View Full Version : Discussion on Sabotage, and request.
October 23rd, 2006, 07:46 PM
I have done a lot of homework on sabotage operations. In military history, sabotage is a neglected topic, and maybe should be when the small size of these operations is compared to the Allied invasion of Normandy, or to the hard battles of the Eastern Front. Still, as a study, like most parts of the clandestine effort in the First and Second World Wars, sabotage is a subject which has gripping power on the intellect.
I bring it up because there was a recent internet document, "Guide for Individual Jihad". The news about it indicated it was how people could take up the fight for themselves, without central direction. To me, it indicated a significant shift in jihadi thinking.
Prior to this, most press reporting indicates structure, chain of command, logistics and funding, training, and direction from groups. Now, though, it seems the conflict will be encouraging a "fifth column", which will constitute self-motivated jihadists along the lines of the lone wolf model.
Once someone understands the larger strategic goal, they can independently function to accomplish that goal being guided by their inner compass. The lone wolf replicated on a mass scale would create chaos, and western-style societies would come to a slow halt.
Here is my request: can someone find a copy of "Guide for Individual Jihad"? I have searched for it using various search engines and found only press reports referencing it. If you can find a copy of it, please post it.
Its value may not be much in the "how-to" for Forum members, but it might help provide data for use in the study of jihadi doctrine, and how that doctrine is shifting or adapting to a "long war".
October 23rd, 2006, 11:01 PM
Here is my request: can someone find a copy of "Guide for Individual Jihad"? I have searched for it using various search engines and found only press reports referencing it. If you can find a copy of it, please post it.
This might be what your looking for (Or at least it might be on the same page.)
This article might also be helpful.
Use the CODE tag for any URL's that are long enough to be abbreviated by the board software. NBK
October 24th, 2006, 05:34 AM
If they became a decentralized 'lone wolf' operation, then that'd mean that any towelhead could be a possible terrorist, thus being all the excuse we'd need for camps equipped with furnaces. :)
Also, lone wolf operations would be extremely limited in their destructive ability, as there is only so much damage one person can do.
While a thousand mosquito bites may be annoying, it doesn't stop the lion from feasting on its prey.
simply RED
October 24th, 2006, 06:11 AM
While a thousand mosquito bites may be annoying, it doesn't stop the lion from feasting on its prey.
Unless these mosquitos have the lastest malaria strain :) .
October 24th, 2006, 11:25 AM
If you're interested in modern sabotage concepts, Global Guerillas is a good read
October 24th, 2006, 07:47 PM
While a thousand mosquito bites may be annoying, it doesn't stop the lion from feasting on its prey.
Up north (in Northern Canada) sometimes the blackflies attack the moose in clouds so dense that the moose go mad, the moose just start running and running until they colapse from exhusation and die all because of the attack of a cloud of tiny insects.
October 24th, 2006, 08:49 PM
WMD, thank you for the direction to that website. It is really well done, and worth reading for retention.
A lot of the principles he writes about are classic, and have not changed in the past 60 years. What was good about the ( website was his weaving the patterns and essential elements into an estimate drawn from today's news -- so the relevance is present. It's harder for people to capture the same relevance when when reading about German sabotage operations in 1914-1917 in the U.S. But, he is writing about today.
I read about those older operations because it fits me like a suit -- I'm a historian. But, no one on this forum is asleep to the matters at hand in the larger world around us. So, I asked for some help to do some more current homework, having searched for the document myself and not having found it. Thank you for that help.
I searched each of the 62 references on Google, and found they were largely reposting the same article.
Hirudinea, I did go to the Jihadist website you mentioned ( If they have the document, it is in their members' side of their site, like the files in this forum.
You also got the idea about the flies and the moose. It is a perfect illustration.
NBK's cautionary comment about "only so much one person can do" is also correct. And, I've thought like that myself about the insanity of the "American militia movement". The big difference here is an indoctrinated mass movment of jihadi self-motivators who hold the lives of others to be less than the rightness of their beliefs.
This has the potential to be a tough one, if the idea catches. I hope (hope) NBK is correct on this point, and that it turns out to be minor-to-nothing.
October 24th, 2006, 10:08 PM
The Google translate link Hirudinea posted for the "althabeton" website doesn't translate anything for me. Is the website written in Farsi, and not Arabic?
October 24th, 2006, 10:50 PM
Defendu, if you use Hirudinea's link line it should work for you. That long link line was a Google translation page that did work for me. I shortened the link to the actual page, which may have provided some problem for you.
October 24th, 2006, 11:23 PM
The URL posted by Hirudinea is exactly what I meant.
The exact URL(accessed using Mozilla Firefox):
Jacks Complete
October 25th, 2006, 07:07 AM
Interesting comment by NBK, that one man can only do so much.
This is a trueism. However, one man can, today, do far more than even a Crusader army from the middle ages. One man in a tank can, unopposed by other tanks, wipe out a small village to the last building without fear for his life.
One man with a can of gas and a power screwdriver can kill a church full of people without even much risk of getting caught.
Two or three men even with just pistols could, in a place as disarmed as the UK, kill as many people as they had bullets, and with body armour they would have almost nothing to fear from the locals or even the first response (even armed) police (2 of in an ARV) until a few dozen had arrived to gang up and swoop in, due to the pathetic tactic of "wait until everything has been quiet for a few hours before going in". This 'tactic' would ensure everyone shot would have long since either bled out or partly recovered, as well as leaving plenty of escape time... (Use a few fused firecrackers to keep the police out.)
A more educated terr. could create nasty things and use those to really make a mess. Might kill himself in the process, but if it was a mutagenic or something that caused a fairly slow death to hundreds (over a few weeks) I'm sure that the price might be right for some.
The less educated could still strap some explosives to himself and find a nice crowded market or (preferably) police station to end it all.
Even just doing what the local muslim women do here, and drive really badly with a headscarf on, would let you get lots of random targets without risk of much time inside, especially in a stolen car as a veiled woman driving, whilst really being a man. Steal something solid, and run down a school crossing patrol, and simply change towns even day!
A very technically advanced student could design and build some lethal weapons, both projectile and impact, and put them on a bulldozer or digger, and remotely have fun, at very little risk of immediate capture. Several more would defend him "to the death" and the addition of something like a telesniper and some carefully placed charges would mean the calvary would be screwed, too. And when they finally get to the base? It's empty but for a wireless computer system and a cable modem...
So yes, one man is limited, but the limits are daily increasing.
November 4th, 2006, 11:38 AM
I appreciated the link to the Jamestown Foundation. I went to the foundation and and have bookmarked it for regular study-reading. And, I thank the members for their opinons.
That link is a good read about the author of the recent jihadi doctrinal documents, and within the body of the article are web addresses to jihadist websites where jihadi manuals have been posted.
I went to the websites, but found myself at a dead end in how to get to the documents. It's not opaque if you know the ins and outs of internet shareware and services, but outside of simple uploading to, my savy stops there. I honestly get confused and annoyed, and it often ends up in walking away from my computer after hours of lost time.
May I ask an interested member to recover the relevant documents when they have the time and interest?
The different jihadi documents may prove valuable if available to members, not as encouragement to do these things, but as study documents. History is happening today, and applying our minds to current events matures the individual in his or her abilities to understand the world as it is.
Also, there are members who may actually be interested in the study of modern unconventional warfare, which is what we are largely dealing with here. The elements of infiltration, organizational direction, safe haven, supply, communications, agent operations (and more), are all very present in this movement. As a study of an aspect of military history and military science it is a valid pursuit and valid topic of discussion.
So, if you have the time and tech. savvy, please help out. (!) Not everyone swims that well in the ocean of technology.
November 4th, 2006, 09:38 PM
The site is 404'd.
If anyone has any jihadi websites that have any kind of plans or videos or whatever of interest to the E&W nature of the Forum, then post 'em and I'll rip whatever I can, since I've got broadband.
November 5th, 2006, 12:02 AM
Doesn't really have specific plans or videos unless you're a subscriber,but some references to jihadi sites are available.
November 7th, 2006, 05:07 PM
I actually got into, and successfully got it translated with an on-line translator. Unfortunately, the document was pulled. Every time I clicked on the document line, it referred to a webmaster's page.
Reading the other jihadi think pieces both disappointed and disturbed me. The absence of love and care toward others, by seeing others as targets, was disturbing.
I know it sounds naive, but that was most disturbing. I've read a lot about all kinds of military operations, but this wasn't that kind of writing. It was an advocacy of violence that I don't encounter often, and can only call disturbing and chilling.
November 13th, 2006, 07:04 PM
This site has some alright info on sabotage of industrial equipment,but its pretty amateur.
November 13th, 2006, 07:51 PM was allegedly suspended for violating their ISP's terms of service!
November 13th, 2006, 10:16 PM was allegedly suspended for violating their ISP's terms of service!
These Jihadi websites go up and down all the time, why don't you try these sites that monitor them.
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