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January 5th, 2004, 09:35 AM
No, good friends, there are two kinds of people in this world:

1: There are the criminals. These are the ones we know and love, who know that the world is a harsh, hard, unforgiving place, where "good" is just an illusion, where it's dog-eat-dog, and any sign of weakness is an invitation to disaster. We have taken this unsubtle truth to heart, that the weak exist to be used and abused by the strong.
2: Then there's everyone else. Those who blind themselves with the illusion that people are inherently good, that honesty is important, that lying, cheating and murdering are to be avoided at all costs. These are people determined to be slaves. These are the ones we call "Sheep".

No middle ground can exist between these two, and without Sheep, criminals would not exist. Who else would we prey upon? Each other? Indeed, there are quite a few criminals who prey upon others, but without the Sheep to make up a stable base to the food-chain, crime would collapse like a house of cards.

Let us not forget the importance of the Sheep to our very existance. We can use the electoral process to turn them into better, more productive, and even more important, less resistant sheep.

So let "Leash the Sheep!" be our battle cry. The less they are able to defend themselves, the less they are able to resist, and the more CRIME WILL FLOURISH!!!!

January 5th, 2004, 12:39 PM
You're assuming everyone on this board is a voluntary criminal :mad:

Like it or not, you still have to live midst the sheeple. And you won't say no to a hottie sheeple that wants to fuck you either.

January 5th, 2004, 11:14 PM
Tsk, tsk. I must laugh at how for example sakes you used sex. Why didn't you use some other desirable notion? Perhaps this will be useful. ;) http://www.sexaa.org/

Scizzor; You speak of sheep, but have you ever applied the thought that you may be part of the herd? By creating such a thread you must associate this forum with criminals? Meaning.. this board has to do with crime to attract only criminals? I think not. I'm sure others would gladly explain to you exactly what this forum is about much better than I can, so I'll leave it to them.

And I MUST disagree with your perception of people. You can never be that cut and dry with such a topic as society. Society differs dramaticly drawing layers upon layers of different types of people. Good, bad and the many many levels inbetween. Take myself for example. I avoid lying, cheating and murdering all together because I see it as 'immoral'. BUT... again, I'm not cut and dry with it. There's many situations where each and everyone of these becomes moral to do given the situation.

P.S. - vulture, just playing. :)

January 6th, 2004, 12:59 PM
Dammit IDTB, you busted me there! :o

I used sex because he seemed like a PETTY player to me, small criminal trying to impress people (including sheeple!) and most importantly chicks, with his tuff actions.

Jacks Complete
January 6th, 2004, 02:26 PM
I'm not sure about what that OP is getting at, but I think it is something along the lines of "All politicians are criminals, including the one that wrote this".

As for sexaa.org, that must be a really great place to pick up chicks!

January 6th, 2004, 09:57 PM
Yes I would think there would somehow be an inherrent undercurrent in the guys that attend such meetings. It is a bit weird to have both men and women there together, that must be like holding an AA meeting in a pub :/

January 6th, 2004, 10:36 PM
I quite literally bursted out laughing after read Jack's Complete and Blackhawk's replies. So true, so true! The 'AA meeting in a pub' was great. ;)

January 7th, 2004, 12:27 AM
This thread was started for you to make friends it's obvious. You tried to rally us with a noble speach. Tried to show us your(what you think is)wisdom.
Shoulda called the criminals wolves.(you) And I'm affraid there Is a middle class, the sheep dogs(me) We tend to the sheep who rely on us without knowing it. We protect them from the shadows, from the light, and from themselves. Yes, we noble sheep dogs make food out of the wolves. We wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and live in the same place as the sheep, waiting, watching, and learning while wearing our disguises until the times comes to do what we were bread to do.

If I am wrong,(NEVER!) what was your point to this new thread?
Lucky it's in The Water Cooler.

January 7th, 2004, 05:27 AM
Yes, Keith. Like I said."came across it". I did like it. I thought people would post different "rally's",motivation speaches they came across,and I do have to admit, IDTB's post with the site is hilarious. What you posted in your thread is very interesting,and greatly added I must note,always great to get a different prospective to shed new light i couldnt see.

January 10th, 2004, 04:59 PM
By starting a rally, almost a war-cry, you're insinuating that you're a leader. Someone who know's what they're talking about, someone worth following. Why would anyone believe you, or think that you're not some punk kid with no idea or balls?

Keith, what real-life experiences lead you to think that you're a sheep dog?

January 10th, 2004, 07:52 PM
Huh, I thoat Keith was ironic there..

And I am the ground that you walk on! try beating this.. :p

IDTB, totally agree with you. There are just to many people to fit some simple description.. and it's just stupid to come up with some elit human class that one thinks one belong there. ..that way everyone is elite, since everyone thinks they're greatest.. no kidding :p

January 10th, 2004, 08:26 PM
Well I obviously didn't mean it literaly and alls I ment by it was that I am neither a criminal, nor a mindles sheep. There arent just criminals and evryone else as I said before. So, seeing as how you dont agree with me, tell me, which are you? A criminal or a mindless sheep?
What real life experiences make me feel as though I take up the role of a sheep dog in the world of sheep, sheep dogs and wolves? The fact that I am not a sheep, not a criminal, and I am joining the Marines in two years when the times comes. So, then I will be a gaurd of the sheep against the criminals. Maybe I misunderstood what this thread was about....sorry.

January 10th, 2004, 08:33 PM
I am joining the Marines in two years when the times comes. So, then I will be a gaurd of the sheep against the criminals

Strange. Did terrorists suddenly get promoted to criminals? So they can go to court and have a lawyer? Because now all those guys at Guantanamo are "enemy combattants"...:rolleyes:

Really, marines fighting crime....There's an old saying in Europe: That has to come from over the ocean...:rolleyes:

January 10th, 2004, 10:22 PM
Marines fight a kind of international crime, ethnic cleansing-genocide, leaders usurping another country for their benefit, to keep crazy dictators from gaining enough power to whipe out an entire counrty, etc. These "crimes" are slightly more dangerous to the world than oh say, shoplifting wouldnt you agree?

January 10th, 2004, 11:47 PM
Marines swear an oath to basicly do what ever thry are told and some thing you can fully expect to be ordered to do is (help) usurp another country for the benefit of US ( or whatever county your fighting for 's) bussness and political eleat buy killing, imprisioning and "interigating" other "sheap dogs".

The last statistics I saw we have killed far more non combatants than "crimanals"

scizzor i am afrade that lying, cheating and murdering often lead to imprisionment, ass raping, std s, and when you get out more of the same or minamum wage and difaculty finding housing, unless the said evil behaver is clocked behind a uniform (police ext.) in which case you follow orders and may not get to do what you wanted to anyway.

January 11th, 2004, 10:28 AM
Sure, they fight SOME of the international criminals. But, some big criminals in the world haven't got much that the police (US) could use, so the world police tends to leave them alone...

Oh and gliper, RTFM your keyboard manual!

January 11th, 2004, 07:09 PM
So what are police and the FED's? They are not mindless ship but they are not criminals so what would they be considered as? Aswell as the head of the military is definately not a mindless sheep nor is he a criminal.

January 11th, 2004, 07:29 PM
Perhaps a better definition of what "criminal" means is in order. Get the notion out of your heads that whatever the US or EU passes for a law is somehow just or right. Laws can be evil, they can be incorrect, they can be plain ridiculous. The philosophy of law is what you should consider here, there are ultimately some absolute truths to law that the ten commandments really touch upon. I am not religious or anything, but the commandments really distill the essence of law down a good bit.

Is it not criminal to kill or hurt another man? Does this not include soldiers and military commanders? So these troops housing “terrorists” at Gitmo are just as criminal in an absolute sense as the criminals they hold captive. We recognize the necessity of beating, imprisoning, killing, and depriving the rights of these “criminals” because it is the easiest way to deal with the situation.

So then we can extend our definition of what is “criminal” to include all those who defy the conventions of society at large. We would call them deviants, but other societies have labeled them criminal. Would it not be criminal today to desire a democratic government in China? Would it not be criminal to allow an unescorted woman to parade through Iran with her face uncovered? Would it not be a crime punishable by death to accidentally kill someone with a car in the Mideast? Would it not be a grave “crime” to not go to class in your school, or would it not be a punishable offense to speak without raising your hand, chew gum, or leave without permission to go to the bathroom? These “crimes” do not affect us all, but they are crimes nonetheless somewhere in the world.

The sheep follow the laws, and the rules, whatever they might be. They accept the way things are always, without question. That is the definition of a sheep. As wolves we defy the status quo, we object to the rules, or laws because we have our own view of what is right. Not every wolf need defy every law or rule all the time, but to defy one is the essence of the wolf. In this way we have a sharp dividing line between the sheep and the wolves, there is no gray, although there may be levels. The sheep always obey, the wolves do not always obey. Is it not wrong to require a schoolchild to raise his hand to get permission to go to the bathroom? This exemplifies the other side of the coin: The wolves are also the ones making the rules, and the laws. They have the power, the teeth, to make you obey, or their will be consequences. Only another wolf can defy a wolf, not a sheep. The sheep cannot make rules or laws because they cannot enforce them.

Call it defiance, call it devience, call it criminal… no one likes to have their authority questioned or challenged. To do so is to be the wolf. Call it arrogance, call it predatory, call it authoritarian… people like to rule others. To do so is to be the wolf.

January 12th, 2004, 05:05 PM

A new managment-technique book called:

"To be the Wolf: Leading the herd by nipping their haunches!"


January 12th, 2004, 05:43 PM
I think that a few interesting points are raised

1. The fact that not so long ago what we enjoy doing would have been looked up to in society. Our skills would have been seen as valuable, essential additoinas yet now people shun them, society has sterilised itself of these things, hiding weapons manufacture behind the doors of giant corporations. Almost pretending it doesnt exist

2. Seems like while in the past society would have been led by wolves who would have used their skills to expand and further the societies ends. now it almost seems like its being let by sheep. It almost seems like democracy self destructing. There are more sheep than wolves and democracy allows sheep to choose who leads them, so they choose another sheep as they dont want to get bitten. The sheep in charge passes more laws to protect the rest of the sheep from the wolves (outlawing the right to protect yourself by making weapons illegal is a good example) and we end up in a vicious circle which unless changed cant lead anywhere other than self destruction.

January 12th, 2004, 06:33 PM
Your timeless wit hears it's ugly head once again. ;)