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View Full Version : Police Arrest Teen Bombers - Drano bombers!

September 4th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Story by Anthony Welsch
Albert Lea, MN (KIMT)
Thursday, August 31, 2006

A pair of teenagers have been arrested for a pair of explosions in an Albert Lea neighborhood. Two 16 year olds are suspected of making bottle bombs with house pipe cleaner on the city's south side.

The kids were basically using drano to blow up plastic soda bottles. But last night police caught and arrested them, seizing enough materials for nearly a dozen of what could have been very dangerous explosives.

It was a quiet movie night in the living room before Jamie Kittle heard a pop. She thought she'd check out what she figured was just a prank.

"We thought it was an egg. The first one we heard, we went outside, no big deal. We got outside, no egg on the house," Kittle said.

It was a lot more serious than an egg so they called the police, who showed up to find a pop bottle that looked like it got run over by a Mac Truck.

"There is enough explosive material there that it could do damage, real damage to a person, it's not anything to take lightly," Lt. Glen Larson of the Albert Lea Police Department said.

Basically, they used a pop bottle as a holster for the explosive. Wednesday night, they found two that had already detonated, including the one that fell here in Jamie's yard. But along with those, police also found nine other that hadn't been detonated.

"It's easy, all the materials can be commonly procured in a grocery store," Larson said.

That in itself, is a little scary for some, especially with kids of their own running around.

"It was pretty intense. You're like, 'ok, what next?' Here they are making drano bombs," Kittle said.

But two suspects in this neighborhood were caught right away Wednesday night.

Police won't say if this is the only case connected to these kids, or if the suspects have a history. They say the investigation is on-going.

"I'm not really going to go into a lot of detail or if there may or may not be other people involved yet," Larson said.

But police warn this probably isn't the end of the explosives in Freeborn County.

"Me, only being 22 years old. It's harmless fun. It could have escalated into something more and they know better, they definitely know better," Kittle said.

Now neighbors here know they may need to be a little more careful.

The two teenagers arrested Wednesday are now out of police custody. Authorities say they're back with their parents now, but they could soon face felony charges.

Police say there were no injuries or serious property damage reported along with the explosions.

September 4th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Evacuate! The terrorists are among us!

Here is yet another completely exaggerated and overblown “bomb” scare where the police whip the ignorant soccer mom sheeple into a frenzy by making them fear the terrible mad bombers.

Let us deconstruct the propagandist statements:
“suspected of making bottle bombs”
Call something a bomb and people immediately cringe in terror. Bombs are things that the US government drops on cities, and that crazy turban arabs strap to themselves before vaporizing a pizza parlor full of jews. There needs to be a more appropriate word for devices of this nature, something besides “bomb” to distinguish a pop bottle’s truly lame characteristics.

“seizing enough materials for nearly a dozen of what could have been very dangerous explosives”
This seems to follow the police pattern of calling 2 guns an ARSENAL, and 3 guns a HUGE HOARD. This statement implies they uncovered an underground bunker of what can only be misconstrued as a homegrown terrorist cell in the heartland. In fact I fear the “enough materials” in question are no more than a case of bottled water with the bottles being the materials.

“There is enough explosive material there that it could do damage”
Once again I must say these devices are in no way shape or form explosives. They do not fit the technical or legal definition of what an explosive is. I must reiterate there needs to be a new word to define these types of devices to distinguish them from real explosives.

“all the materials can be commonly procured in a grocery store… That in itself, is a little scary for some, especially with kids of their own”
We must protect the children! Wal-Mart is the source of jihad evil! Close down all those mom and pop stores! Why won’t you protect the children! This is what the cops really want, soccer moms having the same misconceptions about explosives that a lot of the kewls we ban here have. “What kinds of explosives can I make from household products that I can buy from the grocery store?” The kewls buy into it, and the soccer moms accept it as gospel. It just isn’t so kids! I want to slap the guy who wrote that scene from Terminator where Reese made plastic explosives from components at the grocery store.

You're like, 'ok, what next?'
Indeed sheeple, I can see the gears turning in your head. IF draino + water bottle = bomb THEN unknown consumer product + better container = thousands of dead children in the streets, 911 in my town, head chopping Iraqis parachuting from the sky á la Red Dawn. What’s next is actually nothing except more of the same fireworks caliber shenanigans. In the minds of all these sheeple, however, this is a prelude to invasion and the beginning of the end times. That’s just how the police want it.

“police warn this probably isn't the end of the explosives in Freeborn County”
All hail the glorious Gestapo, savior of the people! Protect us from this evil. Here are my guns. Here are my rights. Here is my first born. I endorse a Prima Nocta act now! If the police said what they really meant that statement would read “police want more funding to line their pockets to take advantage of a non-existent threat.” Perhaps they are after something more ominous? Maybe they can whip up the peasants to grab their pitchforks and torches to burn the witches that dare sell drain cleaner and water bottles. Hmm, torches and pitchforks might be too dangerous, better make those dessert forks flashlights. Well, forks could poke out an eye, maybe we should consult a lawyer on that, and the batteries in flashlights could be used to power detonators… I guess they can all pile into their SUVs and drive over the stores, cars NEVER hurt anyone. That’s the American way!

September 4th, 2006, 02:18 PM
Mega, sounds like the same weapons ban scare tactics we've all heard before.
One time I worked for a company that sold flash-frozen food. Naturally, we
had to store it in dry ice during transport. When we were bored, before the
mandatory sales meeting, we sometimes made dry ice/water bombs using
plastic bottles(Gatorade bottles were the best !). These things sounded like
an ashcan when the bottle bursted.

Unfortunately, the local police academy was less than 100 yards away,
although not in direct view. They were not amused for sure ! Once, we were
read the riot act by one their instructors who claimed that we could go to
prison for 25 years for manufacturing a "destructive device". The manager,
being a scared sheep, ordered us stop. This was crazy ! We were just
trying to pass the time. relieve the boredom, and there was no harm done to
sheeple or property.

This was long before 911. Can you imagine how they'd react now ?

September 4th, 2006, 02:38 PM
If this is what passes for a "major crime" in this this town, it suggests to me that there is little or no REAL crime.

To me, this is a sign that this dept needs its funding CUT, not increased.
Oh, but then I forgot that this is too much logic in one dose for most "sheeple".

September 4th, 2006, 03:31 PM
There needs to be a more appropriate word for devices of this nature, something besides “bomb” to distinguish a pop bottle’s truly lame characteristics.

There is...noise-maker

And that's exactly all these things are, are noise-makers. Unless you're stupid enough to be holding it when it goes off (and there are those who will! :rolleyes: ), or standing right next to it (ditto), then it's harmless.

People who do any of the above two things are the same kind of people who stick metal objects in outlets and try to outrun a train at the crossing. :D

Of course, saying you arrested someone for setting off a noise-maker doesn't justify your budget, nor your gross violations of the Constitution or civil rights, hence the term BOMB!! to scare the sheeple shitless.

September 4th, 2006, 05:07 PM
"There is enough explosive material there that it could do damage, real damage to a person, it's not anything to take lightly," - that suggests that even a water bottle containing no explosive material(if you disregard the little bit of hydrogen that is produced) whatsoever can be tremedously dangerous!
Use paragraph breaks.
Hey, people, don't you see that these garbage cans plastic bottles get thrown into are in reality terrorists' supply house? Let's go into grocery store and start buying - hexamine tablets, citric acid, 30% hydrogen peroxide, ammonium nitrate fertilizer... oh, and of course Drano and Al foil! Can't forget the most powerful thing there is! A glorified bottle burster! It's cracking me up. I am glad I don't live there.

September 4th, 2006, 06:56 PM
I can't believe the authorities in the states are so worried about pressure noisemakers.

Last year at lunch hour in high school, we would regularily build these dry ice bombs and place them in outdoor (and in one case indoor) garbage cans all over school property.

Oddly enough, no one seemed to care about the loud explosions coming from random places.

One time, a friend of mine was setting them off in a park, and someone called the police. When the cop arrived, my friend started talking to him as if nothing had happened, right before a big 2 litre dry ice bomb went off next to them.

Even at this, the cop just gave him a warning! In the states, people damn near turn nieghborhoods into war zones every 4th of july, but they're scared of a little dry ice? Just doesn't add up to me.

September 4th, 2006, 11:01 PM
Ah HAHAHAHA Ha Ha heh heh....
That is the most amusing thing I've heard all year!
...he he he

Ignorant cops! Ignorant sheeple
Sign of the times.

It puts more restrictions on people who like chemistry. Here, anything is a weapon. Australians are so paranoid. There was a kid up in north Queensland that set off a sparkler "bomb" in his backyard and got a $400 fine! Mind you, he didn't destroy anything.

I would say it would be the generation of 50-60 year olds, women in mind, that (not all) would hear a loud bang, call the cops (and accuse their neighbour of terrorism. some of them anyway).

Awhile ago was talking to a electrical appliance repair guy, who was about 55ish now. When he lived on a farm, his father taught him and his brother how to make and use explosives, drive truck and fix them etc. etc.

Man, how people had more knowledge and tolerance.

The repair guy also told me that he and his brother accidentally redirected a stream once!

Careful everyone, in five years lighting a match might be seen as an act of terrorism. he he he

September 5th, 2006, 12:05 AM
Please allow me to play the role of a new parent:

"found nine others that hadn't been detonated" From the decription it appears that the kids couldn't properly mix the ingredients--so that bottles that hadn't yet burst were found in people's yards. If a small child was to pick up a bottle on the way to school and mix it up some more, then the bottle may burst. That's the real hazard of these kewls.

September 5th, 2006, 03:30 AM
Hell, you think thats bad...

My younger brother (about 10) called me a terrorist the other day because I have shuriken, stupid little whining bitch.

Thats what they world is coming to. In 10 years, when he is an adult, he will think like all the rest of the sheeple and anyone that does ANYTHING out of ordinary will be seen as a terrorist and accused of thought-crime.

Equilibrium and prozium, here we come. If that happens, I god damn better be able to learn gun-kata, otherwise life wont be worth living *wink*.

September 5th, 2006, 04:27 AM
If a small child was to pick up a bottle on the way to school and mix it up some more, then the bottle may burst. That's the real hazard of these kewls.

I agree, these ignorant bastards don't even know how dangerous those "noise makers" can be.

While I hardly think of this being an act of terrorism, I think those idiots deserve the inconvenience of a stern talking too.

I believe the right information given to the wrong person has always been the problem.

September 5th, 2006, 05:10 AM
"found nine others that hadn't been detonated"

Or, were just empty bottles, the likes of which litter the countryside everywhere...

September 5th, 2006, 06:17 AM
I was once told by a fire fighter of the chlorate he used to use when he was young. Another 55 or so year old fellow I know said he and his mates used Sugar/ chlorate mixtures as kids and thought it a great laugh until they nearly blew themelves up trying to make a rocket/fountain type thingy which was more like a steel pipe bomb. he laughs about it. Ahhhh the lovelypast I will never know, where an accidental pipe bomb is good clean fun.

September 5th, 2006, 02:28 PM
you can do the same thing with 'MRE' heaters (meals ready to eat, ie chemical ration heaters)....just put it in a bottle, add a drop of water and throw, pretty harmless...but wait, these things let off hydrogen, what if someone was smoking nearby when it went off?:eek: what is the world coming to?......

Jacks Complete
September 5th, 2006, 06:41 PM
Sad, so very sad. I used to buy a liter of liquid nitrogen and spend the afternoon blowing pop bottles to bits with a few drops and my airgun. Didn't hurt anyone, ever. I nearly hurt myself one time, trying to show off, but even that only left me covered in whatever the reaction products of calcium carbide and water are.

One time a mate tried to be a bit too cool about the whole thing, and spat on some molten sodium metal. He ran away to the tap, and had a small scar for a few months where it exploded and hit him on the neck. I laughed, as I had warned him it was dangerous!

Kids blowing pop bottles up in private shouldn't be crucified. A "destructive device"? What, like a plastic shredder? They do more damage to a pop bottle. Tell the cop you are helping with recycling... The small bits are easier to melt.

September 5th, 2006, 10:25 PM
A similar incident occured near my area, in the local school cafeteria.

One student "let off" a noise maker in my chemistry class, and a female student (who has been dealt with, by the way) ran to security and said that it was a BOMB. :mad:

My quote in the persons defense was:

"This is a CHEMISTRY class, where we MIX things. Suspending a student for a legit and harmless experiment would be wrong, and I will not hesitate to go to the school board to argue this subject (and I wont hesitate, literally)."

Then the student and I (calmly) told the girl that her ignorance was unacceptable. It's uncalled for and she shouldn't believe every single thing that she hears on TV. I even asked her what her base on calling it a BOMB was.

Needless to say, she couldn't give me a straight answer.
(as for security, they hate my guts now...but that's of no concern.) :rolleyes:

September 9th, 2006, 09:23 AM
Oh azaleaem, how many children, and adults, in your town have been injured or killed by automobiles in the last 50 years compared to explosives? How many drunken drivers have caused property damage? I don't see you complaining about mini-vans and SUVs, so why single out explosives?

That's rather like spending half of the medical research budget so some sick fags can get their completely avoidable AIDS treated rather than spend a dime on the top killers like heart disease and diabetes. Fags are, of course, a vociferous political lobby, the squeaky wheel, that gets their greasen’ compared to all the white elderly types that get heart disease.

The people that made these noise makers were not arrested for injuring children; they were arrested for making explosives. That is explosives as in Oklahoma City and the London subways. In many homes with children there are household products that a child can drink, shall we ban them all? A child can hang himself on a window blind cord, fall down a well, stick a finger in an electrical socket, or fall out a window. Should the world be made of one story windowless padded cells with no lights or water because of what a child might do? The world is made for adults, and anyone why tries to limit everything to only that which is safe for children is the true terrorist.

Besides, if a child hurts himself it is the PARENTS fault. Where was the parent? Off fucking somewhere without using protection making more bastard spawn probably. I remember about 10 years ago when those child leashes were in fashion. Those should be mandatory…

September 12th, 2006, 12:29 AM
*grin* Speaking of those child harnesses Mega....

Let the kid run for a bit and mid way through a step, hit the break button.

*chuckle* Its fucking funny as hell.

As to AIDS and HIV, its alot like pruning a tree. If a branch gets infected, it must be pruned before it saps the strength from the rest of the tree.

Those with AIDS must be pruned from the human race before they sap us with their whining and bitching, or before the thing mutates into an airborn disease and fucks the rest of us up that dont actually like to screw dirty men in the ass.