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November 13th, 2002, 01:49 PM
Mr Cool why did you closed my post? <a href="http://www.roguesci.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=000407" target="_blank">http://www.roguesci.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=3;t=000407</a>

I wanted to write so much about my rocket. Now I won't do it because I felt slighted. There is so many boring topics on this forum, but you are closing mine? A will pasted one more photo. That's also my job.

<img src="http://pirote1.republika.pl/Auto.jpg" alt=" - " />

Film : <a href="http://www.pirotechnika.one.pl/Auto.mpg" target="_blank">http://www.pirotechnika.one.pl/Auto.mpg</a>

Best regards A.

November 13th, 2002, 01:51 PM
Have you lost your mind? Ever heard of rules?
You are a goner mister....

November 13th, 2002, 01:52 PM
What's that siren noise after the last charge has gone?

Did you set this off, or was it a demo?

November 13th, 2002, 02:09 PM
&lt;my 2 cents&gt;
hehe you've got a lot to learn kid
I can imagine where NBK will put your rocket when he sees this
( )*( )

i await your death with glee. maybe when you become reincarnated you'll find yourself as a creature capable of reading the forum rules.

and next time you get membership to a forum like this, remember the mod's word is gospel. if a mod closes your topic, be glad he didn't kick your lowlife ass out of the forum
&lt;/my 2 cents&gt;
/me sits back and awaits your fate
wow front row seats :p

November 13th, 2002, 02:11 PM
pirotechman, you're an idiot. He closed your post because there are no less than FIVE live topics in the Pyrotechnics section, into which you could have put your pictures. There was no need to create a new thread. Doing so creates more work for the server, and dilutes current discussion in valid threads:


"Try to avoid creating too many new threads by combining related questions into a single topic, or by posting in older threads"

Your latest mistake:

"No disrespect or flaming of any moderator or administrator will be tolerated"

If you have an issue with a mod, then email them with it. Anything else is going to have you banned, as I suspect is your fate.

What a shame :D

And you feel slighted???? What a poor little scrap, and you're not going to tell us any more about it? :( Mind you, the only thing I'm now interested in is a mod shoving it where the sun doesn't shine :p

<small>[ November 13, 2002, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Arkangel ]</small>

November 13th, 2002, 02:18 PM
And you Arkangel are very polite and smart


November 13th, 2002, 02:27 PM
I'm not so smart, but I have been around here long enough to watch plenty of people like you get incinerated for things like this. In my response to your original post I, like a couple of other people was complementary, yet tried to give you a hint so you understood where you had gone wrong.

Your post would have been a good one if it had gone in another thread. Responding like you have is petulant, pointless, disrespectful and is only going to result in one thing. I don't know how long you have been a member, or lurking here, but how such obvious things have escaped your attention is beyond me. I don't suppose it matters anymore <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

November 13th, 2002, 02:33 PM
Nice vids, please tell us more about your rocket and that car thing, before the mods get pissed off :D ..

(Bitter- Too late. :mad: )

<small>[ November 14, 2002, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Bitter ]</small>

November 13th, 2002, 02:40 PM
Listen dude, we have a system with rules, the system has a heirachy, with Meglomania and NBK at the top, and the moderators just below them. The moderators run help manage this place, They are more important to this forum than you will ever be. you are expendible, and most members realise this and so follow the rules. the ones who dont well you can ask them when NBK moves you to their special hideout, it's in between the staff only and the forum issues sections.
I hear the K3wl exterminator awakening from his slumber :p

November 13th, 2002, 04:10 PM
Oh dear, someone else who hasn't read the rules. Is it really too much to ask? I'll leave your fate in the hands of NBK or Mega.

Mr Cool
November 13th, 2002, 04:25 PM
You should've kept quiet, fool. Why the topic was closed was made clear by the comments it contained, and by the Forum's Rules.

You would not have been banned had you not opened this topic. Not only is it in the wrong fucking section, I find it INSULTING. I know how to do my job here, don't question my decisions. I have been here long enough to distinguish between worthwhile topics and crap. There was a topic on rockets that had been active only a few hours earlier, I even gave you the chance to continue your discussions there. But you decided that your rocket was so important that it warranted its own topic, AND justified arguing with a moderator and getting your membership here nullified!?
Not very smart.

Remember, moderators have been granted their positions by the administrators. Disputing a moderator's decision is therefore disputing the administrators' decision to give the moderator their position. It will not be tolerated.

I wish you all the best at Bombshock et al., because you're no longer welcome here.

<small>[ November 13, 2002, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Mr Cool ]</small>

November 13th, 2002, 05:02 PM
Ugh...fucking posers!

I've seen that video before on some german site. It's one of those demonstrations of the "hazards of illegal fireworks" (enyhanced with gasoline, obviously). You can even see the TV camera man for a split second in the beginning.

It's one thing to rip something off and pass it off as your own, but it's a whole different thing when you're caught! :p

Anyhows, you had your second chance (a rare bit of leniency, it is), but you pissed it away...oh well...no great lose. :)

Now where'd I put that diamond polishing lube? Oh here it is...now bend over cause I've got a "rocket" ready to launch! :p