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View Full Version : Which Branch Of Military?

August 28th, 2006, 12:49 PM
There are some members here that would like to have military experience, be it in tactical operations, a specialization in weapons, long range combat?

Anyway, if I wanted to get good tactical training with slightly above average physical fitness, what branch would you recommend?

Also, if you had to go into/have been to the military, what job would you choose?

August 29th, 2006, 01:00 AM
UsNavy. There is the Seals, for those who like to kill up close. Ships that can lay waste to vast areas at a time. You can fly.....off Carriers. You can see the world. All this while you have ready access to clean clothes, good food, air conditioning, babes in every port, and training in skills that you can use in civilian life. The down side is the fact that if there is a shipboard fire or a hit by a major weapon, it consumes many lives at a time(not a common occerance) and there's no where to run and few places to swim to. I loved the Navy and knowing what I know now, I would have done 20 years. (And now the pay is pretty good!). GO NAVY!!!

August 29th, 2006, 07:26 AM
The days of the battleships with 16" guns firing 2000 pound shell that could obliterate city blocks are done and gone.

Carriers are floating targets for massed missile attacks, submarines, and aircraft. And there will be few survivors when it inevitably comes to pass, for no one will be able to get to you before the sharks or cold does.

Submarines are coffins that happen to not sink. When they do sink...crabs revenge! :)

Yeah, you get better food, but there's nowhere to run for cover, or hide from looming death, and no body to be brought back for your family to say goodbye to. You're just a meal for the guppies.

August 29th, 2006, 08:55 AM
If you want to get worked like a dog for years, but maybe have a civilian job skill, go Navy.

If you want to have your ass run off for years, go Marines.

If you want weekends off (maybe), and maybe have a civilian job skill, go Air Force.

If you're feeling lucky, go Army (who knows).

If you want the best 20 year job, go EOD somewhere.

August 29th, 2006, 09:35 AM
For a general "This is how you kill people by team work" then the Rangers is the way to go or the Marines Force Recon.

For the special topics like Small Arms Expert, Demolitions, Communications, Medical etc. then the Army Special Forces or Navy Seals. Both cross train in at least two fields and have a working knowledge of all the fields in their team.

For real "High Speed Low Drag" work then Delta force which draws the best from all the Armed Services Special Forces.

The drop out rate is something like 97% in the Special Forces and Seals, so it's not something you go into on a whim.

August 29th, 2006, 01:48 PM
They say that the entry requirements for army rangers in terms of fitness are:

minimum: 49 pushups within 2 minutes.
recommended: 80+ within two minutes

minimum: 59 situps within 2 minutes
recommended: 80+

minimum: 6 pullups
recommended: 12+

minimum: 15:12 minutes for 2 mile run
recommended: sub 13:mins

minimum: 16 mile hike/walk with 65lb pack: 5 hours 12 minutes
recommended:4-5 hours.

minimum: 15 meter swim w/gear: Just do it.
recommended: Just do it.
