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View Full Version : Electronc WorkBench Multisim Pro incomplete on FTP

April 7th, 2004, 03:45 PM
Would whoever uploaded the file -Appz- eda(engineering electronics) Electronic WorkBench Multisim Pro 2001 (pcb capture sim circuit design) ISO.rar please reupload parts 66, 70, 91, and 112 because they are incomplete. Thank you.

April 17th, 2004, 08:51 PM
Still no one has noticed this message? There is yet time, but these files will probably be deleted if they are not completed.

April 17th, 2004, 09:24 PM
Mega,Electronic WorkBench Multisim Pro 2001 is available via emule however I have dialup and Im not familiar with the program,so it could take me a really,really long time to get it.If you really want it, I can try and get it for you.Curiously,how large do you figure the .iso is?or should be?

April 17th, 2004, 09:56 PM
Would whoever uploaded the file -Appz- eda(engineering electronics) Electronic WorkBench Multisim Pro 2001 (pcb capture sim circuit design) ISO.rar please reupload parts 66, 70, 91, and 112 because they are incomplete. Thank you.

Dear Mega,

It is I who uploaded those files. However, since I wiped the (partial) files out, if I recreate those partial files again, do they create any problems when recombined?

Anyway I shall upload them. But if they are corrupt (since they are not compatible with each other) please let me know.

P.S. I had some computer crushes on two of my computers, so I could not check the forum for a few days. Sorry for my failure to respond on time!
Now I am uploading the requested parts. I hope these parts are compatible with the remainder. If this is not the case then I shall entirely upload them again. Wrench is right about the file from P2P networks.

I shall be downloading some more goodies ;) after restoring my computers and completing the jobs.

April 17th, 2004, 11:18 PM
Is Ultiboard a part of Multisim, too, or is it a standalone package? If it is a standalone software, by any chance would you have a copy of it, too?

April 18th, 2004, 09:25 AM
Is Ultiboard a part of Multisim, too, or is it a standalone package? If it is a standalone software, by any chance would you have a copy of it, too?

It works with Multisim Electronic Workbench. It is PCB preparation software. I have it and uploaded to the Mega's FTP. But I don't know how I may give it to you.