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View Full Version : New files upped to ftp

April 22nd, 2006, 01:02 AM
I have upped some files that did not seem to be on the Library.
It is almost half a gig so If the person running the library could go through them and palce them where they need to go and do a redundance check that would be great, also I have alot of the old videos that I have been thinking about uplaoding. I'm trying to come across also the old kurt saxon cd that we had on at one time the one that has the extended videos and radio shows.

With all the books that I'm grabing for my Forensics classes I have been thinking about uploading thm all and maybe having a section on them "Forensics" since they fall into may catagories of sciences. Anyways just have fun and keep contrubiting. I have to run and I have a paper do for my psych class, talk to you all later.

May 26th, 2006, 10:37 PM
I'm currently uploading US Military manuals to the ftp. There's nearly 2Gb of manuals to upload, so it will take a while. When completed, uploading of other categories will follow. Many categories / GB's to upload.

TMP - as memory serves you indicated that you've got a 200 GB hard drive. How many GB's are on it now?

May 27th, 2006, 11:19 AM
The old FTP had SOOO many more video files. Does anyone know how to obtain them? There is a particular video (it is rather small) of a FAE detonating from a large barrel next to a car. The video was originally part of a thread on here named "FAE car bomb" or something like that. I just remember it being a huge detonation with a very visible shockwave.

May 28th, 2006, 08:18 AM
I have a Partial version of the old ftp from 2002 and it has some videos, like "this heres ABOMBS induuuction coil", old stuff like that, I can dig for the cds and see about uplaoding some if you would want.

Accents make me laugh, haha

May 28th, 2006, 09:03 PM
That would be awesome. Thanks.

June 1st, 2006, 03:07 PM

Since you have some stuff from the old ftp,could you please look on your hard drive do you have ebooks from Geoff Thompson (thay are about combat and self defence)...I saw they had been uploaded on the old ftp and I couldn't find it now...I would be thankful.

June 2nd, 2006, 12:17 PM
Defiant, the computer says the drive is 189 GB. I'm sure this is based on 1024^3,
rather than Maxtor's use of 1000^3. Anyway, drive properties indicate that 53.1 GB
are in use and reports that 136 GB remain free. Plenty of space - upload away !

June 9th, 2006, 04:17 PM
Plenty of space - great. About 2 Gb's of US Military Manuals have already been uploaded, and there's 30 Gb's or more files to be uploaded.

Glitches uploading have slowed up the process. Resuming uploads has been somewhat problematic. The resume feature works normally most of the time, but sometimes requires a lot of attempts, shutting down the program, and so forth - which is time consuming. Some files will simply not resume or overwrite, so there are about 15 files uploaded that are 0kb. It might help to delete these files to see whether that solves the problem. A more serious problem is that twice, while trying to force a resume, the program switched from the file it was supposed to upload to personal files off my desktop.

I've used the program extensively on other ftp's without any of these problems, but recently started using a later version and I'm not totally convinced that its not glitched warez. I'll reinstall an earlier version.

In the meantime, it would be reassuring if I could delete personal files that might get uploaded inadvertently in the trial and error process. Does your ftp server software provide the option of giving a user permission to delete files from within their own upload folder? If so, please activate it for me.

June 9th, 2006, 08:49 PM
If it's in your personal folder setup under \UPLOAD, YES, the permissions can
be set. I'll have to wait to get home to do it because right now I'm at work.

June 13th, 2006, 05:16 AM
Well, its a couple of days later, and I've been checking whether or not I can delete files. It doesn't appear to be enabled.

My guess is that you are a fuckup like me, and have been partying for a couple of days and haven't been home yet.

Or am I computer illiterate?

June 13th, 2006, 12:50 PM
The problem was with some of the fuckups I work with. I had to cover their
shifts on different days so I had no time to adjust the settings. Try it now !
You're the only one who can delete the files if I understand FileZilla's settings
correctly. Sorry about the delay.

P.S. I wish I could be a fuckup and party for a couple of days. But with working
2 jobs and putting up with a lot of coworkers' shit, I don't get the chance. Also, I
had recently moved and I'm still trying to get everything, especially my labware,
unpacked. I probably won't be able to party until about September. Everything
should be settled down by then.

Storm on the Horizon
June 13th, 2006, 04:00 PM
I just uploaded some documents that I couldn't find in the FTP. They are in the "New Folder" under UPLOADS. I tried naming the folder... but no luck. TMP - if you could name the folder "SotH" or "Storm on the Horizon", it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for making this available to us. If some of these are already on the FTP, I apologize. I tried to do a thorough search before uploading. Enjoy.

Automatic and Concealable Firearms Design Book, Volume III (Paladin Press)
Civil War II - The Coming Breakup of America - Thomas W. Chittum
Complete Instructions On How to Build Undetectable Hand Grenades - by Eigene Fuer (Desert Publications)
Disguise Techniques - Fool All of the People Some of the Time - Edmond A. MacInaugh (Paladin Press)
Ditch Medicine - Advanced Field Procedures for Emergencies - Hugh L. Coffee (Paladin Press)
FULL AUTO Bingham AK 22 Conversion Manual
FULL AUTO Conversion - Kel-Tec Tec-9 And Kg-99 Pistol Manual
FULL AUTO HK 94 Conversion Manual
FULL AUTO Marlin Camp 9 & 45 Conversion Manual
FULL AUTO Volume Three - Semi-auto MAC 10 Modification Manual (Desert Publications)
Identifying Undercover Activity and Agents - Timothy W. Tobiason
Micro UZI Machine Pistol Semi-Auto Modification Manual (Firepower Publications)
Modern High-Security Locks - How To Open Them - Steven Hampton (Paladin Press)
Rolling Thunder - Turning Junk Into Automobile Weaponry - Ryan K. Kephart (Paladin Press)
SKS Drop-In Full Auto Sear
Techniques of the Professional Pickpocket - Wayne B. Yeager (Loompanics Unlimited)
The Glock Exotic Weapons System (Paladin Press)
The Ruger 1022 Exotic Weapons System (Paladin Press)

June 16th, 2006, 09:09 AM
I tried to put together a small close combat section. Unfortunetly while I could create a new directory I couldn't rename it, so "Neuer Ordner" contains what I consider the most important books onthe topic:

Fairbairn Manual of Knifefighting
Cheap Shots, Ambushes and other Lessons by Marc Animal MacYoung
Fairbairn Stickfighting Essay
Get Tough!
Kill or get killed, both old and new edition
Put'em down, take'em out
Notes on the SOE Silent Killing course

AFAIK some of these are already somewhere on the ftp but I thought it might be a good idea to collect them in one place, since martial arts/self defense/close combat is a topic that comes up frequently.