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View Full Version : Car Bomb detonated in Sydney

January 10th, 2004, 05:10 AM
Have a look at this
I live around 45mins drive (although a very in-direct route) from there and I heard a thump and felt my bed move slightly this morning, didn't know what it was at the time but this makes sense now. Any speculation as to what was used? I am thinking ANFO burried around 1m down as the car on top was still in pieces as large as the engine block which was only 35m away (most likely projected almost straight up) although there were parts found up to 500m away. Funny thing is that it was deted at the same place that I launch rockets at a club once a month, so they are bound to find a lot of weird crap in the soil :D

January 10th, 2004, 07:48 AM
Sounds like a pyro at work! :)

"Local residents who called police thought the explosion sounded like a meteor crashing to the ground."

WTF? Because everyone recognises the sound of a meteor strike, having witnessed several, oh wait, just saw one on TV:rolleyes:

January 10th, 2004, 08:04 AM
"WTF? Because everyone recognises the sound of a meteor strike, having witnessed several, oh wait, just saw one on TV"

I find my meteor strikes to be a lot louder when Sb2S3 is added!

January 10th, 2004, 08:08 AM
Yeah I was thinking that ;) from what I heard (and I was ~50Km away mind you) it was like someone throwing a brick into a skip from a few m up about 100m away (ie a very low thump). I wonder if I got more of a vibration feeling from the ground though, if you detonate enough HE to make a crater like that underground you are bound to get some force traveling through the ground for a long way, but I am still supprised that I heard and felt it. Would've liked to have been ~2Km away with a good view, sounds like it would've been one hell of a show :D

January 10th, 2004, 09:25 AM
It looks like someone was just mucking with some good ol' ANFO to me. I just saw the crater on TV then with pigs standing around it, there is no way it is 5m wide! Maybe 5m from where the grass got blow away but the hole only looks 3m or so. There is also no way it was 5m deep. I saw them standing in it and their heads were out the top! Total media bullshit! I hope it was a forum member and they can show us some kick ass footage! Speaking of footage I am very pissed that my camera died when yesterday I successfully detonated 400g of PNNM above ground (no way 10g AP would have made that blast ;)) The shockwave does travel, six of us were some 30-40m away and could feel the shockwave. That was only 400g, to make a crater that size in Australian soil (fucking hard, compacted and dry as a bone) the "bomb" would have had to have been at least 15kg of ANFO. Spydamonkee's 10kg ANFO made a 5m crater in sand so imagine how much it would have taken to make a "5m" crater and do it above ground and with our soil type! They would have had a blast ;)

January 10th, 2004, 09:42 AM
Well whoever did it musta used a shitload of ANFO or some AN based comp. I am suprised the police could recognise the wreckage was a car.
Even if a forumite did do it and had recorded it, they wouldn't be stupid enough to release the footage just yet, because the cops would be out for blood.

The article mentions that land was owned by Telstra. Prehaps Telstra could be funding a Terrorist cell after all, considering there price and service is crimminal.

January 10th, 2004, 10:47 AM
Ha its funny. As soon as i saw it on TV i thought " i wonder if there from the fourm?"

January 10th, 2004, 12:17 PM
A rather poor picture in this article (http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/01/10/1073437520581.html)
To me, it looks like someone's gone and waved his dick in the authorities' faces.

January 10th, 2004, 03:22 PM
Interesting thing to do with a stolen car ;)

January 10th, 2004, 06:48 PM
God that was quick to get forums attention, mind you then southern news is alwasy slow to get to where I live. Although the blast was impressive, even allowing for media exageration of its affect. You have to wander, why do this in an area that people may notice you and your movements? (bloody idiot)

Presuming this person is a member or may have accessed the forum at some stage, I would suggest anyone living close to this area take steps to securely hide any resources (chemicals and information materials).

This may be saying "granny here is how you suck eggs", but even if the antiterrorist groups think it is just some dickhead playing around, it may be a good exercise for them to practice looking for some bomb makers, especially with media and no doubt soon some political interests.

Just think about this.

Does anyone locally know about my hobby/interests?
Has this person used and purchased chemicals form the same sources as myself?
What is a good source of information for making explosives?

metal dragon
January 10th, 2004, 09:07 PM
It seems to me like a copycat that was imitating the Tasmanian Assholes. I believe they caught one of the people responsible for the bombing. Ha Ha should have been more carefully. Remember it is only illegal if you get caught, what the authorities don’t know can’t hurt you.

January 10th, 2004, 10:54 PM
"He said it would take some time before police would be able to determine the cause of the explosion"

Umm explosives maybe :rolleyes: I am ashamed to have these nobbers in my country, they can't even figure out what caused a fucking massive crater...:mad:

January 10th, 2004, 11:36 PM
The person(s) behind setting off that device are going to have to lie very low for the next few months, or better still leave the state or Country.
For crying out loud, if you are going to set off a big charge, do it in a place where no one is going to care. These person(s) got it atleast half right but then, you wouldn't expect the balst to be heard 30-45km away.
I just hope that whoever did this were just a few bored people that had lots of AN, not some militant Islamic group that outs for blood and testing ipotential devices.

January 11th, 2004, 02:02 AM
I think they already have him, the CT's raided a house and used 5 'tactical charges' to 'elminate' certain volitile chemicals (good work you blew up farmer joe's AN fert and cans of fuel for the tractor). The guy lived in Blacktown (very close to the blast site) and was apparently well know to the neighbours for setting off smaller explosive devices in the vacant lot behind his house, some large enough to shake the nearby houses. How stupid, firstly setting off tons of crap out the back of your house, then setting off a massive blast litterally like 5mins from your house, when everyone within 10Km knows you dig blowing shit up :P

January 11th, 2004, 04:02 AM
They have the bloke alright.

I just saw the news while enjoying a few drinks with some friends. And I heard a quote something to this effect (mind you I have been drinking....lots) "...... had only taken an interest in explosives after spending time exploring the internet".

I hope this was not information taken from this site. I am sure that there will be plenty of kids now jumping on the net looking for this type of information (copycat) and angry parents/teachers wanting something done about it.

January 11th, 2004, 04:19 AM
Definetly poor judgment on his part, but I wish I coulda seen it! :D

January 11th, 2004, 05:18 AM
Just heard appraently he used ammonium nitrate and acetone. Or so the forensic's say. Woohoo he used ANFO! Good on him!

January 11th, 2004, 09:14 AM
I just heard on the news that the explosive weighed 100kg

January 11th, 2004, 12:24 PM
Here's a news story (http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/01/11/1073769454740.html)
Some half bright guy knew enough to get the info off the internet and not enough to be inconspicuous about his hobby. He's a knob and I'll bet the various Australian members will be paying the price.

January 11th, 2004, 06:57 PM
from the link at the top of the page:
'possession of dangerous articles' what happened to freedom of information?! unless they mean articles in the object type sense....

'a quantity of chemicals which could be used to make explosives was found.
The chemicals were unstable, so a number of adjoining properties were evacuated and a controlled detonation was carried out'

as everybody knows, chemicals are automatically unstable :rolleyes: fucking cunts!

January 12th, 2004, 12:27 AM
Bloody blue (khaki for rural areas) uniformed wankers. He was an idiot for setting that charge off though, as he was bound to be caught.

I am glad that I have a fair amount of AN and won't need to buy more any time soon.

January 12th, 2004, 03:05 AM
When I first heard the news, I didn't think it is home made AN. I though it was more likely to be TNT or RDX. Hell! 100kg of AN is enough to completely blast down a 7 stories concrete appartment! What a wast of explosive...

January 12th, 2004, 04:18 AM
Just what we need! Some idiot setting off a bloody great big bomb in a place where everyone's going to notice it and playing into the hands of the chemophobes who want everything banned. Now the public's been nicely scared that such terrifying chemicals can be easily bought and everyone's pushing for tougher controls, IDs etc. I could just about strangle the guy - did he spare one moment's thought about how his stupidity is going to make it that much harder for those of us who use these chemicals carefully and responsibly? Still, according to news reports, strangling was nearly out of the question. Apparently he set the thing off with a sparkler and was lucky not to be killed. Predictibly the media's using the whole terrorism thing to scare people, by implying that this bomb may have been "practice" for something "much more sinister". Really, is a terrorist planning a major bombing going to be stupid enough to do a practice bombing that everybody notices and expect to not be caught before the real thing? Anyhow, banning this stuff isn't going to stop a single determined terrorist - after all, the september 11 attacks were carried out with knives, and I don't see any attempt to ban knives. And back on the chemical front, nearly everything has destructive potential if you look for it. For instance, all you need is salt and a power source to create a chlorate cell and make an evil terrorist bomb from it. Maybe somebody should set off a bomb using chlorates made by this method, and see if they try banning salt and electricity. Perhaps they'll try to place barbed wire fences around all the beaches to stop anybody collecting sea water. Considering the public gullibility regarding anything 'chemical', they'll probably succeed. Anyone been to dhmo.org? That site proves my point - in some surveys they conducted, 90% of people agreed that water should be banned. All they needed to do was call it "dihydrogen monoxide", and give some scary but true facts, such as how inhalation can cause death, and prolonged contact with solid dhmo causes tissue damage. They even managed to convince the New Zealand Greens Party to make banning DHMO one of their campaign policies!

January 12th, 2004, 04:52 AM
Well its all over for Australia now! The government is revising issues of pyro licenses and BANNING ALL SALES OF FERILIZER! I can't believe people can't buy any fertilizer! They arn't issueing any license for the next couple of months whatsoever! We are fucked. Plus I have been banned from making any HE's from my dad ("until further notice :mad:) "None of that acetone peroxide stuff, its too loud" So I am stuffed aswell. Plus I havn't got any AN :( So my hopes of buying a sack are gone. I only have 20kg of KNO3 left aswell :(

To top this shit off they have said the bomb was detonated with a sparkler :mad: My dad ate that bullshit about the sparkler aswell. He also ate the bullshit about it being a 44 gallon drum. How the fuck would they know it was lite with a sparkler (and it wouldn't work!) and how the fuck do they know it was a 44 gallon drum! ARRGGHHHHH FUCK THIS COUNTRY AND FUCK IGNORANCE!!! If we have such experts why can't they understand ANFO doesn't go off with a sparkler!

January 12th, 2004, 05:54 AM
They haven't banned AN sales yet (at least where I am) but they are seriously considering having a lisence to buy it. Seriously though what the fuck would that do to stop it, this guy was in a semi-rural area anyway and most farmers would automatically get a permit becuase it is needed for their damn crops. Then (on some news show) they reminded us that the Oakalahoma bombing also used 'AN fertaliser', but how would permits for AN help in this case, the people that built that bomb had AN because they used it for farming and would therefore have a permit anyway. If a terrorist even wanted to blow something up with AN all they would need to do is get a cheap farm in the middle of nowhere as an excuse to have AN, and don't think they don't have the money to back it up either, it is probably cheaper than paying for the deaths of a few suicide bombers. This will really piss off the farmers as well, what more do they need than a record drought, a trade agreement with the US that will screw them and now the need for a fucking fertaliser licence. And seriously what is the 'terror threat' anyway, there has been NOTHING on Australian soil, and the bali thing was a while ago now, this was some fool in a paddok with some fert, not a threat, and yet they are suddenly realising 'hey, exploives are easy' stupid fucking sheep, loud noises scare them into idiocy, not like they need help for that matter >:-(

January 12th, 2004, 07:10 AM
The idiots don't realise that terrorists or serious criminals will just steal their AN.

The only people that will be affected are farmers and harmless pyros.

On the ABC news website they have a picture of the car's axle that is labelled "The remains of the bomb" :rolleyes: .

January 12th, 2004, 08:50 AM
Why do we bother with all this getting angry at the media, they will never change, its all for the story right :rolleyes: What can we ever do? People are ignorant and don't want the truth. Why bother?

January 12th, 2004, 09:00 AM
The 7:30 report a.k.a the ABC ACA has decided to join the anti-fertiliser campaign. How is this for a qoute; " We have been focusing our attention on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, when common garden fertiliser is a major threat". Congratulations to the news team who just found out that AN can be used to make "bombs". Next they continued to grill several government officials on why the nation hasn't banned the sale of all fertiliser yet.
In addition to this recommendation by the ABC ACA I would like to propose a grading system which would help regulate the sale of fertilisers in accordance to thier potential harm to society.
Class 1.1: To purchase fertiliser in this category requires that the buyer have a licence obtained from the head of anti-terrorism that proves that:
a) The holder has insufficient IQ to construct a harmful device from the materials in possesion.
b)The holder provides geneology certificates that prove the holder has entirely Anglo saxan heritage for the past ten generations. No rag head forefathers in the past fifteen.
c)That the holder has adequate security measures to protect the fertilisers ie an underground magazine with 24hour chubb patrol.
Fertilisers in this class include any fertilisers that contain Nitrogen as either Ammonia or Nitrate or Urea as well as aerial Sulfur or Phosphates.
Class 1.2 : this pertains to any other chemical fertilisers. the buyer must own a farm, and have proof that he has no knowledge of science greater than a pass in year nine as well as no access to internet or other mass media.
Class 1.3 This applies to any organic fertilisers ie compost or manure of any kind as well as nitrogen fixing plants and animals. The buyer must supply proof of residence as well as a qouta by the National Australian Fertiliser Commision which determines how much fertiliser a person is allowed to possess.

As well as this, deisel vehicles will only be permitted to be sold to personnel with arable land.
By folllowing this simple recomendation, we will never have to worry about fertiliser bombs again.

January 12th, 2004, 10:15 AM
Thats what the world is like now days or Australia anyway. Just shits me, many Australian members have been using large RHE charges (As I like to call them, Recreational High Explosives ;)) since who knows when and we don't get caught, but one dickmuncher fucks it for everyone :mad: Not happy Jan!

Dave Angel
January 12th, 2004, 11:41 AM
Well I've had a hard time finding anything about this on the BBC News site. If they were really taking it seriously as a terrorist testing his devices, wouldn't it be all over international news that they had caught him?

In fact the closest thing to australia and explosives I found was this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/mid/3367397.stm dangerous things those lavender pillows! Solution - what else... a controlled explosion!

As blindreeper says, getting angry isn't going to help. Until (and if) some big changes come along, the majority of the public are going to be scared of whatever they are told is dangerous without a second thought.

They don't want to know the truth, because the truth often involves learning details, and actually understanding them. The majority of people want to just get on with their lives and breed as their genes instruct them to. Taking time out to learn gets in the way of that.

We can write all we like about how "it wasn't a bomb, it was explosives and there's a difference" but we have to face it, the only people that will read and truly understand such a comment are us!

Until a time comes when the masses become enlightened, I'm sure a lot of members feel the same powerlessness I do. The best we can do is continue to take precautions and hope that laws banning fertlizers and such aren't brought in.

In the laws eyes, we have no rights, and we cannot object to these 'measures'.

January 13th, 2004, 01:40 AM
Thank christ I heard today that the NSW Police Minister or some arsehole of similar rank has stated that he supports any move the government makes but believes that it is ludracris(sp?) to ban fertiliser because it can be sourced from another state and for the people that actually do use it for fertiliser would be inconvenienced by it (this could turn into a similar argument to gun control if we are not careful).
And as for the ignorant fucks that keep on calling it a "fertiliser bomb" when really there is only a single type of fertiliser that can be useful as a HE. Sounds to me like this piggy is keen on not banning everyone fertilising theyre gardens and maintaining theyre pools!

God I am glad I live on a farm and buy Nitram by the tonne!

January 13th, 2004, 01:57 AM
Care to send some nitram to me! This is good news, I don't like the fertilizer bomb classification, some of my friends are like "I have some osmocoat and deisel and made the most massive bomb ever!"

January 13th, 2004, 08:41 PM
I knew this would find its way to the forum as soon as i saw it on the news... my first thought was "stupid aussie" hehe Then "Bloody hope it wasnt a forum member!"

But seriously this idiot has ruined it for alot of other people with his action's & we wont see the end of this for some time.

Across the ditch they are trying to say the "bomb" was estimated to be the same size as Tony Mcviegh's!
There is still controversy on the actual size of his and what was used ... I believe around a thousand kg or more of ANNM....but i cannot see the idiots device being more than 100kg if that!

We should actually be glad that he wasnt taken out by the device even if he is so stupid to use a sparkler for such a large device, detonate it locally then get caught! as it would cause a bigger mess for all..... Idiot included

Also to make it clear I, spyDAmonkee did not detonate that ANFO on the beach and neither do I do illegall things like that. I just found the picture's and video on the net.

Peace :Þ

January 13th, 2004, 11:36 PM
No it has been said over and over again on the news it was 100Kg's, no where near what mcviegh used, his device cut a building in half, this one only trashed a car.

January 13th, 2004, 11:46 PM
Blindreeper: time to find new friends :p .

Today I started a little file of examples of these "type" of stories that the media presents. That way when someone asks me about it I will have lots of things to back up my loud opinion ;). So far , in the file, I have the dangerous pillow story and a few things about the story at hand.

BTW, anyone else notice that when the government blows something up it is a "controlled explosion" but when anyone else blows something up, it is called a bomb? Just something I noticed, sounds a bit too much like doublethink to me.

On to the main point of my post (this rant started small, but got out of hand fast ;)):

The way I see it, the fear mongering people of the world are winning; they have convinced the populace to side with them. They may have even suceeded in making some of us feel deep down as though our hobbies are illegitimate and wrong and that we are bad for practicing them. They've even convinced our family and friends that our hobbies are bad and should be hidden shamefully, like a bastard child. Sneaky. Insidious. It seems we are sitting back and letting them get away with it, like a twelve year old being told off by teacher for throwing a snowball after hours, off school grounds. We complain, but do nothing about it because we seem convinced that we are powerless.

It's all well and good to gripe about the ignorance of the public but who here can say they actually have tried to do something about it? I'm not saying I have, but I still want to make my point. If the public is so stupid, why can we not sway them to our side? Is the opposing side too talented for us? I think it's because we don't try enough to fight them - to beat them at their own game. In this particular example I think our australian members should be doing all they can to try and get their pro-freedom views published in the media. Likewise with the rest of us when this happens in our neck of the woods. I know for a fact that a lot of people I know are fed up with the usual fair presented in the media. Who's to say our view cannot be interesting/make a good story as well? Obviously it will have to be dumbed down somewhat but the topic and strange viewpoint certainly could form an original and exciting article that some reporter might be interested in. Hopefully they don't twist the story into something bad though. We need to try to gain public sympathy and whatnot. Maybe getting an entire story/interview would be a bit ambitous.

A more realistic attempt (possibly leading to a story) could be made by pretty much any Australian member. It would be anonymous too. Write letters to your newspaper, and to the news station. I would say that the most important thing is to get them published, so don't try to bite off too much at once. Besides, they won't publish anything that is too long. In other words when writing a letter make it short, clear and as simple as you can so people can understand. I find that the media in Canada will print letters with opposing views (though not nearly as many as the ones that support their views) but they must be well written, and what the editor is looking for in terms of style. Given two letters/opinions of equal writing quality and style, the "soccer mom" one will get published over our kind every time, so we must outdo them. And if it doesn't work at least we can say we went down fighting instead of hiding and being all resentfull.

Who's to say we cannot meet the soccer moms in their game? As long as there is enough objectivity left in the media to not deliberately and completely censor us, there is still hope. Remember, dramatic change is most often caused by a small, organized, (very) vocal and motivated minority. It is groups like these that convince the masses to side with them, and hence get their way. Currently the people I like to call the soccer moms/fear mongers is a group as such and they are being quite (way too) effective. Who's to say that the people who love chemistry (especially the high energy kind), fireworks and RHE's cannot be such a group as well? Let's face it: they are trying to regulating us out of existence and if we don't do something then they will eventually succeed.

green beret
January 14th, 2004, 12:50 AM
Hi All.
Firstly, lets not panic (yet). AN cannot be banned totally because the farmers need it, they can only restrict it. Therefore it IS still available only it will be harder to get, people who live in a rural or semi rural type area possibly know a farmer or two, or even live on a farm themselves, those who dont might have a friend of a friend that knows a farmer, so it can be assumed that with a little work and some asking (carefully) around those in rural ares still have the ability to acess AN. One thing I didnt mention is theft, farmers arent exactly known for having high security buildings, and taking a 50kg bag of AN should last you a while. I have personally been to a farm where they had a shed, well out of view from the house, with bags of KN03, and some other less usefull things, that was never ever locked!

For those in city areas, you may still be able to get AN from instant cold packs,they cant ban them, although they could replace the AN with something else. But, alot of people in city areas could still know people in the country. The government wont be banning hydrogen peroxide, acetone or hydrochloric acid anytime soon either. There are bound to be some shonky dealers who will still sell AN anyhow, especialy through mail order and such.

So in the end, if you want it you will still get it. As for KN03, we'll have to wait and see whether they restrict it too, I think I will stock up on urea, has anyone ever detonated straight urea? That may be worthy of some testing.

As for the person who did this, if he was a true pyro, he would have thought out the concequences for everyon else, and detonated this charge way out bush. He is a pure bred wanker. But yes, it would've been a nice show.;)

January 14th, 2004, 02:47 AM
I'm happy that every night here there have been at least some fireworks going off near my house, at least people like pyrotechnics when it isn't big and scary with the words 'volitile' 'dangerous' and 'terroist' used too often. I may try to get some 'explosives facts' published in a newspaper editorial, but basically if you are anyone that thinks explosives are good you are the enemy in newthink. (I'm sure my letter would be assailed by the angry ignorant about how I am supporting terrorism, endangering lives and asking for trouble)

Dave Angel
January 14th, 2004, 12:33 PM
There is some limited explosives info going out in the mass media it seems.

The other night I was lucky enough to catch the beginning of a program called 'Ultimate Explosions' on Channel 5 here in the UK.

During the course of the program some tests were demonstrated by an explosives engineer including detonating a few kilos of ammonal (they even revealed ammonal's composition!). Also, they dropped an anvil on top of a block of TNT between plywood, and placed another block of TNT in a fire, neither causing the detonation of the explosive.

The engineer went on to explain that one needs a primary explosive to set off secondaries like TNT!

This is detail I have never seen broadcast before, and I can only hope that plenty of sheeple saw it and took some of it in. However it seems Eastenders (soap) was on BBC1 at the time so my hopes were dashed. The fact remains that you aren't going to look out for, begin watching and sit through a program called 'Ultimate Explosions' unless you are interested yourself, or forced to do so by someone who is.

I like the point about the controlled explosion / bomb, Sparky. I'd never really thought about that before. Maybe every time the government does a controlled explosion, we could hand out flyers saying "Government detonates bomb in London" or words to that effect. In fact, we should at least think of some possible ways to get the information / our point of view out there.

January 15th, 2004, 09:09 AM
Well I can say now that we arn't on that much of an alert for loud noises. Today SWIM witnessed the detonation of 1.25kg of PNNM. I will ask the blaster if I can post pics and footage up here in the next couple of days. The fully licenced blaster left the camera at his friends house and will be getting a CD with with movies and pictures tomorrow. He should be able to host them somewhere :)

January 16th, 2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Pyrovus
Just what we need! Some idiot setting off a bloody great big bomb in a place where everyone's going to notice it and playing into the hands of the chemophobes who want everything banned. Now the public's been nicely scared that such terrifying chemicals can be easily bought and everyone's pushing for tougher controls, IDs etc.This may be a bit late, and may have already been said, but whose to say it wasn't all staged (*cough* Port Arthur - gun control *cough*) to do just that. Scare people (read: sheeple) into begging the government to restricting people freedoms. As for the ABC, I wish they would actually think about things before opening their dumbass mouths. So what, lets ban ammonium nitrate. Then we'll ban acetone, hydrogen peroxyde, methyl ethyl ketone, and all of those other extremely common chemicals because they can be used to make bombs. Then, while we are at it, lets ban knives, forks and spoons (metal, wodden and plastic) because they can be used to kill. Then we will issue out licences for absolutely everything. Me: 'I need to take a crap' Toilet Security: 'Let me see your permit and 5000 points of identification followed by a retina scan and an anal probe'. I know thats getting a bit stupid, but seriously, when are they going to stop...

green beret
January 17th, 2004, 02:40 AM
Blindreeper, I look forward to seeing your friends video, I hope he will supply specifications on detonator size and construction.

January 17th, 2004, 05:08 AM
Half the bloody problem with all this banning and restricting of chemicals is that it is for "pre emptive measures". There has only ever been one major bombing on Australian soil with was many years ago. I can't remember many details about it other then that.
If Australia was getting weekly or daily terrorist bombing or bomb threats then the authorities would have a stronger argument on why some compounds should be restricted. However Australia doesn't have an active terrorist orginisation like Britian and Ireland did for the past 20-30 years.

January 17th, 2004, 08:13 AM
The one major bombing was the Sydney Hilton bombing, back in 1978, routinely called a "massive bomb" or "hundreds of kilo's of high explosive", which has always impressed me as they managed to fit it into a garbage bin. (Aussies will know the ones, a tin garbage bin in a strap steel 'basket'.. used to be popular in Sydney)

There have been a few minor explosive efforts here and there as well, mainly suburban car bombs and one or two 'suicide bombers'. Google reveals all.

Australia's only 'terrorist organization' per se would be the Radical Green Left or "rent-a-crowd" doleys who get bussed around the country from Nimbin to attend rallies and protests.

Nitro Tola
January 23rd, 2004, 04:27 AM
Why they think explosives are a problem in Australia has got me stuffed.. Apart from the odd firecracker, 95% of Australians have no interest in explosives, and most that do (Like us) only use them for recreation anyway. Heres my point.. when drugs are such a huge problem in Australia and you can buy the chemicals needed to produce hard amphetamines OTC in a chemist store, and nothing gets said about that (except when they bust some fool with 500 boxes of panadol in his boot), but as soon as farmer Joe's retarted nephew lets off a shitload of ANFO in Sydney, it's like O FUCK call the bomb squad (which are dumbshits anyway, and probably more of a threat to the country than anyone with thier controlled "safety" blasting) Were under attack by Al qie da! Stop them selling any chemicals which can be used to produce explosives... for fuck sake... They've already banned the guns... don't ban our chemicals because of the odd idiot... Thats my humble opinion.

February 6th, 2004, 12:50 AM
They are starting to think that explosives are a problem here in Califonia too because of dumbasses like this guy, Dumbass (http://www.ktvu.com/news/2808949/detail.html) , who fortunately got caught before he could do something really stupid.