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View Full Version : Yowie/Bigfoot hunt

Red Beret
May 25th, 2006, 10:39 AM
Has anyone made a serious attempt at hunting these creatures? I'm sick to fuck of hearing these "professional yowie hunters" say, "Oh yeah we saw one but the camera was broken", or some other bulshit. I want to bag one, give it a gut full of hot lead.;)

I am planning a trip with my rifle, video camera and some other gear soon. Does anyone have any stories relating to these creatures? There seems to be alot of yowie activity in one particular area of my state so I guess it will be that area. If I cant take my rifle I might take a bow, I would like to take some big ass frags too. Or a super soaker full of acrolein.:D

So tell me, what would you take, do you think they exist, and do you have any tales to tell?

PS, my rifle is a reliable .303 (plenty of power) bolt action Lee Enfield with a 10 round mag and 1-4 power scope.

May 25th, 2006, 11:36 AM
I think you might mean YETI?

If you can't spell it, should you really shoot it?

Skean Dhu
May 25th, 2006, 01:58 PM
Nope, Yowie is a legit name for them. Albeit thats the Aussie version it also goes by: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, mountain man, Abominable snowman, you get the idea.

The history channel has a special on bigfoot that airs probably once a month or so, mostly late night/weekends. There has been substantial effort put into locating one in the cascade mountains and the canadian rockies. However I don't think most people are trying to kill one.

Personally, if I were hunting such a beast I would go for something more substantial than a .303. Perhaps a .338 lapua, 12ga slugs or any gun that will reliably take grizzly and polar bears.

First you're more likely to find a large bear than you are a bigfoot, second the bigfoot is comparable in size with a grizzly and you don't want to just piss it off when you shoot it, do you?

edit:corrected the caliber misspell. Thanks Bert.

May 25th, 2006, 05:20 PM
Do they also spell "Lapua" differently?

May 25th, 2006, 05:54 PM
It's a known hoax, same as the Loc Ness monster. :rolleyes:

Jacks Complete
May 25th, 2006, 08:44 PM
It might well be a hoax, or it's hyperactive imagination (or lack of).

Having said that, they recently found a new species of deer in Viet Nam (coombs.anu.edu.au/~vern/species.html), which you really would not think possible after thousands of troops bombed, shot and trekked all over on both sides some 30 years ago.

Your .303 should do you proud, just make sure that you use a decent branded expanding ammo. We don't want any underkill or needless shoot-through on this forum!

May 26th, 2006, 06:03 AM
In May 2005, a new species of primate was discovered in the highland mountains of Tanzania. The 'Highland Mangabey' was the first primate discovered in Africa since 1984. Its home range is a mere 28 square miles.(73km2)

In June 2002, a house cat sized primate, now called the Titi Monkey, was discovered in the vast forested region of the central Amazon.

I guess that from these reports we can assume two things: Whilst we are still discovering new types of primate, they tend to be small and highly localised. The other assumption would be that they would need to be in a relatively unexplored region. That really only leaves the Amazon.

I would therefore doubt the existence of a 2 metre tall Yeti, Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Certainly a Loch Ness type hoax.

Red Beret, which model 303 do you have? I used to have a lovely 1918 MkIII with the original wooden furniture right up to the bayonet lug. It was completely original right down to the brass shoulder stock plate.

We'd have lots of fun shooting bricks at 100 metres. The energy in the .303 round was incredible. Turned those bricks into dust. If you do go Yeti hunting, you have the right equipment!

Red Beret
June 3rd, 2006, 01:18 AM
I have a No4 Mk1 303, all original except the bolt and mag. Made in 1943. Has a 1-4 power scope with QD mounts. Good condition, my fav gun ATM.:cool:

Jacks Complete
June 7th, 2006, 03:01 PM
The No4 is a good rifle, right out to 1000 yards, and 1200 with good ammo (generally the 7.62 NATO is better at these extreme ranges, though)

There is a law somewhere, that bans anything that might hurt the Loch Ness monster type creature said to live there. I think it's somewhere in Canada.

June 11th, 2006, 10:56 PM
Red Beret, if you dont mind me asking, were the scope mounts on the gun when you purchased it? Or did you add them later? I have a #4 Mk2 that I seem to be unable to find scope mounts for.

Red Beret
June 13th, 2006, 05:12 AM
They were on when I got it. They are QD mounts, and the scope was originally used on a shotgun firing slugs. Thats about all I can tell you sorry.

Czech Guy
June 26th, 2006, 01:55 AM
Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, mountain man, Abominable snowman or what other name you can come up with don't exictst is all a hoax like nbk2000 said. But assuming it realy does exictst the biggest advange it has is it terrain take out the terrain and you will have your bigfoot.

Jacks Complete
June 27th, 2006, 08:45 PM
Eh? So do what, exactly? Lift the state of Nevada into space? Or Queensland? (I leave as an excercise to the reader whether or not Nevada could fit in Queensland) He's on about shooting this beast, not wiping half a country off the map. And even if you did use nukes, you aren't going to find much of a trophy.

Consider this a warning. Stupid posts aren't tolerated.

And your spelling needs more care. Exist, not exictst.

June 27th, 2006, 11:47 PM
Perhaps by 'take out it's terrain', he means destroy its habitat, not nuke it.

Habitat destruction will be accomplished in enough time, as humans continue to spread and consume the natural resources that are left. Eventually, if there IS such a thing as a 'Yeti', there will be no place left for it to hide, unless it adapts to hiding in carports and trash cans. :p