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April 3rd, 2006, 03:13 AM
nukeb61, homework question
nitromethane, UTFSE
zer0, lack of capital 'I'
vap0r, lack of manners


Each day I'll update this listing to show who and why, so that others may avoid feeding their electronic flesh to the hungry maw of the HED monster.

April 3rd, 2006, 09:10 PM
candiru, library request

quicksilver, lack of grammar (no paragraph breaks)

April 4th, 2006, 11:33 PM
Tuesdays prey:

luftmeister, library request and self-signing his post

TheDevilsRightHand, lunacy and lack of lithium :)

April 6th, 2006, 02:23 AM
Wednesdays prey:

kl0x, english rape.

That's it?! Fuck, I'm going to starve at this rate. :p

I guess the rest of the k3wL herd smelled the cloying stench of their fellow preys decaying carcasses and decided to head to less dangerous pastures. :)

But the Beast always lurks near...

April 6th, 2006, 10:06 PM
I don't think it is right to start banning members for improper grammar and the capitalization of letters. e.e. cummings didn't capitalize many of his works.

I'm sure though, that being in the explosive and weapon hobby has its troubles; a person has to fully explain how to do something so the person following plans does not blow themself up.

However, if the risk is not that severe, I see no problem with improper grammar and the capitalization of letters.

Unless you're trying to make a utopia of anarchist scientists. I mean, sure, that's cool and all, but should it really be restricted?

I do recognize the problem with the homework questions and "inspirational" evangelists spouting ideas from their ass. That may deserve a ban.

{DELETED - Discussion of religion is irrelevant to this topic. NBK}

In case none of you figured it out, my name means God in Japanese.

{DELETED - Discussion of religion is irrelevant to this topic. NBK}

April 7th, 2006, 01:20 AM
Actually Kamisamamy name means God in Japanese :rolleyes:, the japanese don't have a 'God' like christian and muslims have, that being a single deity. Rather, they're animists, believing that all things have spirits.

For further edification on the meaning of your self-choosen name, go to:


You look rather silly when you get it wrong. :)

As for who gets banned and why, when someone says "that's wrong", they usually end up joining the outcasts. You've been annoying me for a long time now like your constant fucking around with your signature after I correct it, but not enough to bother banning you. Perhaps I should change my mind on that?

How about this:

Shut up for a week.


Any posting before Midnight PST, of the 14th of April, results in permanent ban.

Sound fair? I think so.

It's a test of self-restraint. I've given plenty of people the rope, and they've always hung themselves with it.

Think you can resist the rope? I don't think you will. :p

We don't need anyone so badly that we'll grant exceptions to the basic rules of literacy and grammar. Anyone who spends ANY time reading here should notice a serious lack of IRC/IM style postings, with the typical 3LL3t3 spelling and lack of basic sentence structure.

To demonstrate, tell me which is which:


One is is an element, and two are gases, but which is which? One lacks proper capitalization, and another a subset 2.

You get ONE post in which to post your guess here on which is which. Get it right and you can continue posting immediately. Get it wrong and you're immediately banned for life.

Now do you see the importance of proper grammar skills? :D

And be grateful it wasn't a formula you were following that ended up exploding in your face, resulting in two stumps were you used to have hands, and a face that looks like a prop from a horror movie.

PM'd for promptness.

April 7th, 2006, 08:26 PM
Well, I give the rope, and everyone to date has used it to hang themselves.

Kamisama is no exception.

Yes, the three chemicals were Co (Cobalt), CO (Carbon Monoxide), and CO2, but that's not the entire answer.

Which items on the list are which one of these chemicals?

There's six different ways to arrange a three item list (3n!), and order of addition is just as critical to a reaction as what the reactants are. So you failed the test.

Also, if you want to attempt insulting someone in Nihongo, at least have the courtesy to do so in proper kanji, rather than the mongrol romanized version.

ロリコン! Though I think ショタコン is more your style.


Oh, and:

J. Savoie, request for help without first helping himself by UTFSE.

April 8th, 2006, 03:09 AM
Not even a new day yet, and already...

MMilitiaR, double posting/request/UTFSE/english rape/etc.

rifleman, lack of grammar/request

HuNTer-W-, english rape/request

April 8th, 2006, 10:09 PM
Do they even get a warning shot before you ban them? Some new blood would be welcome here - but i totally understand why you are banning - I really wouldn't like to see the board overrun with people asking for their pipe bomb recipes. I have also noticed the huge decline in new postings as well - what maybe 4 or 5 a day max? what is behind all that? maybe there are only so many things that can be asked about this subject (E&W). Maybe a small newbie section for them and let them only post there until they have actually contributed something or shown some kind of merit? or maybe that would be a waste? just a few ideas...

April 9th, 2006, 01:00 AM
Mega and NBK tried that for a very long time by giving them free reign of the Water Cooler. This was a section where you can ask any little question your heart desires to hone your posting, language, and grammar skills and basically not have to worry about being banned...

What happens instead? Newbies constantly feel they are 'too good' for the WC and venture out to post stupid lamer questions and run all willy-nilly over the better sections of this Forum. In real life when kids thrust themselves into adulthood before they are ready they get a good hard SLAP of reality, don't they? Shouldn't the same apply here?

Some had good thoughts, ideas, or questions but had no grasp of the english language or could not produce a paragraph complete with sentence breaks and punctuation. Constant warnings seemed to have little or no effect. When it happens to someone else you should still learn from it and analyze your own behavior accordingly, no? I've been a witness to this lack of learning from others casualties for so long as I've been here.

I praise NBK for his strong fist and daily presence. It can't be easy being a babysitter for a membership of over 14,000 people.

As far as racism goes (as such conduct has been mentioned in the ATTACKED! thread here in the WC...but I'll not add to taking yet another thread off topic), this is the internet and you are hidden by your monitor. Providing you conduct yourself like a civilized human being and utilize good communication skills who could know your race unless you tell them? If you are black AND intelligent than you will soon realize that (1) you are a very rare specimen, (2) the word nigger pretty much describes the remainder of your race, and (3) you are likely already in shame over the actions of the majority of your racial brethren. You will probably regard such trash as 'niggers', too.

And Jimmyboy, perhaps the lack of posting is because NBK's technique is actually working... hopefully many newbies are finding that search button very handy in answering the questions they had without beating a dead horse by posting a new thread, and what-do-ya-know... the homework question has been answered many times before or they've suddenly discovered that they have not one but TWO shift keys on the keyboard which work flawlessly (but it's too much trouble to hold a key down while pressing once yet another :rolleyes: )... At least we don't have to filter through so many BS posts, anymore.

Personally, I would like to see all posts from this thread NOT pertaining to the recent banning of members being split from it as it detracts from my good fun of seeing people go down under NBK's new rules. We've been missing this sort of action for far too long. (I cringe at the fact I have even added to this behavior). At one time I was actually accustomed to NBK's constant newbie intervention and looked forward to it greatly to the point of having my own little private prediction game going on. Now it's even better than ever!

If I ever fall prey to NBK you'll all have a good hardy snicker at ME, won't you? I should hope so.

[Edited for content explanation]

April 9th, 2006, 01:47 AM
This thread IS their warning shot. :)

This section (WC) IS the newbie section. Step outside of it and ask something that you could have easily found by a little self-help via UTFSE, and there's that pesky mine under the grass...*KABLOOOM!*

Yes, total number of postings is down, but quality is up (or at least not declining), so it's all good.


jimmyboy, for lack of grammar and the i/I failure. Oh, sweet irony.

mdorani, for near-terminal stupidity.

1-more-urban-pyr0000, k3wL'ness and grammar.

Sui-Cider, k3wL'ness and grammar.

adesin, stupidity.

April 9th, 2006, 04:29 AM
Oh, irony!

While I was online posting my earlier reply, there was a car wreck on the freeway outside my house.

A mini-van full of niggers rolled over! :D

Someone got carted off in a stretcher, which is understandable when you see the smashed glass on the front passengers side of the windshield. :p

Unfortunately, the rest of them were unharmed. :mad:

A video of the wreck:


648Kb in size

April 10th, 2006, 01:41 AM
Daeman, i/I failure.

jtdollah, english rape/UTFSE

golgo13, english rape/UTFSE/ and failure to read a very recent post with the answer to the very question he asked.

April 10th, 2006, 10:03 PM
This thread delivers entertainment and helpful advice in one package. 10/10

April 12th, 2006, 03:15 AM
I've been away for too long and forgotten the fun and glory of NBK's third world despot style management; and now a thread with daily updates to keep me coming back. Cheers!

April 12th, 2006, 03:44 AM
I'm happy (and yet, sad) to report that NO ONE was banned today.

*growl* I'm hungry!

Means that either I'm getting through to them :) or that this is the calm before the TOTSE storm. :(

We'll see how it goes. ;)

'Management by Despot' works so well, I'm surprised more people aren't doing it.

Jacks Complete
April 12th, 2006, 07:07 PM
Ah, my old employers did it all the time. Too many chiefs (mini-despots) and not enough indians (people to actually do the work!) will be the downfall for them, not so here! There, the chiefs had nothing like enough power to actually affect each other except in petty ways. Again, not so here!

Just so everyone knows, the vast majority of utter tripe gets filtered, as initial posts are moderated, as are initial threads. I'm pointing this out because some people have asked the same question in several threads, often multiple times. This is annoying! If you are new, your post won't appear until it is allowed through - if it is!

Newbie posts subject to moderation!^- It's a hint.

April 12th, 2006, 09:51 PM
Reminds me of many places I've worked at, where there were only 2 clerks, but 5 'management trainees'/'shift supervisors'/'useless titles to inflate the ego's of trailer trash so they'll do twice as much work for the same pay'. :D

April 13th, 2006, 09:22 AM
This is the most strictly run forum I have ever encountered, but with a topic like this where idiots can cause large amounts of harm a firm hand is nescessary.

I appreciate NBK's tireless vigil even if I don't always agree with who he bans or why he bans them. Since it is not my decision to ban someone I wisely keep my mouth shut at such points. ;)

On a side note if the forum was run as unmercifully when I first joined as it is now I probably wouldn't be here, then again when I first joined we had nowhere near as many members.


We must lead by example, such as by using paragraph breaks. ;) NBK

April 13th, 2006, 10:14 PM
On a side note if the forum was run as unmercifully when I first joined as it is now I probably wouldn't be here, then again when I first joined we had nowhere near as many members.

By 'be here', do you mean as a member, or still alive?

See, I'm thinking you wouldn't still be here because you'd have been turned into a pink mist by the premature explosion of a device that you'd have built following the instructions that a k3wL would have posted here if there wasn't an NBK to delete him and his crap. :D

I also think that the firm hand is why we've gotten so many members, compared to the past, because they see that stupidity and k3wLness will NOT be tolerated.


Today's food:

phor2zero, k3wLness

Epsilon Eagle, grammar/k3wLness

April 13th, 2006, 10:39 PM
I meant as a member, I believe I had a brush with HED once. I forget the exact circumstances.

As to paragraph breaks, duly noted.

And as to being turned into a pink mist by following K3\/\/|_ recipes thank you for sparing me such a fate:) .

April 14th, 2006, 05:35 AM
dennyn226, for being previously banned and returning. BFL means Banned for LIFE! :)

Get the hint.

April 16th, 2006, 04:28 PM
Well, if you think of it this way. Most jobs have an orientation period before you're considered part of the crew, etc. This prevents them from making mistakes that may cost money, where as the same goes here at The Forum; although, instead of saving money, it saves lives.

If you look at places like TOTSE, you will see many forums that cover explosives, weapons, clandestine chemistry, drug using, hacking, etc. Yet these forums are left alone. While perhaps less known, but defiantly more respected forums/sites like the E&W, Raise the Fist, The-Hive, and Rhodium (just to name a few), have all been viciously attacked by the government, and/or related organization (e.g. idefense). The reason for this is simple; people are afraid of knowledge and fear what is being discussed at these forums. The people behind these freedom raping attacks on these forums; although, stupid in the sense they are helping take away their own freedoms as well as ours. They are intelligent enough to realize, that although, places like TOTSE cover a wider range of topics, most of it is bull, thus placing them as a low priority (not to say TOTSE doesn’t have good members, just that they don’t remove the foolish ones). While places like RS.org are placed as high priority, because what is discussed here truly terrifies those that appose free speech.

What am I trying to make from this? Well it's simple. RS.org is well known and respected for its intelligent members and posts. NBK and the others that delete posts and members for posting questions like "how do i make c4" and "where can i find salt peter" that could be found from searching this site, Google, and many other places are doing nothing but degrading the forum, its members, and natural selection! When natural selection misses its mistakes, artificial selection must take over. The real question is what is better, sparing a few stupid members and with their stupid questions that will likely kill themselves making a "bomb" at the forums expense? Or give them some free HED and send them on their way? I vote for the later...

April 17th, 2006, 06:29 AM
Mondays Prey:

novichok, i/I, grammar, UTFSE

fishy1, i/I, k3wL

petard, library request

cube, grammar, k3wL

April 17th, 2006, 12:38 PM
It's rather strange.

I'm drawn to this thread with some kind of morbid obsessive curiosity as I seach each of NBK's posts looking for my name. I fear to find my name, yet derive a kind of relief from not finding it here, perhaps even pleasure you could say.

Even as I post this reply, if I question any word I spell, it gets google'd to see if it is misspelled. This thread is most definately a good tool to get forum members (new and old alike) to keep a close eye on their posts for bad spelling/grammar.

*Reads through the post. And again...*

Chris The Great
April 17th, 2006, 09:12 PM
If your name was in one of his posts, you wouldn't be able to read it as far as I know. Banning does block you from accessing the forum at all, correct?
Or does it just keep you from logging in and creating a new user from the same IP address?

April 18th, 2006, 11:12 PM
DED, library request/grammar

iri, i/I

Blausy, library request/post flooding (once is enough, asshole!)

Chris, for obvious reasons, we don't detail just what exactly a ban entails. Keep the proles guessing, you know? ;)

April 20th, 2006, 02:27 AM
Full stomach tonight!

freefall149, i/I, k3wL

hector, K3wL

koolkitty89, K3wL

Schwartzy, i/I

raysosc, library request

muffy_69, parrot, K3wL (in one of MY topics!) :mad:

Urban Steel, grammar, advertising (an unusual offense, but in the Rules none the less! :p)

April 21st, 2006, 03:59 AM
Tonights delicacy:

c18Italia, i/I, library request, non-english, and grammar

Chris The Great
April 21st, 2006, 04:49 AM
Did you ban them twice? It must have been pretty bad to entail that level of retribution :p

Or was the first time just crippling them so they can only sit in front of their computer and view the forum, but not be able to type in a post, and then finishing them off later like that rabbit when they try hopelessly to post more garabage by typing with their nose? (and doing better than with their fingers!) :D

Jacks Complete
April 22nd, 2006, 11:18 AM
You've lost me, Chris. Banned who twice? (Don't say "i/I", please!)

April 22nd, 2006, 05:43 PM
The idiots from the previous day. I accidently listed their names twice.

April 23rd, 2006, 09:00 AM
Saturdays fresh meat:

mosh2k2, i/I

bornloser_182, UTFSE, i/I, grammar

mountainmachine, library request

wilhelm, fucking idiot, posting "hello..this is my first post...why can't I open any files on this forum?" in the IW section! :rolleyes: You can't open any files because you're BANNED! :p

subdok, i/I, grammer, UTFSE, spoonfeeding request

M3talhead, library request


To further clarify for n00bies just what constitutes a 'library request', that's things like:

Does anyone have the "Glock Exotic Weapons System" .pdf? I've been looking everywhere for it and can't find it anywhere except for the FTP server (which I cannot access).

You've not been here long enough for us to know if it's worth our time to bother uploading it JUST FOR YOU, since this is your VERY FIRST POST!

And going to a section we have here called FTP and P2P, where there's a sticky thread that's the very first thing you see is threads about the FTP server. Reading one or two of them might have kept you a member here, but noooooo....we want it handed to us on a silver FUCKIN' platter! :mad:

Why didn't you just ask someone to e-mail it to you while you were at it?

Nor does this piece of shit rate a reply:

where i can find ak47 plans ??
plz help

Google is your friend. LEARN TO USE IT.

Also, that thing at the top of EVERY page here, the thing called SEARCH? Yeah, that...USE IT!

I'd also like to mention how if newbies would bother to read the announcement at the top of every page that's called "NEWBIE POSTS SUBJECT TO MODERATION", and took heed of it, then a lot more poeple would still be here that are NOT here any longer.

To quote it in full:

As in the title, ALL posts by newbies will be subject to moderation by the staff at Roguesci. Posts may take minutes, hours or days to appear depending on how much spare time the staff have. If a post doesn't appear at all even after a week or so then it likely wasn't good enough, or if it was then it was in the wrong section. The water cooler is the place for newbies until they learn how things work around here. Also, SEARCH before posting new topics or asking questions as the simpler things will have been covered before.


And people wonder why I go kill crazy sometimes? I deal with this shit EVERY DAY!!

April 26th, 2006, 06:11 AM
Tuesdays kill:

AlphaBear, post flooding (once is enough...)

April 27th, 2006, 03:01 AM
Tonights tragic mine-steppers:

Salute_Enthusiast, i/I, grammer, quoting whole posts. And what the fuck was this?! :mad:


EqualToPi, i/I, grammer, post flooding, and referring to a formula at TOTSE! :eek:

Oily, self-signing, with a name no less!

ukaviator, something or other (forgot why)

April 29th, 2006, 05:06 AM
Tonights morsels:

thegongone, k3Wl, UTFSE, wrong section, etc.

pyre-schizoid, self-signing, grammer, and that annoying "Hi, my name is..." first n00b post.

Deadboltz, idiot

Jacks Complete
April 29th, 2006, 08:46 AM
ukaviator. Such a dead loss to the world that no-one even knows why he's gone... :D

May 2nd, 2006, 03:19 AM
PixL, spoon-feeding request + first post in wrong section

skier4life99, library request

Omnipotence01, arrogance of presuming the mantle of God-like power. :rolleyes: Too much like being a divine spirit. ;)

May 3rd, 2006, 03:54 AM
antarcticus, i/I

ADW, self-confessed long-term leeching.

enhzflep, for the most heinous of crimes...l�se majest�.

May 5th, 2006, 04:18 AM
ijjjji, general stupidity.

May 6th, 2006, 02:31 AM
riverbelow, i/I, spoonfeeding, UTFSE

GB1SF1AB, rape of the english language

May 6th, 2006, 09:15 AM
Is nbk2000’s feeding of the newbs arbitrary and capricious? Is he decimating the population of fresh blood uncontrollably? Let us review a few statistics shall we.

The total number of new signups for April was 1112. By my count 55 kewls got the flaming boot of HED in this thread for April. This represents a mere 4.9% loss of kewls, newbs, idiots, trolls, and lamers.

Basically, we lost less than one days worth of members. Oh imagine the world of kewlness we would all be in if nbk2000 did not root out the rot.

May 6th, 2006, 10:26 AM
nbk - I've not been here a very long while by this forum's standards, but I haven't encountered your wrath first hand for what you defined as a "library request".

Is this because I'm not requesting things that are all throughout the internet, because I'm understandable when I type, or perhaps a different option altogether?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking to be banned by any means - this forum is an invaluable tool, one which I use regularly.

I really hope I'll be able to read replies to this. :D

May 6th, 2006, 03:02 PM
Tonights morsels:

I don't want to sound like a wiseguy, but isn't "Tonight's" correct? Simile for previous posts...


I suppose that is correct, but since people don't get banned for missing the occasional ' or misspelling, only for gross affronts to one the languages of the Aryan Race, I'm not worried about being banned for it. ;)

And I usually do the banning just before I go to sleep, so if I'm half-awake...oh well, siht happens. :p

(deliberate misspelling above)

May 7th, 2006, 03:13 AM
Malakas, homework help

gladiator, spoonfeeding/grammer

alyks, UTFSE


Third Rail:

I've never noticed your posts before, but now that you mentioned it, I shall have to review them.

As with Secret Police anywhere, you never want to gain their attention! :)

Chris The Great
May 7th, 2006, 07:35 AM
I thought that people who contributed to the forum, for example through informative posts, where excempt from the "library request" banning offense because they had contributed to the forum.

May 7th, 2006, 10:51 AM
nbk - I had figured that to be the outcome, but curiousity won out over paranoia of being banned.

Sometimes I really am as stupid as I used to be. :D

May 7th, 2006, 04:12 PM
As long as you've 'paid in' by having contributed in the past, then there's no problem with occassionally asking for something in return. :)

It's the motherfuckers who come here, never having contributed bums-spit worth of anything, or reposting links from another post as if they had found 'em(! :mad: ), and having the gall to request that we spoonfeed them copies of texts no longer available (or so common you can't help tripping over them). :rolleyes:

May 8th, 2006, 03:03 AM
Advanc3d, i/I

bens235, +1, post-flooding

carlosdaddy, i/I, grammer

smokey21, i/I, spoon-feeding

May 9th, 2006, 03:39 AM
javier garibaldi, library request/necromancy

May 10th, 2006, 09:38 PM
Necromancy? Should I even ask?

May 10th, 2006, 10:05 PM
He was trying to get a response from someone who's been 'dead' here for years.

Trying to communicate with the dead is 'Necromancy'. :p

May 14th, 2006, 04:21 AM
At Mega's suggestion, I'm putting the reasons for someones banning in a little box that'll show up when they try logging in. Hopefully this will cut down on bullshit e-mails to him whining for the reason. :rolleyes:


Ronson2k, movie physics

Dr.K, Grammer, UTFSE

forbidden_anarchist, new thread for a question that should have been put in an existing thread for that very purpose.

spike669, spoon-feeding request

G13, i/I, grammer

anapal, i/I, grammer, rape of the english language

May 14th, 2006, 03:51 PM
NBK, I've noticed that some of the people you banned also were some of the
same people who requested FTP access. I created accounts for them only to
find out that I couldn't reply to them via PM. If I can't reply, I delete their
accounts. Your last meal on my list was Forbidden_anarchist.

I don't mind helping them out with FTP access. I have no problem with that.
Maybe one of the rules should include, access the FTP and READ, READ, READ !
Those that don't or UTFSE are just totally fucking lazy ! If they don't show some
initiative, then they don't belong here. Bon Appettie, Oh Hungry One !

May 15th, 2006, 01:48 AM
It's your FTP, and you can give anyone access that you want to give access to, but if they're stupid here...BFL! :)

If that happens before they get the FTP info, perhaps that's for the best, eh? ;)

Besides, do you really want n00bs who can't follow simple rules, or construct simple sentences, to have access to your computer? O_o

May 15th, 2006, 03:49 AM
NBK, point well taken ! I purged 2 former members who had been banned. And,
NO, I don't want them accessing my computer if they're that fucking stupid. I'm
getting the sense that most people in BFL are either pre-teenagers or just clearly
retarded. I'll watch this thread in the future and use it as an idiot filter.
Thank You !

P.S. There was one idiot in particular, Kl0x, who told me in a PM that his website
had been shutdown by the feds although no reason was given. Seems this asshole
has caused problems on other boards as well. That is clearly the type of person
I don't want accessing my computer.

May 16th, 2006, 02:47 PM
If he is the guy from kl0x dot net well... His mad chemistry skillz are well known.

Ok well it turns out for now my asshole chem teacher has raised my grade to a 63, which is still a fucking F. One point below a D. She is such an asshole. Eh well just wanted to give you an a simple and quick update. Im workin on the other sections, They should be up soon.

May 16th, 2006, 08:08 PM
Im workin on the other sections, They should be up soon.

Compare to how it should look:

I'm working on the other sections. They should be up soon.
Red highlights the missing parts

Three mistakes in a six word sentence? That's only 50% accuracy! Not even a 63! :p

I wonder what his grade in grammer is? Probably a straight F (like everything else).

Though I noticed he spelt 'asshole' and 'fucking' properly.

So when his cellie is 'fucking' his 'asshole', he'll at least be able to properly convey the details of his prison rape to his mother. :p

H'is mumz is so prod uf im?.! ;)

May 17th, 2006, 05:57 AM
andrean48, homework help, spoon-feeding, grammer (Whad upz nigga!)

chemenco, library request

TheUnknownOne, grammer (lack of)

K.I.P, grammer (lack of)

noz, continuing lack of grammer


I think that, given the fact that so many of the offenses committed are from such a limited number of reasons, that there ought to be a checkbox menu on the user banning page that allows admins to just click the relevant reasons, and it'll automatically tell the user what his offense(s) were, the next time they log in. :)

I wonder if there's a hack to allow that? Mega?

May 18th, 2006, 01:41 AM
You ride people hard for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but constantly misspell grammar. I cannot help but believe you do it on purpose for the sheer irony! ;)

May 18th, 2006, 03:18 AM
It is ironic that I constantly misspell a simple word like 'grammar', but I can spell 'extinguisher', 'vituperative', and other complex words without looking them up.

I think it's from such constant use of the word when correcting idiots, that I've developed a dysphasia of it. A sort of 'repetitive motion injury' of the mind, when it comes to that word. :p

Even if I do get that word wrong - believe me, there are much worse examples to be found in our past. A perusal of archived threads from years back will show you some truely horrific examples of the rape and mutilation of the english language.


arrogant48, movie physics

just me, grammar

May 18th, 2006, 01:45 PM
Don't let too much stupid rub off on you; we'd be lost in a flood of dumb.

May 19th, 2006, 11:05 PM
Grammar and spelling are two different things. I am not such a good speller myself, but without a clearly defined set of rules for many words, and their origins from numerous languages, many people have the same difficulty. Grammar on the other hand is sentence structure and meaning. “I ain’t got none” may be spelled correct, but that does not make it grammatically correct. The human mind can still read a misspelled word and retain the meaning, but when you violate the rules of grammar the meaning becomes less clear, and that can be dangerous with our interests.

I would say 99% of the idiots here with bad grammar are 12 year old children or immature teenagers used to chat rooms, instant messaging, and cell phone texting. Net lingo may be fine on an informal bulletin board like TOTSE, but The Forum is not a place for children to have their say. Their grammar betrays their youth, and their youth betrays their inexperience and ignorance.

The Forum is like a classroom. It is not a hang out at the mall. Some formality is to be expected on most threads. We have places for levity and relaxation here, but in most cases that is the exception.

May 20th, 2006, 04:01 AM
mrbisket - i/I, grammar


Language is like a programming code for people.

Malformed code causes computers to malfunction and do things they're not supposed to do.

Same thing with people.

A poorly structured sentence can have a meaning to the reader that's different from that intended by the author.

Observe a series of short sentences I found posted at an image board:

More of not same.
More same of not.
Same of not more.
Same not of more.
Not more of same.
Not same of more.

Four words, six sentences, but (maybe) only one is grammatically correct. This is why putting words together into roperly structured sentences is important.

It's not a big deal if it's a joke who's punchline falls flat, but not so funny if it's your hand that gets turned into corned beef.

May 22nd, 2006, 06:58 AM
shabnam - i/I, grammar, necromancy

Warcore - +1, grammar

May 22nd, 2006, 10:13 PM
Muhahahha!! How do you think up all that NBK?

Oh and I liked the CO CO CO riddle.. have any more?

May 22nd, 2006, 10:17 PM
Oh, and one more thing. To the newbs who think it is a radical new thing for someone to get banned or mocked when using incorrect gramar and spelling, you are wrong.

I have been a member since '01. Everytime someone has displayed their rebellion against the invention of spellcheck, they have unknowingly blown the war-horn of NBK.

May 23rd, 2006, 06:15 AM
Inspiration stricks me when I'm angry.

So get me angry and I'll come up with something new.

Though you may not be around to see it. ;) :p

May 23rd, 2006, 01:56 PM
NECROMANCY??? Oh, please put that one in the "banned for life". I've gotta see that.

May 23rd, 2006, 05:36 PM
That's my term for people who request things from, or direct comments to, members who haven't been here for years. Hence, trying to communicate with the 'dead, thus 'Necromancy'. :)

May 25th, 2006, 11:29 PM
xploding89 - rape of the english language, k3wlness, UTFSE.

KCN - general stupidity.

MasoNN - grammar


Further examples of english rape can be found here:


May 26th, 2006, 01:28 AM
Muahahhaha! "Rape of the English language"... now that is by far the best way I have seen it put. :)

May 26th, 2006, 07:36 PM
Yes...these monsters take a defenseless language, throw it down, and viciously rape and sodomize it with their l33t $p3ll1n@ skiLlZ.

That's where the Beast comes in. :)

The earth trembles when it walks, the sun is eclipsed by its mass, and fools flee in terror at it's hurricane howl.

The Beast is unleashed to defend the linguistic purity of the Aryan race. To devour those who'd soil the pure with the foul.

The k3wLz know the punishment for their crime is death, and so they flee into the shelter of a great cavern...damp and warm...thinking that they'll hide from their punishment, only realizing, too late, that they've hid right in the cavernous maw of the Beast itself!


FTW! :p

May 27th, 2006, 08:15 AM
chrissy06 - i/I

hana12 - post flooding (though polite about it)

May 28th, 2006, 06:56 AM
Kingtal0n - post whoring

weap - library request

cc_tazman - grammar

Heath - +1 reply

May 28th, 2006, 10:53 AM
Well I have to ask, what is post whoring? ... That sounds like something I would do .. :P

May 28th, 2006, 04:12 PM
"Post whoring, he would generalyy order Chinese takeout"?


May 28th, 2006, 09:05 PM
HAHA! I have never heard of the urban dictionary before but that is interesting. Apparently I was right about suggesting that I am guilty of it.. but when you have almost 500 posts, I don't think anyone really cares too much.

May 28th, 2006, 09:09 PM
I just looked up "pwnage" in that dictionary because I have always wondered what that meant exactly (I hear it a lot in my occasional play of the classic game StarCraft).

The definition was pretty amusing and you guys HAVE to check out the picture they have associated with it.

Pure Ownage as used in online gaming to stress your superiority on all levels. Spawned from the root word pwn, which originated as a misspelling of the word own. Hence this stupid word is two screw-ups away from anything close to english.


May 29th, 2006, 03:57 PM
Cube1 - i/I


Nun's Pwn God!

June 1st, 2006, 01:44 AM
eupathic_impulse - for confusing an E&W site with The Hive. Want to make meth? Ask somewhere else!

nadeem - posting a video showing his face. Doh!

franklyn - I really hate rainbow colored posts.

Luker - grammar, advertising, post whoring

bghon - i/I, grammar

fullblownalcapone - i/I, grammar

June 2nd, 2006, 03:40 AM
CannonEnthusiastic - UTFSE

iv81 - impudent n00b

devil bear - grammar

swampy1979 - i/I, grammar

June 4th, 2006, 02:17 AM
mr_explosivo - i/I, grammar, +1

sungod - self-destructive emo

Ice_Chief - i/I, +1

Hamseen - i/I, grammar, UTFSE

June 4th, 2006, 06:42 PM
NBK, apparently these idiots are not reading the rules ! Stupid KEWLS ! Understand
this you stupid KEWLS, if you have been banned from here, you're not welcome on
my FTP. I gave you all the chances in the world and you obviously FUCKED UP !
The rule is simple - no matter what board you're on, if you FUCK UP, you're IP will
be permanently BANNED ! Thus you will be denied at least TWO sources of

NBK, keep up the good work because I'm tired of seeing stupid posts and requests
from these ASSHOLES !

June 5th, 2006, 02:22 PM
In all fairness, if it wasn't for the morons that find their way here once in a while.. then I wouldn't get the laughs I do by reading NBKs rants towards them~

June 6th, 2006, 02:05 AM
In all fairness, if it wasn't for the morons that find their way here once in a while.. then I wouldn't get the laughs I do by reading NBKs rants towards them~Ditto. His rants are by far some of the wittiest things around.

June 6th, 2006, 04:00 AM
While I appreciate the support, it comes off sounding dangerously close to sycophantry, especially from n00b's.

Please stop.


dgm - post whoring

szyxn - i/I, grammar, UTFSE, library request

AreteVeteran - i/I, grammar, self-signing

dave_30 - i/I

jkenny - k3wlness

June 9th, 2006, 05:40 AM
kh_961 - i/I, english rape, k3wL

pyrojunkie15 - i/I, grammar

jpraver99 - grammar, UTFSE

June 10th, 2006, 12:44 AM
Damn, in the last week, you've had to weed out and ban 15 of them.

NBK, I can't imagine all the time and effort it takes to do what you do. I'm assuming there is alot of dweebs out there complaining about you, but, as in most endeavors, the boss is most generally the one who works the hardest.

I'm not trying to be a kiss-ass, just thought I'd salute you and Mega (and the mods) for all the work you guys do to provide us with this Forum and keep it filtered.

Many thanks, sirs.

June 12th, 2006, 10:49 PM
Mike32 - k3wl
cube2 - i/I, grammar
corwin - UTFSE

June 13th, 2006, 09:24 PM
MMM - Grammar, crybaby

CrazyIsraeli - i/I, grammar, k3wL

June 15th, 2006, 12:36 AM
agentsheppard - i/I, spoonfeeding

streetfighter - k3wL

tacroy00 - spoonfeeding request

hbx53 - postwhoring, grammar

June 16th, 2006, 06:51 PM
Mr.Azo - Impertinence

June 18th, 2006, 02:13 AM
goatfaced_gorilla - i/I

QSC - quantum stupidity

Bean_Doodle -k3wL

June 19th, 2006, 04:59 PM
JACK_OFALLL_TRADES - library request

fccs - i/I, grammar, post whoring

SmoLL - k3wL

Greggonzalias - post whoring (and you were doing so well...)

June 20th, 2006, 09:33 AM
JACK_OFALLL_TRADES and Mr. Azo have been removed from the FTP. If they
can't abide by the rules here, chances are they won't do it anywhere.

June 21st, 2006, 04:17 AM
notamuppet - k3wL

22ad - i/I, post-whoring

June 21st, 2006, 11:18 AM
I would just like to thank you.
Man you have one busy job to rid rs.org of all
attitudes of kewlness and idiocy.

Because of kewlness and idiocy, CPSC wants science
suppliers to cease trading to the public.

Cleanse the forum free of kewlness and idiocy.
Much appreciated, keep up the good work
Thank you:D :D :D

P.S. I forgot ignorance

Jacks Complete
June 21st, 2006, 11:32 AM
inventorgp, try not to get banned for sucking up!

June 22nd, 2006, 04:33 AM
Gawd NBK, I hope I don't get banned for doing something stupid like not capitolizing my I's which I do sometimes when I've had a couple of beers and venture around forums posting whitty and sometimes kewl (or get banned for being kewl or a smartass) remarks. Being an mech engineer in training sometimes overinflates my ego, although not as inflated as most engineers. Vary rarely do i post something in the kewl catagory though; so I think I will be safe with regards to that.

As for the disscussion on extreme pwnage, check this out.


June 23rd, 2006, 01:06 PM
Alex35 - UTFSE

invader - i/I, grammar

Cerium - k3wL

June 24th, 2006, 09:23 AM
Fuze2short - spoonfeeding request by a n00b in the wrong section, UTFSE.

cokado - i/I, grammar, spoonfeeding request

reubenc - i/I, grammar, spoonfeeding request


Want to know how many idiots I deal with everyday? I've got both this thread, and the admin ban page, as bookmarked links on my FF toolbar, just to streamline the process. :p

June 24th, 2006, 09:31 AM
NBK maybe you could make it when ever a "newbie"
logs in, it opens this thread on the last page?

To many stupid people in the world these days:rolleyes:

June 25th, 2006, 08:39 AM
poisoner - grammar, spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

olorin - i/I, grammar

zajcek01 - should have read the rules regarding foreigners and apologies for bad english. :rolleyes:

matix - i/I, grammar

June 26th, 2006, 11:20 PM
Clinton - i/I, first post/new topic

Cutefix - Insolence

He only got 2 weeks because of his prior contributions, but it'll just as easily be permanent if he doesn't get his shit straight when he comes back.

Let this be a lesson to everyone else here...NO ONE is irreplaceable.

5 years? 600 posts?

Doesn't matter. You'll be gone in a heartbeat for a disrespectful comment.

June 28th, 2006, 08:49 AM
itabiritomg - i/I, grammar, first post/new topic, library request

abaker86 - terminal stupidity (but quite tasty with A1 sauce. :))

Neon - k3wL

AZDesertRat - Grammar

July 2nd, 2006, 06:05 AM
rezahoushiary - posting a spoon-feeding request in a totally inappropriate thread, grammar

coubury - terminal stupidity, i/I, grammar

Danger - grammar, k3wLness

Mr. BIG - i/I, grammar, quoting whole posts

Hgihkcin - i/I, grammar

July 5th, 2006, 08:53 PM
Red_Ivan - spoonfeeding request

olympus999 - i/I, first post/new topic

Frontier9 - UTFSE

raccoony - library request, UTFSE

chrisxusmc - sniveling

armyopie - k3wL

grapp81 - library request

Chris The Great
July 8th, 2006, 01:02 AM

Curiousty gets the better of me, what the heck was he posting to get banned for that?

July 8th, 2006, 02:21 AM
Chris: About how bad the Forum sucked. :p


junoply - library request

iewall - k3wL

Brutha - UTFSE, grammar

crsaz - k3wL, UTFSE

Dog House - insolence

Chris The Great
July 9th, 2006, 06:24 AM
*sniffle* you guys sux cuz yu makez me weetle kewl "brain" hurtz with ur smrtz and how u dont *sniff* think i mafd 10 grmas PTEN *sniff* plastikl and it blew up a truk wiht a 50 foot craterz *sniffle* and u makez me sreach an capillise me i *sniffle* *snort*


July 9th, 2006, 06:49 AM
Chris The Great: LOL, I love your stereotype of a typical k3wl. It has reminded me of a thread I read some time ago when I wasn�t a member.


Seems like a troll, but it�s still sad to believe that some people out there are that stupid.

July 15th, 2006, 05:56 PM
FPScbElmo159- UTFSE, k3wL

chemeng - k3wL

sean1911 - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

grygas - k3wL

Exerd - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

d_c0ded - k3wL

grapp81 - library request

July 15th, 2006, 08:54 PM
Brutha will be removed from the FTP member list upon arriving home !

July 16th, 2006, 05:30 AM
0010110 - oohmpa loompa dippity do! ;) (Don't ask. He'll know what it means)

hamseen3 - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

Mongooser - spoonfeeding request

ThEHiTMaN0 - k3wL

July 18th, 2006, 08:31 AM
cardcon - library request

Ur darkAngel - UTFSE

Gleng - k3wL

bjornebarn - k3wL, UTFSE

th3_agency - k3wL

detcordman - necromancy

y3k7 - necromancy

July 20th, 2006, 11:01 AM
themaxx69 - k3wL and serious Darwin Award candidate.

The Original Silence - i/I, UTFSE, k3wL

July 22nd, 2006, 08:27 AM
oh well it dont matter all the sh*t i have to go through and listen to
i found the link anyway the hell with everbody else
az long as i get what i want cuz im a selfish sob

I'll tease the beast with this tasty little k3wL, for he has not opend his mouth here yet, but when he opens his mouth I"m sure it will have k3wl written all over it, for he has proven this already! :rolleyes:

July 23rd, 2006, 05:23 AM
igotsomebeers - k3wL (Why wait for the inevitable?)

cletus - UTFSE, library request

FPScbElmo159 - i/I, spoonfeeding request

oursoonerfan - k3wl, UTFSE, spoonfeeding request

braegler - i/I, grammar, self-signing of posts

Mayhem87 - i/I, grammar

_Raven_ - grammar, UTFSE

2steady - grammar, UTFSE

podes88 - k3wL, spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

antbuddum - i/I, grammar

Bulb - i/I, grammar

Surferus - spoonfeeding request

July 25th, 2006, 02:09 AM
0010110 - oohmpa loompa dippity do!

Reminds me of the chant from "Freaks".

July 25th, 2006, 07:04 AM
naturallite7 - k3wL, UTFSE

BulletSmith - grammar

shock_flame - Library request, in the wrong section too.


Oohmpa loompa...

is originally from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"

July 29th, 2006, 03:49 AM
polymer - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

ak-47_gunner - i/I, grammar

rask of treve - i/I, grammar

Aodhfin - UTFSE

bodycouNt - i/I, kewl, UTFSE, homework request

Moltar - plagerism

supernegro - troll

rutherford - post flooding

Lord General - Grammar

July 30th, 2006, 02:29 AM
dana_m_h - i/I, grammar

HavoKane - Library request

chuvak11 - i/I, grammar

TheHitMan - Impertinence

This last one is a special case because he tried to coerce me into restarting the LockDown! forum in a time and manner not of my choosing.

FYI, the URL for this bogus forum is: http://www.poisonousescorts.co.uk/forum/

I do NOT have anything to do with this site, and anyone who goes there is giving up their IP info to a known 'Enemy of the State'. ;)

While it is kind of funny that it's hosted on a escort service :D, what's not so funny is the idea of someone...hell, ANYONE...thinking that they can make me do something that I don't want to do. :mad:

When I do get that forum up again, it'll be under my complete and total control, with all the domains (.com/.org/.etc) under my control as well.

Have a good night.

July 30th, 2006, 11:21 AM
nbk2000 do your really permanently ban people for every grammar error?

When I make just some stupid error, forget about some letter - just because I'm writing too fast (it happens sometimes you know) - are you really going to ban me forever?

When someone makes this kind of errors it doesn't mean he's a scum - you have here many people from non-english speaking countries with different level of english grammar knowledge.


Corrected his grammar. :)


July 30th, 2006, 08:55 PM
moh1980 - i/I, grammar, spoonfeeding request

USApatriot - Post flooding, Advertising


Consistant failure to use proper grammar, or just generally lazy posting style, results in a ban.


Read the first page of this thread for the answer.

July 31st, 2006, 07:45 PM
shawns_maggot - i/I, spoonfeeding request

film4 is now free - k3wL, spoonfeeding request

August 3rd, 2006, 01:57 AM
kyle32123 - i/I, spoonfeeding request

furdog - k3wL, UTFSE

rillistkilla - grammar, library request

horsedude - grammar, spoonfeeding request

grittysoap - post-flooding

August 4th, 2006, 12:16 PM
I admit I missed some of these in the past and others were very recent.

Removed from FTP: Antarticus, Aodhfin, Blausy, HavoKane, Ice_Chief,
and Quicksilver.

Remember, it's at least a 2 SOURCES ban if you're on the FTP !

August 4th, 2006, 07:40 PM
Merc100 - Spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

BiggChan - Spoonfeeding request

blasterx - Post flooding

PS. A request for FTP assistance was moved to a relevant thread. This is the WORST thread in which to ask for such help. ;)

August 9th, 2006, 12:11 AM
TEC-9 - k3wL, grammar, spoonfeeding request

labi - library request, post-flooding

VooDooMan - Necromancy

d00rnas - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

Lasarus - copy pasta, UTFSE

aldebaran - library request


Out of 96 new member signups that I went through today, 33 were denied from the get-go, because of their usernames.

If your choosen username is the same as your e-mail address (from a common mail provider like Yahoo!/G-Mail/Hotmail/etc), or an easily guessable variation thereof (only 1 or 2 numbers or letters difference), expect to be denied.


How about preventing someone from spamming members e-mails using prediction based scripts, for purposes of impersonation or entrapment?

Have to save people from themselves sometimes. :)

August 9th, 2006, 11:45 PM
Tectonic - UTFSE

Dizzious - i/I, grammar, UTFSE

Matavzh - Grammar, UTFSE

August 10th, 2006, 09:35 AM
Out of 96 new member signups that I went through today, 33 were denied from the get-go, because of their usernames.

If your choosen username is the same as your e-mail address (from a common mail provider like Yahoo!/G-Mail/Hotmail/etc), or an easily guessable variation thereof (only 1 or 2 numbers or letters difference), expect to be denied.


How about preventing someone from spamming members e-mails using prediction based scripts, for purposes of impersonation or entrapment?

Have to save people from themselves sometimes. :)

Sounds like a good idea but I disagree for many reasons.

Many people who sign up with a user name which is the same as their email would already have the general internet identity, or name they use for everything. You could be banning people with a sole nickname, or internet nickname, who could turn out very good members of the forum.

Many people who sign up would use a new username for that they would need a new email, I know I wouldn�t feel too safe signing up to this forum if my identity could be revealed through my email.

There are a lot of good people who have the same username as their email (none I can recall directly but I remember seeing at least 2 active contributing members).

I have the same email as my user name and I haven�t been banned :) ... yet :o ;).

I also saw you mention G-Mail, last time I got G-Mail I had to be invited by another G-Mail user (Unless its changed since). It isn�t one of those easy email signups where those spammers could get through as easy.

Just my 2 cents.

August 11th, 2006, 07:14 AM
Many people who sign up would use a new username for that they would need a new email, I know I wouldn’t feel too safe signing up to this forum if my identity could be revealed through my email.

And that's the very reason why they're denied...because the username they choose was identical (or nearly so) to their e-mail address on a common mailserver, making it too easy to guess.

I started out the same way (years ago), but have since learned my lesson, and am enforcing it on others for their own protection.

If they want a common username for easy finding across the internet, that's their business, but I'll not be making it easy for our enemies (and we do have them) to harrass our members.

As for people who are already here and have similiar username/e-mail addys...all I can suggest is that they change them. I'll not be retroactively applying this to existing members, just to new signups.

August 12th, 2006, 06:56 AM
guitar0404 - spoonfeeding request

Cierva - Library request

dockspock - spoonfeeding request


New members need to catch a clue and realize that asking for something from us without having first 'payed in' by contributing will result in instant banning.

Don't ask for a book, a link, a picture, an answer, or even a hint of an answer unless you've brought something useful and unique to share with us first.

The only person who'll ever see your post is me or mega, and you'll disappear with no one ever having seen your stupidity, or knowing anything of your existance outside of a digital etching in this electronic mausoleum. :)

August 13th, 2006, 01:04 AM
kennygkevin - i/I, grammar, UTFSE

bucktownusa - i/I, grammar, spoonfeeding request

August 14th, 2006, 07:28 AM
fernandomierhicks - i/I, grammar, UTFSE

azorbix - grammar

August 15th, 2006, 07:04 AM
garbage_canman - i/I, grammar, UTFSE, spoonfeeding request

m505 - rape of the english language

Kitsune 205 - UTFSE

August 16th, 2006, 02:25 AM
ataraxia - k3wL, post-flooding

Anarchism_skater - i/I, grammar, UTFSE, spoonfeeding request, k3wL

August 16th, 2006, 04:21 AM
What is it with people from the netherlands?

It seems the only people who bother me with pissy e-mails is whiners from there.

Vulture for starters, and now some other emo wanna-be 4@k0r.

Don't these ass-hats know they can't win?

This latest asshat thought he was being clever by hiding a script in a post to try and steal passwords...from school no less.

I won't go into the details of how this asshat fucked up, but lets say that he's not going to feel so clever when his mom chews his ass out for having to visit the principle. :)

August 16th, 2006, 08:13 AM
What is it with people from the Netherlands?
Crumbling moral and social values, liberalistic laissez-faire laws (soft drugs, crime, ... ) and street (nigga)culture influence promoted by various 'hip' TV-music channels,
would be a major factor that those punks from the Netherlands try to fart all over the place with their kewlish posts and questions, lacking substance or courtesy.

There is ample evidence of that on other (Dutch-speaking) pyro/explosive forums I visit once in a while. None come even close to matching the quality and moderation that is present on RS and the overall knowledge on these forums is rather poor in general (although exceptions exist).

I believe Vulture was from Belgium instead of the Netherlands?

Anyway, I hope you made an example out of this fuckhead who tried to screw you.

Nobody should be allowed trying to piss in our fountain of knowledge or try to fuck around with it's admins/mods/members.

August 16th, 2006, 09:31 AM
I believe Vulture was from Belgium instead of the Netherlands?
Nevertheless, Vulture is just another whining, crybaby liberal brat that I think we all loved to see 'get gone' from here. Doesn't really matter where the turd is from.

The mere fact that he is now 'of power' over a chemistry forum which allows only ONE forum section relating to energetic materials yet strictly FORBIDS the inclusion of topics pertaining to practical use of them is fricken gutless and queer. With three fingers massaging his prostrate and the other hand enticing the members over there (most were banned from here previously) into his circle-jerk he banishes all free thought from every single thread until climax... and the members there slurp it up like nice little lapdoggies.

Netherlands or Belgium. No real matter. Turds like Vulture come from all walks of life...

...now if his momma hadn't eaten the baby and instead raised the afterbirth he might have turned out alright... ;)

August 16th, 2006, 10:22 PM
Now, fester, no need to launch personal attacks. I am sure vulture once had something of value to contribute. Some people take getting banned from a website far too seriously if you ask me. Oh the injustice of it all...

Speaking of which, I have an email to respond to, but it was posted anonymously.

The haphazard banning by NBK is totally irresponsible, I know that those of you who have been here for many years also find truth to this statement, but are unable to control him due to the fact that you have known him for to long and have been around each other from your first posts together. Now that our collective govt's. has been cracking down on those of us with this penchant of a hobby, I thought the time was here to stick together. As it is, he seems to abuse the same power that I tend to rebel against. It's too bad....I had much to contribute and asked very little. Well's 1984 is alive and well....and right here on this forum.

Dear sir,

A fine speech, Spartacus, but who do you recommend to replace him and do the job of keeping out the unending hoard of idiots, juvenile delinquents, hackers, script kiddies, and trouble makers? I assume you are aware that every other website that discusses similar content as The Forum has failed miserably because anarchy was allowed free reign?

I call this the irony of �freedom through censorship.� A line has to be drawn somewhere, e.g., a math class is not the place to discuss history. The Forum is continuously inundated with irrelevant posts, and nbk2000 has adopted the scorched earth policy to deal with it. Without nbk there would be no Forum at all. Would that be more to your liking?


August 17th, 2006, 02:27 AM
It is unthinkable, to me at least, how someone can work up the nerve to criticize the one man on these forums who has toiled endlessly for nearly a decade to provide complete strangers with a place to coherently, safely, and most importantly accurately discuss subjects surrounding explosives and weapons.

I realize that, as a newb, I�m walking on thin ice by even posting in this thread, but I assure you my post does contain some insight on a possible improvement to this board (or at least the beginnings to one).

When I first joined this forum, nearly a year ago, I decided to heed the rules and keep my mouth shut while I browsed the forum on a daily basis reading threads that interested me like chapters in a book. Most of the relevant knowledge I have about explosives and weapons at the moment has been accumulated from this forum�s threads as well as from the �recommended readings� so generously distributed by its members over this past year, and I still have much to learn.

I began to see this place as a meeting of the minds. Simply observing the subjects being discussed here gave me the impression that any member that has lasted for a considerable while here (several years) and still posts on a regular basis should by now have at least a bachelor�s degree in some scientific field (or should at the very least have most of the knowledge necessary to attain one if he were given the opportunity to do so).
This led me to the thought that perhaps there could be a simpler process then the perpetual banning of idiots to maintain the quality of these boards. Perhaps, just as members here earn their titles by contributing, members should earn the ability to discuss the topics on this forum by first passing placement tests.

While at first this concept might sound ridiculously difficult to implement, I have thought of some ways in which this could work. Required readings could be made available to all who wish to take them, via rapidshare/public FTP. The Chemistry Discourse and Engineering Discourse could be locked to all new members. In order to gain access to these sections of the forum, new members would be required to take a timed multiple choice exam (50 to 100 questions from a test bank of 1000 should suffice). They would be given a set number of tries (let�s say 5) after which their account will be banned if they fail to pass. The questions don�t need to be difficult and can discuss safe lab procedures, fundamentals of physics and chemistry and most anything else that newbs would be expected to know before posting.

The software to administer these exams should be readily available as I have seen many collages and universities use it recently. My first year Organic Chemistry lab for instance, required that, before each lab, we complete a 10 question multiple choice quiz online and receive at least a passing mark of 80% before we were allowed to actually conduct the experiment (for safety reasons).

The forum would definitely benefit from less �UTFSE� responses and new members would better understand the type of behavior that is expected from them. With a bit of imagination, one can even take things further and make a hierarchical system on this forum where your title would be based on the tests you completed and the scores you received on the said tests (IMHO this would better reflect the amount of knowledge one has then the number of posts does). This by no means is meant to be a replacement to the system currently in place, but rather, a supplement.

While I obviously do not have all the knowledge necessary to create such a system on my own, should this idea be adopted by the greater powers here, I will do everything in my power to assist in its construction and implementation.

August 17th, 2006, 12:52 PM
KewL shouts out:

"I'm Spartacus!"

*everyone else points at him*

"He IS Spartacus!"

NBK procedes to crucify him. :)


It's all well and good the new members make suggestions, but they always fall into the fallacy of thinking that it's an ORIGINAL suggestion...when in fact, it's not.

Timed testing, graduated access levels, etc....all discussed and rejected.

A new member can either keep his mute button pressed, read the board for a while, and not get banned for saying something stupid.


He can turn his volume up to MAX, spew forth a deluge of shit because he can't be bothered to UTFSE, and get banned.

We give everyone an equal chance to succeed here. Whether they do or not is up to them and the choices they make.


Also, I'd like to say that the only time Mega gets really whiny pleas for my ouster is when I temporarily ban someone.

I guess that's because they're feeling the loss, but think that they're somehow being unfairly discriminated against since they're still members...only they can't post for 2 weeks.

Perhaps, rather than giving the few 'wobblers' (those who could be BFL'd, but show enough promise to just get a spanking) a break, I should just BFL everyone, everytime, who has it coming.

'Course, I can think of only maybe 5 wobblers in the last quarter, so it wouldn't be much of a loss, I think. :)

August 20th, 2006, 01:00 PM
royalman987 - wanna-be hitman :rolleyes:

kyyyyle - i/I, spoonfeeding

SAURUS - library request


Marsh, over at SM.org, is whining about being banned.

Perhaps if he didn't have the same IP as a script kiddie trying to steal our passwords, he'd still be here.

The :p he got as a reason, is the same reason given to the 5 other accounts created at the same time from the same IP. :p

IF...by some incredible circumstance of innocent coincidence...Marsh isn't the script kiddie...tough luck, collateral damage and all that, eh chap? ;)

August 20th, 2006, 05:21 PM
Aldebaran - BLOWN AWAY !

August 21st, 2006, 12:21 AM
Ah, so I see that I am the prey and the forum is the mighty beast that will not hesitate to slaughter me and bathe in my blood...

So I must not alert the predator to my presence, by abiding by the rules and studying the predator, and learn from the various mistakes that several other...uh...creatures have made.

Once I realize the ways of the predator, I will then need to learn to walk in its ways.

However, I must be careful to not alert the predator that I am avoiding it and learning from it, for it would surely slaughter me and bathe in my very digital blood.


August 21st, 2006, 03:14 PM
Keep in mind nbk2000 got his start as a newbie who enforced the rules by sheer presence of will despite having absolutely no moderator powers whatsoever. He followed the way of the predator, and was just so damned good at it.

Mods are chosen, not granted access because they want the job. If you are quick enough to spot a kewl before we do, don't hesitate to stomp on his crimes. Maybe he can recant and edit his post before it is too late, or we will be more likely to spot his mischief, and you will be well on your way to being chosen as a mod...

Kyyyyle was the one that emailed me that question I posted in the Staff Section, by the way.

August 22nd, 2006, 03:00 PM



A demand (sometimes phrased as a request) for highly detailed procedures and current sources of materials, for a task or process that could otherwise be found if the user could be bothered to UTFSE, rather than asking long-time members to spoonfeed the information to the zero-post n00b like a coddled infant.


August 22nd, 2006, 08:54 PM
nbk: thanks for the pointer above on spamers harvesting our e-mail accounts. I thought not using names was to keep "The Man" from finding out our identities - useless in these days of Carnivour and Echelon.

Concerning grammar - I just read a paper on KNO3-Sugar rocket propellant - the best I ever read on this propellant. The three professors from Malaysia who wrote it were not proficient in English. I've also read papers with impecable grammar that were totally confusing. Grammar and spelling are tools, poor tools make it more difficult to create a good product, but good tools do not guarantee a good product, either.

August 23rd, 2006, 02:25 AM
Native adult english speakers have ZERO excuse for having failed to grasp at least the rudimentary principles of their own language.

Grammar is a tool, yes, but a necessary one for communicating ideas. It is not, however, the only tool needed.

If a native english speaker cannot construct a sentence capable of clearly communicating an idea in an unambiguous fashion, then they need to NOT be here, where ambiguity can equal death or disfigurement.

Grammar is just a box in which concepts are placed. If the concepts are just thrown in at random, then all you have is a random jumble. Placed in neat order, they can convey meaning.

I forget what the exact word for it is when pictures or objects are arranged in such a way as to convey a word or phrase, but that is what I'm thinking of, with the above analogy. Anagram?

August 23rd, 2006, 02:42 AM
I forget what the exact word for it is when pictures or objects are arranged in such a way as to convey a word or phrase, but that is what I'm thinking of, with the above analogy. Anagram?

I believe you are referring to pictograms. These are images or objects used to convey a message or explain a concept. Totem poles, hieroglyphs and traffic symbols are some examples of pictograms.

An anagram is formed when the letters of one word or sentence are rearranged to produce another word or sentence. One example would be: earth = heart. In general, it is especially desirable if the words that equate each other share some common concept or relate to each other in some way.

August 23rd, 2006, 04:03 AM
It's not a pictogram, because that's a single picture or image intended to convey an idea or concept. Japanese and Chinese are pictographic in orgin.

This is a series of pictures that make up a sentence.

Like (BOARD GAME) + (CAT) + (MOUSE)= Game of Cat and Mouse

()=Picture of object

August 23rd, 2006, 04:03 AM
PiSing - conspiring to entrap

A5stalker - scripting

August 23rd, 2006, 06:07 AM
I forget what the exact word for it is when pictures or objects are arranged in such a way as to convey a word or phrase, but that is what I'm thinking of, with the above analogy. Anagram?

Could the word you are looking for, be 'rebus' ?

re�bus n. pl. re�bus�es :

1. A representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols, often presented as a puzzle

2. A puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words

August 23rd, 2006, 06:40 PM
Yes, rebus is exactly what I was thinking of. :)

August 24th, 2006, 01:05 PM
Sorry if I ruffled any ... scales? ... nbk. I've had to teach people who couldn't empty a noxious liquid from a boot with the instructions written on the sole technical subjects that could save their lives. It teaches one patience and tolerance, as eventually it does diffuse through their skulls.

I believe that the metaphor that fits what I was trying to convey is that a boiling tea kettle may be full of substance, but without articulation, all that comes out is noise.

I go before my whisling becomes too loud. Also, I want to listen to CNN. Some detonics "pros" may have lost more than a finger or two down in Texas.

August 24th, 2006, 03:29 PM
manicrobbins - spoonfeeding request

August 24th, 2006, 10:13 PM
If it seems like The Beast has been excessively gorging himself lately, that's only because we are getting about 100-200 newb apps a day now. Proportionally the same fraction of a percent gets H.E.D., but that fraction represents a growing crowd.

Run some more barb wire! Stoke the furnaces! Get those barracks built! The trains are arriving soon… The price of intellectual freedom is eternal vigilance against kewls!

August 25th, 2006, 01:17 PM
The price of intellectual freedom is eternal vigilance against kewls!

Haha that is priceless, that should go in NBK's Sig.:D

August 25th, 2006, 02:32 PM
I suspect the recent influx of membership is due to the hordes of sheeple growing fearful of the wolves to come.

Now they embrace the sheepdog (most of our posting membership) they loathed from the start... what they fail to realize, though, is they run right into the very Dire Wolf they fear the most and within our midst, even... as we 'sheepherders' are also canine and have lost our tolerance for the sheeple and have long-since turned our obediences to the wolf (for guidance, knowledge, and also a 'sprinkle or two' of good entertainment :D ).

If only they had listened and learned before... sigh.

[EDIT: Reading through this thread once again from beginning to end I find close to 50 so far have lost their lives to The Beast for failure to UTFSE. Most amusingly, many have posted in the "Newbies: How Did You Find The Forum" sticky thread stating they 'googled' their way here or found this site with some other search engine, but once here evidently seem to have lost the capacity to use that engine or even the onsite one... Where's the malfunction, I wonder? :confused: ]

August 26th, 2006, 11:54 PM
Most amusingly, many have posted in the "Newbies: How Did You Find The Forum" sticky thread stating they 'googled' their way here or found this site with some other search engine, but once here evidently seem to have lost the capacity to use that engine or even the onsite one...

Yes. I would say that many of the sheeple have come from other kewl forums, in which they were not ready for the rules that would be implied here. If you think about it, only forum users search for other forums...

August 27th, 2006, 03:21 AM
rsgpit - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

Naota - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

Shalafi - i/I, grammar

ShaDD0w - spoonfeeding request, grammar

August 27th, 2006, 06:28 PM
magi - advertising

disko - UTFSE

littlepiglittlepig2 - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

August 28th, 2006, 05:30 PM
Oh, this is going to be good. He's gone and stuck his head in the beast's cave. Something should get bitten off shortly...

August 28th, 2006, 07:07 PM
hashashin - i/I, grammar, wrong section, taunting the Beast :p

ukiechemistry - UTFSE

Pr1tchard - i/I, grammar, UTFSE, k3wL

Naota - UTFSE

August 31st, 2006, 10:07 AM
composition_b - Spoonfeeding Request, UTFSE

September 1st, 2006, 08:58 AM
vigs - i/I, Spoonfeeding Request

GuyFawks - Grammar

fellow_researcher - Grammar

September 3rd, 2006, 07:34 AM
I would just like to say I have scars from a foolish obsession with TOTSE and consider myself a complete novice, but I'm learning and am thinking of a post secondary degree in chemistry now. Thank you NBK, if it wasn't for you the world could be missing a few future Ghandi's or Hitler's.

Thank you NBK.

I think I will go cower in the WC for a while now.

P.S. Notice my deliberate avoidance of things like (to, too, and two) and (their, there, and they're).

September 4th, 2006, 06:48 PM
Bradt - 1+1 chemistry, UTFSE

September 5th, 2006, 06:51 AM
Bradt - 1+1 chemistry,
Nice new one. As you've said before "chemistry isn't as easy as 1+1" but it would be hardly fair to ban someone souly for that, not that you have done so yet, I’m sure that guy deserved it.

Would you ever ban somebody for a mistake they made in chemistry assuming its as easy as 1+1?

September 5th, 2006, 10:43 AM
Yes, which is what got this idiot banned.

You don't come into a highly technical field like organic chemistry and expect it to be as simple as 1+1=2. :rolleyes:

Anyone lacking such common sense is a walking dead man when around explosives...just a matter of time. ;)

September 8th, 2006, 10:30 AM
mac-ptrx - k3wL, grammar

vizionar - spoonfeeding

rick6 - grammar

F1reman - uselessness

September 10th, 2006, 03:20 AM
Christ almighty! I feel sorry for nbk. You think the ordinary forumites have it tough, that poor guy has to read ALL of the flippin noob posts. Though I do admit, I would not mind ruthelessly banning foolish people. However, I would probably never be able to tolerate doing it constantly. I have to ask... How the fuck can you put up with it?

Here I've been reading the banned-for-life section and thought that the kewl's had finaly got the idea. Evidently not. Something must be done about them, but what? You can't educate them, atleast not enough, they will only be a danger to themselves or others (not a problem persay...). Though at the same time, turning them away may very well be discouraging the growth of a very sophistocated mind. Oh well, I suppose allowing this seemingly tireless beast to feast upon the inferior flesh is as close to a solution as is necessary.

We are indebted to nbk, as well as all the others who's patience is great enough to bear the burdon of the judgement of the new-commers.

A note to the noobs who read this thread and think nbk is a nazi, he is, get over it. In this genocidal campaign against the stupid, he is no less than the leader. If your banned, it's for your own good.

P.S., "F1reman - uselessness" Fucking hilarious, you make it sound as if he was banned for simply existing.

September 10th, 2006, 08:41 AM
Firstly, I must say that I approve of whole heartedly the banning of 98% of these fools, but as just mentioned, I am sure some of them have potential in the sciences that now goes untapped.

Perhaps we could design some sort of extended chemistry quiz to get their usernames unbanned? I think that that may constructive. It would remain a functional deterrent to all the k3wls and such others, but possibly a feeling of triumph for some who actully have potential, but just screwed up.

Or you could just keep feeding, it is not going to affect me either way. On with the stultacide!

September 10th, 2006, 02:08 PM
The term 'K3wL' is a rather unique inside joke which a lot of n00bs don't understand.

But everyone understand what it means when someone is referred to as 'useless'. :)

As for how I can tolerate doing this everyday, the job is its own reward. ;)

September 10th, 2006, 06:14 PM
I keep nbk supplied with bottles of vodka and asian hookers as long as he kills the kewls :)

September 11th, 2006, 01:13 AM
Asian hookers... I hope a supply of rubbers is also in the deal, plenty of vinerial diseases fester in the tropic asian climates.

As for the job being it's own reward, I can see where it would be enjoyable. It would certianly be better than working elsewhere, where clients have their rights and unions and all that other bull shit. Here you can just fuck them over and then fuck over anyone who complains about it. It's like being a postal employee without all the jail/police crap.

September 11th, 2006, 04:03 AM
As for the job being it's own reward, I can see where it would be enjoyable.

nbk was saying, the benefit of having a scientific forum, in his interests, free of kewls outweighs the job of banning them.

The term 'K3wL' is a rather unique inside joke which a lot of n00bs don't understand.

But everyone understand what it means when someone is referred to as 'useless'.
As newbies don’t know what the terms UTFSE, necromancy, spoonfeeding request etc. mean.

The new bannable offences and terms should be put into the rules, not all the newbies know what we mean when we are talking about them and I believe its fair that they should know.

I have prepared a list of rules/terms incase you want to use them, some of which have been taken from things nbk has said.

They are probably not the most accurate so change them if you must.

UTFSE – standing for Use The Fucking Search Engine, usually used in the case where a newbie doesn’t do a search (forum and google) before they post, asking for information where they could have simply found it themselves without disturbing other members.

Usually runs alongside a spoonfeeding request.

This one by nbk. Spoonfeeding request – A demand (sometimes phrased as a request) for highly detailed procedures and current sources of materials, for a task or process that could otherwise be found if the user could be bothered to UTFSE, rather than asking long-time members to spoonfeed the information to the zero-post n00b like a coddled infant.

i/I – A common mistake where the user fails to capitalize their letter i to I and im to I’m etc. when referring to themselves.

Grammar – Obviously where the user fails to use proper grammar such as i/I, commas, full stops etc. in the right way.

Paragraph breaks should also be used when discussing different topics/points of view, as has been done to separate the general explanation of grammar from the discussion on paragraph breaks.

1+1 chemistry – Where the user assumes that chemistry is as easy as 1+1.

People are banned for this because, as nbk stated, “You don't come into a highly technical field like organic chemistry and expect it to be as simple as 1+1=2.

Anyone lacking such common sense is a walking dead man when around explosives...just a matter of time.”

Library request – A demand (sometimes phrased as a request) for literature from forum members without first contributing something in return, the information, in some cases could be found if the user could be bothered to UTFSE.

English rape – A general rape of the English language where the user lacks manners to use proper spelling and grammar in their posts, usually banning occurs when the user cannot be understood by their shocking spelling and grammar.

Nationality is not an excuse.

Necromancy – Communicating with members that have been “dead” for a long time, usually by bringing up old threads.

Users must check that the person they are trying to communicate with is still a visitor of this forum.

A mixture of these usually result in banning than souly one, although it can happen.

P.S. If I have got anything wrong please tell me.

Chris The Great
September 11th, 2006, 04:49 PM
Firstly, I must say that I approve of whole heartedly the banning of 98% of these fools, but as just mentioned, I am sure some of them have potential in the sciences that now goes untapped.

Perhaps we could design some sort of extended chemistry quiz to get their usernames unbanned? I think that that may constructive. It would remain a functional deterrent to all the k3wls and such others, but possibly a feeling of triumph for some who actully have potential, but just screwed up.

The fact is, if they couldn't be bothered to read the rules when they signed up and abide by them, they won't make good scientists. All the nuturing minds is BS. When I showed up, I didn't know much, but I read the rules, and I obeyed those rules. If they can't do that, they aren't going to learn, and I don't want them here and nobody else does.

All this talk about how to keep them from being banned is just as bad as trying to get ghetto-dwellers to integrate into proper life by giving them chance upon chance, special schools, economic benefits, etc. You might notice that ghetto's are still a huge problem no matter how much time and money we sink into them. It simply does not work, and extermination or removal is really the only viable solution. Yes, occasionally once and a while somebody successful comes out of a ghetto, but they didn't need the special help anyways, they wanted to be part of a real society.

(edited in quoted text so people can tell what the hell I'm responding too)

September 12th, 2006, 10:10 AM
I have to agree with Chris and a few others on the "potential" mind of a newbe. In my 58 years on this earth I've met more than one person that had "Potential". They really are quite easy to recognize because that "potential" shows itself in what they do. They study and research what intrests them, they may ask a lot of questions about some part they don't understand. But their questions are intelligent because the do grasp many facets of what they study.

They aren't likely to ask "Why is the sky blue?" but they may very well ask a question about refraction. They really will have some idea of what their talking about and it should show in the questions they ask. I've never met anyone that had "potential" that had to be spoon fed and in fact have found that most of the ones I've offered a basic 4 or 5 book list have already read 1 or 2 of them.

I really doubt we've scared off many that had real potential and if we did it won't stop them from exploring it further one way or another. I know when I first found this site NBK seemed like a real mad nazi storm trooper but I figured the worst he could do was kick me out of here. So I kept my head low and my mouth shut and listened to what was being said.

It didn't take too long to figure out there actually was a method to his madness. Even though we don't agree on everything I sure would hate to see what this place would become without him here. Those that really "get it" will survive, those that don't probably didn't deserve to survive anyway. We really don't need some idiot to blow his hand off and tell the LEOs and Press "I was just trying some stuff I read on roguesci.org". If they really have potential, they'll show it, if not, well .... the Beast has to eat somebody.

September 12th, 2006, 11:09 AM
I agree with Chris.

Sifting through the newbs looking for potential is like sifting through the niggers looking for a smart one. While I'm sure they are out there, the effort required to find them far outweights their worth.

Another analogy would be trying to find a dollar in a swimming pool full of shit. It just so isn't worth it.

In my opinion, those with potential will make themselves known by floating on the top of the shit-pool and need to be skimmed off and nurtured.

When I first came here, I was a totse newb. But I read the rules of the forum, and posted first in the watercooler IIRC. Every day when I came online, I was filled with the fear of being banned, for I had realised what a source of knowledge that I had stumbled upon.

If the shitsticks don't rever this source they have come upon, they don't deserve to be here regardless of their potential. There are always others that are willing to take their place.

Here, if you are shit or unproven and fall behind, you WILL be left behind.

September 12th, 2006, 05:25 PM
I am The Forums Gom Jabbar, that which is used to kill those who fail the "humanity test"; that being the will to seek answers on your own, to show self-respect and self-restraint, to act like a human (and not an animal) by not raping the language of humans, courtesy towards others, etc.

Fail the humanity test and feel the sting of Roguesci's Gom Jabbar, fool!

September 12th, 2006, 09:12 PM
Nice reference there NBK. I take it you have read Dune (or seen the movie). Pretty sweet series of books. Are you sure you're not the God-Emperor?


As a newbie, you may not know this, but there are many references made to Dune on this forum, by both me and megalomania. ;)


September 13th, 2006, 12:10 AM
Sifting through the newbs looking for potential is like sifting through the niggers looking for a smart one. While I'm sure they are out there, the effort required to find them far outweights their worth.

Agreed 100%, though I must say that there are some "niggers" out there that are very intelligent and may be viewing this forum as we speak. ;)

Anyway, for everyone new that may be reading this, ABIDE BY THE RULES. Post as if you would be struck down by the very hand of GOD if you made just ONE mistake.

Don't quote whole posts!

September 13th, 2006, 12:59 AM
Mabye you guys could make up a quiz/test that is a pre-req for signing up to the forum. This would definately cut down on the kewl content and might force some people to learn how to search for stuff if they want to advance there knowledge.

Something like 25 googleable multiple choice e&w questions and 10-15 fill in the blank RULES questions and one written one where they have to use correct grammer and have to sound somewhat intellegent. If they can't pass the multiple choice or the fill in the blank, no need to look at there written one.

And I'm shure the forumites could keep you supplied with fresh and new questions. :D

September 13th, 2006, 02:23 AM
If you are intelligent, you can hardly be classified as a nigger. A nigger is identified by his deeds. You can be white and still wear pants 10 sizes too large, wear your cap at a jaunty angle, and hold a gun like a crippled retard while holding up a convenience store for $20 with 3 cop cruisers in the parking lot.

I busa cap in yo ass beyach!
I sez I gona busa cap!
Your going to bus your cap?
I sez I gablibbty flibbty foo!
Do you require medical assistance? I think he is having some sort of allergic reaction. Look how his lips and nose are swollen.
Gefarbin bloosh tehog! Ookuu chaakaa ookuu chaakaa!
I say, I think he wants a bananna. Here you go lad, now run along and play basketball.

I commend Atlas33 upon the sand. Burning be on you, Atlas33! You shall have no soul, nor spirit, nor body, nor shade nor magic nor bones, nor hair nor utterances nor words. You shall have no grave, nor house nor hole nor tomb. You shall have no garden, nor tree nor bush. You shall have no water, nor bread nor light nor fire. You shall have no children, nor family nor heirs nor tribe. You shall have no head, nor arms nor legs nor gait nor seed. You shall have no seats on any planet. Your soul shall not be permitted to come up from the depths, and they shall never be among those permitted to live upon the earth. On no day shall you behold Shai-Hulud, but you shall be bound and fettered in the nethermost abomination and your soul shall never enter into the glorious light for ever and ever.

September 13th, 2006, 09:42 AM
Another suggestion for n00b's is to read a thread before posting, to make sure that what they are posting hasn't already been mentioned numerous times before.


September 13th, 2006, 11:02 AM
Really Mega? I always thought that was a wigger (white/wannabe nigger I believe).

Normally, when I use the term nigger, its in reference to Aboriginal scum, as I don't really have much contact with another other black people.

Just a little OT there, sorry 'bout that.

Sausagemit - That kind of turns RS into a regular little classroom doesn't it? I would say it would be too much work on the moderators to have to wade through however many essays a day. No offence intended Sausagemit.

September 13th, 2006, 01:34 PM
I would say it would be too much work on the moderators to have to wade through however many essays a day. No offence intended Sausagemit.

None taken

I was thinkin more along the lines of using one of those free quiz sites where one would only get a registration # if they passed the quiz. And it would be all automated. After the quiz is set up it requires very little work.

Then this would acctaully be less work for the mods because they would not have to wade through as many kewl posts and bannings.

September 13th, 2006, 04:35 PM
All this quiz/test/prove yourself stuff was debated and disregarded years ago... Trust me, I have been doing this a looooong time, I have debated every angle. I am not in the habit of exponentially increasing my work load to coddle idiots.

Follow the rules and live, disregard the rules and die. There’s your test.

September 16th, 2006, 04:10 AM
Besides the banned for life section would cease to exist without new idiots. Just think what atrocities against mankind nbk would think of if his diabolical mind wasn't focused on cruelly ripping the very souls out of k3w15 and feasting on their oh so ignorant lifeforces.

September 16th, 2006, 06:53 AM
The Forum is an agoric-annealing participatory democracy with a limited liability constitution.

Its current executive agency is a weakly godlike intelligence that chooses to associate with human-equivalent intelligences: This agency is colloquially known as "NBK", or "The Beast" and may manifest itself in a variety of physical avatars if corporeal interaction is desired.

(Prior to the arrival of "NBK" The Forum used a variety of human-designed expert systems that provided suboptimal performance.)

The Forum's mission statement is to provide a mediatory environment for human-equivalent intelligences and to preserve same in the face of external aggression.

Citizens are encouraged to participate in the ongoing political processes of determining such responses. Citizens also have a duty to serve on a jury if called (including senatorial service), and to defend The Forum.


Actually, a paraphrasing from a neat SF novel.

September 16th, 2006, 03:21 PM
Your custom user title is very fitting, nbk2000. ;)

September 16th, 2006, 10:04 PM
kangry - Library Request

kersasp - DEMANDING a book! :rolleyes:

2Grossman - advertising

September 17th, 2006, 11:56 PM
guerrilla_radio - Useless, UTFSE

PHARRIS001 - Spoonfeeding Request

September 18th, 2006, 12:38 AM
Well, what could you expect with a idiot name like guerrilla_radio which happens to be one of the lamest most over played RATM songs ever.

Now I'm going to have to change my sig just out of principal.

September 19th, 2006, 12:05 AM
I take it there will be a constant flood of prey for the beast to feed upon?

Well... I can't say that this is indeed a bad thing, due to the fact that I (along with others...hopefully) learn just one thing to not do.

I wonder how many more will fall? :confused:

September 19th, 2006, 12:39 AM
runepro - Useless

sonofloki - Son of Useless

virus897 - spoonfeeding request

September 20th, 2006, 07:32 AM
mightyratt - i/I, spoonfeeding request

xamuko - english rape, spoonfeeding request

jodygep - english rape, uselessness

September 30th, 2006, 10:40 AM
ogijo - UTFSE, spoonfeeding request

clarabelldaclown - grammar

September 30th, 2006, 07:46 PM
Abigail - 1+1 chemistry

October 4th, 2006, 11:00 PM
Diabolique - Instant Expert

Blow-UpDoll - Idiot

evilparadise67 - Spoonfeeding Request

October 5th, 2006, 01:22 AM
Diabolique - Mr. Wizard

Mr. Wizard???

I always thought Diabolique was a good member, what did he do wrong?

October 5th, 2006, 02:08 AM
The purpose or reason is not your place to ask.

Remember that.

Perhaps 'Instant Expert' would have been a better definition.

Also, have PMJB2 in mind when reading a certain post by him. ;)

October 5th, 2006, 04:22 AM
Sorry nbk, I wasn't questioning your decision, I wont ask again. One more question before I leave, I did a search for PMJB2 and came up with many definitions, what exactly did you mean by that?

October 5th, 2006, 05:58 AM
PMJB = "Poor Mans James Bond"

October 7th, 2006, 09:25 PM
VolatileMatter - Grammar, English rape

October 10th, 2006, 01:01 AM
r4y - Library Request

darkfury - Library Request

wmdguru - Useless Idiot

cascadedhart83 - i/I, Grammar

5_seven - Post Whoring and I culled a lot of his posts. :)

October 11th, 2006, 07:33 PM
Good, you culled 5_seven's posts before I had a chance too. No wonder I could not find them.

October 15th, 2006, 11:41 PM
bangerman - i/I, grammar (I love it when they can't even properly spell 'Fuck you, NBK!' :D)

HeliosKane - Library Request

de186602177aa - i/I, grammar, spoonfeeding request

October 16th, 2006, 07:12 AM

I thought I was done with people imposing this grammar Nazi stuff after dealing with NBK2000 at roguesci.org. We're not creating high explosives, military weapons, or other. We're simply discussing ideas, philosophy, and views. For those who don't know the story, NBK2000 people a grammar Hitler and enforced that all users have clarity, description, and perfect grammar with spelling before posting. If the person did not, he or she was banned. The reason for this was to prevent certain scientists or researchers from screwing up and killing themselves.

I'm not just a grammar nazi, I'm a grammar Hitler! :D

And even this person, who has obviously feed the Beast with his k3wL flesh, realizes the need for good literacy skills when discussing our subject matter.

And, oddly enough, this person, who was banned from here, was banned from there.

Which just goes to show that you can take The Forum away from a fool, but you can't keep the fool away from a forum. :p

And the thread I got the above quote from shows that ANY forum, regardless of subject matter, has lames who think that they're immune from the requirements of readable posts, and that the admin is an 'elitist' for forcing the yoke of literacy upon this exceptional specimen of humanity. :rolleyes:

This fellow is more to my liking:

I suppose spelling is the least important. A lot of people have trouble spelling, or just accidently press the wrong button/miss a button, etc. However, there's not really an excuse for bad grammar or bad punctuation. Capital letters are the worse. It's pretty simple; names and the first letter of a sentence start with a capital letter. The word 'I' is always written as a capital. Failing to do this is, in my eyes, simply lazy.

He also said:

I've been told that the reason for my poor quality handwriting is because my brain thinks faster than my hand can write.

Mega has had more than a few k3wLs try telling him this excuse (except it's typing, not handwritting) when pleading for forgiveness (which they never get! :p)

October 16th, 2006, 11:42 AM
Removed from FTP: Diabolique, HeliosKane, rick6. Some people never
learn !

October 16th, 2006, 12:49 PM
And, oddly enough, this person, who was banned from here, was banned from there.
Reading further on in the link you provided shed some additional light on the situation... ;) It's learning who this banned fellow is/was that really tickles me...

Edit: Ah, I read up on it on the moderators forum and discovered banned_user was Genecks...who, dissapointingly, I didn't actually ban. I gather I should have though, so even though it was nosos who banned his first name and dreamweaver who deleted his second, I'll still throw in the complimentary box of flesh-eating nanobots to do my part.
Good ole Genecks cannot fit in anywhere, it seems, try as he might. As I recall, he was verbally ostracized at sciencemadness for posting rediculous ideas, then became the ONLY member ever banned from the crucible forum, only later to be banned from here under the username Kamisama by The Beast, Himself. :)

Flesh-eating nanobots may devour what's left of his carcass but I'm afraid his tortured soul is damned to haunt forums of higher intellect for eternity... (the bugger just doesn't know when to throw in the towel!:rolleyes: ).

October 16th, 2006, 08:44 PM
sarkmansb - UTFSE


October 16th, 2006, 09:32 PM
sarkmansb - UTFSE

Did you notice that I posted the links to Der Totale Widerstand after he asked for it? Or do P2P networks and Google count as FSEs?

October 16th, 2006, 10:13 PM
All other means of searching, including P2P and Google, count as FSE's, as well as using our FSE, and reading relevant threads, instead of posting library requests like; "I need a book urgently, anyone got a copy they can send me because I'm so fucking special I cant be bothered with looking for it!" :)

And feeding the k3wlz isn't a good thing. Leads others to believe they might get away with it.

October 16th, 2006, 10:53 PM
Behold, my newest favorite icons for The Forum:

For Defendu's crime we have:

And for the grammar nazi in all of us we have:

October 17th, 2006, 01:28 AM
There's a comma missing in the word 'Dont' in the leetspeak GIF. :o

October 17th, 2006, 03:41 AM
WOW, nbk you never to amaze me how you can pick out every grama error to perfection.

That word was only there for less than a second and you managed to pick it up whilst reading the words at the same time.

It's like a 6th sense. ;)

October 17th, 2006, 09:21 AM
I've had FAR FAR TOO MUCH PRACTICE here, what with the endless stream of fresh meat. ;)

chris rauch
October 20th, 2006, 01:49 AM
nbk2000, they are called apostrophe's, not comma's.

October 20th, 2006, 04:17 AM
chris rauch

Is that the name on your birth certificate? Using your real name here is not a smart move.

October 20th, 2006, 06:41 AM
nbk2000, they are called apostrophe's, not comma's.

And apostrophes are used in possessives, not plurals. Making me the only person completely correct. But where NBK's(see, that's where you're supposed to use 'em) error can almost definitely be attributed to a casual mistake, and not a lack of knowledge...your error is more indicative of a genuine lack of grammatical consciousness.

October 20th, 2006, 05:16 PM
We don�t enforce Total Compliance with the rules of English grammar and punctuation anyway; that would be a bit pedantic. We just want capitalized letters where appropriate, an attempt at proper spelling, especially with technical terms and chemicals, and appropriate ending punctuation. Does this make us grammar Nazis? If it does, woe be it to the current state of the educational system.

October 21st, 2006, 01:28 AM
Yes, I made a mistake in using the term comma, instead of apostrophe, for the ' mark missing in the word DONT. But at least I recognized the fact that something was missing. ;) :D


Mega, you are quite correct in the decline of educational standards. The SAT has been 'adjusted' (down) twice in 8 years to make the median score more obtainable to low-intellect races.

Reminds me of a funny article I saw.

The article said that schools that integrated white students into previously 'dark' schools had higher average test scores, thus proving that 'diversity and integration' worked. :rolleyes:

All it proved to me was that adding whites to a mud school increases the averages because of the smarter white students, not because the darkies are suddenly inspired by example to study more. :p

Liberals, of course, stay silent when muds are added to previously white schools and the averages go down. Or blame it on 'racism'. :mad:

October 21st, 2006, 02:20 PM
I have yet to meet or even see a black engineer. Every black guy I see in the engineering building is either on the 1st floor and in a classroom with a bunch of freshman girls (not an engineering class) or just walking around doing nothing.

October 22nd, 2006, 04:40 AM
Or blame it on 'racism'. :mad:

HAHAHA, oh it�s so true. I've heard many, many Caucasians get called racist but not ONE black, asian, arab, or any other race and usually in 'those' areas there is more of them around doing all the discriminating against whites.

One day lets hope all races get bred together making us neutral then nobody can be racist. :)

October 22nd, 2006, 10:33 AM
One day lets hope all races get bred together making us neutral then nobody can be racist.



October 22nd, 2006, 12:26 PM

I knew the fuckers were sick, but this made me (almost) gag!

One day lets hope all races get bred together making us neutral then nobody can be racist.

Reminds me of the main character in the movie Bullworth, where the politician who contracted to have himself assasinated, says that everyone should fuck everyone else (of other races) until everyone is the same color. He called it 'Racial Deconstruction'. :p

October 24th, 2006, 06:29 AM
C-4 - can you guess why, just from the name? :D

October 24th, 2006, 07:37 PM
jaffe - Grammar, Spoonfeeding Request, UTFSE

Benn - 1+1 chemistry and failing to cite source

October 25th, 2006, 02:47 AM
I don't mind the little side discussion going on here, but this thread is not the place for it. This thread is about the banned members of The Forum, not the intelligence level of mud races. Please choose a more appropriate thread for that and stop hijacking this one.

October 25th, 2006, 05:19 PM
Bumpfiend - advertising and posting his ad for bumpkeys in the wrong section. :p

October 29th, 2006, 07:27 PM
spartan058 - School homework request

pokerhelper - useless

drgnbll - Library Request

Mr. ANNM - Spoonfeeding Request

November 1st, 2006, 10:15 PM
altrez - Lack of grammar, UTFSE, self-signing

DrDaPoo - Library Request

November 4th, 2006, 01:17 AM
STL_devil - Spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

November 5th, 2006, 04:52 PM
Bluebottle - uselessness, UTFSE

WileECoyote - UTFSE

hexagon - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

20920474 - k3wL, UTFSE

All of the above snack foods :D have the failure to UTFSE in common.

Everything they asked could have been easily answered if only they had UTFSE, either here or Google.

One even had the temerity to summon forth the Beast via PM to ask such a n00b question! :eek:

black mamba
November 5th, 2006, 05:52 PM
Meawopple, as I understand it, most members are not being banned for their lack of chemistry knowledge. They are being banned for breaking a rule. This forum should not discourage people with limited knowledge from posting in the forum. Learning should never be discouraged.

By quizzing the banned members after a banning you are insinuating that they do not have to obey the rules if they are competent in chemistry. This is taking a step backwards in my opinion. If you are to quiz them in anything it should be on reading comprehension or the ability to memorize a set of rules. In either case, the post-ban quiz is an inefficient way to insure that the forum contains knowledgeable, rule abiding members. But what do I know? I'm just someone with limited knowledge in chemistry.

November 7th, 2006, 07:49 PM
Marck - 1+1 chemistry

mnagi85 - Grammar, UTFSE, k3wL

November 8th, 2006, 05:36 PM
stali - library request

saphe - library request

November 10th, 2006, 05:59 AM
h2o235 - i/I, grammar

November 13th, 2006, 05:39 AM
henryblowery - UTFSE, useless

NaOH - Useless

Library request, post-flooding, quoting whole (massive) posts

November 21st, 2006, 09:18 AM
a303smoker - uselessness

heliumneon - i/I, grammar

apocalypso - useless k3wL request for 'an easy-to-make poison that won't kill someone'. :rolleyes:

November 22nd, 2006, 06:59 AM
oxidizer - english rape

Backdraft - 1+1 chemistry

November 22nd, 2006, 10:43 PM
Cutefix - blockhead

Corrosive - guilt by association

November 23rd, 2006, 09:03 PM
franksun - useless whining cunt

November 27th, 2006, 12:15 AM
ousterofdoom - useless, UTFSE

Ksmith - spoonfeeding request

bc4life - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

itslenders - spoonfeeding request, UTFSE ('how do I make AP?' in the AP for beginners thread! WTF?!)

osin - useless, UTFSE

SloGlow - grammar, spoonfeeding request, UTFSE

November 28th, 2006, 11:52 AM
TheBlasterMan - spoonfeeding request

pak - i/I, grammar

I have to wonder how many years we have left before every conceivable username is used, either by members or on the banned list. :D

November 30th, 2006, 03:34 PM
Lex Talionis - library request