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April 5th, 2004, 06:54 PM
If dmso was mixed with Salvia Divinorum what would the effects be on a human. I was thinking that this would problely be a good was to disable people. Here is a link to the Salvia Divinorum http://www.wellcoolstuff.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=1&Category_Code=SD1]

April 6th, 2004, 12:46 AM
I've thought of this before.Anything you mix with DMSO will be absorbed transdermally if applied topically.Ive worked around conconctions containing cortizone,phenylbutazone etc and DMSO.I would make an extraction of the salvia to concentrate the salvinorin A. Actually I would try something stronger. Can you get any roofies?

April 6th, 2004, 04:42 AM
Can you say DMT? It can be extracted from accacias and phalaris grass, both readily obtainable. Only minute amounts would be needed to disable the target. With larger amounts, there is potential for sending the victim insane (or at the very least serious psychological damage).

April 6th, 2004, 08:39 AM
You would need an very large amount of salvia to disable a person, Iv had experiances with it before. If anything you'll end up making the person feeling good.

Mr Cool
April 6th, 2004, 09:58 AM
2mg of salvinorin on an unsuspecting person will make them feel anything but good. In fact I've collected a few interesting trip reports from the shroomery. I make my friends read it if they ask to try my salvia, to let them know what they might be in for. This (http://www.boomspeed.com/mrcool/miscSD.doc) is how fun it can be.

You would need DMT in larger quantities, it is much harder to extract, the plants containing it are much harder to grow, and they generally have no more % DMT than salvia does salvinorin - unless you go for MHRB, but then it's hard to get enough material to extract from. Psychotria contains a good level of DMT in its leaves, but doesn't grow anything like as fast as salvia, phalaris would be a pain in the ass to extract from...

"All around me now, in an closing circle, the world was turning to blackness. Finally I succumbed to the inevitable. With tears in my eyes, I crouched to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest. I said, quietly, "I can't fight it anymore...""

"I need to get away. It's that primal fight-or-flight response and there is no chance of fighting back. Flight is the only option, at that moment."

It can be "interesting," or just plain terrifying.

April 6th, 2004, 01:03 PM
Couldn't one make a tincture or liquid concentration of the Salvia? I am sure I have seen this at Erowid. Like making THC oil. Just a thought.

Mr Cool
April 6th, 2004, 01:41 PM
A good way to extract the salvinorin (A and B, although there is little B) is to soak the dried, powdered leaves in several portions of acetone, combine the extracts, and defat with several portions of naptha. If done well this can get you white crystals that, according to most sources, are at least 80% S.A. Some people say higher, that is a conservative estimate. They're certainly potent.

Although I have never heard of anyone actually trying transdermal S.A. Maybe you could make a vapouriser and use it a little bit like pepper spray - several mg of S.A. directed in the face. Might have some technical difficulties in making it. Perhaps you could use a spray bottle full of a saturated acetone solution? It can hold ~20mg/mL, so only a tiny bit would contain an active dose.

April 6th, 2004, 07:48 PM
It's been recomended to soak the leaves in water for a bit first before extracting with acetone. It removes some dirt and some other contaminating products. I let it evaporate just to see what it was, and it left me with a brown resinous substance. After removing this, the leaves had a less bitter taste. I made a 5x extract from here, and from what I've heard it was very good stuff.

If using as a dehabilitator, I don't think the removal of this stuff is really neccesary. Where you may have problems is absorbtion. Salvorin A is said to absorb more slowly into the body than THC, nicotine, and most other inhaled substances. If you got it into their body, chances are they would breathe out to fast for the Salvorin to really absorb. Your best bet is to way over do it. You'll need a larger amount to get any effect at all.

What exactly is the plan for using the Salvia? Make them have a bad trip? Make them get dizzy and get the pulling feeling? I think the best you'd get is the dizzy and pulling feeling. For the trip you pretty much have to be comfortable in a dark room.

Mr Cool
April 7th, 2004, 12:00 AM
I can't think what the water would remove - like I said, just acetone followed by naptha can give a practically pure product.

Absorption was my only worry about this - deep breaths are recommended, which you won't get if you spray someone in the face with a mystery chem. Hence transdermal may be better...

"For the trip you pretty much have to be comfortable in a dark room."

That is just not true... with small doses it does help, but we're talking multi-mg doses in a short period of time. That will almost certainly fuck you up no matter what the set and setting. And even with a dose that is well sub-breakthrough you are hardly capable of doing anything complicated.

May 8th, 2004, 06:04 AM
I paid alomst $300 back in 01' for 12 plants, since they are nice and just about completely refuse to seed. Anyways, with out using at least a 30x extract just about nothing happens, You feel a little more "aware" thats it. You would need a good 80x extract to do anything worth while to whomever. Though it needs to be stated for the record that th longest trip regardless of dosage will run you only about 10min-15min max. I have since given the plants away, as I can not stand using drugs anymore. [Lie, I'm stuck with a person that belives "All drugs are gateways to herion and death...blah..blah...The kids could possible get them....] Needless to say, all my experiments are now on limited scale.

May 10th, 2004, 11:51 AM
If you want to go all out, get a Soxhlet extractor setup. Use methylene chloride or ethanol as the solvent. They work quite nicely in removing chemicals from plant matter and concentrating them in solution. However if you use methylene chloride you should take care to remove all of it after the extraction. Distill as much off as you can, and then add 50 to 100mL ethanol and distilling this off as well. In my experience it works very well.

May 10th, 2004, 04:10 PM
From Rhodium's website
Writen by psygn

"100 g whole dried leaves are put into a 5 L bottle and left in a fridge for 6 h. At the same time, two bottles each containing 1 L food-grade anhydrous acetone are chilled to a temp. of -6 C in a freezer. The bottle of leaves is removed from the fridge and immediately one of the portions of chilled acetone is added. The bottle is capped and vigorously shaken for 150 s. The solvent is then decanted and filtered. The second bottle of chilled acetone is removed from the freezer and its contents added to the bottle of leaves. The vigorous shaking is repeated for another 120 s; the solvent is then decanted, filtered, and combined with the first extraction to give just under 2 L of a clear pale green liquid. The solvent is removed by distillation (can be recycled) to give 290 mg of green (traces of chlorophyll) crystals. Recrystallisation from a small volume of boiling IPA gives 260 mg beautiful white xtals."

I would allways recommend to anyone wanting to try different illicits out to check out Rhodium's and the Hive's site


June 11th, 2007, 07:43 PM
I believe that transdermal DMT would require an MAOI still.....

June 11th, 2007, 08:18 PM
A large dose of a quick acting Benzodiazepine(Ativan, Xanax) would 'hypothetically' do the trick better in two-ply. If done correctly; it will not only knock out the mark, but will also cause amnesia. Plus, much easier to get your hands on. Potential of awakening, but the mark would already be disabled; physically and mentally. Dose would have to be carefully calculated with the following factors; body mass, fat index, and any Benzodiazepine tolerances(I think that covers it).

Xanax has a bitter-'ass' taste, but Ativan tastes like candy. Klonopin wouldn't be a quick acting Benzodiazepine, but much more prolonged; tasting like chalky mint.

DMT: Would disable a mark mentally and make them physically panic; especially when unaware of the 'dosing'. I doubt the potential for DMT to be used for disabling. Any thoughts?

Thread is getting off-topic, yet still constructive. Possible topic name change for organization purposes?

July 22nd, 2007, 12:50 AM
After reading the posts here, I can say that you guys know surprisingly little about Salvia divinorum. And everything you "know" appears to just be badly recited information from online texts. I will begin by replying to a few:

Darkdontay: "I paid alomst $300 back in 01' for 12 plants, since they are nice and just about completely refuse to seed..."
MY REPLY: The way you replicate Salvia divinorum is by 'cuttings'. Salvia divinorum (SD for short) has always been known as needing human aid to grow properly (its thought to be a cultigen). Hence the reason it is not very well understood. These plants very rarely EVER produce seeds; and most of the times this has happened was because a person hand-pollenated them.

senjoronie: "If you want to go all out, get a Soxhlet extractor setup. Use methylene chloride or ethanol as the solvent."
MY REPLY: There is never a need to go 'all out'. Most importantly, why would you use methylene chloride??? Refining SD requires one or more of the following solvents: Acetone, Naptha, Isopropyl alc, and/or Ethyl alc. By following the proper procedure, SD can be refined to a crystalline form that looks like a grainy version of powdered sugar.

mumble:"I made a 5x extract from here, and from what I've heard it was very good stuff...Salvinorin A is said to absorb more slowly into the body than THC, nicotine, and most other inhaled substances."
MY REPLY: Ok you said you made a 5x extract; assuming you really did, you probably just did the quick way of washing the leaves in a solvent then evaporating the solvent on a smaller amount of new leaves (in a 5:1 ratio). My complaint is that you say you made this, and yet your only knowledge of the effects are opinions of someone else??? And Salvinorin A is quickly absorbed in the body under the right conditions (meaning you vaporized it). I can attest to the fact that only one strong inhalation of 50xSD through a vaporizer can absolutely mindf*ck you. Yes, you have to hold it in your lungs for 10-20 seconds, but then again it takes much longer than that to get high off of marijuana.

mrcool: "I can't think what the water would remove - like I said, just acetone followed by naptha can give a practically pure product."
MY REPLY: While water is NOT a solvent of Salvinorin, it is still essential in refining!!! Water washes away large particles and some chlorophylls. Also everytime you wash the extract with a solvent, some Salvinorin is lost because it is dissolved. This is not the case with H2O.

MrCool: "That is just not true... with small doses it does help, but we're talking multi-mg doses in a short period of time. That will almost certainly fuck you up no matter what the set and setting. And even with a dose that is well sub-breakthrough you are hardly capable of doing anything complicated."
MY REPLY: Finally a comment I agree with! I have been in very noisy places and have been intoxicated with SD. Of coarse if you are looking for a relaxing "trip" then maybe dim the lights to a quiet room. But with a strong enough dose of Salvorin (as you stated, this is on the mg scale), a person will be completely intoxicated and unable/unwilling to do anything requiring sensory-motor skills.

One last note on Salvia because I get irritated when people don't know this..
divinorum is one species of Salvia. There are over a thousand species of Salvia, but divinorum is the only one known to have psychoactive effects. Salvia is more commonly known as sage. You probably have a different species of Salvia in your kitchen pantry with the other seasonings.

Now for a positive post :) [I know you guys get excited about this]

I currently am cultivating a few plants that are quite young, and two more are coming in next week (Blosser strain).

I will be starting a project on theforum that covers everything from growing and caring for Salvia divinorum, to extracting the Salvorin, to uses for the refined product. Maybe the information can clear some questions up that you guys have. This chemical really is wonderful, and because it is legal in all but a few states, it can be sold without worry about jail-time. Current prices online show that a single gram of 40x enhanced leaf goes for about $40. So this is extremely profitable.

Because this plant is reproduced by cuttings, it is very easy to make more of them. These new plants also tend to sell very well.

Let me know your thoughts.

July 22nd, 2007, 10:25 PM
You might research "air-layering" (that's what I was taught the term was), whereby you remove a section of "bark" and surround this area with sphagnum moss or similar.

This is held in position with foil until a root system forms from the wound you created.

You don't "girdle" the stem- that can kill the upper portion. Maybe half the stem diameter has the outer layer removed.

This can be done at several places on a mature plant, creating many from few.

July 23rd, 2007, 01:42 PM
Just letting everyone know that once the new plants come in (I received confirmation of the tracking numbers earlier today), I will be starting this project on a new thread.

July 29th, 2007, 12:50 AM
My new plants arrived a few days ago and are doing well. They came in 12oz plastic cups and each plant (2 total) is about 12" tall. I placed a 5 gallon clear plastic bag over them as a humidity tent.

By this coming Wednesday they will be ready for repotting so stay tuned. I will explain the right way to cultivate these beauties. I am also not sure if I can post pictures on here, but if I can, I will.

Until then, check out this video about salvia


Probably the most informative video about Sd I have ever seen.

July 30th, 2007, 10:58 AM
Why not just spray the attacker or victim in the face with the rich variety of tropane alkaloids. It has far better incapacitating properties than other recreational hallucinogens (and a higher death rate if overdosed).:)

Scolopamine, atropine, solanine and my favourite hyoscyamine (vicious and unpredictable).

Any of these or most of them combined with DMSO would make one hell of a fast absorbing cocktail. The sedative, hypnotic and hallucinogenic characterics would provide us with interesting effects to observe and study on the victim. :D

Just fill it in a proper dispenser. Gas-pistol, spray, (even a water-pistol, maybe?)

July 31st, 2007, 03:55 PM
One more video that is worth the watch. A quick tutorial on making 5x Salvia extract.


My plants are looking happy! I just made my first cutting so now I have 3 plants (although the new one is very small). Since they are doing alright I am going to wait another week before I do a repotting.

If anyone knows how I can post pics for you guys, let me know.

July 31st, 2007, 04:24 PM
If anyone knows how I can post pics for you guys, let me know.

Err...why not upload on any photo-share of your choice and post the links (like ex: tinypic). Im interested to see those little devils. :)

July 31st, 2007, 05:32 PM
So is there anyway to post them on here? Or do I have to have a link?

[Ok here is a try]


Muahahahha! It worked! That is a lighter at the bottom of the cup.. so you can get a little idea of the size of my prize plant.

August 17th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Slightly OT:

I would think that fentanyl or ketamine may work quicker, possibly LSD. LSD would be more overwhelming, though I can vouch through personal experience that Salvinorin can be really potent. The thing with Salvinorin is that if you are in a situation where there are a lot of distractions, some people can fight through the effects long enough to strike back at the person who just sprayed DMSO/Salvinorin on them...

Of course, Salvinorin is much easier to get your hands on due to the fact that Salvia is still legal (for now). Ketamine isn't all that hard to acquire through the black market and I'm sure some people here could synthesize Ketamine, Fentanyl or LSD...

Just food for thought, I know this is a Salvinorin/DMSO thread.

As soon as I pay my dentist bills, I'm going to acquire a large amount of Salvia and extract the Salvinorin. I wish I knew a human test subject I could use, but the raccoons in my area will have to do.

EDIT: Now that I think of it, the homeless population in my area would be perfect guinea pigs for a DMSO/Salvinorin test. They are all scumbag thieves anyway, so why not let them trip on Salvinorin for a while. The pretense of giving them some free food and then covertly spraying 5mg of Salvinorin dissolved in DMSO would be perfect.

August 18th, 2007, 03:50 AM
I would think that fentanyl or ketamine may work quicker, possibly LSD.

LSD takes about 45 minutes to start working.

This is, however, a Salvinorin A thread.

August 18th, 2007, 05:08 PM
I know orally LSD takes 45 minutes or so to start working, but if introduced directly to the bloodstream, wouldn't it work quicker? If not it could be applied for a delayed effect, and the Salvinorin for a more immediate effect.

EDIT: It seems that LSD may not penetrate the skin when dissolved in DMSO, at least if it is washed off right away. I guess I will just have to stick with my Salvinorin tests. :(