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May 8th, 2006, 11:34 PM
It seems them thar tear-or-ists are using our vidya games to recruit Al Kadas!

Using mods for popular first person shooter video games like Battlefield 2, terrorists and militants are giving the youth of the Mideast a taste of what urban combat is like fighting American soldiers.

Seems to me the US military does the same thing with America’s Army, so why is this such a big shock to them? I suppose they will be banning video games now…

Read the article at:

May 9th, 2006, 12:17 AM
North American Indian Boys, among other cultures, played games, supervised by an adult(s), that taught them the basics of hunting, survival, and *gasp!* warfare.

Think of little boys (and girls, mine does), playing soldiers, cops, and cowboys and indians? What's the difference?

I agree, Mega, I don't see why this is such a paradox to them. Everything else the terrorists' use against us is available to he who looks for it (and has the jack). Why wouldn't combat sims and other games be any surprise?

Hell, might as well get rid of guns, too, lest they fall into terrorists' hands.

And airplanes, box cutters, laser pointers, computers, cell phones, the Bill of Rights, etc. :rolleyes:

Sorry for going off topic a little.

May 11th, 2006, 05:45 AM
We have to use video games to re-condition American youth to violence.

Not the TV "A-Team" kind, but more realistic WAR kind.

Back in the days before P.C. speech, liberalist pussy-whipping, and general weakening of the warrior spirit of White America, youngsters were exposed to death and violence on a regular basis.

You had to hunt and kill, or raise and kill, your food. You had to rip off it's skin (and maybe wear it afterwards), disembowel it, dismember it, and cook its corpse.

Now a slaughter house is a 'Food Processing Plant' from which you buy nuggets and fillets in little packages that you nuke for 2 minutes. Fur is murder. And hunting is cruelty to animals. :rolleyes:

A total disconnect from the reality that the living exist only because they have killed others.

Attached is the cover and a color page from a childrens book written during the Great War.

Now tell me if you think such a book, written for a modern audience using the current iraqi mess, would have any hope in hell of being published? Especially aimed at an 8-12 year old audience?

I think the publisher would likely pee on themselves in fear of a soccer mom finding out about such a book. :p

Such books are what primed the youth of the Great War to fight the Second World War, twenty years later.

We need to use the mass media of today to reinstill some backbone into our national body, otherwise the chinks and ragheads will be able to terrorize us into curling up into a fetal ball.

Can you imagine the America of the 50s letting some pissant raghead nation get away with destroying the Empire State Building? We'd have nuked those fuckers into glow-dust!

May 11th, 2006, 10:43 PM
Fuckin'... A!

If the children of today don't stop trying to emulate the latest rapper, with their britches hangin' off their ass and spouting nigbonics, instead of studying the heroes of yesterday (I mean the real, everyday ones, not the comic book kind), what is country going to be like when they are runnin' it?

I mean, things are pretty shitty now, but...

I'm trying to instill into my daughter and nephew the value of self-preservation, which most sheeple call violence or cruelty to whatever.

It was instilled in me, and it definatley needs to be instilled in today's youth.

Glow-dust! Ha Haa! But you are right as can be, NBK. At what point did the people of America start to turn so pussified? The hippie movement?

I'm only 24, I know it happened before I was born, but even I have seen it grow worse.

May 13th, 2006, 01:17 AM
I agree with your overall point, but it’s a mistake to underestimate that the more affluent a society becomes the more its populace becomes addicted to its pleasures. Consider the following quote:

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations is two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from great courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again to bondage.
- Fraser Tyler, English Historian

The weakness we see today is consequent to the desire for security in our pleasures, which results in the desire for someone else to do our fighting.

Images of war, such as the book covers you posted, were combined with tales of heroism, courage, and duty – and were assuredly effective in motivating people of that time and place to defend themselves or act aggressively. It evoked the warrior spirit. As America became more affluent, the values changed, information became more available, and people became more skeptical. In the Vietnam era, graphic images of war and skepticism created an opposition movement to war. Today, people are no less skeptical, but less active due to changing priorities. The populace today is much more consumer driven and oriented towards self gratification.

We have gotten where we are because we’re a consumer driven society - and also because a population of true warriors is harder for the politicians to control in peaceful times.

People today are also somewhat more sophisticated, and a large number of the population don’t believe the ragheads attacked the World Trade Center independent of US Gov’t support / foreknowledge.




China is a somewhat different story. There, US and British corporations have major investments and are enjoying record profits. The media, which is also corporate owned, has no motivation to report the downside to government / corporate betrayal.

And again, a population of warriors dedicated to a moral cause is difficult to control. Video games will have to suffice.

May 17th, 2006, 11:07 PM
OK, now I have one for ya'll! I don’t know whether to be upset or intrigued by this game, but the demented in all of us may love this…

Columbine the GAME! http://www.columbinegame.com/

The graphics rather remind me of the original Final Fantasy, but this is, of course, far more hilarious. It is as if they intentionally set out to piss people off in creating this game. If so, I tip my hat in their general direction. When the soccer moms are angry, you are doing the right thing.

May 18th, 2006, 11:36 PM
Baa Ha Ha! :wipes tears:

Holy shit! Is this real!?

I began laughing as soon as I saw the images, but then I spied the deal at the bottom, prompting me to turn my speakers up.

I hit the floor! The Doom music!

I can't believe the bleeding hearts would let a game like this exist, or even a parody of a game, if the case may be.

Perhaps they (people who are put off by violent games, movies, songs, etc.) should wake up to the fact that human beings (crazy and otherwise) have been offing each other since the dawn of our species. With or without reason, and long before PS2, or even Atari!

Some might say it's natural selection...

A nod to you, defiant, I never thought about it that way. But a difficult-to-control population would be good for this country. Non-controllable (by government) is what it needs. ;)

Jacks Complete
May 24th, 2006, 08:30 PM
I'm downloading it now. :-)

I had guns in school, and I never shot anyone.

Slinger, the beauty of the intarweb is that the soccer moms have control over only a small part of it, and the porn kings own huge swathes of it, so it cannot be fully controlled by anyone. This little corner could not exist in any other time, nor in any place.

May 24th, 2006, 11:46 PM
I took a gun to the school gym nearly every Friday night while school was in session from the age of 8 untill I graduated. I was a rifle instructor there at the age of 16. Still haven't shot anybody, despite GRAVE temptations... And just the idea of that game is a scream.

Red Beret
May 27th, 2006, 08:22 AM
I agree. Young people (not all of course) or fucking soft. As was said, they all want to be like those nigger rappers, running around selling dope, with a 9mm, pants around their fucking knees, earings etc. FUCK OFF!!

Anyone with children; you must teach them to be self confident, not a sheep following the latest trend, teach them self reliance, self defence, weapons, and above all taech them to speak up and be individuals, teach them to lead, not follow.

My son already asks to go shooting, to do martial arts, and wrestle etc. Already I see a strong individual, confident as well as respectful. We will never beat the ragheads and such if people continue to be so politically correct, and "standing up for human rights. We need to be more "Old school".

Anyone else who claims loyalty to Al Qaeda and such- Torture, gain information, and execute. Simple.

May 27th, 2006, 11:07 PM
I couldn't agree more with you regarding following fads or your philosophy on raising kids.

But it doesn't require much research to reveal that the US Gov. orchestrated 911, was complicit, or had foreknowledge and did nothing. Look up Able Danger. Check out http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org . Do your research.

Also remember that the Taliban twice offered to turn over Osama if the US Gov offered proof of his complicity. Bush's response was "We don't negotiate with terrorists." But Bush gave this supposed evidence to Russia and Pakistan - both of which were on the enemy list at the time - while prior to 911 the US was friendly towards the Taliban depite the Taliban's bullshit. The Bush Administration sequestered Taliban assistance to facillitate a deal allowing Unical / Enron to build a pipeline from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan to the Sea of Arabia. During this period Kenneth Lay had an office in the Whitehouse and helped determine the US energy policy. All this occurred after Enron tried to rip off India with a nuclear power plant deal that doubled or tripled the agreed upon costs. India refused to concede to the increased costs despite intensive US pressure, and Enron fell into financial ruin. Not all the deals went bad. A week after 911 Exxon signed a deal with Russia to develop Caspian Sea oil resources, and Unical got the contract to build the pipeline through Afghanistan. Figure it out for yourself.

Its one thing to fight for freedom, sovereignty, or survival - but quite another to fight for corporate profits.

May 29th, 2006, 10:29 AM
I have experienced first hand the dangers of a "just" society where everyone is "equal".

My parents split up when I was young, and I was essentially raised by my mother. I was always taught to turn and walk away from danger (stereotypical middle-class female view).

In high school (Yr 8) I gave one of the Yr 10's the finger. When he was waiting for me after school, I simply walked away. I paid for my mistake by having my head smashed into a fucking pole, almost knocking me out and splitting my eyebrow open. When I went to tell the vice-principal at the school, they asked me "are you sure it isnt a scratch?"

What the fuck? A fucking scratch.

You want to know why this fucker got away with it? Its because he had a bad childhood. Both his parents died in a car crash. Fuck that.

After that I started martial arts, and I can sure as fuck tell you if that happens again, I'll follow the first 3 rules of combat. Hit hard, hit fast and hit first.

For fucks sake, if any of you have children, teach them that what goes around DOESN'T come around. Bad guys have more money, better guns, lesser morals and they normally win. The world doesn't owe you a fucking thing and if you don't look after you and yours, nobody fucking will.

May 29th, 2006, 03:47 PM
Corporate profit....well world of states is vanishing in front of our eyes. The most ridiculous thing is that USA is doing that job for big corporations in the name of "patriotism" "protection of state" etc. and in the process destroying other countries and in the end itself.

USSR desintegrate because of attempt to make monolithic system. USA survived because inherent freedom of information and economy makes it more adaptable to the changes and give it potential to makes new advances through individual actions independent of the state programs. So what do you think it will happend when big corporations split their "new property and markets"...to which of those two models it looks more like, so far?

May 30th, 2006, 03:06 AM
At what point did the people of America start to turn so pussified? The hippie movement?

I have heard it said that the US peace movement was cut off at the knees by copious amounts of cheap high quality drugs. It has also been said that Timothy Leary may have been a CIA asset with his turn on, tune in, and drop out philosophy a way of introducing a cancer to the body of the peace movement(think crack epidemic and the repercussions on black militarism). The peace/anti-war movement then metamorphised into what we know today as hippies.

This makes sense to me because sections of the peace movement were becoming an anti-war movement awake to the fact that you can sing Kum Ba Yah till the mad cows come home and nothing is going to change unless you start to use methods the fascists really understand.

The above is probably part of the problem as it's hard to grow up with a functional and whole gender identity when your parent/s turned on, tuned in, and
dropped out but historically it goes much deeper than that. If you look at footage of the soldiers in WW1 and WW2 you will see what are obviously real men, men's men. These two wars depleted the supply of genetically superior men because it was these men who were brave, chivalrous, kind, strong, and caring people. They died because of these attributes and the genes that made them real men died with them and our world is a much worse place for this loss.

And if that's not bad enough, we have an educational system that cannot by law teach anything that goes against the wishes of powerful minority groups such as the feminists, the gays, the zionists, and the god botherers - the list is nearly as endless as the poison these minorities have pumped into the heads of our children. If I had publically stated twenty years ago what sort of shit kids are being taught these days they would have locked me up in a loony bin. Here it is twenty years later and I appear to be in a loony bin that has billions of residents.

What worries me most is the fact that nearly every young person I know appears to have little to no ability to think critically, solve problems, question authority, stuff that I once thought came naturally. These days i'm not so sure.

Some links for your perusal!

Leary links
Timothy Leary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Leary) - Warning - Wikipedia often is biased and unreliable
Was Timothy Leary a CIA Agent? (http://home.dti.net/lawserv/leary.html)
Timothy Leary was FBI informer (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/380815.stm)
Assorted Leary links (http://nepenthes.lycaeum.org/People/leary.html)

Other links
Save the Males (http://www.savethemales.ca/) - Worthy reading
Intellectual Espionage (http://www.rit.edu/~cma8660/mirror/www.johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/3b.htm) - Very worthy reading
The Feminisation of Men (http://www.lewrockwell.com/barnwell/barnwell23.html) - Worthy reading
Are Women Feminising Men (http://uk.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_100/142_dating_advice.html) - Worthy reading

Note: Some of these links may make it appear that I have leftist political views. I can assure you that that is incorrect. I have views that would make a republican vomit, a democrat blush, and drive a libertarian to suicide.

May 30th, 2006, 07:11 AM
"Plans are underway to replace community, family, and church with propaganda, education, and mass media....the State shakes loose from Church, reaches out to School.... People are only little plastic lumps of human dough."

Now that is some seriously righteous shit, boy!

May 30th, 2006, 10:21 PM
John Taylor Gatto is the man I think we would all like to be teaching our kids. He won NY teacher of the year and then shortly after resigned. This was his acceptance speech (http://www.naturalchild.com/guest/john_gatto.html)

Jacks Complete
May 31st, 2006, 04:39 PM
Wow, I just read his speech. Incredible, and credible.

From what I have read about the US school system of today, and what I have seen of the UK school system of today, I can't honestly say I wouldn't have shot someone. I can see several points in my life where things could have turned out very differently, and I wouldn't be here now.

We are all the sum of our experiances. But making 6000 people with the same experiances crammed into them, and leaving room for nothing else, is a disaster in the viewing. This same dogma based teaching is how come so many are so willing, in so many places, to strap explosives to themselves, and so willing to fight for that same dogma.

The child of a wife-beater often grows up to beat their wife. :-(