d fuck. she is not to eat any food before-as this would inhibit rapid absorption.

September 7th, 2007, 03:17 PM
-add 2 parts Otaku-fan (?)
-add 3 parts scientist
-add 5 parts hyper elitist,
finish with 4 parts of raging white supremacist.

Add 10 parts Ass-Kicking Mutherfucker.

I calculate those ingredients to have a pH of around 4.2.
While physical observation of the end product would indicate a pH of at least -4.8.
Are you sure you haven't left anything out?;)
Or perhaps I'm not accounting for a high enough temperature during the reaction?

Jacks Complete
September 19th, 2007, 02:15 PM
jujukemist, I'm pretty confident that "chemistry" like yours for birth control is a large part of the reason your birth rates are so stupidly high, even while you cannot afford, in even an average year, to feed or water the mouths you have.

Try putting all the energy you have for hating the white oppressors, the yellow oppressors, indeed, the black oppressors (from the next village over) into something worthwhile, then you might get someplace as a continent.

I'm not racist, but I can tell it like it is.

September 19th, 2007, 03:32 PM
Reminds me of a T-shirt I saw:

Ass, the other vagina.


No worries about unwanted pregnancies than. ;)

October 27th, 2007, 02:17 AM
Two effectives: RU-486 (as much as it hurt, I consider Clinton's presidency at least marginally successful because he saw to it that RU-486 was FDA approved. Others: thalidomide is being prescribed for a number of illnesses (especially outside the US) and for hansen's disease in the US.

And then, there's methotrexate - used for autoimmune conditions (arthritis, etc) does a great job of aborting fetuses - or causing horrible malformations (google "a-methopterin babies"). It's actually used clinically to terminate ectopic pregnancies, but does a credible job on more normal pregancies.

November 1st, 2007, 09:41 AM
I'm back (though nobody probably noticed my absence ;) ) after several months :rolleyes:

I once heard my aunt talking about how eating too much bananas can cause a miscarriage. Sure, miscarriage is like a natural abortion, but how does it work? Hmmm.... :confused: Maybe there's some chemical in bananas that can kill the fetus in OD?

It's either a cheap method to achieve the aim of this thread, or just some more Asian superstition.

Charles Owlen Picket
November 1st, 2007, 09:57 AM
It's much more likely that it's Asian superstition. If a material occurred in Bananas the individual would have to eat an enormous amount for the effect to be useful. Likely as not the superstition got stated via the banana looking like a phallus - it caused too much trouble already.... Thus the little lady thinks "Get that thing away from me!"

November 2nd, 2007, 04:29 AM
What I meant was whether or not there might be a chemical within bananas that can cause miscarriage, and is purchasable/easy to synthesize.

I get your reasoning about the banana's shape, though :) Some Asian families had up to 12 kids from 1 woman... :eek:

November 2nd, 2007, 01:11 PM
A shitload of potassium from the banana's throwing the fetal electrolyte's out of whack, causing death?

November 4th, 2007, 05:10 AM
Try giving the stuff to the Pope. If anyone needs to be aborted, it is him.

November 9th, 2007, 10:15 PM
It must be the bananadine in the bananas./endsarcasm Honestly just get out on the street and sell cheap drugs mixed with any known sterilizer.

November 16th, 2007, 01:39 AM
My rule of thumb is that bananas have about 1 mEq potassium per inch (on average) this is not sufficient to affect either mother or fetus. In fact, it's about the amount of potassium supplementation needed for someone on a diuretic for high blood pressure - not a threat to the mother or the fetus. This urban myth is BUSTED. Banadinene - no activity which would be abortifacient in effect - don't count on this one - use a mitotic inhibitor. As I said before, the folic acid reductase inhibitor, methotrexate, has a lurid history of producing babies so malformed they either don't survive to birth, or have enormous birth-defects. Don't send a banana to do an abortifacient's job!

November 16th, 2007, 04:17 AM
Thalidomide, Aminopterin, and Isotretinoin are of the class of teratogenic drugs, same as Methotrexate.

August 1st, 2008, 09:53 PM
The two major possibilities I've seen are methotrexate (often used for treatment of leukemia) but also severe arthritis and some other autoimmune disorders. It's an anti-folate and fetuses are very sensitive to it. I wound up doing some testimony about a pharmacist who fed girlfriend a sandwich and then got caught pushing a couple of prostaglandin tablets up her vagina. I think the girlfriend set the guy up - after 10 minutes in her vagina you could still read the tablet codes (1 drop of water disintegrated tablets in less than 10 seconds), but she did have methotrexate in her blood, and her pregnancy test did go from positive to negative.

Also, thalidomide is coming back - being used for a number of skin problems. Keep your eyes open!