View Full Version : Nick berg terrorist video
May 12th, 2004, 05:28 AM
"On a video released tuesday morning on a website of muslim terrorist is shown how 5 masked man kill an American hostage. The killers say that the killing is a punishment for the man, who's body was found saturday in Baghdad, because of the prisonor abuse by American soldiers in the Abu Graib prison.
The guy in the orange overal says: "My name is Nick Berg, my fathers name is Michael, my mothers name Suzanne, I live in Philadelphia". Behind him are 5 masked man of wich one reads a declaration. After which the kill them man shouting Allah Ackbar, Allah is great.
"To the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we have proposed to the American governement to free this prisoner in exchange for a few inmates from the Abu Graib prison. That has been refused. We tell you that the only way the dignity of the muslim man and woman from Abu Graib can be returned is by blood and soals. You will get nothing from us except cofin after cofin."
The victim isn't a soldier but a entrepeneur 26 years old who was looking for work in Iraq in the IT infrasructure bussines. According to his parents he went missing on 9th of April, he was planning to return because he couldn't find work."
sent to me via AIM so i don't know who wrote it
May 12th, 2004, 09:40 AM
The Site you are looking for "" is not available.
Does someone have this movie?
Sorry i found it.. It is on
May 12th, 2004, 11:40 AM
If these people were REAL men they would face off with American soldiers and not unarmed civilians. I dont see that happening with any US marines. I watched that video last night and it made my stomach upset and at the same time soo angry I couldnt think about anything else. Why is that when they say holy war and call christians infadels and everything, nobody says anything but the minute we say ANYTHING about their religion everyone makes a huge deal? It makes me think, all this anti american and Israeli sentiment seems so acceptable to everyone else in the world. What if I started just randomly bombing and killing muslims because I said they were infadels? What if I wanted to "do Gods work" and destroy his enemies? That is such a double standard. It makes me wonder, what on earth do we have to do to be heard over here? How many Muslims would I have to kill, for someone to hear me?(and all the while saying its for God) Palestinian scum bomb Israeli women and children everyday and nobody seems to care, how would they like it if someone was to start bombing THEIR coffee houses or specifically targeting THEIR places of worship. Palestinians dont belong in the holy land anyway, they are nothing but arab trash, no name refugees if you will. I can do nothing but pray about this, pray that I can stop being so angry. Its all I can think about. Like I said what am I going to have to do? How much of THEIR blood has to be shed for people to hear us? I know this is anger talking but I cant help it.
May 12th, 2004, 12:34 PM
I'm not going to let this thread descend into a pro-america and anti-american foreign policy slagging match. If I believe I'm seeing it start to turn like that, I'll be back here, with my finger on the banning button. I don't want to see more people get banned, so don't make us...
May 12th, 2004, 06:41 PM
Before I watched the video, I imagined it as a quick beheading, done with a sword or an axe, but the bastards used what appears to be a knife. The recent photos of militants supposedly being tortured made me side with the terrorists, but this event has changed my perception of them for ever.
Sure, behead the 'invader' in your country, but at least use something that gets the job done quickly. I'm still stuck trying to describe the disgust I feel after seeing the video.
Seems like it's time for some heavy handed retaliation, Israeli style.
May 12th, 2004, 07:09 PM
Although such actions are sickening, they are not surprising. If a foreign power invaded my country, laid waste to the people and the cities, and wouldn't leave, I think I'd be prepared to take some fairly extreme action too.
Wouldn't you?
Jacks Complete
May 12th, 2004, 08:08 PM
This whole thing is a can of worms.
Marines tend to storm into your Iraqi house at 2am, with a tank and 50 mates, plus air support. If there was a marine who got captured, the others would die to get him back, if they had to. The Iraqi's know that if they go up against a squad of marines they die. They are working it out that even if they shoot them to try to kill (which many don't, despite what they say) they are likely to be shot first. They are realising that even if they manage to get a hit, it probably won't even injure the target due to his body armour, and even if they get a good hit, it won't be a kill, as US tech is that good now.
You might as well say the Iraqi's are unarmed school girls and the US are a bunch of unarmed body builders. That is how one-sided this contest is. If those girls catch one of the body builders napping, they aren't going to wait for him to call his mates. And if he isn't strong, so what? He looks enough like a body builder to vent your frustrations on.
If 50 Mudjhadeen turned up at the marines house in Delaware, with a tank, and dragged random US people out of bed, and were running all over the USA, unstoppable in their superiority, then every time the US "forces" managed to catch any Iraqi, contractor or soldier, you would cheer when the same thing was done to him.
I don't condone what they did, but I can see why they did it.
May 12th, 2004, 08:54 PM
Slaying an enemy in battle is different, torturing a prisoner is different and killing someone whom you have already subjugated by systemetic torture to the extreme is different. BTW these are the people who kill animals in the same way as well twise an year by systemetically cutting their throat only half and letting them bleed to death. Torture is part of their culture and religion.
My point is that they are not doing this to show their problems but they are doing it habitually.As they have done in israel recently, and with Mr. Pearl in pakistan or with Mr. Ostro(from norway kidnapped in in India) in India. It's their way of life so there is nothing to be surprised far as I'm conserned.
Jacks Complete
May 12th, 2004, 09:10 PM
Slaying an enemy in battle is different, torturing a prisoner is different and killing someone whom you have already subjugated by systemetic torture to the extreme is different. BTW these are the people who kill animals in the same way as well twise an year by systemetically cutting their throat only half and letting them bleed to death.
Sorry, which side are you talking about?
At least they gave enough of a shit to kill him face-to-face, rather than dropping a missile on him from 3000 miles away.
As for the way they kill animals, yes, it is cruel. It is right up there with hooking them to a steel powered line that drags them upside down by one leg, then tries to stun them with a blow to the head that often doesn't even stun, let alone kill, then chainsaws them into cuts whilst ripping the head and spine out the possibily almost dead body... But that is fine, because no-one has to see that, and the machine does it for us?
I'm no vegitarian, (hell, I can't even spell it) but I feel sympathy for all things that understand something *really* bad is happening to them, even if they don't understand exactly what it is. Be they silly cows or stupid ragheads.
May 12th, 2004, 09:17 PM
War is hell...
and America has the pitchfork! :D
May 12th, 2004, 09:33 PM
They'd kill us from 3,000 miles away if they could, but they're still stuck in the bronze-age.
May 12th, 2004, 11:04 PM
If a foreign power invaded my country, laid waste to the people and the cities, and wouldn't leave, I think I'd be prepared to take some fairly extreme action too.
Wouldn't you?
See my post about the Arabs being generally stupid and dishonest in culture, and keeping that in mind: I'm pretty damn sure the average Iraqi knows he's a hell of a lot better off without Saddam than with, even if he has to suffer the Americans. As a matter of general principle, it is absolutely unacceptable for a country to simply invade another that it doesn't like, even if its leaders feel vast moral superiority, but that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Anyone outside the diplomatic community should be angry. Tuatara, I don't care how outraged you are as an educated citizen of a mostly free country that the Americans violated this principle. Your outrage and the outrage of everyone else in your country is absolutely irrelevant to any objective analysis of the Iraqis, because it is absurd to think they, as peasants who could not exercise any control over their own government whatever, would hold as dearly as you do the idea that their government is their own and not to be violated by outsiders.
To be clear, it appears to me that your bias is behind your consistent exaggeration of the damage done and the unwillingness to leave. It is absurd to say the Americans lay waste to the cities when they've been occupied in large part with building infrastructure all the way up to schools for most all the time they've been there. If you are unaware that they planned all along to leave in a few months, then you are not sufficiently informed to debate on this.
Anyway, knowing you, especially since you promised this remote firing system but were unwilling to open source the little work you did do because you were afraid someone <I>might get hurt</I>, you are almost certainly willing to let your government harm other people you disagree with, probably incapable of committing acts of violence without that proxy, and absolutely hypocritical to scoff at the literally-as-far-as-possible-from-accidental death of someone. I'm not very familiar with this beheading incident, but one of the other recent ones involved the slow death of four aid workers. Are you really going to try to rationalize that?
"Hypocritical" is too kind a word.
In recent months I've come to realize that one part of human nature is the ability to derive a strong gratification from hurting people (when you feel put upon, sadistically abusing people or objects becomes fun) and even killing them. Violence in general is great fun. Have you ever seen the pictures of people in the American South at a lynching? They're smiling. People often cheer at public executions, at least when the authorities handle it properly and no one empathises with the victim. It's cathartic to kill someone you have a good excuse to hate. If all your problems come from them [or, if I really have to tell you, if you just delude yourself to that effect], you feel you solve everything by killing them, and even more so in a crowd because your solving all the other peoples problem too. Not you, people of the 'civilized world,' but not because you're 'civilized' or better in any other way. You're just taught to empathize people, something that might well be considered stupid in backwards countries because it makes you vulnerable to anyone who doesn't empathize with you; it is only the fact that you're tempted to put yourself in someone else's place that keeps you from killing him when you've put morality and law aside. Actually, since that empathy gets extended to anthropomorphic objects -animals, even mountains and fucking trees- it is indeed overactive. Now that empathy can still be broken; it was probably the Americans acts that Tuatara perceived as uncivilised which distanced them from him, and everywhere there's a riot people commit seriously violent acts even if they are ordinarily peaceful because the fact that a large mass of people around you consider something 'different' and not 'like me' -not something they can empathise with- enables you to destroy it without thought. He/she/it has no rights.
Now extend this to the Iraqis. Some of this stuff was mob action. Unavoidable except by creating conditions in which people have no reason to riot, which is being done even if not to the satisfaction of the world's armchair politicians. On the other hand, there have been cases like what happened to Pearl, in which there was a group of people, but not a large one, and acting in fully clear mind people committed acts we would be horrified to see anyone in our civilised countries commit. Obviously these people have broken any natural empathy they might have had for their victims, which leads me to my conclusion: Many of you are morally outraged when you see someone you think should know better, someone civilised, commits an act of violence, even if it was done with heavy conscience and out of an honest belief that it was really necessary for the common good, because, I believe, you intuitively feel they've broken that basic rule of civilisation that says one should not hurt other people one does not know not to empathise with, or does not have the basic fucking common sense not to. The fact is that your chosen empathies only have relevance within your head, and in the real world all are equal and he who commits the worst act for the worst reasons and with the least reservation is the one who is the most uncivilised and least deserving of a wise man's empathy. The fact that the Americans came from a peaceful country and 'should have learned better' has nothing to do with the fact that the kind of violence the Iraqi terrorists have committed shows they are much less civilised than their 'attackers' or 'invaders' and that, yes, that Is a very good reason to execute the motherfuckers without trial. If you were dropped in the middle of Fallujah or Baghdad, your genteel notions of equality and civilised behavior toward them would not make them feel the slightest guilt as they hacked at the last bit of cartilage holding your head to your body, provided you made the mistakes that would cause you to fall into the hands of the Iraqis who <I>don't</I> like Americans.
What you feel about this doesn't matter; if someone is that 'uncivilised', you're not more civilised for giving them the benefit of the doubt, you're not going to change them, you're just stupid.
This is how they play the game: if one of them does something you don't like, you follow him somewhere private, and you kill him.
This is how you play the game if you think it's OK for them to run their society like that: if one of them does something you don't like, you follow him somewhere private, and you kill him.
What you cannot do without great childishness is say, "OK, you play by my rules, and you others do whatever you think is appropriate."
I guess I still haven't found a satisfactory way to say this, but here's one last try:
If you're going to judge people by how civilised they act, then do so; there is no excuse for not being civilized.
Being that uncivilized, that unempathetic, revokes your right to empathy, whether or not you had any chance to pick it up. Such barbarism takes it out of the realm where background or opportunity matters; the overwhelming consideration is the extreme danger posed by that person's psychosis.
If you want to allow that, even over far less drastic aberrations than beheading by knife, then you aren't idealistic to a fault, you are repugnantly stupid and a danger to the long-term stability of your civilization.
May 12th, 2004, 11:32 PM
Thanks, NBK.
You're the only person who could make me smile in a discussion of that video.
May 13th, 2004, 12:18 AM
We need to get used to the idea that everyone esle in the world knows.
If your goverment fuckss with us we will kill its people. Amercia has a long history of tormenting innocent civilians to get accross our goals. So if a little blood shed comes back to our feet, let it.
We as a culture and a country need to have a turn swiming in the retaliation, that has been a long time in the waiting
Could some one try and upload both Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl beheadings again to the FTP. I would but my connection to the FTP seems to drop after like 200kb transfered to it.
May 13th, 2004, 12:22 AM
I feel the same as Jack, whilst i do not cheer and applaud them, I feel that deserve to have these execution and torture of amercians. We have done it enough. Maybe this will finaly cause the sheeple to look at our foregin policies of america. But no the sheeple will just want more blood of innocent peopl in forgein countries spilt. We are "Running Man" already, played out on a global level. Just get your popcorn and sit back.
May 13th, 2004, 03:56 AM
Not all Arabs love the sight of decapitating Americans:
And do we need two thread on this? (same basic thread in Issues and Opinions)
May 13th, 2004, 04:39 AM
I've got both Nick Berg (long version... not the Ogrish version) and Daniel Pearl and one more beheading video (of a Russian getting killed in Afghanistan).
I have them, not because I'm a muslim (proud of being one, btw) and from pakistan (LOL), but because I collect all kinds of stuff as a historical record... some good and nice, some awful and ugly. I'm a collector... got around 2 GB of video clips of all sorts.
You really want them upstairs? They are pretty disgusting. All of them.
May 13th, 2004, 05:56 AM
Iraqis don't kill people with missiles ONLY because they CAN'T do it (they don't have technology and money); if they could (if they had technology and money), they would. Americans don't torture innocent civilians ONLY because they DON'T NEED to do it (they don't need to do it because they can win the war through conventional means, since they are more powerful); if they were the less powerful side, poor and badly equipped, they would need to do it and they would do it.
There is no thing such as morals; everything is about power. Anyone does anything to achieve his goals, based on the power that he has - not based on his moral convictions.
There is no chivalry nor goodness... any iraqi is surely uncapable of caring about anything except his own ass. Any american is surely uncapable of caring about anything except his own ass. Etc.
I don't understand why do you keep discussing about useless things such as this... people dying at Iraq (or at any other place) are shit being flushed down the toilet. Who cares?
Call me names, if you must. I spoke the Truth, as always. Its not my fault that the Truth is abhorrent, repulsive, and full of shit.
Corona: I want the Daniel Pearl video, if you can upload it, please.
May 13th, 2004, 07:19 AM
OK.. Its on its way. Might take some time.. uploads have recently become very slow. Its about 4.5MB and WMV format. Any XP machine should play it. If you have any problems, I can convert it to quicktime, realvideo or MPEG or whatever, though I'd rather not, because the quality is shot as it is (this is the way I got it).
The very worst thing about this video isn't the beheading... the people we caught said, he was already dead when they did that... its the way he's trying to retain some control over the situation, even smiling. That got to me. The poor chap didn't deserve this... nobody does. All he wanted to do was write a story on these animals.
The titles are in Arabic, so its useless to ask me to translate (in case this was going to be someone's request..). Even though I can read arabic, I have no idea what it means since I, or anyone else in Pakistan, don't speak or understand the language.
I'll send the other ones up (nick berg and afghanistan execution) as well, when I can. (unless someone doesn't want me to).
Edit: As for the Nick Berg video... the sound seems to creep ahead of the video by the end of the clip. The victim's screams can be heard before anything is seen to be happening. Thats how I got it.
May 13th, 2004, 09:29 AM
There is no thing such as morals; everything is about power. Anyone does anything to achieve his goals, based on the power that he has - not based on his moral convictions.
I don't understand why do you keep discussing about useless things such as this... people dying at Iraq (or at any other place) are shit being flushed down the toilet. Who cares?
People care because the organizations capable of carrying out such acts generally attract cowardly little shits who sees the opportunity to terrorize citizens for their own sick pleasure.
Ruby Ridge is an example of just what happens when these people act out their perversions.
If information about these occurrances are not shared and discussed I do not see how you can safe guard yourself from being the victim of just such an occurrance. As the Weaver tragedy clearly indicates 'minding your own business' will not guarantee your freedom.
May 13th, 2004, 09:35 AM
I have always hated those torturophile people, be it a Westerner, a Muslim or God himself.
If one wants to punish someone s/he must do it plainly without inflicting unnecessary pain. Seeing some ragheads (or a more proper term IMHO, shitheads since their (not ordinary and main stream muslim's but fundamentalists') heads are full of shit inspired by Mollah/Imams/Sheikhs, and all and any rank of Shithead Muslim priests) or some other westerner doing nasty things to the defenseless people always drives me crazy and reminds SWIM of SWIM's torture experiences.
When SWIM was a child (an adolescent), s/he was detained and tortured by police officers for some nasty crime. This cost SWIM almost seven years of his childhood /youth in prison. SWIM has never forgotten this experience and a fury burns in SWIM's heart. SWIM has never forgotten a short officer doing nasty things and having fun in doing so. Feeling himself as hero capturing a dangerous (child) criminal, this bastard was making shows for their SOB colleages and female officers/secretaries in Justice Palace, etc. The case was the similar for wardens in prison. In SWIM's time bastadino is a standard equipment of torture in prison. SWIM even doesn't deigns to mention about simple beating/threshing and punching by the wardens for some trifle reasons.
So, I hate, by the very heart of my heart, those who, be it a Muslim/an American/an Insurgent/ or Shithead, torture/persecute defenseless people for having fun or out of duty. I just say damn you and go to hell by taking the shortest way you may find.
Unfortunately people are generally the most brutal beings who, if have a chance, do the nastiest things in the world. So, being an antisocial, I cannot side by neither Alliance nor shitheads.
I may find assassination of a traitor/comprador/invader by the insurgents very normal, however desecration of a death body is most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Down with you shitheads and torturers.
May 13th, 2004, 10:02 AM
I just saw the video. Kill them. Kill them all.
May 13th, 2004, 12:32 PM
I joined the two threads on this topic. It may mix up the discussions a bit, but we don't need two separate threads.
May 13th, 2004, 01:45 PM
Now that you've seen the video, what do you think about this: ?
Compare it with the amount of blood spilt in the afghanistan-execution video that I also sent upstairs. Is this normal? Was Berg already dead or heavily drugged? I don't know about these things, thats why I'm asking...
May 13th, 2004, 02:43 PM
Now that you've seen the video, what do you think about this: ?
Yes, when a throat is cut it looks very bloody indeed. (
The first thing I thought when I heard who this guy was supposed to have been was: "why the hell would they pick this guy?" He was a nobody, a loose cannon. No job, no connections and his dad and his company were on an "enemies list" ( The dubbed dialogue on the tape doesn't mention anything about him being jewish either. Remember that other guy who was supposed to have "escaped" his captors a little before this? He claimed it was actualy the second time he escaped, the first time he snuck back before they even noticed he was missing...
May 13th, 2004, 07:42 PM
They killed four of us, we killed more than a thousand of them.
They killed one of us, we'll kill hundreds more of them.
I know they breed like roaches, but with ratios like this, they'll be extinct long before we notice any losses on our part.
It's funny...we've lost fewer soldiers to the war than we loss in a month of car accidents in the US...yet it's made out to be a huge tragedy. It's not. It'd take more than 50 years, at this rate, to equal the losses of Vietnam. We lost 50,000+ there, compared to over a million of gooks.
And our killing technology has only gotten better since then. :)
The muds have lost more people in a day then we have in a year of this war, and they know that they can't defeat us. Terrorism is a tactic of the WEAK, not the strong. The weak run and hide, the strong stand and take it.
They run and hide, we stand and take it, and can take it much longer then they can, all while finding them in their holes and killing them while they cower in their burrows.
They've tried everything they can think of to drive us out, even cutting off heads, yet it only makes us more determined to win by killing them all.
How counter-productive for them.
I was just reading about the airborne ABM laser being tested for deployment next year.
Hmmm....what kind of psychological effect would it have on the goatherders if a literal "bolt of lightning" came out of the night sky, with just a slight *crack* sound, and vaporized their leaders, one by one?
Knowing that you'd be facing instant and messy death by steam explosion (the water in your body flashing into steam in a megajoule flash of laser light) anytime you stepped outside your door would be a hell of a deterrent to moving around, I'd think.
A nice little incentive to stay indoors at night, which would help enforce a night curfew, as the terrs move around most at night.
How many people would have to be flash-exploded to get the point across? Not too many. :p
Guns and explosions are something they can comprehend, but a flash of light and a disappeared body? It'd be so overwhelmingly beyond their comprehension that the terror of it would cripple their psyches and will to resist.
May 13th, 2004, 08:19 PM
If they didn't have nuclear physicists, I might agree with you.
May 13th, 2004, 10:26 PM
Yet, despite that, and all that oil money, they STILL haven't managed a nuke.
Even if they did, they'd only be able to use it once before their country was reduced to a radioactive slag pit.
But, then again, considering how useless their lives are, and how eager they are to die, we'd be doing them a favor by just killing them all now. Saves everyone the waiting. ;) impolitic of me to say this! That's something the Nazis would have done, eh? :D
May 13th, 2004, 10:35 PM
I totally agree with NBK, I recently looked at a body count for both sides on some anti war website and its true. I DO value human life, but at the same time. If they want to get into trading pawns for pawns, we'll take 10,000 for every 1 they take. Funny thing is, thats just about accurate. I would gladly die for my country any day. The thing that pisses me off to no end is when people protest and bitch about our soldiers being "sent to their deaths" by Rumsfeld and Bush. Thats stupid, when people join the army or AF or marines, they know damn good and well when they join that death is a very good possibility. If you didnt want to fight, you wouldnt join. The men who die for our freedoms are heroes. To compare this with Vietnam is ridiculous.
The United states is this powerful for a reason, its takes balls to fight when nobody wants to. When France fell to hitler like a bunch of pussies, WE STORMED THE FUCKING BEACHES OF NORMANDY knowing good and well it was a suicide mission, but we did it anyway, cause we had the balls to face up against a far more superior army at the time. Thats why were so powerful now, because throughout history, we havent been afraid. We've always done what had to be done, and that includes Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
May 13th, 2004, 11:17 PM
Something I've been wondering, might as well bring it up now, but why do the US dislike France? On the logic I see on TV and hear here, France should be grateful for the US helping to remove an enemy from their country. Shouldn't the US be grateful as well, I thought the French helped them back in the revolution?
May 14th, 2004, 12:56 AM
Being American myself, I guess its just the whole being "patriotic" I like to think that were always the good guys but thats not always true. With all of the scandal and dirty politics, it would be tough to point out all of the countries eniquities and honestly say that were perfect, because we are not. I guess it upsets me to think that when we as a country are trying to do a good thing for another country we get criticized for our motives. Yes, Iraq is oil rich, but I honestly dont think that is the reason we are there. When we get knocked by France and Germany I think its just the pride thing that comes out and makes me defend my country even sometimes when i know we are wrong. ALL countries have their own faults. Its just harder to admit when its your own.
May 14th, 2004, 03:59 AM impolitic of me to say this! That's something the Nazis would have done, eh? :D
I don't think the nazis would have allowed themselves take orders from Zionists.
But then again it is a huge riddle to me how the jews managed to manipulate the US into being its ugly stick. I mean the US supported Saddam's WMD's in the eighties so what went wrong? Surely what broke the partnership wasn't the gassing of a few Kurdish ragheads!?
I do realize that it is popular folklore in the states to ridicule the war effort of France, I suppose facts doesn't impress you at all, but try to keep in mind that what stopped the Germans from taking Britain was mainly H20 + russian winters and the death of 8,668,400 russian soldiers.
Most europeans are grateful for not having to deal with German grammar today, but we aren't blind to the selvpreservation motives of the States for involvement in World War II (oh yeah I am sure it would have been just swell to fight Werner Von Braun and jet technology in 1947).
tom haggen
May 14th, 2004, 10:42 AM
but why do the US dislike France?
I don't dislike France. Then again i'm from the north. Go to the south and your dealing with a completely different learning curve. I think for some unknown reason americans just like making france the butt of some jokes. I think the only country I could really single out and say that I don't like as a whole would be Canada. Mabey its partly because of jealousy because of all the good snowboarding, and partly because they can be the biggest damm copy cats "Bryan Adams."
May 14th, 2004, 01:37 PM
Nick Berg had apparently met some suspected middle eastern terrorists in the US before Sept. 11"? ( This guy had an interesting life...
WTF. He did apparently get some work in Iraq... And just guess where!
Berg was inspecting communications facilities, some of which were destroyed in the war or by looters.
During his time in Iraq, he struggled with the Arabic language and worked at night on a tower in Abu Ghraib, a site of repeated attacks on U.S. convoys and the location of the notorious prison where U.S. soldiers abused Iraqi inmates.
The article is here. (,1280,-4083599,00.html)
May 14th, 2004, 04:47 PM
I don't understand why someone will help another man so much as to giving his laptop and fucking e-mail PASSWORD?I don't get it.......
This guy has been warned by army to leave Iraque as well but he didn't leave.I don't understand this as well. Apparently this guy is not as innocent as he seems(perticulerly after his death).
It seems this guy is(was :)) a profiteer who went to iraque to make money in the turmoil and assuming that he was a profiteer will expalin his giving his e-mail password to a man with terrorist connection.
May 14th, 2004, 06:55 PM
Xperk: The point of bring up the whole Normandy thing really wasnt to say that we won the war, because it was really the blunder of Hitler to Invade Moscow that lost him the war. (He didnt learn from Napeleon) But instead to kind of point out that the US went in on a suicide mission and faced up against a very superior army knowing it meant certain death. The Iraqis dont fight like men, but instead resort to terrorism like little bitches bombing innocent women, children and civilians. And that goes for Palestinians too. Especially them. I was just pointing that out in response to everyone saying how overpowered they are and that if we were in their shoes we would do the same thing. Not true. We HAVE been in their position and we fought like men. But yes you are definitely right about the Moscow thing. Scorched earth policy was it?
May 14th, 2004, 11:58 PM
A compliation of problems I have seen in the movie and have been reported by others. Their are a increasing amount of oddities in the movie.
Here is a complied list:
1) extremely convenient "wag the dog" timing at the height of furor
regarding U.S. torture of Iraqis
2) CNN poll question: "Is the Berg killing a reason for withholding any
remaining Iraq prisoner abuse pictures?" Bush has been reported to be
struggling with question of whether Pentagon should release additional
torture photos. Given that the alleged decapitation of Berg was allegedly
prompted by the first wave of torture photos, Bush could now cite "national
security" issues for witholding additional materials.
3) Berg's last known whereabouts was in U.S. custody.
4) Berg shown in video wearing orange jumpsuit known to be of U.S. issue
(compare with pictures at Guantanamo).
5) Berg mysteriously captured by Al-Quaeda (still wearing jumpsuit). Either
he escaped from U.S. captors or U.S. let him out -- with orange suit and
all -- to be immediately apprehended by Al-Quaeda (before he had a chance to
6) Tape obviously spliced together and heavily edited. Goes from a) Berg
sitting in chair talking about family, to b) Berg sitting on floor with
hooded "militants" behind, to c) blurry camera movement, to d) almost
motionless Berg on floor as head cut off.
7) Audio clearly dubbed in.
8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on
the same page. Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what
page he's on?
9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin.
10) "Arabs" have Western-style body posture and mannerisms.
11) When Berg decapitated, there was almost no blood. If Berg were still
alive at this point, with the cut starting at front of throat, blood would
have been spraying everywhere. Berg's severed head, the floor, Berg's
clothes, and even the hand of the "Arab" who decapitated Berg had no visible
blood on it.
12) Berg's body didn't move while on the ground. Although held down, Berg
would have tried to instinctively wiggle and writhe away from captor's grip.
13) Camera angle made it impossible to see if Berg's eyes were even open.
14) Alleged "scream" from Berg sounded to be that of a woman and was clearly
dubbed in.
15) Berg goes to great trouble to identify himself, providing information
about his family. Why? To elicit greater sympathy? Or to provide a
positive ID. FBI visited Berg family in an attempt to "verify his
identity". Guy in video looks very little like Berg photos provided by
There are plenty of questions raised concerning the video too. The body is completely motionless even as the knife is brought to bear ?
not so much as an instinctive wriggle.
More graphically, some claim that cutting the throat's artery would cause a significant amount of blood to gush out.
But little emerges and when the head was raised ? not a drop of blood is seen to fall.
"That's really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process(es) or civil rights"
Michael Berg,
victim's father
In a possible explanation, one discussion room member suggested that Berg was killed and then beheaded later.
However, the circumstances of the video release are also strange.
A Reuters journalist in Dubai first named the Muntada al-Ansar al-Islami website as the source for the video ? at
Although the site has now been shut down, looked at the site within 90 minutes of the story breaking ? and could find no such video footage.
But Fox News, CNN and the BBC were all able to download the footage from the Arabic-only website and report the story within the hour.
15 Anomalies Surrounding
Death Of Nick Berg
What Really Letters
(Warning: Parts of the following discussion contain rather sickening references.)
Arab linguists have said the man posing as the Jordanian Zaraqawi did not speak with a Jordanian dialect.
Others have suggested the man reading the written statement may not have been a native speaker of Arabic.
Zaraqawi was missing one leg and had been outfitted with an artificial leg that did not fit or function properly.
He was unable to walk or stand normally with his ill-fitting limb. No man in the group showed evidence of such an infirmity.
Numerous indigenous sources have said Zaraqawi was killed by a US helicopter attack months ago when he was unable to move quickly enough to escape the targeted house.
While others managed to exit the house in time to survive, he died in the collapsed building.
As any surgeon will testify, the alleged beheading was a fake. A beheading would result in a tremendous amount of spurting blood. There would have been blood everywhere had an actual beheading taken place.
When the executioner holds up Berg's head immediately following what is represented as an actual decapitation of a living person, there is no significant blood flow from the neck or blood splatters showing anywhere on the executioner.
Furthermore, the cut was simply too neat to have been done crudely and with such amazing speed by a man wielding a knife. Anybody who has ever carved a turkey knows there is something wrong with the supposed beheading. The suspended head looks more like Berg had been neatly beheaded by a guillotine.
The orange jumpsuit was standard US military issue to men in custody. It is unlikely Berg would have continuing wearing a US custodial uniform if he had been released by the military as they claim.
The fact he was still wearing the suit is both anomalous and suggestive. One is forced to speculate as to whether there was an immediate transfer of Berg from the US military to unknown persons, thusly preventing Berg from discarding his US prison garb.
Several of the men in the film were fat by Iraqi standards. If they were Feyadeen or mujahadeen, they probably have been living underground since the first days of the occupation.
Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been shown on news stories as they have marched and demonstrated. One would be hard pressed to point out a single fat man among these thousands.
Some men had what can only be described as pasty-white hands. Once again, one would be hard pressed to find Arab men with pasty-white hands.
The lack of spurting blood suggests Berg was already dead at the time of the alleged decapitation. It is possible Berg's dead body was displayed with his head already partially or totally severed.
In any case, he almost certainly was killed before the staged beheading. If so, it suggests the captors had no stomach for an actual beheading of a living person, and they opted to fulfill their assignment quietly and with the least amount of gore.
The scream that is heard has been interpreted as a woman's scream by many viewers.
Videotape cognoscenti have further said the scream was amateurishly added to the tape.
The U.S. government translation of one statement made on the film is: "Does al Qaeda need any further excuses?" This is a falsification. The actual statement urged fellow insurgents to get off their hind ends and do something.
One assumes the translator being used by the US military is a native speaker of Arabic, so this cannot be explained as an innocent flub. This suggests the US government wanted to inject an alleged al- Qaeda group into the murder of Nick Berg.
Iraqis who have seen the videotape on Arabic news broadcasts are universally saying the men in the film are not Iraqis.
Are they saying this partly because the speaker does not employ an Iraqi dialect? Where does their certainty come from?
Firearms experts have stated the AK-47 carried by one man was a "Gilal." This actually is an Israeli-made weapon that improves on the famous AK- 47.
Feyadeen and other insurgents almost universally use AK-47s.
The man in the videotape who is purported to be Zarqawi is wearing a gold ring. This is absolutely proscribed by Islamic law.
The US military has stated that Berg was never in US custody and that he had been in custody of the Iraqi police. The Iraqi police adamantly deny he was ever in their custody.
On April 1, an e-mail from Beth A. Payne, the U.S. consular officer in Iraq, was sent to the family of Nick Berg. It stated that Ms. Payne had located Nick, and he was currently in custody of the US military. We have to conclude that either the email was bogus or the US military has been lying.
The chair that Berg was seated in during the filming was a standard issue military chair of the exact same kind as seen in a color photo taken at the Abu Ghraib Prison. The chances a terrorist cell would be using this same chair are minimal at best.
May 15th, 2004, 10:00 AM
The Iraqis dont fight like men, but instead resort to terrorism like little bitches bombing innocent women, children and civilians.
They mostly seem to be killing occupation soldiers and the people who work with them... they don't have enough ammunition to waste on the general population, nor a good reason to target their relatives. Sorry dude, this is what a guerilla war is like. The british officers said the same thing when Americans shot at them from behind trees and ran away instead of lining up in files in proper uniforms and "fighting like civilized men".
Firearms experts have stated the AK-47 carried by one man was a "Gilal."
That's Galil ( It's an improved AK-47 type, my viewings of the fuzzy, crappy tape didn't let me see any weapon well enough to ID. The differences between a Galil and an AK are pretty subtle- And there are a TON of AK variants.
BTW, seems to have disapeared, not even the google cache is available.
May 15th, 2004, 12:51 PM
You know, I could see that. Iraqis MOSTLY kill soldiers. Guerilla warfare, yeah but the scum of the earth that call themselves Palestinians have NO excuse. I dont care what anyone says. That is not guerilla warfare, day after day they kill innocent women children on buses, in stores and in coffee shops. But yeah, as for the Iraqis.....yeah it would be pretty accurate to say that they mostly kill occupation soldiers and the people who work for them, but not always.
May 15th, 2004, 01:51 PM
Somebody told me that even though something is seriously wrong with the video, he can't believe it to be a western conspiracy because of the number of people in that video... somebody would talk. How can you be certain they would remain silent?
And I replied with a few thoughts:
Making sure that the people involved stay silent isn't a worry if you have mercenaries from Israel (for example) working for you, who are paid in 5 figures (dollars) every month. These people are paid that much because they have a reputation for keeping their mouths shut.
The impression I am getting after learning about what happen inside Abu Gharib and such places, is that Americans are running a pretty loose ship. The security is so sloppy (having sex orgies and what not), that a bunch of mercenaries (a.k.a. "civilian contractors") got together and made this snuff video.
1. Their masters don't necessarily know about it. Everyone there seems to have been sleeping on the job.
2. It shows their worth (the "civilians"). More terror, higher paycheck.
3. If they're working for the Govt. of Israel, then its a known fact that Israel has an agenda for Iraq. They would benefit from anything that makes the Americans react. Most of these "civilians" have been recruited from South Africa and Israel (some of their names have appeared on websites).
4. It was a famous tactic of South African police (during the time they were banned) to threaten a prisoner with a dog bite. So you can see where the Americans suddenly picked THAT up from. Ever heard of Americans getting dogs to bite prisoners before? I haven't.
5. The "Allah o Akbar" at the end is a bit over the top. Nobody goes "Allah o Akbar" like that, LOL. When Pakistani soldiers make a kill, they never go "Allah o Akbar". When Charlie Wilson went to Afghanistan to see the Stinger being fired for the first time under battle conditions, the Afghan guy who spotted 3 Migs headed his way, didn't go "Allah o Akbar" like some fuck... he said "God forgive me for killing the pilot of that Mig with this awesome weapon... Amen" (BBC). And then he pulled the trigger.
6. I sent a video some time ago of a Russian soldier (in Chechnya or Afghanistan or wherever) getting his throat cut open. No "Allah o Akbar" there either. And a lot more blood.
If I was a terrorist, I would speak in English and keep my dammfool demands short and sweet. Then I would kill and make sure the video is sharp and bright.. not the messed up crap we see now. Nobody in Iraq knows how to focus a video camera?
Very disturbing, if this is an inside job. Very disturbing if its really terrorists. In the end, one guy died who didn't have to die.
May 15th, 2004, 02:12 PM
Finnbell, you can't compare any WWII operations to the current warfare in Iraq. As for the invasion of Normandy, it sure was bloody for allies as well but certainly not a suicide mission, far from that. Germany, having fought for three years in several fronts, suffering from more and more defeats during the last two years, was not all that superior compared to the fairly unused US Army. While the Germans had 198 bombers in June 1944, the Allies had 3467, fighters 125:5409, tank divisions 10:55, motorized divisions 0:25, battleships 0:7, destroyers 3:164 (the figures taken from here ( ).. Of course, the well-built trenches and man-power the Germans were having did not make it an easy mark, but considering this to be similar to the desperate guerrilla warfare in Iraq, is nonsense.
As for the iraqi guerrillas, "fighting like men" would only mean instant death while operating in small, irregular and mobile units they cause more terror and paranoia as unlike a conventional army they have no territorial limits and are dispersed invisibly. In urban enviroment it prevents the occupying army from using all methods at their disposal and if they happen to kill some innocent civilians it sure will be noticed in the media, resulting in more hatred towards the occupier and increase in the support of partisans. The popularity is vitally important for them and they know it, therefore it's quite odd why they publish a video like Nick Berg's beheading, being condemned in most arabic societies as well it's fully counterproductive for them.
May 15th, 2004, 02:24 PM
5. The "Allah o Akbar" at the end is a bit over the top. Nobody goes "Allah o Akbar" like that, LOL.
We all have heard the same hysterical "allahu akbar" screaming when the Taliban blew up the Buddha statues in Afghanistan some years ago.
I believe more and more that the number of Allah is "666".
May 15th, 2004, 03:35 PM
Yeah, well... the Taliban.. were the Taliban. They weren't exactly rocket scientists.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Tell you what... when I get to blow up my first miserable batch of AP, I promise not to say "Allah o Akbar"? How's that?
May 15th, 2004, 05:48 PM
Maybe the jew(?) berg was already dead when his head was cut off, more like than not, but who killed him is the important question.
Wait...has anyone actually recovered his body or head? Did they leave it somewhere? Because a video doesn't mean shit without a physical body for proof of death.
Yes, it's interesting how no one in Iraq can focus a camera, isn't it. Hmmm...
I'd put nothing past ZOG. Killing an american to promote their agenda is nothing new.
FDR let Pearl Harbor happen so we'd get into WWII when the people didn't want to get involved in yet another european war, and popular american sentiment was pro-Hitler. I'd say it safe to say that, in 50 years, we'll find out 9/11 was allowed to happed for the same reasons.
I find these incidents to have very curious timing.
And I'd also not be surprised if the "killers" were "accidently" killed in a helicopter crash shortly thereafter, in a double-cutout manuever.
Regardless of who killed berg, the fact is that we have to get the fuck on the ball with winning this ar and stop pussyfooting around with the ragheads. We're there for the oil, fuck the rest of the bullshit reasons like "democracy" or "freedom". They can't handle these things, never having had, nor wanting, them in the past. Oil is too valuable to leave in the hands of goatherders.
May 16th, 2004, 01:25 AM
A day in Washington:
Bush: I don’t want to release the new prisoner abuse videos…
Whitehouse: Sir you can’t keep them, the public knows you have them and will think you’re hiding something.
Bush: Shit, if only I had an excuse…
CNN: “I am a Terrorist, I hate you Americans and your Starbucks Coffee, I am now going to kill this average American Joe that everyone can relate to, and I am going to do it because of these videos and pictures of prisoner abuse. Nevermind that Saddam beat the shit out of prisoners all the time and nobody cared, I am an irrational terrorist, and don’t have to justify my actions. ARrr! Allah o Akbar!” **cue girlish scream noise**
Bush: Sweet, maybe I can use this to get rid of this whole freedom of speech thing too....
Does anyone else smell bullshit? These terror groups, despite their vast resources, seem to only do the minimum amount of damage to get the point across, and the point always happens to be one that allows Bush to limit some freedom or invade some country.
I don't know who is responsible for the vid but it is clearly NOT who is getting credit for it. (Unless they are brilliant and set it up that way so the intellectuals of America would see what we see and come to our conclusions, but I doubt it)
The way I see it there are two possibilities: either there is no organized terror group in Iraq (or anywhere), or someone REALLY stupid must be calling the shots for the 'terrorists'. Why? Becasue if there was a 'terror cell' dedicated to getting America out, they would be out; because despite Bush and his rhetoric, you can't stop terrorism.
If I were them here's what I'd be doing:
Bomb something (on the American homeland) on the first of every month, regularly, for a long period of time. This would show the American public that even when the government knows it’s coming, and when, they still can’t stop it. Then after 6 months or so, make a public statement telling America to leave Iraq, do it right before the election; the public outcry will force Bush to withdraw.
Alternatively, I could made it known that every time an American soldier shot an Iraqi I would bomb say... a Spanish railway car, Spain would start getting pretty pissed at America. Then I'd the same for France, or better yet, drag the East into it, and go bomb China. Iraq is fucked anyway so why not make it look like Bush is indirectly responsible for several thousand deaths across 40 countries?
Either of these would be better then the half-assed crap the ‘terrorists’ are apparently pulling now, and both were thought up in less than 5 minutes by a teenager. One without the 'expert CIA training' and infinite resources of a terror cell. So, if these fundamentalist terror groups do exist, wtf are they doing? And why were they silent when the Iraqi people were being oppressed by Saddam?
Jacks Complete
May 16th, 2004, 01:19 PM
A good point well made, xperk.
I was reading an old thread about UXO last night, the one with the link to, who dig up old trenches in Belgium. I doubt anyone here could really get their head around how it was there, then. Take a look - they find tonnes of old explosive, and more than a few dead soldiers. This year they have re-buried 4 French soldiers (killed possibly by a gas attack), 3 Canadians, 1 Brit and 26 Germans!
Edit: Um, left this window open for a while, and lots of other stuff got posted!
I suspect the truth is, Berg was chained up like a dog, and died of "natural causes" or some BS like that due to a hogtie or he choked, or whatever. Hell, perhaps he killed himself. Anyway, the US then thinks "Shit! What do we do?" and the rest leads in to the theories above...
I seriously doubt they deliberately killed him - of course, the US has been giving people to other countries to torture, so perhaps they overdid it?
May 16th, 2004, 01:19 PM
Collin Powell is full of shit. (
Donald Rumsfeld thinks he can bullshit anybody anytime. (
All politicians are like diapers. The quickly become full of shit and therefore need careful watching and to be changed often.
May 16th, 2004, 04:23 PM
While I really appreciate, understand and sympathize with the patriotic feelings of any nation, IMHO, heroic feelings and, in general, heroism of all the nations of this globe are warped.
I mean after the invention of firearms the heroism died and became extinct. During and before the medieval ages when (portable) firearms are not invented and/or not used extensively, people were more heroic and chivalric. At least they know how to fight face to face, more or less on equal grounds. However, look at the current situation, all and any nations try to compete in armament field. Every nation try to hold a hand on the most technological weapon in order to evade confrontation with the enemy. Everyday we see on media that a new weapon is invented which enables troops to kill enemy troops without seeing and confronting them.
For example look at us. Are we dreaming about how to face enemy and fight them on equal grounds. Absolutely no. We are dreaming not about the heroic and brave ways (unfortunately) but the most treachous ways to eliminate the foe. Isn't it?
I see people are bragging about how heroic their nation is, which is IMHO entirely and absolutely false.
Will you call, after economically and politically wearing off a country for a period of almost twelve years of embargo, and isolating it for that period from the rest of the world, bombing it with cruise missiles and stealth aircraft for a period of almost a month to destroy its land troops/logistic facilities/roads (with an intention to evade confrontation, or more accurately fighting like men, as you refer to it), etc., (not only exterminating the troops but a great deal of civilians that son of a bitch dictator of this country could not manage to kill for a period of two years) and following its collapse, invading it as a heroic deed????
Similarly will you call (ab)using a nation's tolerance and humanitarian attitudes towards the freedoms (be it for its national inhabitants, or for foreigner residents), and blasting some certain towers to inflict damage and pain for such forthcoming nation which harbored and give food to them, as a heroic deed????
I shall not call the foregoing examples as heroic, but cowardly. Please do not take this is a form of flaming or insulting which is not the case.
Do you think could the offending actors of the former example manage to overcome their foe without massive losses, if the former, like the offended party, did not have stealth aircrafts, helicopters equipped with nightvision stuff, cruise missiles having a hitting accuracy of a few centimeters?
Or do you think may offending actors of the later example confront the offended party bravely and in manlike fashion in a face-to-face battle?
The answers to above two questions are absolutely no IMHO.
Althouh I reserve my position regarding genuinity of the nations' patriotic feelings and attitude, the world, unfortunately, is full of shit and treachery. And every nation, to a certain extent, has its share of this shit and treachery.
If we are strong we use our technological advantage to storm some un(der)developed nation with fire and brimstone, even without confronting and standing before the enemy to fight them bravely and in a menlike fashion.
If we are not strong and/or have no technological warfare we use some other warfare (which is called guerilla warfare) to kill not the TROOPS but CIVILIANS who are actually not directly involved in the issue.
For example in my homeland there are some local fascists who brag about how great our race is, how great days that our father rulers experienced and enabled our ancestors to experience the same, how formerly our fathers ruled massive lands etc. etc. However when it is time for action (e.g. beating a deviant, red, snoop, etc.) a few of them simply come together and beat the victim in a treachous way.
Similarly, there are also some local shithead radicals who always brag about how Allah is just, how Islamic social order was ("was" is important, since my country is not a theological republic) equal and equitable, and other bullshit like this. However similarly when an action is required they also act like a pack of wolfs to jump on a single victim.
And I readily assume this is the same for other radical/extremist groups of the other parts of the world.
Finally, I would like to mention about some historical aspects of the WWII events. I don't know how many members watch documentary channels but I am mostly watching these channels, discovery, national geographic, etc. etc.
You may think WTF this guy is speaking of, but my point is: as you may know, U.S. government during that time passed some certain bills of impartiality (I don't know the exact term for this, since I am watching the documentary channels in my native language), regarding an European war. While Nazis was sending Judaists and other people they deem untermensch to concentration camps and killing them systematically, US was profiting from the war (no accusation is intended, this is only a fact) and after WWII US has actually become an invincible superpower. And entering into European war would mean for US loosing the sweet profits.
Anyway while the business was good for US during post 30s Depression time, there were certain groups who were lobbying to lure US into the war. (Guess who they are :))
I mean US would not care who were dying or being conquerred by whom if she would not be attacked by Japans. US did not enter into the war out of its benevolence, instead, after seeing the things become out of control, it is compelled to take part in the war. So, saying Frenchmen how we saved your ass during WWII is simply bullshit. Past is past. In addition, do you think Frenchmen shall be obliged to you forever for such a reluctant favor? I don't think so.
Sorry for such long post, but I am completing it with some final words. First of all I would like to emphasize that I don't care if any ADULT Iraqi is killed by US troops. I only care for the children and that's all.
While you are being decived /misinformed by local U.S. media, regarding the U.S. troops deathtoll, I am really sorry to say that this might not be the case. Recently, I saw on local TV news, a short video wherein the US troops dumping G.I. Joe bodies put in dark colored corpse bags from Helicopter into water (I don't know if it's a river or lake), and some concealed massive graves. I don't know how geniune and authentic this video (since there is a massive disinformation activity here), though I admit that both helicopter and soldiers seemed quite geniune to me. This is intended to fain show that deathtoll for the US troops is small. Now I am trying to get a hold on this video. If I can get it I shall upload it to the FTP.
May 16th, 2004, 05:23 PM
And PLEASE put it it on some free site as well like for those who doesn't have FTP access.
Jacks Complete
May 16th, 2004, 05:24 PM
You are spot on. I have said similar before now, but I feel you have phrased it better than I did.
Chivalry and deceit - the opposite ends of the spectrum of war.
You have explained perfectly why the Iraqi insurgents/terrorists/freedom fighters attack the civilian targets and use ambushes - there is no other way! A hit from an AK is unlikely to even wound a fully kitted out US trooper. He will then kill you. Even idiots work out that something more is needed if they want to survive. Even with ambushes and the like, the ratio of kills is still 50:1 or so.
May 17th, 2004, 04:30 AM Press Release
The Berg Video Was Uploaded From London, Not Iraq Has Traced The Address Of ?Islamic Website? That Posted The Berg Decapitation Video To London, England
May 16, 2004
After several hours of research, has learned the web addresses for the ?Islamic Websites? that posted the Nick Berg decapitation video. The website addresses are and . Both websites have apparently been disabled by 'authorities.' The location of the web server is reportedly in Malaysia. However, the addresses of the publishers for these sites are located in London, England and Nurnberg, Denmark.
The addresses began to disappear from the internet listings as we first reported this development on The Power Hour Radio Show last Friday. Apparently, ?Big Brother? had been listening to the show and didn?t like the news at all. Within hours, search engines like Google could no longer return any results when using the words or in the search toolbar. How is it possible that these filters were added? Are these elusive terrorists --so influential and so capable to control the internet and search engines like Google? the ones responsible for installing the internet search engine filters? Or is it someone else protecting them and keeping the public from finding out where they are? was able to find lots of information about the so-called ?islamic militant? websites before the search engine filters were added.
The location of the publishers for appears to be at an Arab Press Building, which appears to be shared by different Arab news publications. The name of the organization is the Arab Press House. The building is apparently the headquarters for news magazines such as, Al Jamilla, Sayidaty, and Al Majallah among others.
The London address is the following:
Arab Press House
Abdel Rahman al-Rashed
184 High Holborn, WCIV78P, London
tel. 020 78318181
The other address is located in Nurnberg, Denmark. It apparently belongs to a man named Omar AbuOmar. His email address is: .
The complete mailing address is the following:
Omar AbuOmar
New Dream St. 33
Nurnberg, Denmark, 42114
Phone: +965.15441211
Email: has also learned that these same websites ( and were the ones that posted the latest Bin Laden audio recording, weeks ago. Despite knowing the website addresses, and potentially the addresses of their respective publishers, the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security did not make any apparent efforts to monitor the websites for uploaded files or internet traffic. Therefore, no arrests were made. How is it possible for the FBI to pinpoint with astonishing accuracy the location of a twelve-year-old child that downloads a music file from the internet, but hasn?t been able to catch the ?terrorists? that upload video files ?containing criminal evidence- on the internet?
I'm still trying on my own to validate everything that they claim.
May 17th, 2004, 12:02 PM
"Willful Ignorance" is why.
Means that "They" know, but it doesn't serve their agenda to do anything about it, because you never get rid of all the scapegoats at once.
May 17th, 2004, 08:22 PM
I like that ratio. :D
May 21st, 2004, 08:37 AM
You can go on with ratios but it dosn't really mean much to an enemy that willingly dies. Anyway I think it is increadibly strange that all of these terror attacks fall into times benificial to governments, I would say I wish I lived in a different age but over the last 100 years there is a steady stream of war and conflict, infact war and conflict is constant throughout history, it seems that humans are incapable of peace, and the opinions of most are 'why bother'. Perhaps our time is limited, who is to say when the 'final strike' will happen, I do however think with the invention of atomic weaponry has totally screwed over the human race. At least during WW1 and early 2 if we had been entirely conquered there would still be life on the surface of the earth. I get the strange feeling that if the US were ever to be conquered most life would cease to exist, something tells me that the worlds largest superpower would go down fighting taking as much of everything as is possible. The world will either go towards stability, stay the same or die, either way the universe will remain long after we are gone so in that sense we are in-consequencial. However it depends on your perception of reality, perhaps the universe would procede without humans but seeing as reality is relative to every person and constantly different who is to say that the universe is consequential to humans?
Sorry for going OT.
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