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View Full Version : Score: Nazis 24, Negros 0

October 21st, 2005, 05:26 PM
I just had to share this with you all.

Nazi socialist party members stage a protest against black crime in north Toledo, Ohio this last week. When their demonstration is routed to coincide with a counter demonstration, SHTF. The niggers went nuts and began rioting with the police, looting and burning buildings, ending up in two dozen arrests on their part. Not one Nazi demonstrator was arrested. The proof is in the pudding, I'd say, and the point was well made. Well done, guys... ;)

Story here:


Chris The Great
October 21st, 2005, 09:13 PM
Most of the violence happened when residents, who had pelted the Nazi marchers with bottles and rocks, took out their anger on police, said Brian Jagodzinski, chief news photographer for CNN affiliate WTVG.

Video showed crowds at around 2:25 p.m. using bats to bring down a wooden fence as looters broke into a small grocery store.

"The crowd was very ... extremely agitated at the police ... for doing this [making arrests in] the community when they should be doing this to the Nazis," Jagodzinski said.

Yeah, the Nazis sure are the bad guys here eh? They walk down a street and the sheeple get so pissed that the cops aren't arresting them for exercising their rights they start rioting and looting.

Jacks Complete
October 22nd, 2005, 08:41 PM
That CNN article was written very carefully. Got to make sure it looks like the Nazis were arrested, rather than any blacks. You have to know what the people in each group are in order to get a picture of exactly what went on, too.


October 23rd, 2005, 02:45 AM
That CNN article was written very carefully. Got to make sure it looks like the Nazis were arrested, rather than any blacks. You have to know what the people in each group are in order to get a picture of exactly what went on, too.


Funny how protests against black crime leads to more black crime :) I did a search on google news and found very little mainstream news articles that were depicting the rioters in bad light.

On a side note, it's now probably best if you're researching E&W to try and steer clear of politics... especially if it involves race and/or religion. Laws against "politically motivated violence" seem to be getting sneaked in through many countries, and under that umbrella lies having politically incorrect opinions on race and religion. Yet I'm surprised they haven't come down as heavily (yet) on E&W knowledge. Basically, the moral is if you're going to research E&W, make damm sure you're on the same side and stay the fuck away from politics.

Chris The Great
October 23rd, 2005, 08:43 PM
Very (unfortunately) true.

I've never actually had anything against people of different (or the same) races, I can easily find a vast number of reasons to hate them on a completely individual basis.

I'm just amazed at how much bias that article contains. Nice to know the media is out to tell us the unbiased facts huh?




The city's police chief said his officers showed "considerable restraint" after being pelted with rocks and bottles for "considerable hours."

"We could have made a couple hundred arrests," he said.

Ruiz-Krause blamed the mayhem on a disorganized group of the community's youth.

In other words, the situation was worse then the mayor let on, but the cops weren't allowed to arrest all the niggers that were actually involved, otherwise they'd have to arrest the whole neighborhood.

And I like the "disorganized...youth" euphemism for 'street gangs', which was the very thing the Nazis were protesting.:p

Notice how the communists, the eternal enemies of Nazis, institigated the niggers to rioting...and then left?

I find it funny that the CNN photographer was on the side of the niggers, excusing their rioting as being the cops fault for enforcing civilized behavior, when the very same niggers trashed his newsvan.

IF it's the cops fault, why are the niggers trashing the newsvan? Is CNN arresting people and oppressing the downtrodden black masses? Are the black masses expressing rage against police oppression when they trash local businesses that server their community or stealing the liquor from the bar?

Or is it just rampaging monkeys, smashing and destroying everything in sight because they can?


October 26th, 2005, 12:00 AM
Well, if the ISO and the OPP hadn't showed up to hand the resident 'disorganized youth' (nigger gangs) the eggs to hurl at the Nazis, what might have been the next thing most readily available for them to fling? (hint: think simian and zoo). :rolleyes:

Restraint and consequence seem to be ideas equally unfathomable to the lesser minded bipedal creatures of this world.

I also can't help but wonder who really re-routed the Nazi's demonstration. Was it bored little piggies wanting to crack a few heads that day or someone with more rank and a higher agenda? No matter, of course. The end results speak truthfully for themselves. I certainly am not disappointed nor surprised...

October 28th, 2005, 01:49 AM
On a similar issue, it also looks like South Africa wants to go the way of Zimbabwe and become a third world shithole lead by a gorilla http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2005/s1492438.htm

Meanwhile in the USA, two 13 year old girls recieved mainstream media coverage for spreading "racist hate" http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=1231684&page=1 - As far as I can tell, they only sing about love for whites, and not hate for anyone else. Amazing the spin that is being placed on this one as well.

It really makes me wonder if international media is secretly being run by a gay disabled retarded jewish nigger with cancer and AIDS?

The only people more inferior than the savages in these issues are those who actually believe in equality and social justice. I rest my case

October 28th, 2005, 09:31 AM
Want to see something that willreally piss most of you guys off http://www.onepeoplesproject.com/ These fucks post shit online but I have never seen them back it up on the street. I've been around where Nazis and these Reds are present and guess who always hides behind the "fascist police force" :) not the nazis haha. Unless the Nazi is a 14 year old kid or the odds against the nazi are over 5 to one, the OPP Reds always back down or run away.

October 28th, 2005, 05:30 PM
I find it funny that ABC news calls those two white girls 'racists', and snidely remark about the mother moving out of Bakersfield, CA for not being 'white enough', when the very same people who run the network live in totally white suburbs or strictly guarded high-rises.

Where's the racial integration in that?

Oh, and what's wrong with wanting to provide hurricane aid to people of your own race? I'm sure Alan Sharpton and the Nation of Islam provided plenty of help to stranded whites, eh? :rolleyes:

No sense rambling on. We already know about the media bias against whites who oppose the agenda of racial pollution.

I'm surprise they haven't renamed the "White Pages" to something 'non-oppressive'.\

A funny (in a pathetic way) thing is that, in Kansas City, there's a "Black Pages". You guessed it...a local directory of entirely nigger businesses. Takes all of three pages to print. ;) :p

Imagine the uproar if there was a directory of entirely white-owned businesses. It'd be the size of the current directory, but without listings for 'Bling', 'Malt 40's', and other nigger 'life-style' accessories.

BTW, I find it interesting that, at the time that I viewed the article, the ad for signing up for ABC news showed a line of (white) SWAT cops in their black hoods. Is this implying something? A rather contradictory message, I think.

Oh, and directly in front of me, on another library computer, is some nigger doing that head-bopping/hand-waving shit that they do when they watch rap videos. I'm sitting with my face buried in the monitor so as not to be distracted by the limb flailing antics of the porch ape.

November 15th, 2005, 12:22 AM
Oh dear. The things that go on while I'm away. My collegues saw this as well and brought it to my attention. Down the street is a company that is similar to our business and it's run almost completely by blacks. The uniform's look like crap, the service is sub-par, and they fight and hoot and hollar in the back so loud you can hear it in the parking lot.

I'm all for equality. Lets just make sure everything being brought to the table is equal. And lets keep it equal instead of saying that its ok for Blacks to make a black only college fund, but if whites did it, there would be(more) rioting in the streets.

Interesting to note how quickly things decline over an opinion.

November 20th, 2005, 11:50 PM
Want to see something that willreally piss most of you guys off http://www.onepeoplesproject.com/ These fucks post shit online but I have never seen them back it up on the street. I've been around where Nazis and these Reds are present and guess who always hides behind the "fascist police force" :) not the nazis haha. Unless the Nazi is a 14 year old kid or the odds against the nazi are over 5 to one, the OPP Reds always back down or run away.

http://www.fightdemback.com is equally similar to those fags, I'm not sure if they're connected at all. Amazing how much they love and support "free speech" yet they're just as eager to deny it to those who disagree with them. I'd just love to drop these do-gooders off in an African warzone and see how long it takes until they see the truth.

(P.S, whenever i click "preview post" it actually always submits my reply, I have no idea why)