View Full Version : AP calculation program.
February 22nd, 2004, 07:45 AM
Here is a excel program I made for doing calculations on the reactant ratios in AP synths.
Just enter an amount of H2O2 and how concentrated it is, and it’ll calculate how much acetone you need.
Or you can enter an amount of acetone, and it will tell you how much H2O2 you need.
February 22nd, 2004, 03:54 PM
I'm not a fan of these things, because it allows people to just make AP without knowing a fuck about it.
February 23rd, 2004, 03:56 AM
I like it, I was always wondering how much AP I could make with a full 500ml bottle of 50% H2O2!
February 23rd, 2004, 05:17 PM
I agree with Vulture too many kewls will lose hands... but then again... :p.
Bond... Covalent Bond.... I love it :D
February 24th, 2004, 06:18 AM
Does anyone need to know a fuck about AP to make it?
I think not.
It isnīt like itīs impossible to make without calculated amounts of reactants, and if anyone spends at least a little time here looking for AP synths, they will find so much described here just by looking in a single AP thread, that things like this doesnīt matter.
mix any amount of H2O2, with any amount of acetone, and a little less of any acid, and it will yield AP.
Hell, itīs simpler than understanding the recepie for fucking pancakes...
If a kewl wants to make AP, He will make AP, calculated amounts or not.
that is my belief.
I could have put it on the ftp (if I could connect, I have tried 2 ftp programs, but there is something fucked up it seems) that would eliminate the risk of any kewls getting it, but it would also make it unreachable to most of those who would appreciate a program like this...
February 24th, 2004, 06:27 AM
Sure, but your program will enable total fucks to get the maximum yield out of their crappy chems and we all know they like to use >100g quantities of AP as main charges.
The result will be more kewls getting maimed or killed and more chemicals getting banned by soccer moms.
There's nothing wrong with keeping our hobby a bit exclusive, if you'd like to put it that way.
Somebody who's willing to learn will eventually gain acces to better info and that's exactly why we shouldn't spoonfeed.
February 24th, 2004, 08:49 AM
You might have a point there, however itīs too late for me to do anything about it now, so itīs up to the mods to decide about itīs continued presence at the forum.
But then again, whatīs for example "the great OTC survey" if not spoonfeeding at a high level?
February 24th, 2004, 02:54 PM
I think it would be a far better idea to spend time writting lessons about chemistry reactions in AP than a programm to calculate ammount of it.
I explain :
I've begun to learn explosive for a year now and I'm still dumb about the theory. I've seen a hundred website talking about making bombs with sodium chlorate and sugar but I only know less than a dozen good ones, like roguesci or sciencemadness.
I spend a few houres a week reading forums and I must say it's usefull and discuss good theory or hard synthesis threads.
But I'm still newbie with these stuffs and the only book I have is The Chemistry Of Explosive and some other big ones like CRC tables. So maybe it would be a better idea (for the one who knows) to make it understandable to guys like me, who didn't want to blow things up and only seek sciences (even if we all like a little bit blowing things up -- or we won't be talking about energetic materials).
I know this remains basic chemistry that we see at school (and unniversity) but I've seen no websites talking about the ABC of explosive. So, if some of you has a few houres to spend a weekend, maybe could he write a short pdf file talking about things stupid for him but usefull for us (us -- the newbies).
I don't blame Efraim_barkbit cuz he had good intentions (I'm sure he doesn't want to burst people's fingers) and I would probably have done the same if I were sure of my yields formulas...
Vulture and others, as you seem to be allmighty, could you give me some hints ? I really want to learn :D
February 25th, 2004, 06:59 AM
A few hints or a short PDF would not be sufficient to allow an understanding of chemistry, even if authored by one of our very skilled members.
Besides, why reinvent the wheel. Polverone has a couple of good chemistry texts and the classic "Chemistry of Powder and Explosives" on his web page.
It takes considerable time and effort to learn anything worth learning, chemistry is no exception.
February 25th, 2004, 06:46 PM
An Ap calculator maybe usefull, i think that a stupid knewl will hurt himself in any case. I knew a boy (very crazy, stupid....) 3 years ago...he did every kind of idea he had in his head without thinking of the consequences.
Now he is dead! I'm an ambulance driver and i drived like a crazy to save him but there was nothing to do for him. He crashed against a three at about 100 km/h with his motocycle. In the past i said lot of times to drive slowly but he didn't take care of this. He did hurt also with an illegal cracker (made in an illegal farm i think) and he fired a finger on the left hand. Every day he was put in troubles or danger.
I think that some kind of people will never change, however in roguesci there is a lot of stuff and advertisement about AP, so even if a knewl has the AP Calculator it's impossible for him to don't know the basics safety rules.
A stupid knewl will make a big charge of AP in any case, with or without the calculator.
However this is only my opinion and i hope that people new to the explosives will make everything with responsibility.
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