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View Full Version : How to POST images.

January 27th, 2004, 11:05 PM
I've beeing scrolling through a few topics and it has become annoying at seeing links to pictures that do not work becasue the host has a protection on it. This tutorial will tell you how to Post images using the yahoo Geocities host. The first step is to get a yahoo account (duh) so you can upload images to thier site. The next steps are as follows:

1. Upload the images you want to post.

2. Rename the images you uploaded from xxx.gif/xxx.jpg > xxx.txt

3. Now when you link the images from this forum, use the [img] code and type out the FULL URL to the image, also make sure you link it as a .txt, NOT a .jpg

4. When people load the page, they will see the pretty image and not a nasty little red X.

Please, before posting images, use a program like photoshop or paint shop, or even MS Paint to crop the image and make it into a smaller file size etc. This is not only for the viewers of the images, but for yourself because like most hosters, Geocities does not supply unlimited bandwith, and if your images are big, you'll find that your images go offline very very quickly.

I hope this tutorial helps some of you.

January 28th, 2004, 05:35 PM
HOLY SHIT! A newbie is actually posting something useful for once! :eek:

I'm impressed. Now to see if it actually works...

Jacks Complete
January 28th, 2004, 05:37 PM
That is an excellent tip. Thank you.

Of course, this is an old problem, and the forum now allows uploading of images, so it won't be as useful as it once would have been.

January 28th, 2004, 06:41 PM

doesnt work for me, and im using the [IMG] things around the link.

January 28th, 2004, 07:38 PM
lol, my browser actually opens it as a text document as well. Oh well, i'm sure it will make interesting reading.

January 28th, 2004, 09:23 PM
I forgot the most important part: I've only tested this on IE 6 and Netscape 4.5. In IE, it's fine and it seems as if it's a regular image, but in Netscape, this trick does not work. The majority of people use IE, so this is not much of a problem, but it is still a significant problem. Some other options are to use a free image hoster that supports hotlinking, a good one is http://gallery.cybertarp.com/
http://www.free-webhosts.com/free-image-hosting.php has a list of free image hosters.

It also seems that the [IMG] code is disabled for posts. I dont know if you must get a certain post number to get it enabled, or if you have to be a moderator. Instead of displaying an image, it'll show a link and if you have IE 6, you'll be able to see the image from the link no problem. I should've seen that before I opened my big mouth.

Again, sorry for the lack of information.

January 29th, 2004, 11:59 AM
Or it might just be that the image is showing up because it's in your web cache.

January 29th, 2004, 03:51 PM
Again, sorry for the lack of information.

You're kidding right? The lack of information? Your post actually contains very useful information.

Most newbies posts are like black holes sucking for info.

Very good start.

Oh and BTW, that post of NBK was intended to be rather positive about you. You'll understand when you've been around for a little longer...;)