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February 2nd, 2005, 05:22 PM
Hi Guys,

I know the forum looks at using weapons..etc. for defensive and possible offensive purposes.
But what say you have just found out the sickness you have is a debiliting cancer with will result in pain and suffering for a long time. Using the available knowledge here, what would be the best, easiest and painless self inflicted death you can think of.

February 2nd, 2005, 07:34 PM
I'd say suffocation with nitrous oxide, or a .40 caliber to the right temple.

February 2nd, 2005, 07:44 PM
“Suicide soon”

There is a questionable tone to you’re post Barcy, I hope you are not contemplating suicide, (at least not for awhile). :eek:

It has always been my belief that if someone wants to kill themselves than that’s none of my business or concern, In fact I believe voluntary euthanasia or “assisted suicide” should be legalized so that all may benefit from it. ;)

Call me old fashioned, call me a softy, but I would do it with my favorite 12gauge in my mouth, (I always wondered what that would be like?). :D But that can be rather messy, also you’re family might appreciate an open casket, so that is not really a good choice. Cyanide is quick and “supposedly” not painful, and it is fairly easy to prepare.

I sincerely hope this thread was started only out of curiosity. Either way, best of luck to you.

February 2nd, 2005, 08:00 PM

The "Suicide Soon" title leads me to believe you are not just speculating and do indeed have a dilema on your hands, so my thoughts on the matter are as follows:

First of all, I'd hate to see you give up without a fight. I feel pretty confident that none of us here at the Forum would like to see you opt for suicide.

Secondly, there have been serious advances in the treatment of cancer in just the last ten years. Whose to say that a treatment which can either cure your condition or prolong your life indefinitely are beyond reach? Even prolonging your life for a couple of years gives you the opportunity to make things right with those you love and may also be the best years you have ever lived, having truly realized your mortality and cutting free of the ratrace once and for all (which most of us cannot do without just such a jolt of reality).

Finally, I truly believe that doing yourself in (unless for greater good than yourself) would be cowardly. For the greater good of civilization and science I would step up to the plate and find out just how well these new treatments work on my specific condition. Tests on rats and simians aren't nearly as conclusive as when performed on an adult human subject.

Make your peace with friends and family then do what you love doing most whenever possible. Were I you, I'd be going fishing every chance I got (and it'd be deep sea fishing, too, as I've not yet been. It HAS to be so much better to reel in a biggun' from the sea, though).

Sorry for not answering your question with my post. Ending my life is not really high on my list of priorities, thus never researched.

Sorry to hear about your bad news. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully either a complete recovery or at the very least an enjoyable few more years... "Fish on, Barcy!" :)

February 2nd, 2005, 08:42 PM
Obviously I was referring to myself.

I am looking down the track, as I don't want to be a burden to my family and I don't want to be a vegetable lying in his own filth. Especially as my young son is having to look on at what his dad has become.
Morbid shit, but hey I would rather like to choose how I exit this world (wouldn't most people prefer to be able to make a choice), screw fate.
Ideally it would include a collection of very flexible and nude women, but after that I might not want to go.
What would be the last thing you would do before taking that last exit in the trip of life. I am already quitting work and trying new things, after all what have I got to lose?

If all works out. I will email you the results. Heaven should have broadband. :)

Vlad Draculea
February 2nd, 2005, 09:30 PM
I was really wanting to have a more productive first post than this, but I might throw in that while getting a quick and not painfull death is rather easy with the means exposed here (ie detonating 5kg of some energetic material inside a metal container involving the head ought to do it).
But why not just try regaining some strenght and life, there are a lot of drugs out there that would quite probably increase if not your life expectancy at least the quality of your life, for example anabolics will improve healing and make you feel a bit stronger, some stimulants might also help, and an adequate diet can go great lenghts and can even influence the threshold of pain.
Of course I might think about suicide if I knew for damm sure that I was going to become a vegetable, but you at least seem to be able to post here so I asume you can somehow move and since you are thinking about a more or less involved method of selftermination you might even be in an aceptable shape.
And there is another thing, cancer is not always letal, neither are doctors right everytime.

Jacks Complete
February 2nd, 2005, 09:30 PM
Top tip, if you are in the UK, the cops will pull your guns off you in a heartbeat if you post stuff like this. They don't want a risk to the "peace".

I would go for something peaceful, though. Blowing my brains all over the room means you aren't going to look good for the funeral, and I wouldn't want that for my loved ones. Especially if they weren't sure about your identity, and had to come and look at half a head.

Further, there were those two American dickheads who listened to "do it"s in Judas Priest's (a UK rock band) song, Painkiller. If you read http://members.firstinter.net/markster/PAINKILLER.html (search for shotgun) you can see a great photo of the man for whom an ounce of shot wasn't enough! Managed to mostly miss himself... So a shot to the head - dodgy.

February 2nd, 2005, 09:56 PM
Just for the record, this is not being in a depressed state, it is a logical choice as I am already losing control of some basic bodily functions.

It is actually very liberating to able to say what the hell can happen to me? It makes lifes problems seem very petty and I am feeling pretty positive about the whole thing.

And fester, it is a pity your not here, as the barramundi season has just opened once again and this weekend I will take my young fellow out to hopefully catch his first barra. There is some really good places to go and man the last one I court was a good 98cm long. I was thinking about getting a bigger boat and fish deeper, but now that you mention it, I will book a fishing charter and go to the outer reef with a few mates. It is a bloody good idea, thanks.

Hey Jacks, good luck getting my guns. I actully joked about the idea of having them buried with me, so the barstards have to live up to the old phrase "You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead hands". This idea was shotdown by my wife, she is really stressed out about the whole thing.

I lost my little brother to cancer only 18 months ago and ultimately it was the kemo that killed him and although kemo is an option, it only has a very slim chance of helping me and the side affects will undoudtedly make thinks worse.

At least I got to talk to him and have a joke before he went. I am certain he has a few fishing and hunting spots picked out in the after life and cannot wait to show them to me.

I was thinking more about a painless poison, just something to take and drift away.

February 2nd, 2005, 10:05 PM
The easiest and cleanest way would be carbon monoxide poisoning. Enclosed space with a running car with a full tank of gas.

You will basically fall asleep then stop breathing, then your heart will stop beating.

There will be a nice cherry color to your skin for the carboxyhemoglobin.

However, I hope that you explore all avenues before doing what you are considering. Its often harder on the family when you committ suicide, than when you die naturally from cancer. The process of cancer, though horrible, gives the family time for closure. Often I have heard family members say they were happy to see the person at peace and that they have suffered so long. I have seen family members come together and cry both tears of sadness and relief.

I have never heard a family member say that about a suicide. It has always been why did they do. I have seen family members fight, scream, cuss and overall be anger at themselves and others for what happened. I have seen several family members who take blame for the suicide and have tried/succeeded in killing themselves over the guilt.

You should really do more research and talk to your doctor about end of life issues, before you take such a drastic step.

God be with you,


February 2nd, 2005, 10:13 PM
Since you're going to die soon, kill all your enemies first. Leave no alive who's disrespected you, stolen from you, or humilated you.

Then you can either force the police to gun you down, or kill yourself. Carbon monoxide is painless, but you may have to eat a bullet to avoid capture. That would be the worst thing that could happen to you (capture) because they'd keep you alive just to try you, knowing full well you'd never live to see prison.

February 2nd, 2005, 10:43 PM
Thanks for that thought NBK, it was there in my head for a bit, but after a while you think "who gives a shit". Although if I was not surrounded by good friends and my family, there would be some very sorry people before I went. As you have indicated there is a freedom that comes with the fact your going to die, but the blaze of glory idea has passed.

I will definitely piss off some people with my will, I was serious about burying my guns with me as the final bad taste act to say screw you to the authorities.
My wife and son should be comfortable with what I leave, but when my money grabbing kin come sniffing around there will be a few rude shocks. I have specifically excluded some people from my assets and access to my son.

My mates are to get my tools, hunting gear and paintball gear; and my relatives will get nothing. My mates will take responsiblity for see that my son gets a bit of an outdoor upbringing and learns to hunt and fish with the best. It is moments like this that makes me grateful for my friends and they mean more to me than ever. You get to feel special, especially as they make a pledge to do something for you, even without you asking.

So, back on topic, how would you go??

February 3rd, 2005, 04:14 AM
Just face it Barcy, we are all going to die. Wether you think you know how it will happen or not. The method of death is to me, the least of things. My advice for anyone who knows they're going to die (which is everyone), espeacially those who think they will die soon is this: MAKE YOUR PEACE WITH GOD!!!!!!!! If you have never read the Bible and understood the good news it has for you and your life, now is definitly the time. My dear grandfather has taught me this saying,
"while there's life there's hope" that is to say no matter how you have lived your life, no matter your faults, if you simply put your faith in our Lord Jesus, God will freely forgive you and set you free, and will raise you from the grave on the last day! There, there is no sorrow, no tears, no pain. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. God will give you a new body that will never get sick, will never get hurt, and it will never die. You will love the Lord that saved you, and joy will be yours forever, and He will give you eternal life.

Barcy, my sister commited suicide when she was just 13 years old, and I was 11. She had no illness, no desease. In her own words life was smothering her, eveloping her. Her heart was so broken because her father, whom she loved, abandoned her and my mother and me. She didn't want to live if she couldn't have her father's love, but you know Barcy, my sister gave her heart to Jesus when she was 8 years old, and with out a doubt in my mind I know she is with her Heavenly Father, who will never abandon her, will never leave her or make her feel so unloved.

February 3rd, 2005, 05:07 AM
What nbk said. Also...

It is actually very liberating to able to say what the hell can happen to me? It makes lifes problems seem very petty and I am feeling pretty positive about the whole thing.

I've had a similar experience, some dumb bimbo intern switching my test results with that of a cancer patient. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me!

February 3rd, 2005, 05:57 AM
Make sure you consider all opitons before you go through with this. a small chance of survival is better than none at all.

I can't really advise though as i've never beeen faced with a decision like this, and hopefully never will be.

if i wanted to kill myself painlessly, i'd probably choose an overdose of sleeping pills, or an opiate overdose (probably heroin), both of these are supposed to be quite painless, and dont leave any bloody holes for people to see.

hmm, i suggest that before you die, do everything you've always wanted to do. We only get 1 chance on this earth, so make the most of it.

Remember to say goodbye to your familly before you do it. say what you got to say, then go.

There is some really good places to go and man the last one I court was a good 98cm long

bloody hell, 98cm, that's a beast, nice one

all the best, i this all works out for you somehow

February 3rd, 2005, 08:52 AM
I agree with 2-4-6 TNP. If you think life sucks now, I'm positive hell is far worse. Also I wouldn't off my self, no offense but suicide has always seemed cowardly to me. If I knew my dad killed himself that would cause a whole lot of heartache for me. Let your son and wife know how much you love them by fighting as long and hard as you can so you can stay with them as long as possible, let then know that they are worth it.

Sorry I'm preaching but when a life(and soul) is on the line I don't have much choice morally.

February 3rd, 2005, 10:25 AM
I'm with TNP. Don't fear the death it is not the end of the story, the end of this stupid world is not very far, a new hope is at the doors just only a few time and you'll see it.
Read Revelation 21:3-4 it is a real hope, it will help you to face the death with courage and you will be an example for your family and your friends.
Believe me or not the hope is in the bible, you only need someone that can help you to find the truth in it...this is not so difficult...think well about this...you know them.
To TNP:i'm surprised to see someone that believes in god in this forum...we are a few! Bye Bye brother!

February 3rd, 2005, 05:04 PM
Everybody in this forum should know what to do. If you want to kill yourself it's up to you.

I guess you get morphin pills as pain relief medication if you suffer from terminal cancer. A dosage of more than 1500 mg should be enough to be lethal, especially when taken in combination with alcohol. The way to go with this method is to put the morphin pills and some sweet flavoured (pick your choice) ice cream and some vodka in a foot blender and mix it well, drink this concoction. But be warned if you have been a drugy or if you already taken pain reliefers for some time this might not work very well, sometimes people survive a tremendous amount of morphine or similar drugs. If you can get your hands on fentanyl this would be the drug of choice for suicide but it has to be injected with a syringe.

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning should work very well. It's a pleasant way to die from carbon monoxide poisoning. CO doesn't smell, it's not irritating it makes one sleepy and sound asleep one dies peacfully. The corpse look really good, they have a rosy lively look to them.

But stay away from breathing the exhaust gases from a car engine this gases are most irritating because they contain lots of other stuff not only CO. This website might be interesting to you


Jerry Hunt killed himself with CO Poisoning and describes in detail how he did it, really a great web site.

Another way of CO-Poisoning which is actually en vogue in Asia is to light a simple charcoal grill/heater/oven in a closed room. Well I would light it outdoors and after all the irritating smoke has gone and only the glowing charcoals remain I would bring the hibachi inside a closed room, take some valium or similar downers and go to sleep and die. The glowing charcoal generate a tremendous amount of CO which will suffocate a person very quickly.

If you don't mind be disfigured blowing of ones head would also be a very good choice, especially of you don't have access to guns. For example Aceton peroxide (AP,TATP, TCTAP, CTAP or whatever) is easily prepared and the ingredients Hydrogenperoxide, Aceton and some mineral acid (like Hydrochloric or muriatic acid) are available world wide without hassle. Making say 200 grams is quick and easy, the saftey issues are not a concern if one would like to kill himself, well maybe I would prepare a bit more as 200 grams (1000 grams should be fine) just to be sure if some accident should happen I'be really dead and not just crippled.

One would take the thoroughly dried AP load it in some type of container (a cardboard tube would be fine) and hold the charge to the back of the head and fire it with a black match or an electric match.

Just simply hanging yourself with a piece of rope should also work pretty well. Just make sure the rope and the point you hang it on will be strong enough to hold your weight and make sure nobody finds you a least half an hour after you suspended yourself on the rope or else some stupid doctor might resuscitate you even if your brain is already half dead which would mean you would be more miserable than before.

Do a web search on the different methods and there is a book on suicide I can warmly recommend to you it's "Suicide and attempted suicide" by Geo Stone. In this book Stone describes very detailed and informative the most common ways of suicide, how cerrtain, painful or painless they are, he desribes the botched attempts and how to avoid failure.

Rest In Peace

February 3rd, 2005, 06:05 PM
Don't try to shoot your head off. I knew one guy which shot himself in the mouth with a 12 gauge shotgun, only to cripple and disfigure himself tremendously. After recovering, he was mentally same as five years old child and he hasn't much features in the place where face used to be.
Personally, I would go for nitrous oxide, pumped into medical mask used for oxygen. Laughing to death. According to some authorities, it's the most painless and pleasant readily available manner of killing yourself.
I agree with TNP. Talk with God a bit before you attempt anything like that.
Also, people that believe in reincarnation(I'm one of them) think that when you kill yourself, you will get bad karma and worse next incarnation. Yes, few things are worse than this, but still... Maybe you are a small step from enlightement and everlasting peace... Stand and fight as long as you can, best thing I can say to you: you must trust that you will recover. Try it.
If some of my relatives would opt for suicide in similar situation, I would rack my brain for the answer: where I made a mistake? I surely didn't support him enough... And so on.
The decision is up to you.
God be with you. I wish you the best.

February 3rd, 2005, 06:29 PM
I dunno, the choice is really yours, although I would say that it seems like you've already made up your mind, and are looking for confimation. I think I'll just end by a particularly good piece of writing by Dylan Thomas:

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Skean Dhu
February 3rd, 2005, 08:19 PM
As with TNP, and Knowledge hungry, consult God, jesus and all the other good guys. Try to spend as much time with your family as you can while you can. look into all those 'witch doctor' quacks that offer cancer cures with herbal remedies, and dietary changes. While they may not work/ on their own, they can't really hurt you.
Think this through, you may not be mean to die, you could have a sudden and dramatic turn around, 100% remission 8 months into this, but since you got hasty and offed yourself 3 months after you found out this fact is moot. So you gotta ask yourself this question..was I going to die(from cancer obviously) anyways and there was nothing to be done btu speed it up a bit ,or Would you possibly go into remission and live out a happy and complete life with your wife and child, Its a hell of a gamble...

to quote Issac Asimov:"life is pleasant, death is peacful; its the transition thats troublesome"

February 3rd, 2005, 08:52 PM
WOW I had no idea how religious some of you where. Sorry, but even with my christian upbringing I just don't believe. There has been so many mistruths in the bible and ideas pushed by the catholic church it hard to grab hold of that faith. I kind of feel rude about asking god to look after me, when I never really adopted him in my sole or paid him any real respect throughout my life. But if it makes you feel better please feel free to prey for me.

I know it is only a novel but read the De Vinci Code by Dan Brown, there was a lot of researth that went into this story.

I have mulled over my choices and a overdose of painkillers and sleeping tablets would be my best option, "Died peacefully in his sleep" would be better for my family than "He removed his brain with a 12guage while sitting on a large charge which scattered his body over a 1mile radius."

Stay cool guys. I am not gone yet, but as I am now losing my bladder control, my ability to walk is starting to be impaired. But the real biggy is the fact my eye sight is now starting to go, I really hate the idea of being blind. So I have to look at this before I become incapable.

I suppose the real reason I am chatting about it here is because at least some people know that this is my choice and that no one had interferred with my logic or pushed this idea upon me. I would have told a few close friends, but the legal complications that would put them in is not worth the hassle to them. Assisted suicide is still classed a murder here. So in a need to talk with someone I am talking to complete strangers, scattered all over the world. :)

But life goes on for now and I need to prepare my fishing gear for tomorrow.

February 4th, 2005, 01:50 AM
Hi Barcy, I was brought up a catholic, now I'm a Christian. I rejected the "church" after I left home to join the Navy. God kept me alive through 2 tours in Viet Nam. He knows I didn't deserve His protection, but He knew I would see His light in time.

God uses adversity to turn us toward Him.

I have lost 3 friends to pancreatic cancer in the last 5 years. Cathy, and Carl died after being Christians for a few short weeks, and Mary asked Jesus into her heart the night before she died. I miss them greatly, but I KNOW I will see them again in a short while.

I can see where a terrible thing like this could work out for the best.
I would willingly go through anything if I knew that it would result in my familys' eternal salvation.
What if by example of suicide it caused my kids to blame God and reject Him? I have seen this several times. If my daughters were to get one last lesson from me, I would sure not want it to be one of suicide caused by hopelessness.

"ALL things work together for good, for those that love the lord." The key words are "for those that love the lord."

One of my favorite parts of the Bible is account of the thief on the cross; His whole life was robbery and murder, and with less than a few hours to live he received faith in the Messiah and Jesus said to "Truely I say to you; before this day is done you will be with me in Paradise."

Don't give up Hope, my friend. My friends pain was handled well with morphine, and now they are in Paradise with the Creator of the Universe who died on a cross, so I could also approch Him.

Ask The Savior to come into your life, read your Bible, and find a "Bible believing" church. They will help you and your family get through this and no matter what happens He will give you the strength to endure this tribulation.

February 4th, 2005, 02:44 AM
Barcy, I'm the one that had to tell my sister that her fiance killed himself. If the bastard had lived, I would have killed him just for making my sister feel that much pain. For that, and that alone, I hope that you fight, for your family. Give them the time to let go. :(

However, I do believe in such things as assisted suicide, for those that want that choice. If you do still plan on going that route, talk to your family, and say your goodbyes.

I'm sorry to say that I for one, don't believe in God, for an everlasting happiness. At least the way the bible depicts it. We make our own happiness, and in the end that's what we take with us. :cool:

Best time I ever had fishing, my uncle took me and my sister on a trip to Alaska, and we went out deep-sea fishing. Three girls, three guys. The three girls all caught Halibut, 36lbs, 78lbs, and 125lbs. All three guys caught Cod. For those of you who don't know, Cod is a very very bland fish let alone easy to catch and nasty, while Halibut is considered *Choice* and difficult to catch. Least to me anyways. We spent half the day out there, and on the way back everyone got seasick except me and my uncle. Great day, great pictures. Later that week I managed to redeem myself and caught a 36lb red-salmon.

Have a wonderful time, make some stories, and make your peace. :D

February 4th, 2005, 05:45 AM
You should be happy to know that there is an afterlife. Well.. a chemical after life that seems like forever. Your brain is still alive for like 30 minutes after you die and DMT(dimethyl tryptamine) is released by your pineal gland. It is a powerful psychoactive drug that your brain naturally produces when you die. You will experience an after life as long as you dont destroy your brain. The effects of this drug are extreme time dilation so it seems like it lasts forever. anything you want can happen during this trip just beleieve in it. Do some research if you don't believe me. Just dont let the cause of death damage your brain.

February 4th, 2005, 07:02 AM
Bipolar, interesting stuff on the chemically stimulated after life. Either I have not noticed it before or it is just coincidence but I just sat through a story on email suicide pacts in Japan and the number of suicide websites. according to the report one of the best sellers in Japan is a DYI suicide book, but one of the points made is that is Japanese culture suicide is concidered an honourable wya of death and of cause there is not a great deal of religion.

As for the religious concerns from some members I hear your concerns, especially shooter3. And TNP I feel for what happened to you.

Zeocrash 98 cm barra is my best, I have lost a lot bigger and maximum legal size is 120cm, but I don't really care about legal fish sizes anymore. If I catch a monster (120cm plus) I am keeping it.
Silentnite I will have to look up "Halibut", I have heard the name, but will need to see what one looks like.

Anyway I need to sleep again, the lack of energy is a big bummer. One of the growths I have is pressing on the part of my brain that stimulates my male hormone levels. So I not only have lack of sex drive, but have lost a lot of the "get up and go" aggression side to being a male.

I will chat when I get back from the weekend fishing stay cool guys.

February 4th, 2005, 11:30 AM
Well I will pray for you. I know this is your choice, and I don't condemn you if you make it. There is a book I would reccomend you reading(everyone on the forum) entitled Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis. If you decide to go make sure you have looked at all the options. Also what you said about feeling bad about asking God for help now after rejecting him all these years is a valid feeling. However the one thing God wants is for you to come to him, if you look throughout the bible God uses suffering to bring people to him. Paul after killing and persecuting the early church was struck blind by God. God then used his helplessness to bring him to himself. If God could forgive Paul and wanted him he most certainly wants you.

Wow so many Christians here maybe we should have a new section "Bible Study" :D.

February 4th, 2005, 01:24 PM
Barcy, here's some links to pics. They get HUGE!

Big Fish (http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/945005/fbeHalibutBob.jpg)

A good side to side of it (http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/945005/Halibut.gif)

February 4th, 2005, 01:47 PM
Some of the health problems you Barcy are faced with I had misfortunatelly meet in life, although I haven't ever been in such desperate position (or state of mind). I didn't visit forum for I while since another sh*ty period in my life is aproaching so I have no time to be on this for me at least most friendly and honest of all net places I've been. But when I saw this thread I had to write. Fight back man! I want jugde you what ever you choose to do, unlike the church or some people. Your body is yours so you can do with it what you find appropriate. But I will appeal on you to consider the effects of your action. Man is a social animal, so action will be not only to you but also on the yours closest surounding. I understand that you consider the pills as a way of action not only as a painless way to go, but also as you want to lie yourself that your dearest want know if you do it that way. They will because if you are ill by law (at least here) post mortem forensics do complete analysis so it will show up. The reason why I would stay to fight on is best expressed in one of my favorite books Cyrano de Bergerac...at his final moments he want's to die standing and fighting against his enemies (which are lie, hypocrisis, stupidity and so on...- I would become his companion in battle if he is not imaginary caracter few centuries old). Fight up that battle that is in front of you Barcy and don't think of dieing. Think of the way you travelled so far, and what you have accomplished, think of the things you didn't finish and I can't find better time to try to close that deal than now. I hope you will endure.

February 4th, 2005, 03:10 PM
Everyone has been pretty good, but I'd like to remind all that this thread will not degenerate into an argument concerning the existence of God.

February 5th, 2005, 07:01 AM
Back again. Fishing was OK. No Barra, but my son amused himself with a lot of smaller fish and I had something take one of my live baits for a long swim out to sea (presumably a shark).

Anthony I take it your a Red Dwarf fan, judeging by your catch phrase. Must admit I am taking in as much comedy as I can, it helps to laugh. LAUGHTER IS GOOD, IF YOU CANNOT LAUGHT. WHAT CAN YOU DO?

I am undertaking some councelling, but it is starting to annoy me and all I get is an offered for antidepressants, but they just stop you from enjoying the highs in life and make you just function in a dazed or run down state. You have to face certain emotional responses and depression has long passed me now and life is good.

I have told work to take a hike and told my boss to go fuck himself. I take my son to school and pick him up and spend the afternoon playing with him. While he is at school I potter around the house and garden; exercise my dogs and chat to you guys and my mates.

As for fighting, I am not planning to just throw up the white flag, my biggest disappointment will be not being able to finishing my book "The Powers That Be", although I have directed others to help with this and leave it as a bit of a legacy to a friend.

Here is a sample, well at least the introduction. Just so you know I am fighting and for the record the intro is a true story, not a fishing tale :)

In memory of my brother Ian. Whose friendship, ideas, good conversation and friendly debate I will miss more than anything else and in whose memory I dedicate this book.

This story, along with others had been in my head for over several years, but my procrastination and fear of failure being the only things stopping me from attempting to put words on paper and creating a story for others to read.

The drive to write my book only came though adding a personal touch to my brother’s eulogy that I had an insight to my brother’s greater qualities and that in some way I should emulate his qualities within my own life. This venture is not just a huge task, but a monumental task for someone as poorly educated and being frankly honest, as lazy as my self. So why do it?

My brother’s story

It was a cold Easter long weekend and my little brother agreed to come with me on a fishing trip during his school holidays to a small outback town to be part of a fishing competition. The weather was cold and wet beyond what even the hardiest of people would tolerate, but I being an extremist when it came to fishing insisted we rough it out and fish for the two days straight in hope of winning a prize or two. My brother agreed, possibly because he had little choice when his big brother made his mind up on such matters as important as fishing. However on the second day of fishing, several large carp and a couple of sizable yellow belly later, is when I truly came to appreciate my brother for what he was.

The second day was not just wet, but combined with frost and wind. This was the kind of weather even extremists like myself started to develop serious doubts about What sort of idiot would be fishing in weather like this?. But half frozen on a rock ledge and positioned near a fishing rod which was perched in a neat hole that acted as a rod holder. There stood my brother, attired in whatever clothes he could gather together, my spare flying jacket and a balaclava. While shivering and obviously wishing to crawl back into his sleeping bag he stood his ground and he braved it out. He fished and watched over my lines, as I tried to make a fire with the available wet timbers, needless to say my old scout master would not have approved of my failed efforts.

At this point something large bit and pulled Ian’s rod to the horizontal position with such speed and strength it looked as it was attached to a speed boat. Ian and I not believing the sheer impact of this fish or unknown leviathan stood amazed, this could only be the cod of outback legions. And if legends rang true, it was the type of fish that would take a tractor to pull out of the water and once removed would drop the water level by six inches. This was the very same type of fish our grandfather would tell us of with great exaggeration and sly smile while looking on at his grandsons with their young wide eyed and slack jawed amazement.

But this moment’s pause is all it took for the rod to pop from its fine holding place and disappear into the depths of the freezing waters of the Darling River, but without pause or thought, in dived my brother determined to get the rod and catch this monster. After I watched for what seems like ages, up came my brother cold, wet and quickly turning blue. Although he was empty handed, I was proud to see that he could be even more determined than I would ever be, especially in relation to something as personally important as catching a Murray cod. But instead of looking for dry clothes and warmth, Ian went to the next extreme step. He ratted through my tackle box to find a large hand reel, my heaviest fishing line, the largest hooks (which he opted to use two of) and the big black crayfish I had intention of presenting for the competition weigh in, not realising at the time his bait would have equated to $200 in prize money for me.

But with a look of a mad man, in went this oversized fishing rig and there stood Ian. Hand on line and staring into the waters with the expression that said "Go on, I dare you to do that again".

Some hours later and eventually getting a fire started with the aid of woof wood, better known as petrol (Sorry to my old scout master, but it worked) and nursing a warm drink. I stood beside my brother and was making comment of my pride in him, his mad actions and if nothing else I was going home with a fine fishing story to share, about the one that got away and that was so big it near drowned my brother. But on queue Ian was pulled to the ground and dragged towards the waters edge as the leviathan returned with equal force to it’s first visit, but then the large line Ian had been nursing slipped from his half frozen hands, with a scrabble of action across the rocks into the waters he went again to do battle with this monster. But again the monster won. Ian’s return to shore could hardly be described. But if an effort was made to do so, it was a vision that would be created if the words frustration, disappointment, true loss and add the words wet, miserable and bottled scream. I myself was confused between the impact of the loss of a legendary catch and the wanting to laugh at my brother and his drowned rat looks.

Ian would have kept fishing had not the competition finished that day and the fact we had to drive the six hours home.

However this was my brother, no longer a boy but becoming a man. Ian’s determination or simple and sheer bloody mindedness won him respect from me to a level of which I was inspired. He had done battle with an invisible monster, although not winning, he gave his best. This was the same when cancer took him. He battled his best, which still inspires me now. Throughout his battle he still insisted on living his life to the fullest, despite the affects of the cancer and its treatments.
So even with fear of failure I now embrace my brother’s simple and sheer bloody mindedness approach to this venture I will now try my hand at writing. Why this story and not the magical fantasy style of book which we both loved and that I would still love to write? Well as part of our adult lives, my brother and I shared certain insights of society, its controls and how it can be influenced. This came from witnessed happenings, political changes, workplace incidents, local stories and how we saw it from our different experiences and positions of employment. Ian and I also shared association with friends and other people, who can only be described as losers and paranoid victims of society, but the questions have to be asked What if these people are right and what if there are a number of real conspiracies and what if these conspiracies are controlled by one person and group?

However most importantly thing to me is that these moments of good conversation and sometimes silly debate with no real strong beliefs, were shared on cold nights by a river bank with a fishing rod in hand waiting for the monster to come back and do battle.

Before I sit and start typing, I take time to read these first words to remind myself why I am writing my book. Perhaps it is for Ian. Perhaps it is for me or simply the realisation that my own mortality amounts to nothing if I cannot leave something behind to share some of Ian’s and my experiences. Most of what I write is fictional, but there are a large number of elements within this book seen and experiences by my brother and I that is real. Some of which, is easily recognised and has been experienced by most people at some stage of their lives. Be it the recognition of emotions, the recognition of questionable work ethics and the sly corruption and manipulation of things such as work, career, politics, media and contracts.

Before I started writing, I looked at what could just be the use of my questionable paranoia, sometimes antisocial attitude towards life and added the fact I may be victim to depression because of my brother’s death. So I shared my ideas of people Ian and I knew and in particular those people I had worked with in the past. As they saw value in my writing due their recognition of particular events that I intent to included in my book and the fact there is a believable if not a real element to some of what I wish to write.

My characters are based on the fact I have seen people do well with poor upbringings, little education, low self esteem, no relationship skills and no way of recognising or caring that they are being used by some other person or power. But these people have only done well, especially when they have stepped back and taken a broader look at life and sometimes these self realisations are a slow and forced issue in their lives. These people are a bit like my main character.

So lets take our main character give him a poor upbringing, a unappreciated and thankless job, put him in a world that is really beyond him, give him a somewhat selfish and independent streak that puts him in a self driven career of a private detective where he finds he is looking in on the world and not really being an active member of society, but an observer whose ideas and opinions become his life. Although he has a certain insight and basic wisdom of life in general, he is yet make sense of his own life. A life of self made solitude that allows him too much to reflect on his life, but without coucelling or advise puts him into a position where he had memory flashbacks and often only his own ability to reason why things are as they seem. So now he has to deal with his own emotions, chosen lifestyle and see if he can cope with The Powers That Be.

Just for the record, if this ever gets pubished and you read it, you might find a few references to improvised weaponary and explosives, although not in a DYI way. Can you guess where the ideas came from? ;)

Well I am getting tired again and tomorrow is another busy day of fishing with my son. Stay Cool Guys.

February 5th, 2005, 07:18 AM

Being a Christian I can't help you on how to commit suicide because I believe God doesn't let us walk through life alone unless we don't want His help. What I can tell you about suicide is that you MUST discuss this with your family. I spent many years as an LEO/FF/EMT and attended many suicides and saw the after affects on the family that didn't know it was comming. It was absolutly devistating for them and litterly runied many of their lives.

If you can't find God in your heart and suicide is the only answer for you, for your families sake don't let them just find the body and a note. For them the note will never be enough, it will never answer all the questions they will have and the guilt they'll feel. They'll go through the rest of their lives feeling "If only I'ed seen this comming it wouldn't have ended this way". Please understand that you'll change their lives forever and many NEVER get over the suicide of a loved one.

The only help I can offer you is that you'll be in my prayers.

February 5th, 2005, 09:48 PM
I remember reading something concerning a new hypnosis technique which would reveal things that have happened between death and birth (not birth-death), and the founder wrote a book about what happens after life, based on the experiences recalled by hypnosis by his subjects. Basically, the life on earth is some kind of study which has to be fulfilled in order to reach the goal (which I have no idea what would be). If you don`t reach the goal, you`re sent back to earth.

I think it would be right to talk to your family if you`re considering suicide. What would your son think if he ever finds out? First, you and your son have a great time, and then you commit suicide?
I`m not telling you what to do, but I`m thinking of your son. I don`t think he would see it as a valid reason for you to take your own life because you don`t want your family to see you as a "vegetable" at your last days.

I`ll pray for you,
best regards

February 5th, 2005, 11:33 PM
Fishing is off today, it is way to hot and we both got sun burnt yesterday.

I have been explaining some things to my son, he knows daddy is dying and I have promised to look over him, even when I am dead and he likes that point. Ultimately even if I don't go ahead with suicide, I have decided not to have things drag out. I am requesting that I not be put on any life support, especially if it can be used to help someone else and not to revive me should my heart stop.

My brothers heart stopped twice and they brought him back and I was speaking with him via the phone in the operation theatre. He was explaining to me that he would be bed ridden for the rest of his life should he survive his cancer and the threatment, this was between explaining the tubes and pipes coming out of his chest.
We spoke about lifes simple pleasures and the fact that they had given him a coffee milk (one of his addictions and something used to made a toast to him by me and his friends at his funeral) and he was saying the same thing as me. He did not want to be a burden, he just wanted to go. I got to tell him we (me and my family) loved him no matter what. I think that was his release, as he knew we supported him. Ten minutes after talking to him, his wife range back and said he had died.

I just want the simple pleasures of life and hope to fortify my son before all this happens. He has promised me to be a good man like his uncle Ian and to learn to enjoy life and his friends. I feel that having good social skills and being happy is more important than beings smart, athletic, rich or popular. If you have these skills the others will follow.

I have been given a number of serepax (sleeping tablets), how many would I need to bring a closure, should I go for this option? Does anyone know?

February 6th, 2005, 02:26 PM
The most painless way to kill yourself is shoot yourself in your mouth. BUT Do you want your son to see your brains on the walls? I don't think so. Jumping off a building is also a pretty painless way. The only thing is that you will fall for about 5 seconds. That might suck but you won't feel much. Then again you will die an ugly death and you'll probably fall apart in a thousand pieces. That won't be too nice to look at. I think that the best way to kill yourself is with a poison the won't be visible to the naked eye. Like cyanie. You will probably only feel about 2 or 3 seconds of pain. Your son won't see a spattered dad on the wall.

I'm not trying to be funny or anything. I've been there. Don't try to comit suicide please. If you do then do it in a way that no-one will see your brains all over the place.

Good Luck with everything!


February 6th, 2005, 03:12 PM
I have been given a number of serepax (sleeping tablets), how many would I need to bring a closure, should I go for this option? Does anyone know?

Forget about it! Serepax is oxazepam it's a benzodiazepine, even with a hundred such tablets it wouldn't work. It's almost impossible to kill oneself with this type of tranquilizers the letahl dosage is several grams and even then it's quite uncertain. It depends mainly on the individuals metabolisation rate.

Killing oneself with medication works with barbiturates (the fast acting a very good at this e. g. secobarbital), opiates/morphines or morphine derivatives, these drugs are depressing the resparatory centre of the brain, as I stated above fentanyl (china white) is particularrly good for this.

Other OTC medication is lethal too, pain killers like paracetamol for example, but they destroy the liver which is particularly painful and certainly not quick.

February 7th, 2005, 08:09 AM
Hey Barcy, check this out . Its a way to cure cancer with B17 therapy , its based in austrailia also. I didn't look into it much but maybe you should. http://www.thefountainoflife.ws/cancer/

February 7th, 2005, 02:29 PM
I really do hate to be crushing (seriously i feel very guilty about this) but i'm afraid that there is no evidence to support the claims made on that website.
infact if anything Laterile (one of the chemicals it suggests for use as a "cancer cure") is harmful to humans as it is metabolised to hydrogen cyanide, this effect was most notoriously seen with actor steve mcqueen, who started laterile therapy in a mexican clinic and died shortly afterwards.
There are several treatments that do show great promise though
the first being radioimunotherapy

Radioimmunotherapy is a type of treatment where doctors inject antibodies that have isotopes attached like little backpacks. The antibodies (called monoclonal antibodies) then flow through the bloodstream and attach themselves to the cancerous cells. The energy from the medical isotopes is thus targeted straight to the cancer. This type of treatment is showing great promise for blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Most Radioimmunotherapy treatments are still in clinical trials.

the other also involves antibodies though i'm not quite sure what the correct name for it is

Monoclonal Antibodies: A monoclonal antibody is a type of biologic therapy. Monoclonal antibodies can locate cancer cells and kill them directly without harming normal cells. Some lung cancer cells can be identified by a surface marker, the Her 2-neu protein. A monoclonal antibody that attacks the Her 2-neu protein is being evaluated in patients with NSCLC.

i heard about this on the news a few months back, apparently it has amazing success rates.
damn, now i feel like a total shit. Still, never give up hope.
Anyway, make you the most of your time, do everything you've ever wanted to do.

February 11th, 2005, 03:21 PM
Wow, I just deleted a big post by accident. It turns out ctrl+W closes the tab in firefox. Anyways, here goes again.

Barcy, I know you don't seem to be considering explosives as the way to go, but I have a few words on the matter. I think explosives are a horribly selfish way to kill oneself. I can basically gaurantee that the media will NOT show explosives as the helpful agent that allowed a man to put and end to his misery. Rather, the existing predjudice against explosives will end up as them being portrayed as evily killing someone, as much as facts allow. The explosives community obviously does not need any more negative press.

Besides, killing oneself with explosives mutilates the body too much. I'm not just talking about open casket concerns either. Internal injuries and a missing head could easily make the body less useful for donating organs and for science. Of course if one doesn't intend to donate one's body anyways then it doesn't really matter. But I think joining the whole organ donor thing is a good thing, since it can really help someone to have your working organs.

I rather like the idea of being part of an experiment for a new cancer drug or some treatement. I don't know if there is any shortage of people for this job. It just strikes me as something actually useful that I would be in a unique position to do if I pretty much knew I was going to die of cancer and no normal treatment would work. I suppose it's unlikely that the experimental proceedure would help personally, but it would help science.

I disagree with the idea that you should try all the methods that quacks come up with just because you "might as well try". I'm against supporting these "gurus" who pretend to heal people with special diets and colored crystals (ala "Man on the Moon" the movie). In my mind they are just scam artists who may have deluded themselves into half believing their own shit. Supporting scammery only ensures its existence in the future.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I thought that if you commit suicide you can't get into heaven. I know Dante's Inferno describes a special area of hell for people who commit suicide. Maybe religious beliefs don't swing that way any more?

One thing I would want to be careful about if I was planning my own death is any suspicioun my family would come under. The last thing they need after you die is to be suspected of your murder.

I agree that talking with your family about it is essential!

In Ottawa a little while ago someone made quite a publicity stunt about the same thing you, Barcy, are talking about. They killed themselves with helium. That seems like a bad way to go to me, but whatever. I find it quite a coincidence actully, finding this thread on the forum after the little event in Ottawa. It was well publicized. Read all about it. Maybe you would even want to contact the family to speak to them.

He used the opportunity to stir debate about assisted suicide and euthanasia. Who knows, maybe you can get something big going here if you are interested. Two people in a row surely will create more of a stir than one.

February 11th, 2005, 11:56 PM
Snake oil cures are not always harmless. For example, colloidal silver will turn your skin blue and probably do some other nasty stuff. Better to leave your money to your loved ones than giving it to a con artist, IMHO.

As for your family, I have two thoughts: 1. Say, screw the law and tell them what you plan. 2. Make it look like an accident or natural death, making sure not to get an autopsy. This way, you can prevent those self-blaming emotions from making them miserable and they think, ‘at least his suffering is over’.

Whatever your decision, I think everyone should respect it. As the old saying goes, say naught but good about the dead.

February 13th, 2005, 02:30 AM
Back again. I had a bad turn on Monday, I was unconsious for about forty minutes and have been very wobbly and lithargic for the last 5 days.

Sparky as for using energetic materials, I have no interest in doing that. Mind you if my life was full of hate and I had a worthwhile enemy, it would be a great option. I have long given up on the idea of using my shotty. But the concept of gas or medication is attractive.

Just for those who have real concerns, I am talking to specialists in medicine, mental health and a few religious types. I have spoke to my wife and have asked that if I go down that I am not to be revived or left on a life support machine.

Just for the record I am feeling much better today and spent time with my family at the beach. :)

As for being used for experiments, I have started researching that idea. What I have found so far seems more interested in skin cancers, but I will keep looking.

February 13th, 2005, 10:55 AM
Other OTC medication is lethal too, pain killers like paracetamol for example, but they destroy the liver which is particularly painful and certainly not quick.

NEVER TAKE PARACETAMOL TO KILL YOURSELF! I once took about 7 paracetamol because I had a headache. I got a lot of headaches so 3 don't work anymore. Well I first took 4 after about 45 minutes it still didn't work so I took another 3. A total of 7 in less then an hour. Damn that wasn't the most happy thing I ever did. IT will make you dizy and vomit. Your heart will start to beat like madness and you feel like you are going to die. It's a horrible feeling and nothing compared to being drunk or something like a weed overdose that knocks you out. I've experienced both of those and that's nothing compared to the paracetamol "adventure". It sucks and there are many other ways to kill yourself without something like that!

Just try to make the best time of the time you got left. Go on a vacation. Go throw a big party with all your friends go do fun things! That's the best thing to do. A friend of mine his mom has cancer. The docters told her that she was gonna die in 3 months. Well that was 4 years ago and she's still alive. So don't give up hope! Try make the best of it!

Good Luck!

February 14th, 2005, 05:45 AM
The cyanide option has me curious. The big concern is what will happen if some poor sucker tries to give me CPR, would my cyanide in my lungs be dangerous to that person?

Does anyone know where to acquire a supply of good quality cyanide within Australia? I would hate for my chemical experiments to harm some one else or not do the job properly.


February 14th, 2005, 10:04 AM
I respect what you are doing. I say what you are doing is truly heroic -- you are able to accept that your spirit is going to die. Instead of clinging onto a decaying spirit and denying your death, you have come to terms with it and have the courage to end it now. Be honest and realize that there is no afterlife, but do not let this bother you. The individual is ultimately insignificant, and you will live on in your family and your legacy. As you have experienced an eternity before birth so to will you another after death. Do not let it frighten you.

If I were you, I would make sure to leave a letter to your family explaining your motivation. Though it will no doubt be hard for them, this should help eliminate the "why did he do it?" trauma.

February 14th, 2005, 03:10 PM
Well, Formic Acid and 96% Sulphuric Acid do form relatively pure CO but why poisoning yourself instead of doing a Job for the Fish's sake?

Ok, I know this is a critic topic but if you attach 5kg of a cheap POWERFUL HE at your back, jump into the sea and BAAAM make a huuuge Jet. You would notice relatively nothing.....it even wont hurt. And then....you can make your peace with the fishes....because you are happy then and they too. (with a full stomach it lives definately better as with suffering hunger).

There are thousand of way's to exit your life....but being a member of a EXPLOSIVES and WEAPONS Forum, why not using this force?

Oh and hey, I think your son will be VERY sick after getting the truth from the end of his father :rolleyes: Be gentle.....Si vis pacem?

February 14th, 2005, 05:07 PM
Yeah, I'm a dwarf fan :) We don't speak of series 8 though...

Brakkie, you must be sensitive to paracetamol or something. I too once had a headache that I couldn't shift, despite taking aspirin and paracetamol regularly that day. So I took 10 aspirin and 10 paracetamol within 45 mins. The only effect was that I became a bit drowsy, so I balanced it out with 10 Proplus caffiene tablets. Result: headache free and awake, I got lots of work done too.

February 14th, 2005, 06:27 PM
I was just thinking about you and your family and what will happen to them after you are gone, and something came to mind. Do you have health insurance or any benefits set up for you’re family in the case of you’re death? I know that in North America if ones death is suspected and ruled as a suicide the benefits may be taken away from the surviving family members. Now, I suggest you “quietly” look into this matter, it would be a damb shame if you’re wife and boy got screwed over as an outcome of this.

February 14th, 2005, 07:17 PM
Yeah Duke, I had better check the small print, I have a scattering of life insurance, death and disability and few different super annuations. It is a pity they will not pay me now, so I could really enjoy the benefits with my family. :rolleyes:

February 15th, 2005, 03:00 PM
A good source for cyanides will be electroplatting shops or shops which specialise in steel hardening or supply companies for these shops. Maybe agricultral suppliers carry some as pesticides but I'm not sure about that.

But I'm not so sure about the amount of pain taking cyanide or breathing HCN gas causes. I once did some little research about cynadie poisoning and the results were not conclusive. It's controversial how long it takes and how much pain it causes. Rudolf Hoess the commander of the Ausschwitz death camp stated in his testymony that it took between 3 and 13 minutes to die in the gas chambers from breathing HCN gas. This guy certainly knew what he was talking about.

Even taken in large doses >1,5 g (several times the minimum lethal dose ) it doesn't kill you instantly nor is quick unconsciousness certain. It certainly doesn't work as shown in the movies like biting on the poison capsule and collapsing in the same moment.

If you are concerned about the rescuers finding you, well a written note pined to the chest with a warning about cynanide might be a good idea.

Personnaly I think there are more easy and more painless ways than cyanide poisoning.

February 15th, 2005, 05:56 PM
Inhaling a little hydrogen sulfide might be an option. It’s more powerful than cyanide and the smell goes away after it anesthetizes your smell receptors so you don’t even know you’re inhaling it. Many sewer workers have died from this, they first start complaining about the smell, then don’t smell it anymore and think it’s gone…

It’s not hard to make, just mix a sulfide with any acid, even acetic acid (vinegar) should do.

February 16th, 2005, 12:26 PM
Have a look at this link:


A Practical Guide To Suicide

It should answer all questions you might have.

February 17th, 2005, 03:52 PM
For the guy who thinks his sister is in Heaven after killing herself...she's not.

She's roasting in eternal fires of Hell, as it says in the Bible that man is conceived in sin, and damned to Hell, and it's only through acceptance of Jesus is he (or she) redeemed.

Suicide negates this redemtion, and even if you die as an infant, you're still going to Hell as you're a sinner by default, thanks to Original Sin. :p

So why worry about accepting Christ when you can just accept Lucifer and rest assured of where you'll be going when you're going, rather than wondering if you'll still get into heaven if you should die after eating that Big Mac? :D

And what's the point of dying if you don't do something with what's left of your life before doing so? How many sheeple go meekly to their deaths? Countless.

Only martyrs, believers of a cause, and unrepentant sinners die without regrets. If you must die the eternal death of the rotting grave, than TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU! :mad:

The neighbor who's dog never shut up while you were trying to sleep.

The teacher who told you you were worthless and never amount to anything.

A politican who voted to ban guns that you're son will never be able to (legally) own.

Make your death memorable.

Rage against the dying of the light.

The Anarch
February 18th, 2005, 03:59 AM
I definitely agree with you not wanting it to drag on too far. If there is a God, I don't think he'd want us to live artificial existances on life support and all that nonsense. It would just prolong your suffering for no good reason.

But really, If I were you i'd want to live it out until I died naturally. Just that fact that you did kill yourself, no matter what the reason, could cause severe psychological problems for your loved ones. If you live it out, then your son will at least be able to say "My father died from cancer" rather than "My father killed himself." Sometimes I think "screw fate," but fate is so much easier. I think i'd be too lazy to commit suicide.

Anyway, very touching story. I'd love to see something like that published one day. Good luck mate.

February 18th, 2005, 12:40 PM
You may travel to the countries where euthanasia is allowed. I believe Netherlands is one of those countries where euthanasia is allowed.

February 18th, 2005, 02:19 PM
Akinrog: Holland is free of Euthanasia BUT you gotta be really sick to be able to get acces to it. It isn't legal as FOX claims. We don't kill baby's with fingers that aren't normal just because we don't want them. WE only stop them suffering some horrible sickness. Like if someone is in a coma for 5 years then you can ask for euthanasia.
I bet cancer won't be allowed as Euthanasia-Legal so you don't have a chance here. ;)

I live in holland so I know

February 19th, 2005, 12:57 PM
Akinrog: Holland is free of Euthanasia BUT you gotta be really sick to be able to get acces to it. It isn't legal as FOX claims. We don't kill baby's with fingers that aren't normal just because we don't want them.

No offence friend. (And I generally do not watch fascist FOX News (which is always in the habit of licking US Goverment's ass)) I don't live in Holland but a few years ago, I watched on TV News that a fellow countryman who was convicted in Holland (and consequently living in prison) was released for euthanasia since he is inflicted with psoriasis. Of course you may not trust TV but it was on the news.

February 19th, 2005, 04:34 PM

Well euthanasia is legal if you are so sick and have so much pain and probably won't get better then in some cases you can get euthanasia. but it isn't an easy way of suicide or anything. Like well I want to die let's comit euthanasia. That ain't the case.
You won't get euthanasia for cancer. They'll at least try to cure you whatever cancer you have.

So euthanasia isn't an option in his case

February 28th, 2005, 08:39 PM
There is always one logical argument against suicide (it's from Star Trek) that works for christians and non christians. Bones McCoy's father was diagnosed with a painful, debilitating disease that would leave him crippled and in agony for 5 years, so he and his father opted for suicide. Unfortunately, 2 years later, a cure for this disease was found, and this haunted Bones for the rest of his life.
If you stiill want to go, though, at least allow your coming mortality to enable things you normally wouldn't be able to do- i.e. Break into Area-51 and post pics, go sky diving, become a human test subject. Get some fun out of it!

March 1st, 2005, 06:44 PM
They'll never cure cancer as long as there's so much money to be made 'searching' for a cure. :rolleyes:

Just like they'll never win the 'War on Drugs', since victory isn't the objective, but the power to be gained from it.

March 3rd, 2005, 07:09 PM
http://www.oncolyticsbiotech.com/ Genetically modified retroviral cancer therapy- potential future cure.

March 3rd, 2005, 09:23 PM
It'll never happen...

March 11th, 2005, 05:19 PM
It pisses me off to no end hearing the religious people here telling this guy not to commit suicide and suffer along while wasting his last painful days praying to god.

If it wouldn't have been for your fellow selfrighteous religious crackpots in the middle ages who loved to burn books and prosecuting everyone commited to empirical science, setting back science a few good hundred years in the progress, Barcy wouldn't have to suffer right now because we'd very likely have a cure.

Vesalius had to secretly perform autopsy on bodies to understand how the human body functioned, because he'd be hanged if the church got a whiff of it.

My grandmother is in a sort of similar position right now. She's been reduced to the state of a vegetable and needs help with everything, can barely communicate, sleeps most of the day and when she's awake she starts screaming for her mother in terror.

This condition has been going on for about a year now and everyone in the family agrees it would have been best she would have opted for euthanasia, because then she would have died with a sense of dignity and there would have been a nice image of her to remember for her loved ones.

March 11th, 2005, 05:19 PM
It pisses me off to no end hearing the religious people here telling this guy not to commit suicide and suffer along while wasting his last painful days praying to god.

If it wouldn't have been for your fellow selfrighteous religious crackpots in the middle ages who loved to burn books and prosecuting everyone commited to empirical science, setting back science a few good hundred years in the progress, Barcy wouldn't have to suffer right now because we'd very likely have a cure.

Vesalius had to secretly perform autopsy on bodies to understand how the human body functioned, because he'd be hanged if the church got a whiff of it.

My grandmother is in a sort of similar position right now. She's been reduced to the state of a vegetable and needs help with everything, can barely communicate, sleeps most of the day and when she's awake she starts screaming for her mother in terror.

This condition has been going on for about a year now and everyone in the family agrees it would have been best she would have opted for euthanasia, because then she would have died with a sense of dignity and there would have been a nice image of her to remember for her loved ones.

March 11th, 2005, 05:19 PM
It pisses me off to no end hearing the religious people here telling this guy not to commit suicide and suffer along while wasting his last painful days praying to god.

If it wouldn't have been for your fellow selfrighteous religious crackpots in the middle ages who loved to burn books and prosecuting everyone commited to empirical science, setting back science a few good hundred years in the progress, Barcy wouldn't have to suffer right now because we'd very likely have a cure.

Vesalius had to secretly perform autopsy on bodies to understand how the human body functioned, because he'd be hanged if the church got a whiff of it.

My grandmother is in a sort of similar position right now. She's been reduced to the state of a vegetable and needs help with everything, can barely communicate, sleeps most of the day and when she's awake she starts screaming for her mother in terror.

This condition has been going on for about a year now and everyone in the family agrees it would have been best she would have opted for euthanasia, because then she would have died with a sense of dignity and there would have been a nice image of her to remember for her loved ones.

March 26th, 2005, 08:11 AM
At last Barcy, At last!

I am in tears for you. My heart is filled with sorrow.

Finally the Barcy and the E&W will know my heart:

I cry out with all my heart to God Most High,

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Have mercy on me and
forgive my sins. Have mercy on me, O Lord, have
mercy on me. This I shout at the top of my lungs,
I cry with all my heart, I hold nothing back. My
prayer echoes off the rocky mountains and the
clouds above, from the rocky mountains to which
I was born!

For this dear man Barcy, who says " I just can't believe"! O Lord
how long will it take, will this man never trust in you and be saved?
I am grieved, O Lord, I am filled with pain in my heart! Will you not
hear my voice and have mercy on this man? Will you not have mercy
on Barcy and heal him though he denies your name? O Lord for Your
name's sake, O Lord, have compassion! Be filled with mercy according
to your great love, O Lord. I Know I have sinned against you, I know my sin is beyond reckoning, but you are merciful, O Lord, have mercy on me. Forgive
my sins and hear my prayer. That Barcy may know that the Lord God Almighty
is God and there is no other, answer my prayer.

O Barcy, I love you, please know that I have put my faith to work on
your behalf. God will answer me!

O NBK, At Last, hear what I have to say!
Though at first I said in my heart to God: O lord remember what this man
says, remember how he has slandered my sister, whom I love, yet O lord
I forgive him for you have forgiven me! This is my prayer: that NBK would
at last repent, be forgiven and be recieved into the glorious family of God.
For those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame.

I will tell you the truth NBK, tonight I have been carefully studying the
lives of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, those who attacked and killed
some people at a school they did attend. It seems to me they did attack
that place because their hearts were full of hatred for those who mistreated
them and treated them as if they were inferior. I understand their anger, but I also relize that they did not trust in the Lord for there ultimate justification,
for it is written " It is mine to avenge, I will repay declares the Lord." I know you
have some understanding of the scriptures and I hope you will use this time to get right with God. I know it is hard; The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, but
soon your chance will come. I pray that your heart will be humble enough to do what you must do. I love you too NBK. I know that "life" has been very mean to you, but God has called you to repent! God is waiting for you at the "hill". Go there
and be made a new creation. For that is God's will for you!

March 26th, 2005, 08:11 AM
At last Barcy, At last!

I am in tears for you. My heart is filled with sorrow.

Finally the Barcy and the E&W will know my heart:

I cry out with all my heart to God Most High,

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Have mercy on me and
forgive my sins. Have mercy on me, O Lord, have
mercy on me. This I shout at the top of my lungs,
I cry with all my heart, I hold nothing back. My
prayer echoes off the rocky mountains and the
clouds above, from the rocky mountains to which
I was born!

For this dear man Barcy, who says " I just can't believe"! O Lord
how long will it take, will this man never trust in you and be saved?
I am grieved, O Lord, I am filled with pain in my heart! Will you not
hear my voice and have mercy on this man? Will you not have mercy
on Barcy and heal him though he denies your name? O Lord for Your
name's sake, O Lord, have compassion! Be filled with mercy according
to your great love, O Lord. I Know I have sinned against you, I know my sin is beyond reckoning, but you are merciful, O Lord, have mercy on me. Forgive
my sins and hear my prayer. That Barcy may know that the Lord God Almighty
is God and there is no other, answer my prayer.

O Barcy, I love you, please know that I have put my faith to work on
your behalf. God will answer me!

O NBK, At Last, hear what I have to say!
Though at first I said in my heart to God: O lord remember what this man
says, remember how he has slandered my sister, whom I love, yet O lord
I forgive him for you have forgiven me! This is my prayer: that NBK would
at last repent, be forgiven and be recieved into the glorious family of God.
For those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame.

I will tell you the truth NBK, tonight I have been carefully studying the
lives of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, those who attacked and killed
some people at a school they did attend. It seems to me they did attack
that place because their hearts were full of hatred for those who mistreated
them and treated them as if they were inferior. I understand their anger, but I also relize that they did not trust in the Lord for there ultimate justification,
for it is written " It is mine to avenge, I will repay declares the Lord." I know you
have some understanding of the scriptures and I hope you will use this time to get right with God. I know it is hard; The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, but
soon your chance will come. I pray that your heart will be humble enough to do what you must do. I love you too NBK. I know that "life" has been very mean to you, but God has called you to repent! God is waiting for you at the "hill". Go there
and be made a new creation. For that is God's will for you!

March 26th, 2005, 08:11 AM
At last Barcy, At last!

I am in tears for you. My heart is filled with sorrow.

Finally the Barcy and the E&W will know my heart:

I cry out with all my heart to God Most High,

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Have mercy on me and
forgive my sins. Have mercy on me, O Lord, have
mercy on me. This I shout at the top of my lungs,
I cry with all my heart, I hold nothing back. My
prayer echoes off the rocky mountains and the
clouds above, from the rocky mountains to which
I was born!

For this dear man Barcy, who says " I just can't believe"! O Lord
how long will it take, will this man never trust in you and be saved?
I am grieved, O Lord, I am filled with pain in my heart! Will you not
hear my voice and have mercy on this man? Will you not have mercy
on Barcy and heal him though he denies your name? O Lord for Your
name's sake, O Lord, have compassion! Be filled with mercy according
to your great love, O Lord. I Know I have sinned against you, I know my sin is beyond reckoning, but you are merciful, O Lord, have mercy on me. Forgive
my sins and hear my prayer. That Barcy may know that the Lord God Almighty
is God and there is no other, answer my prayer.

O Barcy, I love you, please know that I have put my faith to work on
your behalf. God will answer me!

O NBK, At Last, hear what I have to say!
Though at first I said in my heart to God: O lord remember what this man
says, remember how he has slandered my sister, whom I love, yet O lord
I forgive him for you have forgiven me! This is my prayer: that NBK would
at last repent, be forgiven and be recieved into the glorious family of God.
For those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame.

I will tell you the truth NBK, tonight I have been carefully studying the
lives of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, those who attacked and killed
some people at a school they did attend. It seems to me they did attack
that place because their hearts were full of hatred for those who mistreated
them and treated them as if they were inferior. I understand their anger, but I also relize that they did not trust in the Lord for there ultimate justification,
for it is written " It is mine to avenge, I will repay declares the Lord." I know you
have some understanding of the scriptures and I hope you will use this time to get right with God. I know it is hard; The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, but
soon your chance will come. I pray that your heart will be humble enough to do what you must do. I love you too NBK. I know that "life" has been very mean to you, but God has called you to repent! God is waiting for you at the "hill". Go there
and be made a new creation. For that is God's will for you!

March 26th, 2005, 09:36 AM
That is truly one thing I will never understand. How is it that adults so completely loose touch with what it is to be a kid and in school? Its not like anything changes. Honestly. School for me was probably the exact same as it was for my parents. I may have had more access to drugs(Doubtful, they did grow up in the 60's) and sex and blah blah blah. But the overall student to student relationship has to be the exact same. So why is it that adults don't understand the school shootings??

"Oh who would have thought it would have gone so far. He should have known that he could come to me if he had a problem..." When instead nowadays people would more likely turn you in to the thought police or send you to TheRAPEme. Parents don't want to be held responsible for their children and teachers can't be held responsible for so many. Or so they say.

Smaller class sizes, more involved parenting, actual punishment for school bullies. These are the areas that need improvement. Yet we continue to further and further lock down the schools. Which leads me to believe that this is something no one in the higher up actually wants to fix. They want a way to track students and figure out what each and every one is up to. Another reason for incorporating telescrines in schools. "We believe it will be safer because we will be more able to closely monitor the problem students."

I apologize for the rant, but its the one thing I was actually able to take from 2,4,6-TNP's rant. Delete at will.

March 26th, 2005, 09:36 AM
That is truly one thing I will never understand. How is it that adults so completely loose touch with what it is to be a kid and in school? Its not like anything changes. Honestly. School for me was probably the exact same as it was for my parents. I may have had more access to drugs(Doubtful, they did grow up in the 60's) and sex and blah blah blah. But the overall student to student relationship has to be the exact same. So why is it that adults don't understand the school shootings??

"Oh who would have thought it would have gone so far. He should have known that he could come to me if he had a problem..." When instead nowadays people would more likely turn you in to the thought police or send you to TheRAPEme. Parents don't want to be held responsible for their children and teachers can't be held responsible for so many. Or so they say.

Smaller class sizes, more involved parenting, actual punishment for school bullies. These are the areas that need improvement. Yet we continue to further and further lock down the schools. Which leads me to believe that this is something no one in the higher up actually wants to fix. They want a way to track students and figure out what each and every one is up to. Another reason for incorporating telescrines in schools. "We believe it will be safer because we will be more able to closely monitor the problem students."

I apologize for the rant, but its the one thing I was actually able to take from 2,4,6-TNP's rant. Delete at will.

March 26th, 2005, 09:36 AM
That is truly one thing I will never understand. How is it that adults so completely loose touch with what it is to be a kid and in school? Its not like anything changes. Honestly. School for me was probably the exact same as it was for my parents. I may have had more access to drugs(Doubtful, they did grow up in the 60's) and sex and blah blah blah. But the overall student to student relationship has to be the exact same. So why is it that adults don't understand the school shootings??

"Oh who would have thought it would have gone so far. He should have known that he could come to me if he had a problem..." When instead nowadays people would more likely turn you in to the thought police or send you to TheRAPEme. Parents don't want to be held responsible for their children and teachers can't be held responsible for so many. Or so they say.

Smaller class sizes, more involved parenting, actual punishment for school bullies. These are the areas that need improvement. Yet we continue to further and further lock down the schools. Which leads me to believe that this is something no one in the higher up actually wants to fix. They want a way to track students and figure out what each and every one is up to. Another reason for incorporating telescrines in schools. "We believe it will be safer because we will be more able to closely monitor the problem students."

I apologize for the rant, but its the one thing I was actually able to take from 2,4,6-TNP's rant. Delete at will.

March 28th, 2005, 03:25 AM
Thanks Silentnite,

That's very helpful! You are right about the schools. If I had children I
wouldn't send them to some public school. Also it seems that the
difference between good children and bad children depends alot on
how well parents communicate their love and approval for their children.
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?
No way! I'd probably kill them all! I know we all have a free choice, but
I still believe our choices and there consequences can ruin other peoples
lives! So we must be very careful about what we say and do, and apologize

March 28th, 2005, 03:25 AM
Thanks Silentnite,

That's very helpful! You are right about the schools. If I had children I
wouldn't send them to some public school. Also it seems that the
difference between good children and bad children depends alot on
how well parents communicate their love and approval for their children.
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?
No way! I'd probably kill them all! I know we all have a free choice, but
I still believe our choices and there consequences can ruin other peoples
lives! So we must be very careful about what we say and do, and apologize

March 28th, 2005, 03:25 AM
Thanks Silentnite,

That's very helpful! You are right about the schools. If I had children I
wouldn't send them to some public school. Also it seems that the
difference between good children and bad children depends alot on
how well parents communicate their love and approval for their children.
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?
No way! I'd probably kill them all! I know we all have a free choice, but
I still believe our choices and there consequences can ruin other peoples
lives! So we must be very careful about what we say and do, and apologize

shady mutha
March 28th, 2005, 07:32 PM
Well my opinion is killing yourself is no sin and is quite a brave option. I would much prefer killing others to killing myself. I heard a story about a guy killing himself after finding out he needed a new kidney and his brother was the only one compatable, but the brother would have to give up his job so he knocked himself. I would have taken the kidney.
If you watch a old war footage of executions and mass murder you realize those people are not going to heven or hell, there just plain dead. Dead as fuck!
Since this the explosive forum I say blowing yourself up would be the way to go. I say fill the car with ANFO drive it at high speed in the middle of nowhere and push the button.

shady mutha
March 28th, 2005, 07:32 PM
Well my opinion is killing yourself is no sin and is quite a brave option. I would much prefer killing others to killing myself. I heard a story about a guy killing himself after finding out he needed a new kidney and his brother was the only one compatable, but the brother would have to give up his job so he knocked himself. I would have taken the kidney.
If you watch a old war footage of executions and mass murder you realize those people are not going to heven or hell, there just plain dead. Dead as fuck!
Since this the explosive forum I say blowing yourself up would be the way to go. I say fill the car with ANFO drive it at high speed in the middle of nowhere and push the button.

shady mutha
March 28th, 2005, 07:32 PM
Well my opinion is killing yourself is no sin and is quite a brave option. I would much prefer killing others to killing myself. I heard a story about a guy killing himself after finding out he needed a new kidney and his brother was the only one compatable, but the brother would have to give up his job so he knocked himself. I would have taken the kidney.
If you watch a old war footage of executions and mass murder you realize those people are not going to heven or hell, there just plain dead. Dead as fuck!
Since this the explosive forum I say blowing yourself up would be the way to go. I say fill the car with ANFO drive it at high speed in the middle of nowhere and push the button.

March 28th, 2005, 07:46 PM
2,4,6-TNP has been sent to HED heaven, as I take great offense to the idea of anyone telling me, an unrepentant sinner, to repent.

That, and his blabbing on about religion was idiocy personified.

March 28th, 2005, 07:46 PM
2,4,6-TNP has been sent to HED heaven, as I take great offense to the idea of anyone telling me, an unrepentant sinner, to repent.

That, and his blabbing on about religion was idiocy personified.

March 28th, 2005, 07:46 PM
2,4,6-TNP has been sent to HED heaven, as I take great offense to the idea of anyone telling me, an unrepentant sinner, to repent.

That, and his blabbing on about religion was idiocy personified.

March 28th, 2005, 09:20 PM
Is there any update on Barcy? I would like to assume the man is still around fishing.

March 28th, 2005, 09:20 PM
Is there any update on Barcy? I would like to assume the man is still around fishing.

March 28th, 2005, 09:20 PM
Is there any update on Barcy? I would like to assume the man is still around fishing.

April 5th, 2005, 09:10 PM
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?

That loosely would loosely describe me at one point in my schooling. I turned out okay, though.

About 2,4,6: Finally, that zealot is gone. Unfortunately, there are many more like him out there. If only this country weren’t filled with these people. If only…

April 5th, 2005, 09:10 PM
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?

That loosely would loosely describe me at one point in my schooling. I turned out okay, though.

About 2,4,6: Finally, that zealot is gone. Unfortunately, there are many more like him out there. If only this country weren’t filled with these people. If only…

April 5th, 2005, 09:10 PM
If I felt like my parents hated me and thought I'd amount to nothing and
all the people at school said the same thing, do you think I'd bother to be kind?

That loosely would loosely describe me at one point in my schooling. I turned out okay, though.

About 2,4,6: Finally, that zealot is gone. Unfortunately, there are many more like him out there. If only this country weren’t filled with these people. If only…

April 5th, 2005, 09:30 PM
Isn't EVERY kid like that at some point in their schooling?? I thought that was called puberty...

April 5th, 2005, 09:30 PM
Isn't EVERY kid like that at some point in their schooling?? I thought that was called puberty...

April 5th, 2005, 09:30 PM
Isn't EVERY kid like that at some point in their schooling?? I thought that was called puberty...

April 9th, 2005, 08:13 PM
Possibly, but the school part was in excess in my case.

April 9th, 2005, 08:13 PM
Possibly, but the school part was in excess in my case.

April 9th, 2005, 08:13 PM
Possibly, but the school part was in excess in my case.

April 17th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Sorry I have been out of touch for so long. I have been pretty crook and have lost a heap of weight (15kg), but am boincing back again. I am still fishing and have taken up shark fishing, as there are heaps about and they give a good fight. Plus my son finds excitement in seeing these big fish (yes I do put them back).

I am still sticking with it, but while I was really crook I was seriously thinking to swallow some poison and some sleeping tablets to bring it all to an end. But I have been fighting as much as I can for the sake of my son and wife. The fact I have so much more I want to do before I die is what keeps me going.

I don't get to check the forum much, but keep up the good work, life would be such a drag without the ability to come to a site like this and realise there are others with similar interests and opinions. :)

April 17th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Sorry I have been out of touch for so long. I have been pretty crook and have lost a heap of weight (15kg), but am boincing back again. I am still fishing and have taken up shark fishing, as there are heaps about and they give a good fight. Plus my son finds excitement in seeing these big fish (yes I do put them back).

I am still sticking with it, but while I was really crook I was seriously thinking to swallow some poison and some sleeping tablets to bring it all to an end. But I have been fighting as much as I can for the sake of my son and wife. The fact I have so much more I want to do before I die is what keeps me going.

I don't get to check the forum much, but keep up the good work, life would be such a drag without the ability to come to a site like this and realise there are others with similar interests and opinions. :)

April 17th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Sorry I have been out of touch for so long. I have been pretty crook and have lost a heap of weight (15kg), but am boincing back again. I am still fishing and have taken up shark fishing, as there are heaps about and they give a good fight. Plus my son finds excitement in seeing these big fish (yes I do put them back).

I am still sticking with it, but while I was really crook I was seriously thinking to swallow some poison and some sleeping tablets to bring it all to an end. But I have been fighting as much as I can for the sake of my son and wife. The fact I have so much more I want to do before I die is what keeps me going.

I don't get to check the forum much, but keep up the good work, life would be such a drag without the ability to come to a site like this and realise there are others with similar interests and opinions. :)

April 18th, 2005, 01:29 AM
I read an article somewhere recently about using viruses to cure cancer. They said something about changing the proteins of different viruses to make them attack specific types of cancer. It said that researchers have been pretty successful with lab tests on mice (maybe rats, I don't remember). Hopefully something comes of their research that could help you with your cancer.

April 18th, 2005, 01:29 AM
I read an article somewhere recently about using viruses to cure cancer. They said something about changing the proteins of different viruses to make them attack specific types of cancer. It said that researchers have been pretty successful with lab tests on mice (maybe rats, I don't remember). Hopefully something comes of their research that could help you with your cancer.

April 18th, 2005, 01:29 AM
I read an article somewhere recently about using viruses to cure cancer. They said something about changing the proteins of different viruses to make them attack specific types of cancer. It said that researchers have been pretty successful with lab tests on mice (maybe rats, I don't remember). Hopefully something comes of their research that could help you with your cancer.

April 18th, 2005, 03:04 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.

And for the record. I beleive that each person has a right to choose life or death, but death should come only after EVERY other option has been burned out.


April 18th, 2005, 03:04 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.

And for the record. I beleive that each person has a right to choose life or death, but death should come only after EVERY other option has been burned out.


April 18th, 2005, 03:04 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.

And for the record. I beleive that each person has a right to choose life or death, but death should come only after EVERY other option has been burned out.


April 19th, 2005, 10:50 AM
yes I do put them back

wimp :P
show the bastards who's boss.
on a side point sharks are playing a very big role in cancer research at the moment as it is impossible for them to contract cancer IIRC

anyway i hope it's all going alright for you.

April 19th, 2005, 10:50 AM
yes I do put them back

wimp :P
show the bastards who's boss.
on a side point sharks are playing a very big role in cancer research at the moment as it is impossible for them to contract cancer IIRC

anyway i hope it's all going alright for you.

April 19th, 2005, 10:50 AM
yes I do put them back

wimp :P
show the bastards who's boss.
on a side point sharks are playing a very big role in cancer research at the moment as it is impossible for them to contract cancer IIRC

anyway i hope it's all going alright for you.

April 20th, 2005, 12:35 AM
IIRC There is no known bacteria or virus that will affect sharks.

April 20th, 2005, 12:35 AM
IIRC There is no known bacteria or virus that will affect sharks.

April 20th, 2005, 12:35 AM
IIRC There is no known bacteria or virus that will affect sharks.

April 20th, 2005, 08:35 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.


Insulin shock is neither quick nor a sure way to kill oneself. There are different types of Insulin, there are quick acting and long acting ones. 10 cc depending on the concentartion of the Insulin (U-50 or U-100) should normaly lead to unconsciousness it depends on the type and quantity of the Insulin and the constitution of the body how quick it will be. A mix of quickcting (about 10 min. set on time, duration about 2-4 hours) and longacting (set-ontime about 45 - 60 min. duration up to 12 Hours or more) should be used. Because the body reacts/counters with his own hormonic defense system against low blood sugar levels.

But death is another matter, it takes several hours to die and it's very simple to interupt the death process even in it's last stages shortly before one dies. The counterpart of Insulin is Glucagon both are hormons which regulate the blood suger level. If one is in a diabetic coma from too low a blood sugar level, than Glucagon is inject and the patient quickly goes out of coma. If the patient was several hours in coma and is injected the Glucagon the same happens but serious brain damage may have occured due to the long time in coma and oxygen- and glucosestarvation of the brain.

So if someone is contemplating to go this particular way, he should make sure to use enough Insulin and that he will be not found for at least a whole day, to be reasonably sure to be dead and not resucitated to a vegie state by some idotic zealous life savers.

April 20th, 2005, 08:35 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.


Insulin shock is neither quick nor a sure way to kill oneself. There are different types of Insulin, there are quick acting and long acting ones. 10 cc depending on the concentartion of the Insulin (U-50 or U-100) should normaly lead to unconsciousness it depends on the type and quantity of the Insulin and the constitution of the body how quick it will be. A mix of quickcting (about 10 min. set on time, duration about 2-4 hours) and longacting (set-ontime about 45 - 60 min. duration up to 12 Hours or more) should be used. Because the body reacts/counters with his own hormonic defense system against low blood sugar levels.

But death is another matter, it takes several hours to die and it's very simple to interupt the death process even in it's last stages shortly before one dies. The counterpart of Insulin is Glucagon both are hormons which regulate the blood suger level. If one is in a diabetic coma from too low a blood sugar level, than Glucagon is inject and the patient quickly goes out of coma. If the patient was several hours in coma and is injected the Glucagon the same happens but serious brain damage may have occured due to the long time in coma and oxygen- and glucosestarvation of the brain.

So if someone is contemplating to go this particular way, he should make sure to use enough Insulin and that he will be not found for at least a whole day, to be reasonably sure to be dead and not resucitated to a vegie state by some idotic zealous life savers.

April 20th, 2005, 08:35 AM
I must say I am kinda shocked that no one suggested taking about 10cc's of insulin and injecting it. Crashes your blood sugar, unless they get to u inside of lie 10 minutes your gone, and even then it's doubtful. How a doctor around here went out.


Insulin shock is neither quick nor a sure way to kill oneself. There are different types of Insulin, there are quick acting and long acting ones. 10 cc depending on the concentartion of the Insulin (U-50 or U-100) should normaly lead to unconsciousness it depends on the type and quantity of the Insulin and the constitution of the body how quick it will be. A mix of quickcting (about 10 min. set on time, duration about 2-4 hours) and longacting (set-ontime about 45 - 60 min. duration up to 12 Hours or more) should be used. Because the body reacts/counters with his own hormonic defense system against low blood sugar levels.

But death is another matter, it takes several hours to die and it's very simple to interupt the death process even in it's last stages shortly before one dies. The counterpart of Insulin is Glucagon both are hormons which regulate the blood suger level. If one is in a diabetic coma from too low a blood sugar level, than Glucagon is inject and the patient quickly goes out of coma. If the patient was several hours in coma and is injected the Glucagon the same happens but serious brain damage may have occured due to the long time in coma and oxygen- and glucosestarvation of the brain.

So if someone is contemplating to go this particular way, he should make sure to use enough Insulin and that he will be not found for at least a whole day, to be reasonably sure to be dead and not resucitated to a vegie state by some idotic zealous life savers.

April 20th, 2005, 09:25 AM
But a full syringue of air can do the job, you just need to inject enough air to block major vessels, otherwise it may just block a few vessels in the brain and you don't die, and live with brain damages, like subdivers who fuck up their stages...
20 mL of air should be enough.

April 20th, 2005, 09:25 AM
But a full syringue of air can do the job, you just need to inject enough air to block major vessels, otherwise it may just block a few vessels in the brain and you don't die, and live with brain damages, like subdivers who fuck up their stages...
20 mL of air should be enough.

April 20th, 2005, 09:25 AM
But a full syringue of air can do the job, you just need to inject enough air to block major vessels, otherwise it may just block a few vessels in the brain and you don't die, and live with brain damages, like subdivers who fuck up their stages...
20 mL of air should be enough.

August 11th, 2006, 11:44 AM
Sorry to bring up an old thread but I remembered something that my friend told me a long time ago, I can’t confirm if its correct but it seems like a good idea.

There was this homeless guy, he decided to commit suicide, so he got a gun, bullets, and enough helium balloons to carry it all.

When he shot himself in the head the balloons carried the gun away. He was unsuccessful because the gun was found later and matched to the weapon used.

But if somebody was to do this by an isolated beach (lots in Australia) they could wait for the wind to blow out to sea, after the sun cripples the balloons and helium leaks out the gun would sink to the end of the murder case :).

False evidence could be set up to make it look more like a murder, and if they wanted to be really cruel, frame an enemy.

August 11th, 2006, 12:44 PM
That's a good one ;). A bit cruel. You could tell your family to cremate you and throw your ashes from a tall building, so that your ashes will fall people in their eyes so you will annoy them even after your death. ( my father's idea )

If I wanted to kill myself, I would use morphine. A lot of it.
A jump under a speeding train is very popular in our town. ( I would not go that way )
A bullet in the head is fatal in most cases.
I would not try to potion myself, because I would endanger the person that tries to revive me. edit: you changed to me ( sorry for this )

People, please don't lose your hope! We will all die some day. If you know, that you will die soon, enjoy every minute of your life. Do things that make you happy.
If regular medicine does not help you, you could try alternative medicine, change your way of thinking and switch to healthy food. Turn on god and pray.

Even doctors make mistakes some times. Be sure to always look for other opinion. Sometimes wrong medicines can cause illness-like symptoms.

Please consider suicide as the last option! Don't give up and keep on fighting!

August 11th, 2006, 06:02 PM
C. Tech that story that you posted was in a TV show. I believe it was C.S.I. but I am not sure. It still is an interesting idea.

Zajcek this user is long gone from here, if you will notice the date of his last post. There is no sense trying to talk him out of it, as if he really meant to do it he did it by now, and if not he isn't around the forum to read the message.

Jacks Complete
August 11th, 2006, 09:00 PM
Barcy might still be well, but it's unlikely.

I've a friend who is dying from cancer, she's a nurse, ironically. She's sticking with the chemo and the bad side effects, but they aren't really doing much, and it doesn't really help. Most of the "treatments" are simply delaying tactics, and not aimed at solving the cancer problem. There is only one way to cure it, and that is to get the body to do the fighting itself.

Weirdly, there is a way to do this, and it is simple enough to do at home, and over 100 years old. Its star was eclipsed by radiotheraphy, and it was forgotten, in spite of it's success, much like the squeeky wheel getting the oil.

Supremely old school Soviet tech.

A long but very related article is below.

Dr Coley's famous fever

* 02 November 2002
* From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
* Stephanie Pain

Dr William Coley was astonished. The man's medical records were quite clear. His case was hopeless. In the space of three years, the man had had five operations to remove a tumour from his neck. The last was a failure: it was impossible to remove the whole tumour. He would die soon. As if that wasn't bad enough, the poor man then suffered two attacks of erysipelas, a skin infection that produced a lurid red rash and high fever. But when the fever broke and the man had recovered, his tumour had vanished. Seven years later, he was still alive and well. There could be only one explanation for the disappearance of the man's tumour: whatever had caused the fever had also destroyed the cancer.

Coley, a young surgeon at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, reasoned that if a chance infection could make tumours vanish, then it should be possible to achieve the same effect by deliberately infecting cancer patients. In 1891, Coley began to test his theory. He brewed up cultures of the bacterium responsible for erysipelas - and injected the stuff into the worst, inoperable tumours. Some began to shrink within hours. Some disappeared temporarily. And some never came back at all.

FOR centuries, the only real treatment for cancer was surgery. By the 1870s, when William Coley began his medical career in New York, patients at least had the benefit of antiseptics and effective, if rather dodgy, anaesthetics. Yet despite these improvements, surgeons were having less success than their predecessors a century earlier. Coley had become only too aware of this.

Coley's first cancer patient was a 19-year-old girl with a malignant tumour in her right arm. Despite early diagnosis and swift amputation of the arm, the cancer returned and spread quickly. She died soon after. Coley began delving into old medical books to find out more about the disease. In the past, he discovered, cancers that were cut out rarely returned. One surgeon working in the 1770s cured six out of every seven patients. Yet by the second half of the 19th century, surgery cured only one in four.

Coley discovered something else. For hundreds of years, doctors had reported cases of tumours that disappeared, apparently spontaneously. Searching his own hospital's records he came across a patient whose neck tumour had vanished seven years before. Coley tracked him down and found he was still alive. All these people had something in common apart from their miraculous recovery. They had all been struck down by an acute infectious disease. It might have been flu or measles, or something much worse - malaria, smallpox or syphilis, or like the man in New York, erysipelas. In most cases, when their fever subsided, their tumours had broken down and been absorbed or sloughed off.

Infection seemed to be the key to the "miracle cures" and also to the success of early surgeons. Without antiseptics or antibiotics, patients who had their cancers carved out almost inevitably picked up infections from dirty instruments, dirty hands and unhygienic dressings. But by the 18th century, some surgeons knew enough about infection to try primitive forms of "immunotherapy" on their cancer patients. Some slapped on a septic dressing from an infected patient. A few went so far as to inject material from patients with malaria or syphilis into tumours. Sometimes it worked. The infection seemed to reach those last vestiges of a tumour that the surgeon couldn't.

But by Coley's time, cleanliness and hygiene were the order of the day and surgeons had no truck with the idea of deliberately infecting patients. Occasionally, though, a patient caught an infection by accident. In the case of the man with the neck tumour, Coley had seen the result. "There was no possibility of attributing the cure to any other cause than the erysipelas," he told the New York Academy of Medicine in 1892. And if accidental infection with erysipelas could get rid of a tumour, he argued, "it seemed fair to presume that the same benign action would be exerted in a similar case if erysipelas could be artificially produced".

Erysipelas is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, a bacterium that produces painful and unpleasant symptoms but unlike gangrene, syphilis or tuberculosis, was rarely dangerous. Coley decided to "inoculate the first case of inoperable sarcoma that should present itself". In May 1891, he found a willing volunteer. The man had tumours in both his neck and his tonsils, and despite recent surgery they had reappeared and were growing fast. Coley injected a streptococcal soup directly into the tumours, every day or two for the next two months. The tumours shrank. The man began to feel better. In August Coley stopped the injections and the tumours began to grow again.

Coley acquired a more potent culture of streptococci and tried again. This time the patient developed full-blown fever. "The disease ran its course and I made little effort to check it," reported Coley. "At the end of two weeks, the tumour of the neck had disappeared." Almost two years later, when Coley reported his results, the tumour in the neck had not returned. And although the second tumour hadn't shrunk, it hadn't grown either. "Its malignant character must have been greatly modified," reported Coley, "as sarcoma of the tonsil is known to be rapidly fatal."

Coley tried his treatment on more patients. His sixth case was memorable. The patient was a middle-aged cigar maker with a lumpy skin tumour on his back and a second tumour in his groin, this one the size of a goose egg. Surgery failed and both tumours soon grew back. Coley injected them with his streptococcal brew. They shrank but showed no sign of breaking down.

He tried again with a fresh culture acquired from the great German bacteriologist Robert Koch. Almost immediately, the cigar maker grew feverish. His temperature hit 40 °C. The lump on his back responded immediately. "From the beginning of the attack the change that took place in the tumour was nothing short of marvellous," wrote Coley. "It lost its lustre and colour and had shrunk visibly in size within 24 hours." A few days later, the second tumour began to break down too. "Three weeks from the date of the attack both tumours had entirely disappeared."

To start with, Coley believed he needed live bacteria. But even daily injections sometimes failed to produce fever, while in other patients the infection ran out of control. Coley decided that the key factors in his streptococcal soup were bacterial toxins - and that dead bacteria might work just as well. He finally settled on a mix of dead streptococci and another bacterium called Serratia marcescens, which became known as Coley's toxins. These had the advantage of triggering the symptoms of sickness - chills and fever - without actual infection. Coley insisted that it wasn't so much the identity of the bacteria that was important but the technique he used to treat patients. It was essential to inject the toxins deep into the tumour, as often as necessary to cause fever, and keep this up for weeks or even months.

Coley's toxins produced good results from the start. Patients thought to be beyond all help saw their cancer disappear. Many of those who weren't cured lived much longer than they might otherwise. "He had successes you simply couldn't hope for today, curing even extensive metastatic disease," says Stephen Hoption Cann, an epidemiologist at the University of British Columbia who argues that it's worth taking another look at Coley's ideas.

Although patients flocked to the hospital for treatment, Coley found it increasingly difficult to treat them. His boss thought another new treatment, radiotherapy, more promising. "The response to radiotherapy was highly predictable," says Hoption Cann. "Irradiate the tumour and it shrinks. Unfortunately, it always came back." Its supporters believed that with a few modifications, radiotherapy would eventually be able to cure cancer. "Yet, here we are a hundred years later and if the cancer has spread, radiotherapy is not curative," says Hoption Cann.

Coley successfully treated hundreds of patients but his treatment was trickier and took longer. The dose had to be tailored to each patient and gradually increased to keep the immune response going. After his death in 1936, interest in Coley's toxins waned. Radiotherapy and, later, chemotherapy became standard treatments. Both knock out the immune system and so infection became something to be avoided at all cost.

The search for ways to stimulate the immune system to fight cancer continues. Researchers have narrowed their search, focusing on ways to trigger production of specific types of anti-cancer cells or particular tumour-suppressing molecules.

But Coley's vaccine worked precisely because it was so crude and stimulated a general immune response, says Hoption Cann. More important, he says, the immune system works at its best during a fever. "The body produces more immune cells. They are more mobile and more destructive."

What's more, there is growing evidence that the more infections people have - especially if they develop fever - the less likely they are to suffer certain cancers. Or, as the great 17th-century physician Thomas Sydenham once said: "Fever is a mighty engine which Nature brings into the world for the conquest of her enemies."

From issue 2367 of New Scientist magazine, 02 November 2002, page 54

August 12th, 2006, 05:18 AM
Barcy hasn't been here since July, '05. Which is still three months after his last public post. Emo faking?

Cancer vaccines had a brief period of use in the 20's and early thirties, before the advent of chemotherapy and radiation.

Basically, the body was immunized against the cancer by taking some of the cancer cells, killing them, and re-injecting them into the body to stimulate the immune response against it.

But curing cancers doesn't profit Big Pharma, who'd like nothing better than to turn it into a 'managable' disease, much like diabetes or HIV is today. Something you have to buy their drugs (for the rest of your life) if you want to keep on living. :mad:

August 12th, 2006, 06:37 AM

Been an RN for 30 yrs-got out of the field 5 yrs ago because I saw too much 'modern medicine' which just doesn't work-NBK's right-it's all about the money.

3 1/2 years ago I had a 13 1/2 yr old dog develop a very aggressive form of malignancy known as 'mast cell tumor' which is treated conventionally with surgical excision, radiation and/or chemotherapy, usually high-dose steroids.

Mean survival rates/durations in young, healthy animals given the most aggressive treatment options I found variously listed as being about 50% survival @ 150 days +/- 100, with a few statistical 'flyers' ranging out to 500 days. Since my dog was elderly, obese and in Stage 3 [Stage 4 being the worst case] she was not likely to be one of those 500 day 'flyers'...

I opted for the surgery [radiation not an option-live too far from availability]. Tumor recurred within a month-excised again-recurred in less than 2 weeks.

Had been researching alternative medicine meantime and had run across numerous mentions of oxygen-based therapies [Michael Jackson's sleeping in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber notwithstanding] as well as some references to intravenous DMSO [dimethyl sulfoxide-paper pulp industry byproduct] having been used by some practitioners.

Having nothing to lose, I began soaking my dog [small, ~20#] in a mix of 1 quart 3% H2O2/60cc 99% DMSO and 3/4 gallon of water of ~ 110F every other day. [The hot water being chosen as a result of reading of the benefits of hyperthermia Coley documented]. Within 3 days the tumor had shrunk away to almost nothing [had been the size of a 3" long carrot].

Mast cell tumors arise in the mast cells which are concentrated primarily in the skin in dogs. She had begun developing numerous lesions like very small boils over much of her body which would then pop and suppurate. The DMSO/H2O2 baths began reducing the frequency, diameter and duration of the boil-like lesions-they would simply pop and then turn into smooth, shiny scar tissue.

She was still receiving a veterinary painkiller called 'Rimadyl' which has the very severe side effect of causing liver damage. SAM-E [ S-Adensyl Methionine] was recommended to me by the vet as being able to counter this side effect and she received it faithfully. At 117 days she died from what was obviously liver failure [scleral jaundice, dark mahogany-colored urine, etc]-BUT---she had NO active tumors. If I had this to do over she would NOT have received the Rimadyl.

1 1/2 years later, her daughter [age 9 1/2] developed a mast cell tumor. [they are especially common in Boston terriers and there may be a familial component also]. This was diagnosed by needle biopsy done by original vet.

This time, I was older and wiser and refused surgery and chemo, choosing rather to place her on an all-organic, mostly-raw-foods diet and started twice-daily topical application of a 3% H2O2/99% DMSO/elderberry extract ["Schreiner's" horse liniment] to the tumor site. This was on April 25, 2005.

As of today, 8/12/2006, this dog remains in excellent health, the original tumor [~ 1 cm dia] has shrunk to a smooth scar ~ 0.25 cm in size. She developed a new lump on one paw about 9 months ago which has not been biopsied but which I have treated twice daily along with the original lesion. It has shrunk in size by approximately 50% from it's original ~ 0.5 cm diameter. She has been seen twice by the vet, who says only, "Keep doing what you're doing."

Does this prove that I've discovered a cancer cure? Certainly not. Does it show that there are alternatives to conventional medical treatment? Absolutely. Would I use this mix on myself rather than have surgery/chemo/radiation were I to be diagnosed with cancer tomorrow? Dunno-have to be faced with the situation to know with certainty-but I THINK I know the answer, and that answer today is-YES!

August 16th, 2006, 12:58 PM
Congratulations on what seems to be a viable treatment for your (and perhaps other's) pets' condition.

About ten years ago, we had occasion to use a DMSO-based treatment for our mixed breed Shepard. Had good results with it.

Surely, there's much yet to be discovered in cancer/ tumor treatment. I just hope the rain forests don't disappear before the researchers can isolate the needed chemical combos contained therein.

Anyway Dawg, darned good job, that.

August 16th, 2006, 05:50 PM
If all the rainforests disappear, the world is going to have bigger problems than the lack of a miracle cancer cure. :(

Thor from soudak
August 18th, 2006, 02:01 PM
I would vote the HE method. A tractor-trailer filled to capacity with ANFO, or maybe a LPG tanker.

I would have to set it off in a getteo; this could help start rahowa.

August 31st, 2006, 01:19 PM
Sorry, someone already suggested the morphine, but the extended release ones would be best. when crushed or snorted the whole 24 hour dose hits at once, or mostly so.

A friend of mine died like this, but it was an accident. He didn't know they were extended release. Someone else I knew, only by name really, died from morphine overdose by chewing on the morphine patches, but I don't know how much is actually in them.

As already suggested, the alchohol does help, but i'm not sure if it's by increasing the effect of the morphine or by slowing the function of the liver and kidneys. Same end result either way I suppose. Good luck.

A side note- thanks for banning 2,4,6 nbk, if I had been on the forums when that was posted I would have made a similar reply to his story. I can't stand people who twist their beliefs to suit their needs just so they can feel warm and fuzzy inside.