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View Full Version : Tor anonymous internet network

February 22nd, 2006, 08:24 PM
I know tor is kinda old but for those who didnt know about it should really check it out.



It works kinda like a proxy chain
Installation is very easy.

Works on Win32 / Linux / OSX

Open source

Support HTTPS, IRC, and all SOCK 4/5 (which most proxie don't)

Give it a shot!

February 23rd, 2006, 06:07 AM
You sir, are truely a most excellent winner, for having posted knowledge of a most arcane and unique nature, never before seen here on RS.org.

Yea, though the subject matter be obtuse and prosaic, you've managed to cut to the heart of the matter with your two links in a stunningly fresh manner.

We all bow and grovel before your superior skillz. :eek:


Now that I'm done being a sarcy ass...

Seriously, is this something that hasn't already been mentioned before here? I think it has. If you did a search, it may not have come up because TOR is only 3 letters long, and the search index doesn't work on less than 4 letter queries (unless VBulletin updated it).

Still, a search is always in order prior to posting.

Fortunate you are, indeed, to have posted this in the Water Cooler. I'd not venture out of this section for a while if I was you, if your other posts are any indicator of your future usefulness. :mad: