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View Full Version : Anyone tried this, Camphor?

Mr Cool
January 6th, 2001, 10:07 AM
I was sitting watching TV last night and I had this thought: Acetone and MEK are both ketones, and they both form explosive peroxides, right? Well, camphor is also a ketone, isn't it? So, if it's in the same homologous series as the others, it should have similar reactions, so you should be able to make CP. I think it should be less sensitive than the others, which would be nice. Anyone tried? I will soon hopefully and I'll post my results here.

January 6th, 2001, 03:46 PM
Hmm... That is a good idea. The only problem I can think of is getting your hands on some pure camphor.

~Zero the Inestimable
The A Files (http://www.delanet.com/~drendall/files/A.zip)
{Link is a direct download.}

January 6th, 2001, 08:44 PM
What makes you that sure that the peroxide of camphor is safer than AP? It's also possible that this compound is more sensitive than AP, and it's definitely more expensive, I think.

January 6th, 2001, 09:43 PM
i have heard of MEK peroxzide but never camphor peroxide. tricycloACETONE peroxide is about the safest peroxide there is, to expirement with other peroxides is not conducive to a long life...


January 7th, 2001, 07:22 AM
remember old topics, talking about other peroxydes.... It always ended like that, TCAP is the most stable peroxyde and the mosst powerful so why try some other, which you don't know if they won't explose in your hand...

Same question, same answer...

January 7th, 2001, 04:16 PM
Comeon! A little experimentation can't hurt! It's a good thing to deviate from the standard and try out your ideas.

I would be interested in your results!

Mr Cool
January 10th, 2001, 07:06 PM
Thanks Zero and Anthony for your support. It's good to know that not everyone here is a sheep, blindly following others.

I don't know where I could get pure camphor. Since I'm only doing sub-gram quantities as a test, I was thinking of extracting it from ping-pong balls (normally a few % camphor I think)

It would be more expensive, but I was only wondering if it would work. I'm interested in the chemistry involved, I was never considering actually using it. And I never said that I was at all sure that it'd be less sensitive.

Experimenting with organic peroxides will only kill you if you're an idiot and make multi-gram quantities the first time, without prior experimentation.

HMTD is more stable than AP, so Arthis is wrong. He can't even spell peroxide. HMTD doesn't dissappear if you leave it. I have a 2+ year old sample at home which I've been keeping to see if it decomposes. It has a bit, but the AP went long, long ago.

Another idea: cat/dog repellant contains methyl nonyl ketone. Hmmm.....

Remember: If no-one ever had an original thought, nothing would ever have been done.

January 10th, 2001, 10:33 PM
I'm not a sheep, I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing...

The ping pong ball idea sounds promising, though. Camphor sounds like a brit brainstorm. For some reason I have the idea in my head that it goes by some other name. Am I right? I think you used to be able to buy the stuff at pharmacies, way back around the turn of the century.

~Zero the Inestimable
The A Files (http://www.delanet.com/~drendall/files/A.zip)
{Link is a direct download.}

January 10th, 2001, 11:55 PM
a sheep??? BAAAAAHHHHH. no, i am just smart and i value my body parts. why use a peroxide with LESS power than AP? that is just stupid to begin with, this coupled with the fact that 99% of all other peroxides are less stable than AP is also a strike against deviating from the norm.


January 11th, 2001, 02:50 PM
How about camphor wood? Break up a guitar or something...

Mr Cool
January 11th, 2001, 03:04 PM
Can't you read? I said in my last post, I'm not going to use it, so I really don't care if it's less powerful than AP. And you said that you'd never heard of camphor peroxide, so how do you know that it IS less powerful?

Yeah, I reckon camphor is a Brit thing (mainly because you don't pronounce it like it's spelled! http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smile.gif ). I don't know of any other names for it.

Also, I was wondering if anyone had tried the lead 2,4,6-trinitro-3-oxybenzoate on Mega's site. It's incredibly simple to make and sounds quite good, but I'd like some info on long term stability/incompatabilities etc. if anyone has any.

January 11th, 2001, 04:32 PM
i "reckon" it is less powerful because AP is about the most powerful peroxide you can make through the process of acid catalysed nuclephelic addition. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smile.gif


Mr Cool
January 11th, 2001, 05:38 PM
There's only one way to find out. Well, actually there's two. I'll try and make/buy/extract some camphor and try the reaction, and also I'll work out what the structural formula of CP would be and work out the enthalpy change when it decomposes, and compare it to that of AP and HMTD to see which is best gramme for gramme.

Sorry if I've sounded like I'm in a bit of a bad mood, but I am. I split up with my girlfriend recently after 5 1/2 months, so I'm a bit down right now and I get annoyed easily.

I'm sure you're not really a sheep http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smile.gif

But what's wrong with experimenting?

January 11th, 2001, 07:23 PM
"I'm sure you're not really a sheep

But what's wrong with experimenting?" - HAHAHAHAHA! http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/cwm12.gif gah, I need to get out more...

That lead Lead 2,4,6-Trinitro-3-Oxybenzoate doesn't sound too bad, sodium benzoate can be bought, but I'm not sure about lead nitrate, plus the need for vaccuum filtering and the hygroscopity problems with it, I'm not sure it would be very practicle compared to soemthing like AP - but it's certianly something different.

Mr Cool
January 12th, 2001, 05:15 PM
I never thought of it like that! http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/cwm8.gif

Lead nitrate, vaccuum filtration (or distillation, if I need to) and dessication are not problems for me. I've got 3kg of lead nitrate from a chemical supply place (can't remember why I bought it now... maybe so I didn't look suspicious buying loads of pyrotechnic chemicals!) and a vaccuum pump that can reach 0.1 torr. That's good enough for making gas lasers (pretty good!), or imploding glass lab equipment http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smile.gif. I made it from two freezer compressors attatched in series.
But the only place I can buy sodium benzoate is Skylighter, and that is very inconvenient.

August 16th, 2001, 04:38 PM
Mr Cool!
Your original idea interests me. I have a few grams of camphor. Have you any idea, how to make the peroxide of it? It not dissolves in water too well. Perhaps some alcohol could help.
Do you have recipes for other organic peroxides? Just something to start from.

"Don't belive anything, just because there is a good proverb for it."

"To avoid injury in a battle, watch them from the nearer hill."

August 16th, 2001, 05:09 PM
Is comet campo?

Mr Cool
August 17th, 2001, 08:34 AM
I never actually got any, so I have no idea how it would be made. If it dissolves in alcohol then you might be able to use that solution in place of the acetone in the CTAP procedures, but the water in the H2O2 and the acid might precipitate it out.
I don't really think there are recipes for other organic peroxides, no-one makes them. Or maybe they do but die in the process!

August 17th, 2001, 11:10 AM
Now THAT could be a good reason why no-one never heard of it ;-)))

If you want my opinion, I think you should try to make it, but use extreme caution !! (and a little bit of common sense wouldn't be bad either :-)

"Mess with me, and you'll end up with a .44 under your chin and your brains on the ceiling"

Mr Cool
August 18th, 2001, 08:43 AM
Yeah it could be interesting to make, but don't make more than 0.5 grams or so.

August 20th, 2001, 08:23 AM
Well here in Australia we can buy pure camphor at any supermarket. In fact I picked up a large pack for free from some guy at a flea market. If I haven't used it all in various other experiments, maybe I'll give this hypothetical camphor peroxide a go.

For the chem. buffs, camphor is http://accurapid.com/journal/Orgraphs/CAMPHOR.GIF. It doesn't look at all similar to acetone or MEK, but I don't see why it shouldn't be able to become a peroxide.

August 21st, 2001, 06:34 AM
I think you'll be lucky to make a peroxide from camphor, guys. The carbonyl site is very much more hindered than in acetone (I'm assuming that the acetone peroxide reaction is via attack of the hydroperoxide anion at protonated carbonyl - can anyone confirm this?) I did some stuff with camphor years ago, and was able to make the carbanion using sodium amide as a base, which suggests that attack at the carbonyl carbon is very tricky. Also, there is considerable ring strain in the camphor system, so there's no guarantee it'll all hang together under the reaction conditions. It's also going to be very difficult to persuade a dimer or trimer of this theoretical peroxide to be stable with huge camphor groups hanging off it.
Having said that, Miss Chemistry is a fickle girlie - you never know for sure until you try it...

PHILOU Zrealone
September 5th, 2001, 04:19 PM
My point of view on the camphor subjet is that:
1)The OB of an hypothetical camphorperoxyde is so negative that it doesn't present an interest here as an explosive.
2)As mentionned Hex, and from the top of my head camphor has a stressed structure inducing easy ring opening and rearangements(they are 3 rings in it).The chemistry is really hard and lead to bornyl, norbornyl, camphyl, pinenic, limonenic compounds, as to polymers!
3)My guess is that the peroxydation,if it does take place,will occure on the terniary C
via a radical way of reaction
HO-OH --> 2HO*
HO* + HO-OH --> H2O + HO-O*
HO* + H2O --> H2O + HO*
HO* + Camphor --> H2O + Camphor*
HO-O* + Camphor --> H2O2 + Camphor*
Camphor* + H2O --> Camphor + HO*
Camphor* + HO-OH --> Camphor + HO-O*
Camphor* + OH* --> Camphor-OH (alcool)
Camphor* + *O-OH --> Camphor-O-OH (peroxyde)

"Life that deadly disease sexually transmitted".
"Chemistry is all what stinks and explode; Physic is all what never works! ;-p :-) :o)"

simply RED
September 8th, 2001, 07:08 AM
I read that acetone reacts with H2O2 to form acetone peroxide by the next equilibrium:
3Acetone+ 6H2O2=TCAP + 6H2O + 3/2O2
Is it really oxigen given off in this reaction, and all similar reactions?

Mr Cool
September 8th, 2001, 07:28 AM
3 CO(CH3)2 + 3 H2O2 --> CTAP + 3 H2O

November 10th, 2004, 09:25 PM
Hi i have this stuff called Lip Medex and its made by Blistex and the crap has 1% Camphor in it. Its gell like so it would probibly would be alot easyer to extract than ping pong balls. They sell it on this website:


There are different kinds so maby another kind has 5% or more.

There is other products that have a greater % probly.

I found a good artical on it also.


February 25th, 2005, 02:44 PM
Hey ya!

I was about to post the same thread to. :P I think I'll try it for fun :)

February 25th, 2005, 03:02 PM
As far as Camphor goes, I've seen it in numerous pharmacy's around here in the same kinda little vials that tincture of Iodine comes in.

I've debated getting it, but now that I know its possible to use, I think it's time to put my experimenter hat on. :cool:

February 26th, 2005, 09:36 AM
In australia, i can buy pure camphor as a moth repellant.... i have some.

My question is: What is it used for?

tom haggen
February 26th, 2005, 07:11 PM
If I'm not mistaken camphor contains a large percentage of safrole. It would be most definitely hard to obtain this chemical in the states. I would be too busy getting high if I had a bunch of camphor than worrying about making explosive peroixdes.

February 27th, 2005, 09:04 AM
Interesting.... it costs $1.50AUS to get 18g of it.... is that economical?

I thought camphor was a pure chemical... a turpene IIRC

February 27th, 2005, 09:20 AM
Read the case reports here: http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/r?dbs+hsdb:@term+@rn+76-22-2

Maybe that would have something to do with why it is hard to attain?

February 27th, 2005, 01:42 PM

I live in europe and I can get 99% pure camphor for € 4/250g.
It is common used as anti-tarm for clothes.
So isn't a problem to buy for me,
but another anti-tarm, which can be chemically useful, naftelene,
isn't much sold recently. Is the opposite in the US?

Well, in the SM forum the *possible* synthesis of
a camphor peroxide has been talked, but resulted in nothing,
because was found that camphor doesn't react in the same manner
of acetone and, for this, if a peroxide can be isolated, it will be
not much useful and costly for the extractions and/or processes for
the manufacture.

Now, if anyone has an idea about a synthesis, please post it.
I was thinking to first dissolve camphor in a solvent, then made it
to react, because in a liquid particles moves (reacts) much more than
in a solid.

Regards, zambozan

March 21st, 2005, 05:44 PM
I've tried making "camphor peroxide" or whatever it is suposed to be.. but this camphor is insoluble in water.. i don't know chemistry but i don't think this can react to make a peroxide :P

March 21st, 2005, 05:44 PM
I've tried making "camphor peroxide" or whatever it is suposed to be.. but this camphor is insoluble in water.. i don't know chemistry but i don't think this can react to make a peroxide :P

March 21st, 2005, 05:44 PM
I've tried making "camphor peroxide" or whatever it is suposed to be.. but this camphor is insoluble in water.. i don't know chemistry but i don't think this can react to make a peroxide :P

March 21st, 2005, 06:04 PM
You could try in ethanol (if its soluble in that!), as so is peroxide/acid. However, even if it were to form a peroxide, it would be a very weak, if even explosive.

March 21st, 2005, 06:04 PM
You could try in ethanol (if its soluble in that!), as so is peroxide/acid. However, even if it were to form a peroxide, it would be a very weak, if even explosive.

March 21st, 2005, 06:04 PM
You could try in ethanol (if its soluble in that!), as so is peroxide/acid. However, even if it were to form a peroxide, it would be a very weak, if even explosive.

March 21st, 2005, 06:52 PM
well.. camphor was diluted in acetone.. but when i mixed it with HP... :P it precipitated :P

March 21st, 2005, 06:52 PM
well.. camphor was diluted in acetone.. but when i mixed it with HP... :P it precipitated :P

March 21st, 2005, 06:52 PM
well.. camphor was diluted in acetone.. but when i mixed it with HP... :P it precipitated :P

March 22nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
to Nope: That kind of experiment description leads to Banned for life section usually. How do we know is it camphor or acetone that reacted with hydrogen-peroxide forming a precipitate? Just be more carefull when writing and experimenting with something you don't know enough. I believe that is easier to conduct Bayer-Villiger oxidation then to make that peroxide on this compound anyway due to its high strain that would be reduced in that transformation.

March 22nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
to Nope: That kind of experiment description leads to Banned for life section usually. How do we know is it camphor or acetone that reacted with hydrogen-peroxide forming a precipitate? Just be more carefull when writing and experimenting with something you don't know enough. I believe that is easier to conduct Bayer-Villiger oxidation then to make that peroxide on this compound anyway due to its high strain that would be reduced in that transformation.

March 22nd, 2005, 02:02 PM
to Nope: That kind of experiment description leads to Banned for life section usually. How do we know is it camphor or acetone that reacted with hydrogen-peroxide forming a precipitate? Just be more carefull when writing and experimenting with something you don't know enough. I believe that is easier to conduct Bayer-Villiger oxidation then to make that peroxide on this compound anyway due to its high strain that would be reduced in that transformation.

March 22nd, 2005, 03:24 PM
I just checked the instore camphor at a local pharmacy. It is 47.8%alcohol by volume and then 10%camphor, with the rest being made up of Water, Alcohol, and a few others. It is in the same small bottle as a Tincture of Iodine bottle, and at a $1.50US a bottle.

I am not quite sure as to how hard it would be to extract camphor from said product. Methinks though, that it would not be worth it.

March 22nd, 2005, 03:24 PM
I just checked the instore camphor at a local pharmacy. It is 47.8%alcohol by volume and then 10%camphor, with the rest being made up of Water, Alcohol, and a few others. It is in the same small bottle as a Tincture of Iodine bottle, and at a $1.50US a bottle.

I am not quite sure as to how hard it would be to extract camphor from said product. Methinks though, that it would not be worth it.

March 22nd, 2005, 03:24 PM
I just checked the instore camphor at a local pharmacy. It is 47.8%alcohol by volume and then 10%camphor, with the rest being made up of Water, Alcohol, and a few others. It is in the same small bottle as a Tincture of Iodine bottle, and at a $1.50US a bottle.

I am not quite sure as to how hard it would be to extract camphor from said product. Methinks though, that it would not be worth it.

March 22nd, 2005, 04:56 PM
I'm sorry. I think I used the wrong word.. :( Bah.

I'm not a chemist.. I don't even know chemistry, but I love explosives :)

March 22nd, 2005, 04:56 PM
I'm sorry. I think I used the wrong word.. :( Bah.

I'm not a chemist.. I don't even know chemistry, but I love explosives :)

March 22nd, 2005, 04:56 PM
I'm sorry. I think I used the wrong word.. :( Bah.

I'm not a chemist.. I don't even know chemistry, but I love explosives :)

March 22nd, 2005, 10:47 PM
to nope: FUTI is quite right. And for god sake learn some chemistry, it'll ensure you know what you are doing and you may even live longer. ;)

Silentnite: I find it funny you Americans have so much difficulty getting camphor, which someone like myself can buy pure at a fair price, yet I have difficulty getting Iodine over here, the only Iodine product I have found is a cream that contains something like <1% of an organic molecule containing a marginal amount of Iodine. At this stage I would trade my camphor for your tincture. :D

March 22nd, 2005, 10:47 PM
to nope: FUTI is quite right. And for god sake learn some chemistry, it'll ensure you know what you are doing and you may even live longer. ;)

Silentnite: I find it funny you Americans have so much difficulty getting camphor, which someone like myself can buy pure at a fair price, yet I have difficulty getting Iodine over here, the only Iodine product I have found is a cream that contains something like <1% of an organic molecule containing a marginal amount of Iodine. At this stage I would trade my camphor for your tincture. :D

March 22nd, 2005, 10:47 PM
to nope: FUTI is quite right. And for god sake learn some chemistry, it'll ensure you know what you are doing and you may even live longer. ;)

Silentnite: I find it funny you Americans have so much difficulty getting camphor, which someone like myself can buy pure at a fair price, yet I have difficulty getting Iodine over here, the only Iodine product I have found is a cream that contains something like <1% of an organic molecule containing a marginal amount of Iodine. At this stage I would trade my camphor for your tincture. :D

March 23rd, 2005, 02:24 AM
I second what Cyclonite says. I didnt know much about chemistry except what I had half forgotten from my high-school days when I came upon this site. I have since put myself through a home-school brain-jam of chemistry and its ilk. I still dont comprehend about half of what I see here, but I dont try anything or experiment with something I dont understand. Saves a little on spare body parts.

We also have a Povodone Iodine, which is like 16fl oz but comprised of only 10% iodine.

On the other hand I am sure I could find relatively pure Camphor somewhere, I was just commenting on the one source I have seen without looking. But then again, maybe not.

It is rather amusing what is and isnt available in our respective countries. One government thinks that Iodine is bad for its sheeple to have while another heavily moniters gun control. One limits Fuse, the other Black powder.

Even more amusing(and kinda sad) with all our tax money going to bungleheads in respective legislature, the people who want it will still get it. The law abiding citizens who need it, wont have it. For the people by the people my ass;-P

March 23rd, 2005, 02:24 AM
I second what Cyclonite says. I didnt know much about chemistry except what I had half forgotten from my high-school days when I came upon this site. I have since put myself through a home-school brain-jam of chemistry and its ilk. I still dont comprehend about half of what I see here, but I dont try anything or experiment with something I dont understand. Saves a little on spare body parts.

We also have a Povodone Iodine, which is like 16fl oz but comprised of only 10% iodine.

On the other hand I am sure I could find relatively pure Camphor somewhere, I was just commenting on the one source I have seen without looking. But then again, maybe not.

It is rather amusing what is and isnt available in our respective countries. One government thinks that Iodine is bad for its sheeple to have while another heavily moniters gun control. One limits Fuse, the other Black powder.

Even more amusing(and kinda sad) with all our tax money going to bungleheads in respective legislature, the people who want it will still get it. The law abiding citizens who need it, wont have it. For the people by the people my ass;-P

March 23rd, 2005, 02:24 AM
I second what Cyclonite says. I didnt know much about chemistry except what I had half forgotten from my high-school days when I came upon this site. I have since put myself through a home-school brain-jam of chemistry and its ilk. I still dont comprehend about half of what I see here, but I dont try anything or experiment with something I dont understand. Saves a little on spare body parts.

We also have a Povodone Iodine, which is like 16fl oz but comprised of only 10% iodine.

On the other hand I am sure I could find relatively pure Camphor somewhere, I was just commenting on the one source I have seen without looking. But then again, maybe not.

It is rather amusing what is and isnt available in our respective countries. One government thinks that Iodine is bad for its sheeple to have while another heavily moniters gun control. One limits Fuse, the other Black powder.

Even more amusing(and kinda sad) with all our tax money going to bungleheads in respective legislature, the people who want it will still get it. The law abiding citizens who need it, wont have it. For the people by the people my ass;-P

March 23rd, 2005, 05:00 AM
16fl.oz.? 10% Iodine? Lucky bastard.

As for chemistry learning, I have always been good at (school) chemistry, top subject, future career. Unfortunately, I came to this forum to find that all the stuff they teach us at school is full of shit (for example, the Bronsted-Lowry theory was 'non-existent' until the school said it existed), and I had to learn my own way, using text books that are 10-20 years old, but a million times more insightful. Like Silentnite, I don't fuck with what I don't know about, and my outer-school learning has really helped with experimentation.

I'm now moving on to organic chemistry, as I have just uncovered an old, but thorough book on the subject.

March 23rd, 2005, 05:00 AM
16fl.oz.? 10% Iodine? Lucky bastard.

As for chemistry learning, I have always been good at (school) chemistry, top subject, future career. Unfortunately, I came to this forum to find that all the stuff they teach us at school is full of shit (for example, the Bronsted-Lowry theory was 'non-existent' until the school said it existed), and I had to learn my own way, using text books that are 10-20 years old, but a million times more insightful. Like Silentnite, I don't fuck with what I don't know about, and my outer-school learning has really helped with experimentation.

I'm now moving on to organic chemistry, as I have just uncovered an old, but thorough book on the subject.

March 23rd, 2005, 05:00 AM
16fl.oz.? 10% Iodine? Lucky bastard.

As for chemistry learning, I have always been good at (school) chemistry, top subject, future career. Unfortunately, I came to this forum to find that all the stuff they teach us at school is full of shit (for example, the Bronsted-Lowry theory was 'non-existent' until the school said it existed), and I had to learn my own way, using text books that are 10-20 years old, but a million times more insightful. Like Silentnite, I don't fuck with what I don't know about, and my outer-school learning has really helped with experimentation.

I'm now moving on to organic chemistry, as I have just uncovered an old, but thorough book on the subject.

March 23rd, 2005, 12:47 PM
I may be mistaken, but I think povidone (povodone??) is a monster molecule with the iodine attached somewhere. It may be as hard to extract as those DXM or morphine pills pressed with wax and carboxyethylcellulose. These keep killing addicts who shoot it by clumping up the veins - they obviously dont know how to do the extraction ... :p

A little chemistry can safe your life in many fields... ;)

March 23rd, 2005, 12:47 PM
I may be mistaken, but I think povidone (povodone??) is a monster molecule with the iodine attached somewhere. It may be as hard to extract as those DXM or morphine pills pressed with wax and carboxyethylcellulose. These keep killing addicts who shoot it by clumping up the veins - they obviously dont know how to do the extraction ... :p

A little chemistry can safe your life in many fields... ;)

March 23rd, 2005, 12:47 PM
I may be mistaken, but I think povidone (povodone??) is a monster molecule with the iodine attached somewhere. It may be as hard to extract as those DXM or morphine pills pressed with wax and carboxyethylcellulose. These keep killing addicts who shoot it by clumping up the veins - they obviously dont know how to do the extraction ... :p

A little chemistry can safe your life in many fields... ;)

March 23rd, 2005, 02:10 PM
I have yet to actually use it. I usually go with that teeny tiny bottle of the Tincture of Iodine. I think its 25-50mL

EDIT: Whoops. Appears that Boomer is right. Common names for Povidone Iodine:
1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymers, iodine complex
1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer compound with iodine
Poly(1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)ethylene)iodine complex


March 23rd, 2005, 02:10 PM
I have yet to actually use it. I usually go with that teeny tiny bottle of the Tincture of Iodine. I think its 25-50mL

EDIT: Whoops. Appears that Boomer is right. Common names for Povidone Iodine:
1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymers, iodine complex
1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer compound with iodine
Poly(1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)ethylene)iodine complex


March 23rd, 2005, 02:10 PM
I have yet to actually use it. I usually go with that teeny tiny bottle of the Tincture of Iodine. I think its 25-50mL

EDIT: Whoops. Appears that Boomer is right. Common names for Povidone Iodine:
1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone polymers, iodine complex
1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer compound with iodine
Poly(1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)ethylene)iodine complex


March 23rd, 2005, 06:23 PM
It doesn't mean that you can't use that povidone iodine Silentnite...but the area isn't as it would be with pure iodine. IIRC it can still be used in some organic synthesis. And many thanks to Boomer for that story with morphine pills (I didn't know that) it really improved my day :D (Darwin rules).

March 23rd, 2005, 06:23 PM
It doesn't mean that you can't use that povidone iodine Silentnite...but the area isn't as it would be with pure iodine. IIRC it can still be used in some organic synthesis. And many thanks to Boomer for that story with morphine pills (I didn't know that) it really improved my day :D (Darwin rules).

March 23rd, 2005, 06:23 PM
It doesn't mean that you can't use that povidone iodine Silentnite...but the area isn't as it would be with pure iodine. IIRC it can still be used in some organic synthesis. And many thanks to Boomer for that story with morphine pills (I didn't know that) it really improved my day :D (Darwin rules).

March 23rd, 2005, 06:37 PM
Hmm... I'll give it a try :P When you say: "...you may even live longer.", what do you mean? 10-20 years longer? :P

March 23rd, 2005, 06:37 PM
Hmm... I'll give it a try :P When you say: "...you may even live longer.", what do you mean? 10-20 years longer? :P

March 23rd, 2005, 06:37 PM
Hmm... I'll give it a try :P When you say: "...you may even live longer.", what do you mean? 10-20 years longer? :P

March 23rd, 2005, 07:09 PM
That depends on several factors. Age, proclivity for accidents, types of experiments that your currently involved in, and whether or not your a likely candidate for the Darwin awards :D . BTW Borders had one of the Darwin books on sale, and I bought it. I havent stopped laughing.

I appreciate the wisdom FUTI, it is always good to know what I can stock up on at the store, whether or not I will use it right away.

March 23rd, 2005, 07:09 PM
That depends on several factors. Age, proclivity for accidents, types of experiments that your currently involved in, and whether or not your a likely candidate for the Darwin awards :D . BTW Borders had one of the Darwin books on sale, and I bought it. I havent stopped laughing.

I appreciate the wisdom FUTI, it is always good to know what I can stock up on at the store, whether or not I will use it right away.

March 23rd, 2005, 07:09 PM
That depends on several factors. Age, proclivity for accidents, types of experiments that your currently involved in, and whether or not your a likely candidate for the Darwin awards :D . BTW Borders had one of the Darwin books on sale, and I bought it. I havent stopped laughing.

I appreciate the wisdom FUTI, it is always good to know what I can stock up on at the store, whether or not I will use it right away.

March 24th, 2005, 05:03 AM
All I've heard of povidone is stories of those who keep complaining how hard it is to extract iodine from.

As for living longer, put it this way: Without chemistry, you are at the mercy of believing what ever you hear, but with chemistry, you can easily sift bullshit from fact, and rather than trying some kind of suicidal experiment, you will be able to assess risks and your chance of success ahead of time. You will also be less sucseptible to 'win' a Darwin award. ;)

It is likely you would live 10-20 years, maybe more. :)

March 24th, 2005, 05:03 AM
All I've heard of povidone is stories of those who keep complaining how hard it is to extract iodine from.

As for living longer, put it this way: Without chemistry, you are at the mercy of believing what ever you hear, but with chemistry, you can easily sift bullshit from fact, and rather than trying some kind of suicidal experiment, you will be able to assess risks and your chance of success ahead of time. You will also be less sucseptible to 'win' a Darwin award. ;)

It is likely you would live 10-20 years, maybe more. :)

March 24th, 2005, 05:03 AM
All I've heard of povidone is stories of those who keep complaining how hard it is to extract iodine from.

As for living longer, put it this way: Without chemistry, you are at the mercy of believing what ever you hear, but with chemistry, you can easily sift bullshit from fact, and rather than trying some kind of suicidal experiment, you will be able to assess risks and your chance of success ahead of time. You will also be less sucseptible to 'win' a Darwin award. ;)

It is likely you would live 10-20 years, maybe more. :)

March 26th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Hmmm... That's sounds pretty interesting... I'll give it a try ;P

March 26th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Hmmm... That's sounds pretty interesting... I'll give it a try ;P

March 26th, 2005, 01:10 PM
Hmmm... That's sounds pretty interesting... I'll give it a try ;P