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View Full Version : NH4ClO4 Based eplosives ?

January 21st, 2004, 04:39 PM
I have found a recepie of some sort of explosive that vould have been used in mines during WW2 when other explosivs where hard to find. It consists of: 78% NH4ClO4, 16% parrafin and 6 % Aluminium.

So i was thinking about changing the formula to increase its power so i started to calculate a new formulation based on the first one.

For now the formula lock like this: 50,5% NH4ClO4(s) + 26,3% CH3NO2 + 23,2% Al(s)
And maby some aditives like Fe2O3 (as a catalyt to increase spead) or something else to get higer/lower sensability/power.

The next step would be to reduce the Al content to add some parrafin/vasseline insted, to make it into a plastic explosive.

If anyone have experiense of similar compounds it would be of intrest to hear wath you have to say about spead and sensability of such mixtures.