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September 8th, 2004, 10:40 AM
Just thought I would share a new idea I got a few days ago with my fellow forumites. If one dissolves AP in acetone, and dips matches into the solution, one could get explosive matches (I think). Good as a novelty and for making chain smokers quit the smokes. I guess these matches aren't very usefull for lighting explosive cigarettes anyway :p
I gues these would be worth a try.

September 8th, 2004, 11:34 AM
NO, no they wouldn't, as most people use their finger to put pressure on the matches when lighting them, they would just blow their fingers off. Pluss the acetone would most likley disolve the binder that holds the match head togeather.

tom haggen
September 8th, 2004, 09:20 PM
Sounds like a stupid idea. One if you were able to get the AP in to the match head it would subliminate after a while. I don't think high explosives really find very much use in pyrotechnic toys. Other than Pop its and stuff like that. I though about using small pieces of AP putty for a charge in an exploding Cigarette. After testing I came to the conclusion that shrapnel from the AP putty is to dangerous to have that close to your eyes.

September 9th, 2004, 10:05 AM
Moving to where it should have originally been posted...

September 9th, 2004, 06:00 PM
If you want to play a trick on someone who smokes, mix in a *small* amount of AP or HMTD in their ashtray.

Note that it should be small enough to just go whomp instead of BOOM when they put out their cigarette in the ashtray, they'll have s cloud of ashes to clean up.... :-D

September 17th, 2004, 12:08 PM
Acetone peroxide in not a toy. As you may know countless accidents have happened with acetone peroxide. If you had a bunch of matches in a match box a slight bump would light your pocket on fire and possibly tear some flesh away. If you wanted detonating matches I would suggest putting a low order explosive in the middle of the match head a few seconds after it is lit BOOM the only problem with this is that in wind some people such as myself make a cone with there hands around the matches to get them started when they detonate it would leave splinters of wood in the persons hand.
A good practical joke I have been thinking for a long time is to put a drop of capsaicin in somebody’s cigarette and wait for them to inhale. :D

September 22nd, 2004, 11:13 AM
I think it would just be a waste of AP... I know that I wouldn't want my fingers near AP in general unless Im actually performing an experiment.

I've heard of people putting gunpowder in ashtrays and then it just flares up when people put their ciggarettes out.