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View Full Version : A problem with Smokeless Powder (NC)

September 16th, 2004, 07:24 PM
I recently posted this on totse.com, but due to the fact that it turned into a flame war between other members, I decided to take it to this forum.

Ok, so basically I aquired 2 large tins of smokeless rifle powder. I was pretty happy because I got it for free. Now, to start off with, I know I can make AP putty, and yes, it's most likely eaiser, but that isn't the point of this post.
Now the powder isn't actually a powder, it's "cylindrical pieces" (bah, I just don't know how to explain the look of it right now.)

So I decided to do some tests with this powder. My first test was to try a simple salute. I filled a small pill container about 2/3's of the way with the powder, taped the top on, fused it. The result was quite dissapointing, a flair and a bunch of smoke. Upon closer look at the container, it appeared that when the powder was lit, just melted through the top before detonation. So it wasn't burning fast enough and/or it wasn't confined enough.

Next I decided to try and powder it down a bit more. that didn't work to well, all the pieces just seemed to split in half. I tried the same test again, same results.

So I'm trying to figure out what I would have to do to make the powder useful as a salute?

I assume it needs to be confined ALOT better, or it just needs to be detonated with a cap.

All advice is much appreciated.

September 16th, 2004, 09:46 PM
First I would advise you to search the board since both single base and double base powders have been talked over and I'm sure you'ed find some answers there.

Second, it really doesn't do anyone any good when you post a question about something WITHOUT posting ALL the information about it. IE: What the hell brand of Powder? What does the lable say IE: IMR 4064, Bullseye, AA205 etc.

Third, DUCK YOUR HEAD cause NKB2000 will see your post and it sure doesn't comply with the rules, with only 3 posts and you posting such a lame question this should have been posted in the "Water Cooler".

Lots of luck, your going to need it to survive here.

September 17th, 2004, 01:36 AM
Well thanks anyways I guess, if a moderator could just delete this that would help alot.

And in response to what brand of powder it is, it doesn't say. Dupont IMR 4831. I thought that this would belong under Other Explosives due to the fact that it would fall under the category of LE's.

You're right though I should've searched.

September 17th, 2004, 05:40 AM
Its your lucky day - you're not banned YET.

Moving to the water cooler.

Edit: After seeing your other tripe you're gone!

September 17th, 2004, 09:44 AM
I have burnt smokeless powder out in the open before and it doesn’t burn fast at all. This is probably the reason you’re didn’t work.
When it starts burning the gas it probably being released at the top hole where your fuse went in. In a bullet the smokeless powder is set off by a primer, this primer sends a flash of heat fire and light into the smokeless powder (note: the primer has the power to send a bullet up to half a kilometer) what you would need is a detonator to get the same effect or even mix it with a faster burning pyrotechnic mixture e.g. Flash powder.

September 17th, 2004, 03:33 PM
You say you want to use it to make AP putty. Then there is no point grinding it as the solvent (acetone) would definetly melt it and save you the trouble.
I don't see how NC can be used in a salute. For a salute to work well it needs a flash mixture. Most BP salute don't work and if they did it wouldn't be as strong as a flash salute. My advice is to read more if you want to go ahead with the AP putty idea. Oh and don't waste your NC cause when it's gone you'll be like "G i wish i didn't waste it on stupid ideas that didn't work"

September 29th, 2004, 04:18 AM
Most BP salute don't work and if they did...

So what are 12 bore salute blanks filled with? The ones I buy seem to be filled with BP and they sure make a hell of a noise and flash...


September 29th, 2004, 04:36 AM
BP salutes work just fine....As long as the BPs good and the confinment is up to the right standard.