View Full Version : Where to get the components for Bp in england?
January 5th, 2004, 05:40 PM
Does anyone know where I could get Potassium nitrate and Sulphur in England?
January 7th, 2004, 02:36 PM
I had a really bad feeling approving this post, but it's in the water cooler so what shall I do... he's ready for your input :D
January 7th, 2004, 02:43 PM
I think I can get KNO3 from fertiliser but I have no idea where I can get sulphur.
thanks for allowing my post.
January 7th, 2004, 03:05 PM
It's no fun anymore when you invite us to flame him Rhadon. Kills my inspiration...:(
He's a dweeb allright.
Dave Angel
January 7th, 2004, 03:07 PM
I'm going to be nice and say that garden centres are wonderful places for chems, have a good look there. I does really go without saying but I'll say it anyway - don't buy all the components at once.
Also, it is customary to search both The Forum and the net for sources rather than ask for instant answers.
January 7th, 2004, 03:17 PM
Just to make that clear: I have to strictly dissociate myself from inviting anyone, especially you vulture, to flame cyberdweeb.
Better now :D?
January 7th, 2004, 03:47 PM
slap slap slap slap, what are you, a retard?? everyone knows that eggs are a good source of sulphur
January 7th, 2004, 03:59 PM
IIRC,a good source of sulfur,is in the inside of flagpoles.You can either cut one down with a hack saw,or try and find a place that sells flagpoles.You dont want the small ones,only the larger ones will do.I wish I could claim this idea as my own perhaps one of the mods can help me out.
January 7th, 2004, 04:45 PM
wrench352, isn't that just overkill? Normally I try to leave them standing. I drill a series of holes near the base of the flagpole until I can remove a section of the 'outer cladding', the I re-insert it so that it forms a sort of shute. I then use a piece of wire or a thin piece of metal to scrape the sulphur out. It just falls into a bucket I place beneath the shute with this set-up.
I hope that helps cyberdweeb and hopefully you have learnt something as well wrench. ;)
January 7th, 2004, 04:54 PM
well none I hope none of you who suggested stupid things like flag poles seriously thought i was going to believe you because if you did you should think about how intelligent you are before insulting my intelligence. and thanks for the tip dave.
January 7th, 2004, 04:57 PM
Oh and if this thread is so lame then why dont you ignore it?
and I thought these forums were here to be helpful.
January 7th, 2004, 05:45 PM
I'm going to tell you a little secret.
Make sure the thought police won't hear it.
Come closer!
Allright, here it is. Pigeon shit contains salpeter, which is an important precursor to KNO3. Now, the salpeter isn't pure enough for synthesis of KNO3, so we need to purify it by washing it with large amounts of piss. After we've done that, we heat the extract to produce ureanitrate, which is the next important precursor.
Now that's done, we add citric acid to the piss to achieve sour piss. Taste carefully and make sure the taste resembles that of too long contained diarrhoea.
At this point, autodecomposition will start, ofgassing large amounts of laughing gas, which you can use to get high on.
When you've come back from your trip, precipitate the KNO3 with horse shit.
January 7th, 2004, 06:21 PM
On a side note, I wonder what they use sulfur for. Actually, I bought mine at a brewery/cheesemaking/winemaking/... kind of shop, in nice 1 kg bags. Also, I know the agri shop have it in large bags. bu why do they need it? Why don't they need phosphorus?;)
January 7th, 2004, 06:34 PM
Sulfur is used to acidify soil that is too alkaline. Also dusted on plants to kill fungus. Phosphorous is needed as a fertilizer but it's never used in elemental form for this.
January 8th, 2004, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by cyberdweeb
Oh and if this thread is so lame then why dont you ignore it?
and I thought these forums were here to be helpful.
there's a difference between helpful and spoonfeeding.
spoonfeeding is what you do with retards, like yourself.
helpful involves the person also doing something
January 8th, 2004, 09:53 AM
Starting a new thread with a question on your first post,double posting,asking before searching.I'd watch your step cyberdweeb,if you want to hang here.You've now been noticed muthafucka,just cause your in the cooler dont think your ass cant get HED or banned the fuck out of here.If we questioned your intelligence,its only for obvious reasons.
Im watching you
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Wild Catmage
January 8th, 2004, 10:51 AM
If you tried searching the forum, you'd have found a goldmine of information on BP.
For BP, you need charcoal, sulphur and potassium nitrate (you can search the forum to find the ratios). Sodium nitrate can be used as a substitute for the potassium nitrate, but the weight ratio will need to be changed to allow for the lighter atomic mass of the sodium nitrate.
Charcoal is easy to get, you've probably already found a source of this.
Sulphur is sold as a fungicide in most garden centres, and comes as a fairly fine powder, although there may be some large crystals in it.
I've found that sodium nitrate is easier to find in the UK than potassium nitrate. It is available at garden centres, and at some hardware stores with a gardening department. It costs around £2 per kilo.
Potassium nitrate can be ordered from some pharmacies (e.g. Lloyd's) but it costs about £12 for a meager 500g (although the purity will be very high).
A pestle and mortar, ball mill, coffee grinder etc. is recommended for grinding the ingedients to fine powders, before mixing, just make sure not to grind them together. i currently use a pestle and mortar, which involves some time and effort, but the results have been pretty good.
Mr Cool
January 8th, 2004, 05:11 PM
Why don't you just pull the ingredients out of your ass like everyone else? That's the easiest way.
January 9th, 2004, 12:03 AM
hey don't laugh, I read a really cool book about rocketry through the ages that had a big section devoted to early manufacturing methods of KNO3, involving urine and dung heaps ;) That is always an option if you can't find any but there is probably always a better way :D
Jacks Complete
January 9th, 2004, 09:09 PM
that is where part of Vultures flame comes from... I also heard about a way to get sodium and potassium nitrate from soil, again, using urine as the solvent/reagent.
Of course, captain newbie, the OP, will think I am taking the piss. But that would be silly, as I already have all the saltpetre I need...
January 10th, 2004, 12:45 PM
Message for cyberdweeb:
STFU ( Jesus loves you (
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