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View Full Version : Soviet Agent Hides

October 14th, 2006, 11:42 AM
I was once in an acquisition-relationship with a policeman in the former Soviet Union. This gave me a great opportunity to access compliation documents most in the West didn't have access to or see.

I was able to get ahold of a book in which there are examples of agent hides. The pictures were drawn during the Soviet period. The book is a compilation of agent and spetsnaz training from the Second World War and the Cold War. Also, the Soviets (and their allies) sponsored terrorist training through the mid-1980s.

I bring up the background to put the images into perspective.

Information is where you find it, and it is the same for ideas. If the Soviets trained terrorists for 20 years, and a percentage of these fed into the post-1990 anti-West movement that we fight today, then some of the ideas from the early training may thread into field craft practiced by modern terrorists.

Also, operatives from former WARSAW Pact countries under former Soviet instruction (East Germany, Poland, etc.) hired out as mercenaries and trainers after the collapse of the WARSAW Pact. So, the data may have broader reach than we know.

I doubt many people go to the trouble to make the hides shown in the drawings, but it is something to think about.

Also, I have some scans of personal combat training aids, obstacle courses used by the Spetsnaz, and some examples of knife training. Also, there are some examples of how not to leave a trail, and how to avoid police dogs.

I would never advocate any one try to avoid the police by fleeing. It only makes matters worse. That is my truthful position. The information by itself is simply fascinating, especially knowing that agents and operatives of the WARSAW Pact were practicing this.

Many people in the forum have an honest interest in the details of military history, military science, and operational art. This is a sub-set of those disciplines.

I am not yet allowed to post attachments, can I send them to someone for posting?

October 14th, 2006, 12:03 PM
I was able to get ahold of a book in which there are examples of agent hides. The pictures were drawn during the Soviet period. The book is a compilation of agent and spetsnaz training from the Second World War and the Cold War. Also, the Soviets (and their allies) sponsored terrorist training through the mid-1980s.

I bring up the background to put the images into perspective.

Information is where you find it, and it is the same for ideas. If the Soviets trained terrorists for 20 years, and a percentage of these fed into the post-1990 anti-West movement that we fight today, then some of the ideas from the early training may thread into field craft practiced by modern terrorists.

As these book or manual named? Yes, Soviets a twenty years ago training "terrorists", as CIA trained main USA friend U.B.L :rolleyes:

October 14th, 2006, 02:04 PM
I am not yet allowed to post attachments, can I send them to someone for posting?

You could allways upload them to rapidshare and post the link here.

October 14th, 2006, 03:27 PM
Upload them to:


and add before the URLs and after.

If tinypic doesn't work try imagehosting.com

October 14th, 2006, 08:59 PM
You can add attachments mrtnira...

October 16th, 2006, 11:00 PM
I hope this works for you. The text is in Russian. The images tell the story.

How to place a rural agent hide (choosing a site).

Followed by several pages of hand drawn examples of agent hides. These would have of the Second World War, or some examples from hides in the West, if safe houses were not used. The hand drawn examples are not engineering plans, but they communicate clearly enough. An agent and his in-country support wouldn't necessarily be engineers, but would most likely be regular people. Having a concept would help people know what to move toward, but not necessarily tell them how to engineer it. That would be up to them, according to their circumstance.

Like a lot of Second World War imagery that got brought forward into later Soviet manuals, the elaborate hides probably reflect ones done behind German lines by Partisans under the direction of the NKVD. I doubt that many elaborate hides were made in the West during the Cold War, although a couple of smaller ones may have been dug. By the time of the Cold War, it would have been much easier to move people by a system of sympathizers.

As a matter of safety, I wouldn't recommend building one. Wood used in things like this rots quickly, and cave-ins can occur. Also, carbon monoxide builds up in low places. However, for students of military history and operational art the diagrams tell a story.

October 17th, 2006, 08:31 PM
Interesting material, and I've seen them before only they were not in Russian.

Back in the mid 60's in our Guerrilla Warfare/Anti-GW classes during the Viet Nam era, 10 or 12 page pamphlets were passed out and several were on constructing and locating "hides". Several of these diagrams (or some very simular) were included in the pamphlets during a class given by the Combat Engineers on construction and demolition of hides.

Can't be sure if they'er the exact same diagrams since it's been over 30 years since I took the classes but they sure struck a bell when I saw them.