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View Full Version : TriaminoTrinitroBenzene...

April 9th, 2004, 06:36 AM
I'm sure some here will have heard of the stuff, if not:


I did search the forums and Mega's synths, but found no details of it, some close compounds, but no ball.

Now as for synth, Picramide should be easy, either from Picric Acid or the ammonium salt.

4-Nitroaniline could be a bit trickier, especially OTC, and this strange hydrazine derivative TMHI could be the hardest bit.

So, what do you guys think? An interesting synth to try?

Actually, i had to laugh at that:Some 30,000 metric tons of UDMH rocket propellant are located in the former Soviet Union, where they await disposal in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

OK, so the nasty Soviet rocket propellant can be turned into nice environmentally responsible American nukes... :rolleyes:

Mr Cool
April 9th, 2004, 09:15 AM
TMHI isn't necessary. Hydroxylamine will also work with slightly lower yields, as will something else but I can't remember what it was...
Picramide shouldn't be too hard - I'm thinking benzoic acid, mononitrate, reduce, trinitrate, decarboxylate.
Also, there's a patent for converting p-DCB into it's dinitro cousin - I'm assuming 1,4-dichloro-2,6-dinitrobenzene - in the TATNB topic. Do you think we could replace the chloro at carbon 4 with a nitro? Then we'd have picryl chloride, which could be converted into picramide or many other lovelly things...

April 9th, 2004, 09:21 AM
Haven't read the TATNB thread yet, must do that now...

How OTC is para-DCB or anything similar?

Maybe Picryl Chloride could be had from 2,4,6-TNP with HCl in the presence of H2SO4, not sure though

Mr Cool
April 9th, 2004, 09:34 AM
p-DCB is very OTC - in some areas, it has completely taken over from napthalene in moth balls. You can buy it cheap, 100% pure.

Hmmm... I know PCl5 on TNP works, not sure about HCl in H2SO4... I've just made a batch of TNP, when it's dried + weighed I'll do a little test.