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View Full Version : AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Accidents from INTENDED Detonation

February 27th, 2004, 01:43 PM
:eek: OH....MY....GOOOOD!!!!!!!! :eek:
Im still SHAKING!!!

I just finished editing my posting in "Mach 1 Painball Rifle": (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/showthread.php?t=3732)
and decided to go try and find out what 1120g of PETN Would do to the engine block of a 64 chevy pickup.

In the backwoods behind my house in Houhgton in Northern Mich. there has been one sitting in the middle of a small clearing rusting. There are no wheels or seats...or even rear end, so there was no hope of a salvage op. My closest neighbor is nearly FOUR MILES AWAY, so there was no chance of detection.

I trekked out with my trusty detonating box, and an electric lead azide det cap and my "BRICK" of plasticised PETN. I also broughtalong my Brand new DIGITAL Video Cam At the truck, I gently packed the PETN into all the cracks in the block and into all the piston chambers and stuck the cap into one of the chambers. I attached my 100 M line to the cap and drew it out to its full length.

Now, nearby the truck(like 90 M) there are 6 Foot deep holes in the ground used for Paintball Bunkers. I climbed into one so as to be protected from the inevitable Shrapnel, and stuck my new Vid Cam out of the hole on a tripod. With my Cam running I did a brief intro of the coming blast into the mike, and hooked up to the det box. I bunkered down, put on my ear protection, did a 3 sec countdown for the cam and pressed the big red button. :D

Instantly,my entire universe was pain and light. I Couldent See or Hear! I thought My head had exploded! Then an instant later I felt the Vid Cam be ripped away by a chunk of shrapnel that went screaming by right over my head! I even saw the flash of detonation in broad daylight in a deep hole!

I lay curled up in the FETAL position at the bottom of that hole for what I think was the better part of 5 minutes. My ears were ringing so bad I couldent even hear myself speak! If I wasent wearing that ear protection I would be deaf!

When I finally Climbed out of the whole, the entire truck was gone! In it's place was a still smoking crater 20 ft wide and a few bits of scattered metal. I decided to scram since everyone for 20 miles around must have heard the blast. On my way home I tried to look for my smashed camcorder, but to no avail.

When i recover, ill take a polaroid of the crater and wreckage but unfortunately i have no way to upload it :(

BTW: The shrapnel tore down several of the nearest trees 100 ft away! Also I found stray shrapnel stuck into the ground, logs, and trees over 600 ft away!

Chainhit 2
February 27th, 2004, 03:52 PM
Damn! A six foot hole.. that must have been extreamly fucken powerful! A kilo of PETN... I dident know it was that powerful... I never thought that it was that strong... :eek:
Do all high explosives have flashes, i renember my AP dident have a flash.. or am i mistaken? :confused:
Wait.. A 20!!!!!!!!!!! foot hole? WTF :confused: that seems too strong... is it?

February 27th, 2004, 05:28 PM
Damn! A six foot hole.. that must have been extreamly fucken powerful! A kilo of PETN... I dident know it was that powerful... I never thought that it was that strong... :eek:
Do all high explosives have flashes, i renember my AP dident have a flash.. or am i mistaken? :confused:
Wait.. A 20!!!!!!!!!!! foot hole? WTF :confused: that seems too strong... is it?

nononono...not 20 feet DEEP, 20 feet WIDE. Im counting the hole as everywhere where the grass was blown away. The deepest part of the hole was about 3 feet. The crater was shallow and wide. The crater I SHELTERED in was a six foot deep hole with 45 degree sloping sides.
You're right though. my PETN usually has very little flash, however I think that it was due to the LARGE quantity used!

Also if I remember correctly PETN is 140% as powerful as TNT, but dont quote me on that.

February 27th, 2004, 05:41 PM
Nice. I comend you for not getting killed. I may just go to my local junk yard and have some fun :D . Hope your house didn't get hammered, My friend's house still has chunks of cob metal stuck in the higher up parts of the barn. Nothing like 5lb chuncks of engine block though! It's loudness could be attributed to the confinment given by the piston chambers. You could have taken out that engine block with alot less though, you know that right? Makes me jealous, the bigest thing i've ever done was 400+g of flash in a toilet paper roll.

Jacks Complete
February 27th, 2004, 06:20 PM
Nice use of HTML tags to get the point across! :)

A fucking KILO though... you will be finding bits hundreds of yards away! You are lucky nothing landed on you from a great height.

Hope you find the (remains of the) tape or CF card... If you find the card, it may still be readable! *Crosses fingers* Go back and look before it rains next!

tom haggen
February 27th, 2004, 09:27 PM
This is coming from a guy who claims he can shoot a .680 caliber steel ball from a tipman 98 to a velocity of 320 fps. I'm calling bull shit. Pretty convenient that your camera got destroyed.You must not have giving a shit
about your camera to place it in such a vulnerable position.
I own a tipman 98 and if your shooting ball bearings out of yours it is not going to last for very long.

February 27th, 2004, 09:58 PM
This is coming from a guy who claims he can shoot a .680 caliber steel ball from a tipman 98 to a velocity of 320 fps. I'm calling bull shit. Pretty convenient that your camera got destroyed.You must have not giving a shit
about your camera to place it in such a vulnerable position.
I own a tipman 98 and if your shooting ball bearings out of yours it is not going to last for very long.

Ohhh yeah...you sound real smart Tom. It may indeed be pretty amazing to you that 600+ pounds of steel thrown in all directions could take out somthing only 90m away. Especially considering that you're a FUCKING RETARD.

Think about what you say before you post, others will think you less ignorant. With that amount of steel, and that quantity of explosive, how could anything in the vicinity NOT be destroyed. And of course I cared about the camera, its just that on a $48,200 a year salary I can afford it, especially since I WORK FOR BEST BUY (stated in my profile)!

In addition, I guess that the fact that I may have multiple barrels for my Tippman never crossed your mind; or the fact that I OIL the bearings to reduce friction (stated in my post). Try asking your mommy or daddy to buy you a 14 inch barrel, and only argue with your superiors after you have some personal experience...or even some basic reading skills.
You must have not giving a shit
about your camera
Just in case you need further proof of your idiocy :p
BWW: Jack, ill go back to the woods tomorrow to search for the card. I hope its still readable. I'll get a photo of the crater up when I can get access to a scanner, problem is that the nearest Kinkos is 3 hours away over snowey dirt roads. Like I said, I'm in the middle of Nowhereville this week. Eventually though it'll be posted when I get back home from vacation.

Oh yea Atlas, the house is fine...It's a mile away.

Chainhit 2
February 27th, 2004, 10:59 PM
Sorry for not beliving... But about the flash. I looked on andyboys page, and his 8 pound ANFO charge had no flash? What HE's have flash and whcih dont? I'm assuming that it blinded you as you said you can not hear or see?

tom haggen
February 27th, 2004, 11:38 PM
I actually don't even care enough to argue with you. It's just you stories are so full of holes I had to post something. Anyone who shoots a ball bearing out of a paintball gun and thinks it is going to travel at 320 fps needs their head checked. By the way there is no need for name calling. Mabey if you had some proof of this so called 1 kilo charge you could make me eat my words. But until then, your false claims will fit in nice here in the water cooler.
whether your story is fabricated or not. I still think it would not take that much intellect to position a camera so it would not be destroyed. You obviously have no sense of safety.

February 27th, 2004, 11:40 PM
I'm guessing it was caused by the negative O2 balance or the binder. If you had a positive OB then ofcourse their would be no fuel burning after det. so their would be only the flash from the energy released in heat. In most explosives their is too much carbon so their will be a orange flash. If you want a flash then add aluminum or something and some extra O2 so it will burn. What did you use for a binder Not_Osama? It wasn't a well known comp or did you just not say so?

February 27th, 2004, 11:58 PM
What did you use for a binder Not_Osama?
I used Black bearing grease, polystyrene, and white gas as a binder. The grease definitely contains graphite for lube, and the gas obviously oxidized, but my guess is that it was the atomized graphite that made the flash. This is the first time that i used bearing grease, since it kept the brick moldable at the low temps up here.

February 28th, 2004, 12:07 AM
I know this is bullshit, I was standing 20m away from a 1.25kg PNNM blast above ground and with no ear protection. The worst I got was adreniline from feeling the shockwave going through my body. Even though PETN's VoD is around 2000-3000m/sec faster, I still don't believe from 100m away you were deafend WITH ear protection.

If you are going to lie about what you "did" make it believeable next time :mad:

Your sig reads:

"I have NO FEAR of HE's.....Its KEWLS that make me piss myself!"

Very interesting, fear of yourself?

Chainhit 2
February 28th, 2004, 12:26 AM
Could he have possibly exadurated it, as to make it seem more "leet" (no offenece, we all do it).
But it seems possible, with the graphite explaining the flash and the hole only being 3 feet... I have to ponder on this.... :rolleyes: :p

February 28th, 2004, 02:19 AM
I know this is bullshit, I was standing 20m away from a 1.25kg PNNM blast above ground and with no ear protection. The worst I got was adreniline from feeling the shockwave going through my body. Even though PETN's VoD is around 2000-3000m/sec faster, I still don't believe from 100m away you were deafend WITH ear protection.

Think about this for a sec, which is louder, an open blasting cap or a closed one? A closed one obviously.

Now, apply this on a much larger scale. If the PETN was just an unconfined brick, all there would be is a shockwave. However you must take into consideration the added force of 600+ pounds of solid steel being instantly ripped to shreds. The confinement in the 2 inches of engine block CLEARLY AMPLIFIED the shockwave and I think the ex-chevy added it's own perticular percussion.

Also PETN is considerably more powerful -at least on paper- than your PNNM. I've never synthed any however so i do not know personally. I have also detonated SIMILAR sized Blocks of PETN above ground with far less spectacular results. That is why this accident even OCCURED!

If anyone has any other ideas about how this happened PLEASE tell me so I can try to avoid these mistakes in the future.

BTW: I DID exaggerate the time i was ringing...it was only like 15 secs and it wasnt that bad, but i might have had hearing damage without the protection........wait...im thinkin that maybe the shrapnel moving at mach somthing taking out my Cam may have ALSO been what was so loud. i mean the top of the tripod was taken CLEAN OFF! Just a thought. i remember i accidentally set off a 12J percussion cap like 3 feet away, and my ears were ringing for like 5 mins, and that was a little nothing cap.

simply RED
February 28th, 2004, 05:31 AM
Maybe possible! But ringing ears is really strange.
I never had ringing ears, only in case of very near detonation (hitting a drop of NG with hammer).
I've been 40 meters from 2 kilos amonal and still nothing.
(the terrain matters... if somehow the wave has been dirrected in your hole...)
1 kilo PETN really destroys a car completely, but always something is left, like weels and other mechanic.

February 28th, 2004, 06:56 AM
It most have cost you a bloody fortune and ALOT of time to manufacture so much PETN... :rolleyes: Think of the loads of acid needed....

Also, I don't believe a fuck of your story about being blinded and deaf.

Look at the bombings in Istanbul some time ago for example. People that stood 100m away without ANY protection came to the rescue shortly after the devastating blasts. And we're talking about +1000kg of explosive here...


February 28th, 2004, 08:02 AM
I'd be shaking too if I just told the world (FEDS) that I detonated 1120 grams of PETN. I would have "dreamed" of doing this kind of thing....especially when, as you stated "everyone for 20 miles around must have heard the blast". Let's see, you live in Houhgton, Mi. about a mile from the blast site...left evidence in the camera wreckage, and you work at Best Buy.

Why didn't you just leave a note?

February 28th, 2004, 10:47 AM
Im calling bullshit on this guy as well.

February 28th, 2004, 02:27 PM
1 kilo PETN really destroys a car completely, but always something is left, like weels and other mechanic.

There was of course shreds of scrap left, but there was no rear cab to begin with. It was only the front cab of the pickup minus a front axle, seats and roof, the entire thing was less than 2m wide, 1.5m high, and 2 m long. at the blast site were some 10-20 pound chunks of mangled engine block and a 1 foot piece of twisted siding , at the nearest trees were some larger 30 pound peices that had taken out 2 small(20 foot) pine trees. Farther away I found unidentifiable .5-1 pound chunks and a few 2 pounders weged into trees and scattered on the ground. Over 300 m away were small fragments of metal...some in shallow holes in trees, but most under the snow(they left neat little tunnels).

Iv'e been taking a count and collection of shrapnel. I have 2 very large chunks, 4 moderately large chunks, 8 medium ones, 42 small ones, and 113 small fragments. Im sure there are many more but searching is slow and difficult.

I think that the reason that the blast was so horizontal was the result of being packed into the cylindrical combustion chambers. There was very little shrapnel heigher than 15 feet in trees.

For All you nay-sayers I will have still pics of the blast site posted next week when I get back to school. I think that I can post them as attachments if I zip them, as I have no personal web site.

And KRIMMIE...The 20 miles was just an exaggeration. Although they may have heard it, it would have only sounded like a very distant rifle shot. People here take their rifles through the backroads on the way to their favorite hunting grounds, so stray rifle shots are very common.

February 28th, 2004, 02:46 PM
What get's me is that he said he earns $42,000 something - yet can't afford a scanner, or borrow a digital camera from "work".

Reminds me of a certain PE4 an a car thread! ;)

February 28th, 2004, 02:56 PM
Did someone dispense free valium to the mod squad?


February 28th, 2004, 03:13 PM
What get's me is that he said he earns $42,000 something - yet can't afford a scanner, or borrow a digital camera from "work".

Just in case you missed it in my previous posts, here it is again: I AM ON VACATION!

I am staying at my friend Tim Enders house to do some snowboarding. I prought my PETN along since I cannot detonate it in my Detroit subdivision for obvious reasons. He always messes with dynamite and the such since he used to work for a construction company before they went out of business, so I knew that the neighbors would not notice.

And why would I BUY a scanner when I never NEED one? Answer than one for me! This would be the first time in my life i've ever needed to use a scanner.

Oh yeah, and why not just "borrow" one from work!? Because i would like to keep my job! If I said to my boss, "hey Steve, can I just 'borrow' one of your $400 sample camcorders. You may or may not get it back; but even if you do it will be imbossible to resell since it will be out-of-package!" what would he say?

Try asking your boss if you can just HAVE 400 dollars and see what HE says!

VULTURE...I just noticed your post:
It most have cost you a bloody fortune and ALOT of time to manufacture so much PETN... Think of the loads of acid needed....

In my senior year me and my best friend stole two 2.5L Glass jugs of 90% fuming Nitric acid from the lab supply room; so i never have any acid worries. We also stole 500g of lead and silver nitrate, chloroform, ethyl ether, 100 ml of saturated picric acid, 500 ml of glacial Acetic acid, and 2.5 Kilos of Ammonium Nitrate. We were at school until 8:00 pm since we had a late wrestling practice, and decided to go for a walk since the school was deserted. We scaled the bars that close off the halls after-hours and walked around. To our delight the hated Dr. Serri had left his door unlocked, and we entered his room. His room connects to the chem supply room via a side door, and we jimmied the lock with a plastic ID card. We grabbed everything I told him to (since i am the explosives man) and at the end I had checked off my chemical wishlist in my head. We took everything to his car in two trips, and headed to my house where we snuck the stuff in through the basement door.
Oh yes..and Tom, the camera would have been very SAFE in the hole WITH me! Unfortunately this would eliminate any chance of being in view of the det. As it was, it was so far away that it was a very lousy shot...but I just wanted to be SAFE!

simply RED
February 28th, 2004, 03:27 PM
How.... did you pack PETN in the cylinders? :) .
and it blew the whole car... PETN in 3 cm ferrum alloy casing...

it won't be bad this thread to be closed after a while...

Did someone dispense free valium to the mod squad?
for me too!

tom haggen
February 28th, 2004, 04:22 PM
Did somebody say free valium. I would like some please my anxiety attacks are coming back.

February 28th, 2004, 06:21 PM
It must be very handy that your on vacation. However if you do actually earn that amount of money. Why not go to a local wallymart and buy a cheap $40 digital camera, take the pictures, then take it back saying it wouldn't work for a full refund?

:rolleyes: I suppose you'll get mugged next and someone stole your wallet?

Edit - Mongo I said the same thing in my post above your's but it got edit. Can I ask why mods?

mongo blongo
February 28th, 2004, 10:08 PM
This thread is VERY reminiscent of a member called "Victim". Some of the older members will know what I'm talking about. :D

February 28th, 2004, 11:29 PM
Probably repeating whatevers been said as I havnt read the thread and im sure its been picked apart by now, but ive shot C4 based claymores at 20m while in a pit with no ear protection, there isnt any of this blinding flash or thunderous ear splitting noise, especially while underground where everything seems quite tame..... provide pictures to prove us wrong? only way of saving face here.

February 29th, 2004, 03:42 AM
If there's one thing I HATE, it's posers.


Having exploded 10 pounds of aluminized AN in a fire extinguisher shell underneath an abandoned pickup truck (almost 15 years ago), I KNOW that you're full of shit.

The truck was split in half, holes where in it, but it wasn't "vaporized" by a long shot.

And while there was a nice boom and whizzing of shrapnel, there was NO noticeable flash (daylight) and certainly NO overwhelming flash and boom that'd blind and deafen.

This while taking cover in a ditch only about 50 yards away and without earplugs.

Oh, and the crater was only a couple feet wide and not even a half foot deep.

This from something the equivalent of an 120mm artillery shell.

And your profile as a "Buest Buy Commercial Sales Rep." don't fly either, as you misspelled "Best" as "Buest". What kind of fuckin' lame can't spell a simple 4 letter word correctly, and especially one that's his work?!

EVEN if you did (not likely!) work as such, and could afford to waste equipment with such stupid antics as holding a DV camcorder in the open during an explosion, then you'd STILL deserve HED for being a moron. There's these neat things called "mirrors", made of plastic even, that you could use to keep a camera in a hole with you. :rolleyes:

Oh, and does your friend Tim Enders, know that you're dropping his name while doing everything but posting your SSN and phone number while admitting to a federal offense?

So, not_osama, you get the privilege of joining the elite rank of losers who are immortalized in the "Banned For Life", where REAL pyros can forever mock and scorn your transparent lies for the pathetic attempt at being "133T", like the little k3Wl scum you are. :)