View Full Version : Massive EGDN yeilds?
Sonny Jim
January 30th, 2004, 08:27 AM
Does anyone else get insanely good yeilds with EGDN? Every time I make it im amazed. Just there I used 200g AN, 300ml H2So4 and 50ml EG, and have a final yeild of 150ml.
Thats one thing, and also, does anyone else find EGDN very syrupy. Unlike NG, when I tilt my container of EGDN it takes time for all of the EGDN to shift to the same angle, like treacle.
I was just wondering if any of you have observed the same.
January 31st, 2004, 04:46 AM
The EGDN I have made is not viscus at all, it is only slightly thicker than water.
There is also a problem with your yield, you are starting with 50ml of EG, that is 55.65g, which corresponds to .897 moles of EG. A 100% yield would be an equal molar amount of EGDN, that would be 137.9g. That amount of EGDN would be 91.9ml.
You appear to have serious problems with your synthesis. Are you using pure EG? the use of unpurified antifreeze may be your problem.
I would dispose of your "EGDN" ASAP, it is impure at best.
January 31st, 2004, 06:16 AM
Perhaps there could be water present in your EGDN?
Sonny Jim
January 31st, 2004, 08:05 AM
Yea that may well be it. After spending the night in a dessoicator with calcium chloride it has gone down in volume significantly, and turned clear. Upon weighing it turned out to weigh only 92g. It still appears thick, but to hell with that. I've added it to 500g prilled AN from my 25KG bag, so it wont be around for much longer.
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