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View Full Version : A Warning

March 15th, 2006, 12:54 AM
Some of you may be familiar with a forum called Overgrow.
For those of you who are not overgrow was the internet's largest cannabis forum, with a total membership of over 1 million members.
About 2 months ago Overgrow vanished without a trace.
last week high times reported that the owner had been arrested for the sale of cannabis seeds and that the police had siezed all assets of his company, including overgrow.com.
Now those of you who know about cannabis will know that the canadians have hardly ever had a problem with people selling cannabis seeds before.
Now it may just be the canadians changing it's policy on drugs, but many people, myself included think that the cannabis seeds charge was just a ploy to take overgrow offline.
My warnings are simple
if you were a member of overgrow, do not try and log in, do not go back there.

Mega and NBK, be careful guys.


March 15th, 2006, 02:30 AM
First they take your fun, THEN your freedom... You might get deep in thought while smoking some kind bud. THOUGHT is 'not cool' for you to have. You cannot be trusted with it.

Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking marijauna may cause freedom in normal people.

March 17th, 2006, 07:24 PM
IF, Overgrow is owned by the same guy thank the DEA. There was a report a few days ago on TV about some guy in Vancover BC that is supose to be the biggest supplier of seeds. Has made something like $50 Million in the past 10 years selling seeds in his store in VBC and on-line. The DEA is after him BIG TIME and trying to get Canada to give him up to the U.S.

March 17th, 2006, 09:38 PM
TreverSlyFox, I think you're refering to Mark Emery (sp?) - calls himself the "Prince of Pot". But I don't think he's the one connected to Overgrow, if that is indeed what you were saying (not sure if you meant that or not).