February 13th, 2004, 02:55 PM
I got this email today.It doesnt matter if your 18 and can vote or not. An email is an email,a phone call is a phone call. We need to work together on this. Will you be part of the fight now or will you sit idlely by until they go house to house(I'm sure alot of y'all would like that)?Fight the Fight now in the election booths or fight it in the streets later. Let your representatives know how you feel, especially you'se guys in CA.
I've noticed that in many of the response letters from elected officials that people have forwarded to me, they say something along the lines of "rest assured, I will oppose H.R.2038 / S.1431" while not specifically saying they will also oppose a Feinstein-style renewal of the ban.
This doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything devious going on... after all, no House version of S.1034 (the Feinstein/Schumer bill that renews the ban, with some additional restrictions on imported magazines) has been introduced yet, and not specifically stating an opposition to Feinstein's renewal of the ban doesn't necessarily mean they would support it. But still, as we continue to call and write letters to our elected officials, we need to be certain to make it absolutely clear that we oppose ANY effort to expand or renew the ban, not just the draconian McCarthy/Conyers/Lautenberg ban.
H.R.2038, and its Senate companion bill, are serving their purpose well. These bills have no chance of being passed, existing primarily as a diversion to distract gun owners into focusing our efforts on defeating this radical expansion of the ban, and also to frame Feinstein's ban renewal as a more "moderate" compromise.
Neal Knox reports that it is very likely that the latter tactic will be employed in the Senate during the upcoming debate on S.659, the junk lawsuit protection bill that already has already passed in the House and has the support of a majority of Senators.
The battle for the renewal of the AWB begins in about 3 weeks... writing letters is always a good idea, but right now it's not enough. Please take just a moment to CALL both of your Senators, voicing your opposition to amending a renewal of the so-called "assault weapons" ban to S.659. Fortunately, we have the facts on our side... the firearms that are the subject of this ban were never used in significant numbers even before the ban took effect, and, contrary to the blatantly false statements we see in the media and in anti-gun press releases, these guns do NOT fire any faster and are no more powerful (and in many cases, are much less powerful) than traditional-looking semiautomatics.
You can easily locate your Senators' phone numbers here:
Defeating the ban in the Senate would be a stunning blow to the anti-gun lobby. Do your part by making sure your Senators know your stance on this issue.
To be removed from the Sunset News mailing list, send an e-mail to unsubscribe@awbansunset.com.
Keep the liberals out of the Whitehouse in November,they want us as sheeple!
I've noticed that in many of the response letters from elected officials that people have forwarded to me, they say something along the lines of "rest assured, I will oppose H.R.2038 / S.1431" while not specifically saying they will also oppose a Feinstein-style renewal of the ban.
This doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything devious going on... after all, no House version of S.1034 (the Feinstein/Schumer bill that renews the ban, with some additional restrictions on imported magazines) has been introduced yet, and not specifically stating an opposition to Feinstein's renewal of the ban doesn't necessarily mean they would support it. But still, as we continue to call and write letters to our elected officials, we need to be certain to make it absolutely clear that we oppose ANY effort to expand or renew the ban, not just the draconian McCarthy/Conyers/Lautenberg ban.
H.R.2038, and its Senate companion bill, are serving their purpose well. These bills have no chance of being passed, existing primarily as a diversion to distract gun owners into focusing our efforts on defeating this radical expansion of the ban, and also to frame Feinstein's ban renewal as a more "moderate" compromise.
Neal Knox reports that it is very likely that the latter tactic will be employed in the Senate during the upcoming debate on S.659, the junk lawsuit protection bill that already has already passed in the House and has the support of a majority of Senators.
The battle for the renewal of the AWB begins in about 3 weeks... writing letters is always a good idea, but right now it's not enough. Please take just a moment to CALL both of your Senators, voicing your opposition to amending a renewal of the so-called "assault weapons" ban to S.659. Fortunately, we have the facts on our side... the firearms that are the subject of this ban were never used in significant numbers even before the ban took effect, and, contrary to the blatantly false statements we see in the media and in anti-gun press releases, these guns do NOT fire any faster and are no more powerful (and in many cases, are much less powerful) than traditional-looking semiautomatics.
You can easily locate your Senators' phone numbers here:
Defeating the ban in the Senate would be a stunning blow to the anti-gun lobby. Do your part by making sure your Senators know your stance on this issue.
To be removed from the Sunset News mailing list, send an e-mail to unsubscribe@awbansunset.com.
Keep the liberals out of the Whitehouse in November,they want us as sheeple!