February 19th, 2006, 04:16 PM
It took some time but I began to rethink my policy on KEWLs accessing my
FTP. I've already allowed many newbs, with 0 posts, to access. The problem
that came up in my mind was, HOW WILL THESE IDIOTS LEARN A DAMN THING
WITHOUT ACCESS TO THE RIGHT MATERIAL ? They pissed me off in the past
along with MANY members of this and other boards. If they're willing to sit
down and READ good information, then I have no problem.
KEWLS, take this to heart before you end up on a slab in a morgue ! The
documents on the FTP may save your lives ! READ ! READ ! READ !
And if you don't do that, then you deserve the results of your ignorance !
FTP. I've already allowed many newbs, with 0 posts, to access. The problem
that came up in my mind was, HOW WILL THESE IDIOTS LEARN A DAMN THING
WITHOUT ACCESS TO THE RIGHT MATERIAL ? They pissed me off in the past
along with MANY members of this and other boards. If they're willing to sit
down and READ good information, then I have no problem.
KEWLS, take this to heart before you end up on a slab in a morgue ! The
documents on the FTP may save your lives ! READ ! READ ! READ !
And if you don't do that, then you deserve the results of your ignorance !