View Full Version : Air burning-figures
August 7th, 2006, 02:39 AM
Hey guys I wanted to know if its possible to make figures or words in the air by using stars powered by a rocket. I dont think it's impossible and im sorry if they already exist, the problem is that I can't find them over the internet neitheir in books.
With my little imagination I thought that maeby just by placing the balls in such order inside the rocket could create desire effects.
Thanks for opinions.
August 7th, 2006, 07:21 AM
Approved ONLY because I've wondered the same thing myself.
Improve your grammar in the future. ;)
Skean Dhu
August 7th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Do you mean figures as in , connect the dots outlines formed by many rockets? Or are you trying to have the rocket/shell break and form into the design?
I've read of people getting shells to burst into smiley faces and occasionally hearts. But its a hard trick to master and you have to put a tail on the shell( if you use them) so it breaks aligned so you can see the design.
NOVA: What about spelling out letters in the sky?
Conkling: The pattern shell is another recent area of innovation -- the ability to have aerial fireworks burst and form a perfect heart or a five-pointed star or a smiling happy face. The next logical progression of that will be the ability to create a letter with aerial shell bursts -- the pellets come out in the shape of a letter. Obviously, if you can make one letter, there's the potential to string a few letters together and spell out "NOVA" or some other word. We're not there yet. We're still a ways from it, but there's interest in being able to do that.
For Figures and probably also with words I would just make a ton of roman candles/star guns and stick them into the ground in the desired pattern, then fuse them all together with stickymatch.
I've never done either technique, but if I were going to try it I'd go with the roman candles since it would be the most sure-fire way of getting the design to show up.
Look on the amateur pyrotechnic
August 14th, 2006, 10:08 PM
Disney does this with air cannons and radio controlled matches. Pattern shells as noted are random in the attitude they display the pattern at, we allways try to fire 3 or more identical ones so at least one is properly alligned.
Pattern shells are actually quite simple to build, but technique must be very precise to give even bursting and identical star burning characteristics.
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