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View Full Version : Of axt and liars

August 26th, 2004, 02:21 AM
It has been brought to my attention that an imposter named axt has been portraying himself as our most ancient of members, Lowry. On another board this axt has stated that you, members of Rogue Science, are still paying for HIS board.

To set the record straight the original board run by Lowry was a free bulletin board on bravenet forums. To my knowledge the board is still there. After Lowry disappeared I decided to start a new board to support my own website, megalomania’s Explosives and Stuff. I encouraged the members of the defunct board he used to run to join my vastly superior board. That board was of course The Explosives and Weapons Forum.

At this time in 1999 we were hosted on a free provider called virtualave. At this time virtualave was the only free provider allowing cgi-bin access, a necessary feature since I wanted to use ubb bulletin board software. We soon outgrew virtualave and by late 2000 we, the staff of The Forum and I, purchased our own domain name and an account on QWK net. We remained on QWK until just recently (this you all know).

Now then, at no time did Lowry ever pay a single cent to host his board or his website. The real Lowry would know this. For him to say that you are paying (through donations) for a server that is still his is a fabrication as fanciful as the Easter bunny. For him to claim credit for building The Forum, which I built myself over 5 years, is another blatant lie. Does the man who seeded your lawn get credit for building the house? My inspiration for building The Forum was because of The Hive, my motivation to start The Forum when I did was because the death of Lowry’s left a vacuum.

If indeed axt is Lowry, oh how the mighty have fallen. All he had to do was contact me privately. He still can, and to prove it he can tell me the subject matter of the last email he sent me discussed. For none know this but I, but Lowry remained in contact with me and me alone after he left. Any imposter can say they are someone else, especially when the original figure is no longer around to contest the truth.