View Full Version : I'll want to quit now... please, delete my account.
February 27th, 2005, 01:15 PM
1. The dark colors of this site and the tiny characters are a torture for my eyes.
2. Since there is more and more quantity instead of quality on the FTP (e.g. Bill Clinton: "My Life" and other shit) I have scanned the 3 missing volumes of "Black Medicine".. Vol2 (Low Blows), Vol3 (Equalizers) and Vol4 (Weapons at Hand) and the nice "Knife Fighting - A practical Course" by Michael Janich... but I cannot upload them to the FTP... anonymous access not allowed.... lots of hours wasted.
So it's time to go. Since I don't want to lie around as a forum corpse and I cannot find an option to delete my own account. Pplease, dear admins/mods... delete or ban my account.. I won't come back.
If you are interested in the books above you can grab them from a subdir of my website but I'll delete the Tripod account in a few days.
Goodbye to all forumites... it was a nice time here... macht's gut... arrivederci...
February 27th, 2005, 01:34 PM
What is the directory? I'll grab them and upload them to the FTP when it's finally open.
February 27th, 2005, 02:50 PM
Bye, jelly. VoD be with you!
I'd be interested in the books. Where are they? I tried to search the site for "black medicine", "weapons", ".pdf" et cetera, but nothing.
Can I count on the "Easter egg"?
February 27th, 2005, 06:58 PM
Jelly why are you trying to upload it anonymous. Just use your user pwd pair. I uploaded a few patents etc. recently and I attained a speed of 7 kB.
Jacks Complete
February 27th, 2005, 08:49 PM
jelly, if you are reading this, surely you can just hang on a few days for the new skin option?
See for the preview.
Also, if in Firefox or IE, you can just turn up the font size - Firefox is ctrl+ for bigger and ctrl- for smaller, IE is under the View menu
Oh, and your site has been removed for breaking the Tripod ToCs. :(
February 28th, 2005, 12:33 AM
whats the point in getting ur account deleted? i think your just trying to seek attention and there are much better ways to tell people that you have a problem with the forums...
February 28th, 2005, 01:50 AM
aXiate is right. This is just an attention seeking ploy. He couldn't have easily left quietly.
And why complain about the forum?
It's pretty rude of you to call us 'forum corpses', most of us get along fine here. :mad:
February 28th, 2005, 02:18 AM
He didn't call you or anyon else a forum corpse. He simply said he didnt want to hang around as one (i.e. a non using account taking up space) As to his complaints, from his perspective they are legit. He has as much right as anyone to complain or request a change. Just as Mega has the right to refuse it.
February 28th, 2005, 04:27 AM
He has as much right as anyone to complain or request a change.
Since he is one of the ftp's most (if not THE most) productive uploaders I'd say he has a bit more right than "anyone" to complain... definately more than the guys here bitching about him doing so.
February 28th, 2005, 09:03 AM
I' sorry that you're leaving Jelly. You always provided quality scans of interesting books. Good luck.
February 28th, 2005, 05:36 PM
Never let it be said we don't give our members what they ask for. :)
March 27th, 2005, 11:35 PM
Can I have $4,000 in small bills, and your collection of information in a huge encyclipedia, NBK? Thank you.
You never give members what they ask for.
March 27th, 2005, 11:35 PM
Can I have $4,000 in small bills, and your collection of information in a huge encyclipedia, NBK? Thank you.
You never give members what they ask for.
March 27th, 2005, 11:35 PM
Can I have $4,000 in small bills, and your collection of information in a huge encyclipedia, NBK? Thank you.
You never give members what they ask for.
August 23rd, 2005, 01:27 AM
That's not the way I wanted to do this, but after two PM and one email there's still no reply.
My request:
Please delete my account.
August 23rd, 2005, 08:36 AM
I'm starting to be little nervous. Is it just me or there is an outburst of plague called "delete my account". Are there any signs that forum security is compromised in any way to cause this acts, or some people find bad time for this kind of discusion due to terrorist attacks?
In the first case I can only quote a good grafitti from place near by - The fact that you are paranoid doesn't mean that we don't following you closely:D. I have nothing to hide so they can try to hunt me till the judgment day, I didn't do anything of the sort we talk in this forum.
If the some kind media induced guilt is the reason - it is individual matter but I think that is a mistake since terrorism didn't started on 9/11 (although America became aware of it on that day) it just became more serious (due to "Holly War" crap) and more exploited. Before that it was Unabomber, various sniper incidents, McVeigh ect.
August 23rd, 2005, 01:13 PM
Grow up FUTI you twat, it's coz of the way the forum's run all the decent members (for mod's) have left. Now that the productive members have left, give it a few weeks (it's already begun) and you'll see it go stagnant before your very eyes!
It's already full of muppets.
August 24th, 2005, 10:28 AM
I see the problem and I would usually appologize to the TheHitMan, but since he is so much annoyed by the situation and don't choose the words he is using in comunication with other forum members, I will skip that this time although I'm sure he couldn't care less. The problem he mentioned remains and I have seen it on other forums. I believe that forum will survive, but I don't know is it going to remain the best net E&W forum. Quality of senior staff members decides how good it will be. Forum don't have enough staff to moderate it and shape it the way it was done so far I guess if so much senior members are abandoning the forum. I don't find my skills in computers and many forum issues good enough to offer my help otherwise I would help.
August 24th, 2005, 06:36 PM
Once again, all this talk about the moderation. Why stay if it bothers you? And I'm sure someone is going to say that everyone is leaving. Of course. Some of us do change, and move on to other things. Its been discussed. Some of us have graduated college, some have gotten jobs. Others have stopped practicing, maybe in fear of the terrorist connotation. Still others have moved on to more advanced stuff. This forum as covered most of the readily available mixtures and such and is due for an upgrade. But most of us don't have the equipment for such operations.
This is normal. Sure its slowing down. If you don't like the moderations, I guess its time to leave.
September 16th, 2005, 01:36 PM
I think we can agree, that with over 11,000 members the forum is far from dead.
The FTP definitely needs some work to make it accessible again, as there are lots of referenced throughout the forum directing to "check the FTP", "it's on FTP" etc...
Could anybody posts the requirements for the FTP (storage and avarage monthly bandwith volume used so far (when it was active of course)
I may be able to volunteer some help to get it up and running again.
As any knowledge, that kind of Library should be preserved and distributed widely, especially, that it's being diminished, censored and controlled in any "mainstream" knowledge repositories.
September 19th, 2005, 01:33 PM
I could never imagine leaving this forum, hell I have trouble with the ftp but that’s nothing, that’s a tiny fraction of what this forum is. First of all, you don’t find any kewls in here, and the second they surface, they are just as quickly executed (HED). Second, everyone in here is very helpful just as long as you do your own research and don't be asking for people to spoon feed you. And lastly, the wealth of information that is available to us is rigoddamndiculous. This forum kicks ass, yeah the ftp would be nice if it worked but that’s miniscule if you look at everything else. If its so bad that people want to leave let them leave, who cares, anyone with brains knows this forum is an awesome thing.
September 24th, 2005, 03:13 AM
I havent posted for a while but I have great faith in this fourm. Still by far the best source of info, #1 in its class in my option. New minds will come from all over to add to its content and keep the fourm alive and growing. For what it means you all have my support and keep up the good work and please dont make any more accounts with my name plus a number:D
Jacks Complete
September 27th, 2005, 04:24 PM
I think with the FTP, the answer is, it is as big as you can afford, and as fast as you can cope with. We saw one hit the 120Gb then 160Gb limits of the drive pretty quickly. We've also seen "free" ones appear and die in a few days as bandwidth gets eaten.
I would recommend doing it as invite only, or requests first, so you get a chance to see how things kick off. Once it gets out into the open, even the fastest connections are no longer able to cope, whilst storage and bandwidth go through the roof.
Now, a distributed FTP with something like eDonkey or Shareazza would be good. Several members with good connections hold a few copies of each item, and it syncs and distributes bandwidth and users accordingly. Spare bandwidth copies more stuff to other members when users aren't leaching. I don't think anything quite like it exists yet, though.
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