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September 30th, 2006, 01:37 AM
Silly Bugger #1:

The other day some young buck in a little Pontiac Sunfire pissed up and wired up on something blasted up this dead end road parallel to the street where mom lives with his buddy on the way home from the gay bar, or wherever the hell they were dicking around at about 4:00 am local lost control, I don't know for the life of me how as every local knows that the road is a cul de sac, the car went ballistic and went up this little terraced lawn that goes up to the first floor of the building. The Apartment buildings on this street were all made in the early 1950's so they were not built flimsy, they had I think 2 courses of brick with the air space, then 4" posts, to which 2" planks were nailed horizontally, studding, then the old drywall used as plaster grounds, then a layer of plaster. Well they had enough speed to cause the car to dig out this divot about 6" deep from the crest of this little terrace, then the car bounced up and blew away the corner of the building and narrowly missing a young couple trying to get some sleep in their bed, they were not injured but only just. Mom's neighbours said the sound was like a plane crash. When the young guy who was sleeping realized what had happened, he climbed out through the hole and went over to the remains of the car which was by now starting to catch fire, he reached into the ignition and shut it off. By then the 2 miscreants had fled to their lair to drink beer and lay low. The car came to rest facing the hole up against a tree, and was just mangled, the only thing that was intact was the passenger compartment the rest was just ripped to hell, there was car shrapnel all over the place, bricks and debris from the building were flung about 200 feet, big chunks too. I think no charges were laid.

Silly Bugger #2:

In the apartment where I used to live on Brule Street, (sounds classy doesen't it), now resides one of my co-workers this girl. One night, she awoke to hear these 2 idiots in the apartment downstairs going outside to the parking lot out back where one of them kept his un insured, pos Hyundai Pony, the lad was about 17 or so, didn't have any honest money, and didn't want to pay to have this pos towed away as they are planning on moving out. So this genius gets the idea of setting it on fire thinking that it would just collapse into a pile of dust or something, so my co-worker wakes up to hear this goddamn car exploding in the back parking lot, she was pissed as fuck as you can imagine as her car was parked somewhere on the property. Again, the 2 geniuses got away with it, claiming ignorance of how it caught fire. They little wad still has to pay to get the hulk towed away. The fire dept had to come and put it out of course. Where is the world headed? TSK.

September 30th, 2006, 04:45 AM
These idiots have been around since the dawn of time. Fortunately they kill themselves off making the world a better place, search the Darwin awards.

The unfortunate thing is the stupid people (usually poor) breed like rabbits leaving more for the educated people to deal with.

Jacks Complete
September 30th, 2006, 03:33 PM
And they also leave a shitload of laws, red tape and taxes for the educated to have to spend precious time working through and around!