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View Full Version : HELP-hopelessly stuck with AP

Mr. Boombastic
January 6th, 2004, 01:04 PM
I know you are probaly going to laugh, but I don`t feel, like laughing now.
The BIG problem is that I cannot make the AP. It seems like a piece of cake: just mix 3 engridients, that are not hard to get too.
Well i did.......and nothing happened. here is whwt I did:
I bought 3 bottles of 3% H2O2 (100 grams each) in a drugstore.
I gought a bottle of acetone in a construction materil store.
i got some 200ml of 95% H2SO4
i mixed H2O2 (all 3 bottles=300g) with 50 ml of acetone (I noticed that the temp. rased from 15 to some 22 degrees C ; or maby it was just because the acetone was at room temp. ad h2o2 was aprox. 15 degrees C, however I think there was a reaction going on)
ten I paced the jam jar (it was the container) into a bucket of salt+ice+water. The temp. still was some 10 degrees for a while. When it droped till 5 deg. I added the first drop of H2SO$ (it needed only 3ml of 75% acid) I didn`t notice ANY temp. shange.After stiring for a minute i added the last two remaining drops of acid-still there was NO shange in the temp. I read that it should turn milki-nothing like that happened even after 3 hours, so I added some more acid (3 drops)(the temp was now below 0)
The next morning (after some 10 hours) the mixture got little bit more "messy", but still far ftom milky.the temp was still sub 0 After another 10hours there was a slight change in color but still far from milky.( i supose some cristals had tu apear by now)
I dont know what I have done wrong-maby You people also had any difficulties and know the colution-please let me know
H2O2 source was drugstore: relyable
H2SO4 source was school chem class; I also tested If it really was concentr. by pouring a few drops on a cloth-it made holes quite fast-so no doubt:it is concentrated
Acetone-hardware store (it sais 'technical acetone" on the bottle) also relyable (I haven`t heard of different acetones)

maby it was the temp.(It was below 0 most of the time) On the other hand The AP beginers manual sais it should be as low as possible.

I am going to make thet AP even if it is the last thing I do:D

January 7th, 2004, 05:46 PM
i am not laughing! i know what you feel because the first time i tried making AP i have encountered some problems but after all now i'm able to make it! don't get desperate! you will do a lot of AP and you will see it is not as difficult as you think!

well lets talk about the procedure:

why a so high concentrated h2so4? it's better to use a 38% h2so4 or hcl because higher conc will rise temperature easily. and remember that 38% is easy to obtain because you can take it from car suppliers as battery refill. i use this acid for my AP production.

i know that the h2o2 conc isn't important (remember to respect the ratios) but i noticed that with higher concentration i have better yelds. I use from 6 to 12% h2o2 that i can find on hair/make up shops. Make a research on the forum about concentrating h2o2 if you are interested on higher conc.

another thing: i noticed that AP crystals can take 2 days to form in the batch so be patient! with this chemicals i can produce 40g of AP from 1 liter of 12% h2o2. my crystals are very small, the AP formed is like a powder and it works fine when detonated!

i saw that you are from europe...what country? i'm from italy and if you are italian we can work toghether on explosives. feel free to email me:


good work to you and goog luck with the AP!

January 7th, 2004, 09:07 PM
I have no doubt it is the concentration of the H2O2, honestly it is not worth using 3%!

tom haggen
January 7th, 2004, 09:27 PM
Its 300ml of hydrogen peroxide, not 300grams. Also Its not even worth trying with that low of concentration of H2O2. Your better off using 30%. Your acid should be around 30-35% concentration. If your having that much trouble making AP I would suggest staying away from it. I had sucess my first couple of trys. By the time I used 30% H202, I detonated the AP on my first try with the yield I got using 30% H202. That stuff denfinetly seems unpredictable

January 7th, 2004, 11:03 PM
I detonated the AP on my first try with the yield I got using 30% H202
Woa you have to be a genius to detonate AP! Woa hardcore man!

January 7th, 2004, 11:58 PM
LOL!!! Yea he's badass huh!
I always used 3% with no problem but lately I cant get any AP. I follow the exact same precedure but for some reason, it doesnt work. My first 6 attempts at making it it went flawlessly, now that I am a more experianced chemist and can make almost any explosive known, I cant make fucking AP. I dont want to spend $40 for H2O2 either.(I dont like explosives anyway)

tom haggen
January 8th, 2004, 12:51 AM
If its not dried correctly it will deflagrate. Also, at least I know the difference between a milliliter and a fucking gram. Making ap with 3% sucks my dick. I let that shit sit for like a week and didn't get a fucking gram. Quit posting false information. You use to get good yields with 3% pull your fucking head out of your ass.

January 8th, 2004, 04:03 AM
I don't mind him saying that, it's things like this that make me not want to know him/know him only by the term Kewl or in the BFL:

"now that I am a more experianced chemist and can make almost any explosive known, I cant make fucking AP."

Hmm something bothers me about this statement. You can quote 'make almost any explosive known' and yet you can't make Ap, a feat that somehow almost every lamer who grabs a synth can do and blow themselves up with. And secondly if you are so good at explosives manufacture, why are you still making AP? in fact why are you still attempting AP with only 3% H2O2, surely in your vast explosives lab you have something a little more potant??

Mr Cool
January 8th, 2004, 07:38 AM
I am a more experianced chemist and can make almost any explosive known

What he means is that he can make almost any explosive that he knows about. Since he can't make AP, he probably means that he can make HMTD.

Mr Cool
January 8th, 2004, 05:08 PM
Ah, now I believe you! I thought you were claiming to have made things like ONC, TEX etc when you said you could make "almost any explosive known." It was a bit misleading...

January 8th, 2004, 07:38 PM
One thing kewls don't understand is that rushing is not the way to go. If you dont have the right chemicals then why the hell are you trying to attempt something that will fail? Don't say you have "bad" chemicals from the hardware store because that is bullshit. Your expirment failed because you didn't have full knowledge of what your making. Even if these chemicals where "cheap" why would that cause a failed expirement? Maybe because your a dumbass purchased the wrong chemicals, which afterwards you used in the expirement!

January 8th, 2004, 11:47 PM
Look it is quite obvious that he is a plain idiot, not one second do I beleive:
"I said that because I HAVE made almost any explosive that is discussed in these forums."

Even though he put forward such a convincing argument as this:
"Beleive me with what I say, I dont lie."

If you have done any of this then by all means give us evidance, but as I am sure that you haven't you may as well stop deluding yourself about the matter as you sure as hell arn't fooling us. Mabey in a few years you will realise how stupid you sound.

January 9th, 2004, 01:16 AM
Tom,Tom,Tom, I'd thought we'd meet again.Perhaps you should check out the "AP in Iraq" thread. Field improvised AP with the worst possible chemicals and conditions. If I were you I'd take a break from posting and just lurk for a while. But I'm sure you wont take my advice.

January 9th, 2004, 02:15 AM
This should be helpful to the newbies:


Mr. Boombastic
January 9th, 2004, 06:14 PM
thanks to you all (to those who tried to help and to those who just tried to show-of (that goes for you keith)
Oh ,tom haggen, i am not that stupid in chem.-it said 100 GRAMS not ml (however it is almost the same: densities are close)
Nuclearattack,-Thanks man! Unfortunately I don`t live in Italy, I live in Latvia (if you have ever heard of it-it`s in the north) I`ll e-mail you about the results of my further experiments
GIANT thanks to ,EP,-I learned my lesson. I`ll try the both methods-heating and freezing ( Of course I could buy more conc. h2o2 in chem. shop (like I did with KCl03 -I still have some 0,5kg :) ) but I`ll go the hard way: making something out of practically nothing (or used every day-for other purposes)-that`s what counts.
I`ll post my results-wish me luck


January 10th, 2004, 08:24 AM
Tom Haggen needs to know when to shut up, lest he get a foot up his arse.

If you're using 3% H2O2 and are surprised to find no AP after 3 hours, then you didn't do enough research before you started. It's widely written that when using low conc. H2O2, you will need to wait 2-3 days before the bulk of AP forms.

tom haggen
January 16th, 2004, 08:17 PM
I said that when i used 3% i let it sit for a week. mr. boom bastic you said that you got 3 bottles of 3% h2o2 @ 100grams each giving you 300grams of h202. But the synthesis calls for 300ml of 3% h202, this is the last thing i'm sayin on this sub anthony

January 16th, 2004, 09:06 PM
1. Please don't use the word "recipe" when talking about a synth, this isn't the ACB.

2. 100mL and 100g are close enough not to matter in this case (ie when dealing with 3% H2O2). It would not have affected reaction at all.