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February 28th, 2004, 07:55 PM
What the article failed to mention was that, "the boys put a propane lighter to the end of the pipe". Also, the father works for a local police agency and had the powder for use in reloading.


Chainhit 2
February 28th, 2004, 09:17 PM
:d :d Hahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahah/ :d
WTF? Who puts a litghter into a fucking pipebomb! dumbass kewls!!! :D :D Really, when i was there age I dreamed that when I made a pipe chrage I would put a fuse in it and respect it, and put like a 2 foot fuse (whislers) on it..they shouldent have gotten medical attention, for their idiocy. Darwin award.. too bad he dident die.... :p
And wheres nbk2000.. i didnet see him in a while.

tom haggen
February 28th, 2004, 09:43 PM
so they tried to light it with a propane lighter and no fuse?
I think it's partly the stupid dads fault for leaving all his explosives laying around.

February 29th, 2004, 08:43 AM
You can blame the Dad for leaving the explosives around but it is the kids fault in the end.
Who was stupid enough to stuff around with the explosives? Them
Who was stupid enough to blow to injure themselves? Them

Sure the Dad mighta left gunpowder around but if they had half a clue them they wouldn't have touched them. They is an old saying "If it doesn't concern you and you dont know how to use it then leave the bloody thing alone."

March 1st, 2004, 07:11 AM
Flake2m: But you can blame the father for working for a police agency ;).

I personally think that it was the kid's fault and the dad's fault. The kids were obviously too stupid to handle the explosives properly and do the proper research before using them, although it was the father's fault for spawning them. His genes were obviously quite defective and he should never have had kids.

March 2nd, 2004, 11:09 PM
I think this is the dad.
Trigger ettiquette (http://www.full-auto.com/images/forums/videos/kilgore_m16_.MPG)

He's a fast learner...
More trigger control (http://www.full-auto.com/images/forums/videos/whoops.wmv)

March 4th, 2004, 01:58 AM
Where did you get the propane lighter from? From what I gathered from the text, it says they were trying to pack gunpowder into the pipe, when it exploded 2 feet from a propane tank. Blowing a chunk out of the 12 yr old and giving powder burns to the 11 yrd old. Correct me if I'm wrong...I was confused about that.

March 4th, 2004, 11:04 PM
The bit about the propane lighter was in the Miami Herald a day later, but I could not provide a link to it.