Zerstoren Sie
October 19th, 2004, 01:09 PM
I've been looking for some time now, only place I can find a copy in pdf is on emule, and there aren't enough sources, hasn't been enough for several months now. So, it would be greatly appriciated if someone could scan or send a copy to me. Here's the info:
The Complete Metalsmith - An Illustrated Handbook
by Tim McCreight
Published by Davis Publications, Inc.
I've read reviews and it seems to be an excellent book. If I do find it I will surely be putting it on the ftp, so if anyone does have it, please do the same.
The Complete Metalsmith - An Illustrated Handbook
by Tim McCreight
Published by Davis Publications, Inc.
I've read reviews and it seems to be an excellent book. If I do find it I will surely be putting it on the ftp, so if anyone does have it, please do the same.