View Full Version : roguesci tshirts to raise money
August 25th, 2004, 08:11 AM
i dont have any money really just a few dollars to send so i thought i could help raise money by designing a tshirt image you can easily upload to and sell for the legal defense fund. You just make an account at and upload the picture and then set the price how ever much above the regular price(like 10 dollars or so) so you could sell it for $30 and make $20 dollars towards a donation to the legal defense fund.
They proccess the credit cards and send out the orders and just send you a check for all the profit whenever. you can make all different things like a mug, mousepad, different kinds of shirts. Anyway I am open to input on what to put on the design like quotes or slogans, like "A weapon of mass instruction" , "the knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them" or something like that. Take a look at a small image of what I have so far. If you would like to pursue this i will make a 300dpi .png file of it for you to upload to cafepress after you give some input or anything. I hope this helps.
August 27th, 2004, 10:32 AM
mug or mousepad I personally would buy but t-shirt is maybe to much since it is allready to many people (from what I hear in the forum) that are just dumb ***** or ke\/\/l. Even if we want media attention to help us fight to keep this forum we don't want to spread the news about this place all over the planet and increase the number of dummies that make 800g AP and blow them selves up to a heaven (or burn in hell). I like the logo:)
Keep the good work!
September 4th, 2004, 11:07 AM
I think a T-shirt would be a bad idea, simply because many Kewls will arrive because they saw the shirt. Naturally, this wouldn't be good for Roguesci, as the moderators probably have more amusing pursuits than banning Kewls continuously.
A mouse pad would be good, since that is much more discreet and the probability of an unwarranted Kewl influx would be lessened. I seriously don't want to see the legal battles that Roguesci would have to fight if some retard exploded themselves and the mudblood parents blamed the site. I don't think the money raised from T-shirts would be enough to fight several law suits of that magnitude.
September 5th, 2004, 04:06 AM
Rogue sci should start selling self published books. Everyone could get together
and compile/write the definative work on a particular explosive, device or whatever
and sell it like paladin press. Hell, Paladin press won't even sell explosives
manufacturing books anymore. Selling them to gunshow dealers would make a
fortune. :) Opinions?
September 5th, 2004, 12:08 PM
I like the idea of T-shirts, mousepads, etc.. The problem would be getting a
manufacturer to handle it. As for KEWLS, not to worry - they're filtered out
pretty early around here due to the hard work of the MODS and ADMINS !
September 6th, 2004, 12:06 AM
I like the idea of t-shirts and mousepads. Just have a black or white t-shirt with Rogue science on the front and maybe the four hazmat sign of Roguesci the back.
You could have limited editon T-shirts with "m[g]od" for the admins and moderators of this forum.
You can raise more money if you have several different designs and have several different t-shirt colours.
The T-shirt designers will pretty much make anything as as we have the dosh. Order a shipment of say 200 and see how well they sell.
If they look good I'd buy one.
September 8th, 2004, 01:54 AM
What I am saying is you dont have to put in any money up front to do this, all mega would have to do is upload the graphic. and set the price and bam, its for sale. without ever having to make an investment of any kind. They print as they get orders for them. They handle the credit card processing and just send you the profit and keep $8 bucks for printing the shirt or anything. I showed a graphic that i made that could be printed if interested. or I could do any neccessary changes. I was just trying to help out since I could only send $5 cash. but i guess no one is interested.
I definently like the idea of rogue science being a publisher even if its just ebooks. Nothing spreads knowledge more than money even if its just a small ammount of money say $5 for an original ebook. And nothing encourages writing an investing money out of your own pocket to do expiraments and build something and write an ebook about it then the prospect of making a little money. so half of the money goes to rogue science and half to the author. This would get our information availible at gun shows. and in the hands of people faster than anything else. we could write a cgi script like at source forge is for programming where you can join a project working on the same thing with everyone else so people can just focus on one thing at a time until we master it and then write an e book on exactly how to build it and put it for sale or something. any way its a nice idea.
sorry for the typing and how some of the words are in the wrong place . one of my fingers was bleeding and it has tissues wrapped around it with tape
Sci Researcher
September 8th, 2004, 04:04 AM
I think a Community uniform with a collar will be nice. Maybe not stating the name of the community on the shirt will keep Kewls away from this site. Stating small quotes or a symbol (I think roguesci should make a symbol.) from this site on to the uniform will be a good idea because when a member sees it, they will know that you are from this community.
September 9th, 2004, 08:39 PM
All of these things have one intrinsic problem: they can be identified. I can just imagine the police saying, "If you see anyone wearing one of these t-shirts, mousepads, ect,they are terrorists. Call us or [insert 3-letter organization here] immediately!" The sad thing is that no-one would question this (or, at least not in big numbers) for fear of being called a terrorist themselves, being unpatriotic, or just from being brainwashed against knowledge. I may be a bit of a pessimist, but remember people: the witch-hunt has begun.
September 9th, 2004, 08:59 PM
There's a much more practical item for tags.
Yes, dog tags.
Why? Because dog tags were created so the disintegrated remains of soldiers could be identified.
How many of us are in danger of accidential disintegration? ;)
Inconspicous, easily hidden or disposed of, and only noticed when the piggies come to scrap up your remains.
Each one would be stamped with a unique ID# and a one-time e-mail address that would be used to notify staff of your unfortunate "accident".
And, even if you are found with them, because of the one-time, one-way nature of the info on them, you're membership here wouldn't be revealed, so you wouldn't have to worry about being tagged as a member of a "terrorist" group for having them. ;)
How's that sound? Much more practical than a T-shirt.
September 9th, 2004, 10:02 PM
nbk2000 you are a genius...I like the idea. Did you planed that tags should have a forum logo on one side like some company put on the car key?
EDIT: logo doesn't have to have any word that can link to this forum...small picture neutral and insignificant by the caracter...but with enough spirit and fun to have a meaning understandable to this forum community :D
September 10th, 2004, 03:16 AM
Oh, we should start dumping info to the Wikipedia encylopedia... that's free and
it would get good information out there.
September 10th, 2004, 03:26 PM
Putting a logo on the tag would defeat the purpose of it being anonymous, eh? ;)
September 11th, 2004, 02:06 PM
Fund raising via sales may attract more donors. Nobody will have to worry about being labeled as a supporter of terrorism, since you are simply purchasing a T-shirt or whatever.
As for the T-shirt ideas: Front – large Rogue Science logo (no site reference). On the back of a shirt we may put a large diagram of some explosive molecule with “Protecting the Knowledge from Black Holes since 1999” written beneath. (This may be interpreted in several ways, and all of them are legit). People especially passionate about the recent events may want to protect democracy from iDefence.
Only those who already possess decent chem. and/or explosive-related knowledge will recognize the molecules. There are many good looking ones out there, some of the classics are: TNT with methyl group pointing up or NG molecule with carbon chain at the shoulders and O-NO2 groups pointing down etc.
September 12th, 2004, 03:17 AM
There are plenty of great designs that we can come up with. Why not have someone draw up several designs for a t-shirt. One with the Rogue science hazmat logo, one with various molecules etc. The person then watermarks them (stop people stealing our ideas) and posts them here with a poll. The designs that are the most popular ultimately end up for sale.
September 14th, 2004, 07:32 PM
I like the logo, and the T-shirt idea. I just wanted to clarify that if you happened to catch my post in Forum Matters / Paying For Membership. Your idea is at the very least, noble. (you have no $, make some). Your swirl in the background was a nice touch. I tinker around a little, too, with logos and stuff...but just for fun.
Nbk's dog tag idea is divine for people who expiriment alot with the explosives. I'm still in the BP stage, myself, though it wouldn't hurt to have one (but if I have a major BP mishap, I'll hunt and peck a message to yall with my nose, eh?). If and when he implements them I'll buy one. A shirt, too, if you get the nod from Mega.
September 14th, 2004, 08:05 PM
I think the dogtag idea is the best we've had. The t-shirt idea sounds better in principle, but in practice I for one don't want people asking, 'duhr, whats' or the like. Advertising you're a Roguesci member or into pyro is asking for trouble in this day and age.
Dogtags however are completely meaningless to all but RS members. A feature should be commn to ALL dogtags to identify members, but this feature should remain undiscolsed so any pigs on this site can't find it so easily. A logo and a seemingly random set of numbers would provide something relatively conceilable yet also functional since when stuff goes tits up for members the staff will know about it :)
September 16th, 2004, 06:16 PM
Part of the members PGP key ID would be sufficent to provide recognition, which would be completed by providing the rest of the ID number.
Or perhaps an MD5 hash of the username/password, reduced to a 8-12 digit number. Only the person knowing the username/password combo would be able to match the hash on the dogtag, and there'd be ways to "blind" this so it couldn't be impersonated/guessed/hacked.
I could be mailing these out within a week if people want them. But first it'd be important to get everything standardized, because we don't want to have 10 version floating around, when we could get it done right the first time.
October 11th, 2004, 09:58 AM
I remember ages ago when DVD's first came out they had CSS copy protection to make them supposedly "uncopyable" LMFAO!! this cost the industry millions of dollars to develop
Then came "DVD Jon" (Joh Johansen, a sweedish boy who cracked CSS) with a program called DeCSS, allowing people to rip protected movies. The MPAA kicked up a shit and tried to remove the DeCSS code from existance and tried just about every legal excuse and threatened to sue everyone involved in it... but thankfully failed.
During the MPAA's book burning attempt of the DeCSS code..... a bunch of geeks decided to give them the finger by printing the DeCSS code on T-shirts ;)
Perhaps we could do the same regarding knowledge the government doesn't like.... such as details of the ricin patent
October 12th, 2004, 04:04 PM
But! How will the death/imprisonment of a member get to us at the forum? Will the pigs put a strange little device with a number on it on the TV or something? I must be missing something.
October 13th, 2004, 05:26 PM
You're probably missing the dogtag thread which seems to be where you were intending to post your reply in.
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