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Viper III
October 14th, 2006, 07:50 AM
I think they are pretty beautiful ,..

I mix 60% naclo3 + 40% sugar....add some water to get a plastique and form it to stars

There is a vid of a 150mm shell with this stars...the shell was around 200-250 metres in the air.


October 16th, 2006, 08:35 AM
That sounds like quite a good idea,I have been using NaClO3 for quite some time now,infact it was my first oxidiser I ever used.The only thing about the chlorate is that it has fire depressants in it and it is not pure,I was just wondering if you have accsess to pure NaClO3?

October 16th, 2006, 12:23 PM
Sodium chlorate weedkiller contains NaCl as a fire depressant. If you want to remove it, buy a sieve ;) .

The larger particles are the NaClO3.

Viper III
October 16th, 2006, 03:23 PM
we have in Austria 99% clean NaClo3 weedkiller for around 7-11 bucks/ kg

naclo3/sugar stars also burn when they are a little bit wet, and they light very quickly


October 17th, 2006, 04:25 AM
If you want to remove it, buy a sieve ;) .

The larger particles are the NaClO3.
Not always, from product to product the particles may change.

I don�t have the link on me now but somewhere in the making chlorate thread there is a link to a site (the one which tells you how to make many chlorates and perchlorates) which contains a section on how to remove NaCl and NaClO3 by recrystallisation.

October 17th, 2006, 11:20 AM
Maybe you are talking about http://www.vk2zay.net/article.php/63

October 18th, 2006, 04:55 AM
Here is the link, http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Campus/5361/chlorate/chlorate.html

October 20th, 2006, 08:49 AM
In the UK, you can buy it for �5 per kg. Under the name 'Doff'. 53% pure, but like Gerbil said, buy a sieve and remove finer NaCl particles.

October 20th, 2006, 09:25 AM
Those stars worked very well especially now that i have seperated the NaClO3 from the NaCl(thanks gerbil).They are the longest burning stars I have now got.

October 24th, 2006, 08:30 PM
Viper that is a very impressive aerial. Does SP stand for smokeless powder? Wouldn't 60 grams regular lift have been cheaper? Although I do have to say I liked the flame pillar that came out of the mortar. What kind of break charge did you use? The stars were spread well.

As for seperating the KClO<sub>3</sub> from the NaCl don't rely on something as inconsistent as particle size, and go with something standard like solubility. Think about it, you'll get a more pure product assuming these are the only two ingrediants in the weedkiller.

October 24th, 2006, 10:19 PM
Think about it, you'll get a more pure product assuming these are the only two ingrediants in the weedkiller.

Of course. But considering the availability and low cost of NaClO3, it seems pointless unless a pure compound is desired. For basic pyrotechnics/large IEDs, sieving should suffice on appropriate products.

October 25th, 2006, 08:18 PM
Why would a pure product not be desired? Especially in pyrotechnics using chlorates. I know the weedkiller wouldn't have something that could cause ignition, but you can never be too careful. When it comes to low cost, how much do you think some distilled water and a coffee filter could cost? $1.69? Sounds cheaper than a sieve to me, even if using a screen or strainer as a sieve, why not spend the extra 69 cents and get what you are using the producty for?

Viper III
October 26th, 2006, 08:29 AM
SP means Schwarzpulver

= Black powder

i take 1/10 of the weight of the shell as Lifter (BP granulated)

the shell weights 1029 gramm

I tried something new:

Normaly you paste a shell with this size with 30 paper layers and more...Thats a lot of work and time.

I took 4 Layers of cotton linen (what you put on your bed) with Sodium Waterglass (sodium silicate) so it gets very hard...

I know a good trick to get clean chlorate

At first you need KCl (Pottasium chloride i think) and the Weedkiller wich has just 50% Naclo3 .

Then you mix 106.44gramm of the Weedkiller with 32.5 gramm Pottasium chloride and give it into boiling water (100ml)

normaly you mix one mol Naclo3 with one mol Kcl

After nearly everything is disolved you let it cool down to 20� or less....

There should be a lot of Kclo3 christals because Kclo3 is nearly insoluble in water...

filter the christals out and let it dry ...

October 27th, 2006, 03:12 AM
I know a good trick to get clean chlorate

At first you need KCl (Pottasium chloride i think) and the Weedkiller wich has just 50% Naclo3 .

Then you mix 106.44gramm of the Weedkiller with 32.5 gramm Pottasium chloride and give it into boiling water (100ml)

normaly you mix one mol Naclo3 with one mol Kcl

After nearly everything is disolved you let it cool down to 20� or less....

There should be a lot of Kclo3 christals because Kclo3 is nearly insoluble in water...

filter the christals out and let it dry ...

That 'trick' has been in this forum for a very long time, and its doesnt 'clean', it's making the sodium chlorate into potassium chlorate.

Your measurements are wrong, if the weed killer is only 50% NaClO3 you need to use more weed killer than one mole of NaClO3, for there is less of the desired product in the weed killer, to overcome this use double.

Also if your don’t want NaCl in your final product I suggest you look for the solubility and make sure you have enough water to dissolve a bit over the amount of NaCl you will have left in the product.
Please fix your spelling and grammar. gramm = grams
Naclo3 = NaClO3
Kcl = KCl
christals = crystals
Pottasium = Potassium

If your shitty at english (like me ;)) it's a good idea to use spell check.

October 27th, 2006, 05:26 AM
Around here, the inert filler is boric acid, not salt.

Viper III
October 28th, 2006, 05:33 AM
@ c Tech

or you just take a half mole of KCl ; ) (half mole of KCl is 32,5grams )

October 29th, 2006, 02:33 PM
It has been my experince that KClO4 is much more stable and doesn't react with sulfur. I would suggest it instead of NaClO3.

October 30th, 2006, 08:37 PM
Since it was new for you; did you find the cotton linen and silicate to work well or were there any drawbacks? Would you do it again? Other than that the only downside I see to your shell is the height. It is so high it seams to hinder the effect of the stars. Also, what kind of break charge did you use?

It has not been your experience, it has been common knowledge that perchlorate is a safer alternative to chlorate when dealing with sulfur. What a great way to waste your first post.

October 30th, 2006, 10:55 PM
I let it through because it was an obvious n00b attempt to sound knowledgeable by copy/paste. Now we know what to expect from him in the future. ;)

Viper III
November 1st, 2006, 02:03 PM
@ deadman

The cotton linen method works very well and a would make my shell next time with the same method...

Here you can see how I build my shells
