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View Full Version : Whats everyone got planned for new years eve?

December 24th, 2003, 05:20 AM
It was bound to happen so I thought I may aswell start the thread. I personnaly have some illigal fireworks which include 15 red devil 2oz rockets with numerous effects such as blue crackle stars or reports. 6x 15 shot roman candles, and 2x 20 shot candles. I also have some AP crackers that I will start to make on new years eve ( during the day) Then I have a couple, not many silver rockets (home made) with maybe AP reports. But if the rocket doesn't go upwards...So I think i'll leave the AP payload out. Then there will be some flares or something. Probably a 1kg smoke bomb. And if I am lucky a 200g APPN.

So what do you have planned for NYE?

December 24th, 2003, 08:42 AM
I dont think I can pull it off - but my plan or more to the point 'hope' is to detonate as much of a bag of Nitram (AN) as possible. That is 50kg and I have just started a batch of NG that will be initiated by a 0.5gram charge of tamped HMTD into a straw, inside a bottle of ~60mls NG if all goes well in the next couple of days. The bottle goes into the middle of a round 20litre plastic oil drum with a loose cap sensitive ANFO mix poured therein, with a 50 meter length of coax and several strands (about a dozen) of steel wool as the ignitor for the HMTD and a 12 volt tractor for the electric charge. I am hoping that the 60ml of NG will be sufficient to detonate the entire drum of ANFO. I dont know how much ANFO mix I will be able to pour into the drum but just enough to fill it insitu and then place the Det/Booster charge into the middle via a piece of PVC pipe.
Also because of the noticed increase in expansive power of ANFO when detonated confined I have drilled a 1800mm deep hole that has a 600mm diameter that the drum will be placed in. I wont be able to film but I certainly will get photos the next day even if nothing happens. I am hoping I get a fucking great crater - but I WILL be getting pissed after midnight anyway so I figure I got nothing to lose apart from a days work refilling the crater :D

December 24th, 2003, 08:58 AM
If you can do ANNM use a 2kg ANNM as a booster with the 60ml NG for the booster for the ANNM. For something this big you don't want it to fail! I think it was spydamonkey who did the 10kg ANFO with a 1kg ANNM booster
If you can't do ANNM try and do some ammonia dynaminte. I am thinking as much as you can make with all that NG.

December 24th, 2003, 09:04 AM
The loosely packed ANFO around the NG will be fine if it is finely powdered (el cheapo $20AUD coffee grinder). If it isn't powdered then you may have problems. If you have about 2Kg of powdered ANFO then that will work fine to initiate the rest of the non-powdered stuff.

As a final note, If you have any extra AP, HMTD, or NG lying around, adding some APAN, HMTDAN, or AN dynamite to the booster should help it on it's way.

EDIT: blindreeper beat me to it, spydamonkee used a 1Kg APAN booster but that's a hell of a lot of AP to safely handle.

I won't be doing much this new years, as my friend who I do most pyro with is in Germany for another 2 weeks, when he gets back SWIM hopes to detonate some nice fat 1Kg charges of cap sensitive ANFO under a few metres of water. SWIM may fire the cannon that SWIM made a few times though.

December 24th, 2003, 09:38 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, I was planning on using a food processor thingy that I picked up at a clearing sale for $2AU, it has a massive container, about 3-4 litres in capacity and worked a dream for some PN I threw in it for 5 mins after I bought it ad it came up nearly flour consistency. This should allow me to do 2-3 kg at a time for say 15 - 30 mins and see how that goes. As for the HMTD I just checked in my old bar fridge and there is a stored batch of about 30 - 40 grams in water. This and some fine, super fine dryed AN should complement the 60gram NG well and as for NM, I can only source NM in 10% model airplane/car fuel mixture and it is too late to aquire some. NYE is still a couple of days away but I do know that I have another 720ml of Nitric acid left so... might have to raid the medicine cupboard for another 100mls glycerine. Another thing that I can make is some RDX... cos I've got plenty of hexamine. Will the chances of a full detonation be better if I can synthesise say 100grams of RDX?
Once I get some electric detonators working 90% reliably I want to try some underwater explosions; of course in my dreams ;)

December 24th, 2003, 12:13 PM
I'm getting a LAN game of Half-life mods going from dush till dawn. With a bunch of intermissions between rounds for some firey fun. And the grand finally I bought a small surplus weather ballon(3' foot diameter) and a tank of Hydrogen and a tank of Oxygen. Plus a foot length of slow burn time fuse to be the igniter so that should be pretty cool.

December 24th, 2003, 12:18 PM
Word of advice: light the timer fuse electricaly, not by hand. One of my two pyro related hospital visits was from something like that-

Personaly, I'm helping do a city New Year's Eve displays. One at 8:00 for the kiddies, and a bigger midnight display for the grownups.

December 24th, 2003, 12:53 PM
i'm afraid i'll be steering clear of pyrotechnics this new years eve, it's probably better considering the drunken state i'll be in.

December 24th, 2003, 02:28 PM
Spending the night with my lady friend:) so I doubt anything bigger than some crackers will be set off.... oh, and lots and lots of booze.... boooze.... boooze.... :D

mongo blongo
December 24th, 2003, 02:56 PM
I'm gona get as fucked up as possible. My liver is evil and I must punish it!

December 24th, 2003, 05:41 PM
If all goes according to plan I will drink enough to forget what I got for christmas. I don't mean for that night forget, but entirely forget amnesia style. Then I will piss out pure ethanol and make some mercury fulminate.

If all doesn't go to plan, I will just get really reeeeeeeeeealy smashed.

There will be no pyrotechnics, I doubt my friend would enjoy seeing things being lit in his back yard as he's slumped over in a drunken stupor.

December 24th, 2003, 05:42 PM
i'll be doing as mongo is. except i won't be punishing my liver i'll be giving it some good healthy strenuous exercise :D

December 24th, 2003, 06:20 PM
Ah, to be young and strong. I haven't got plowed on New Year's Eve or the 4th of July for something like 15 years. On the other hand, I haven't gone without setting off major pyro on those days either... By the time teardown is over, I have no energy to drink and it's the next day anyway.

December 24th, 2003, 06:50 PM
you don't look that old on your photo. you don't need energy to drink. just some alcohol to drink :)

December 24th, 2003, 07:44 PM
I am most likely going to get drunk and high, then run through the streets yelling obscene words at anyone who walks by…….

December 24th, 2003, 10:08 PM
I think I'll light some sparklers ;)

December 25th, 2003, 06:04 AM
Sparklers will do the job. Every jerk goes bang on the New Year's eve. Real men go bang all arround the year. ;)

Anyway, may the sum of all thy limbs, eyes, fingers remain a constant in 2004!

December 25th, 2003, 07:56 AM
I plan on going out with some friends, having fun and chatting up some fine ladies.

December 28th, 2003, 03:15 PM
I'll be spending some time with a lady friend in Paris, most likely very drunk, high and in a jazz club

green beret
December 28th, 2003, 08:36 PM
Hi all, I'm going to be letting off some comercial pyro, a box of 12 1.75" Shells, some 5 shot 1" candles with varying effects, some smaller (but louder ;) 8 shot candles, some large 100m approx range rockets, large multishots, and some other bits and pieces, plus some KN03 smoke bombs, and Kn03/Al/S fountains. Maybe I'll hear some of you. ;) Or you'll hear me!

December 29th, 2003, 12:52 AM
I can't do anything related to pyrotechnics due to the state of mind I'll be in. But during new years I'm going to be stoned, yup I'm going to smoke alot of pot. I'm also getting drunk, yeah booze!

December 29th, 2003, 02:34 AM
What I have planned is 180 g APAN (30-150). Also, I have 200 g of offcolored AN lying around so I added a bit of charcoal and acetone for a 200-20-1 mix of AN, acetone, charcoal. I don't really care if the second charge goes or not, if it does, it'll be a nice suprise. If not, 180g APAN isn't anything to sneeze at. I have just to place it in a can, and a large soup can will probably do. I will be on a beach at midnight, so I'll probably did a hole with a posthole digger, light it, and drop it down. It's fun to think about playing in the crater. Heh. Enjoy the new year, forumites, and keep your appendages attached.

December 29th, 2003, 03:04 AM
It is a good time to fire off that weapon you have been building as at the stroke of 12 around here most everyone in the section 8 housing projects (welfare cribs) fires off one too.
The cops ignore them all since there are too many to respond to.

December 29th, 2003, 03:10 AM
I can't wait, I have a nice batch of crackers in the process of being made, my sulfur is on the way, I have finally got all my stuff for stars...ready to start working on them....so I can finally do my mortars and candle... :) Maybe have a go at a multibreak heh

December 29th, 2003, 03:46 AM
I want to do a nice HE charge and have about 2kg of powdered KNO3 fertilizer. It has no coating on the fertilizer so its fairly pure. I also have 2.5L of NM. I wanted to do a big charge say, 500g of PNNM like on Shockwaves site. He used a 90g APAN booster for a 1.25kg charge of PNNM so I was wondering what sort of booster should I be using? I only have about 50g of AN left which will only get a 60g APAN booster, but I have heaps of KNO3. Would APPN be a suitable booster? I don't think it will be but if anyone has any experience with this please reply.

December 29th, 2003, 04:55 AM
APPN won't work because unlike AN, KNO3 doesn't detonate. The only reason that APPN is more powerful than straight AP is because of the KNO3 providing oxygen to even out the oxygen balance.

You could use an ANNM booster, it would be larger and more powerful than an APAN one. Or you could add a strong acid, a strong base, or an amine to 100mL of NM and use the newly sensitized NM as a booster.

December 29th, 2003, 07:02 AM
No point using an ANNM booster in PNNM - it's essentially the same thing!

A 1-2gm AP or HMTD det should be fine, at least it always has been in my experience. You could play it safe and use 5-10gm if you want to be really sure.

As long as your KNO3 is powdered and dried, and you're using pure NM, PNNM is quite sensitive.

December 29th, 2003, 07:25 AM
The KNO3 is dry and the NM is pure stuff. It goes purple when it comes in contact with AN because of the dye they put in modle fuels to show if they are too sensative to be used. For some reason I don't like HMTD, so I think I'll stick with good ol' AP. A film can (pressed) should be about 10g. What ratio of KNO3 to NM do you use Anthony? I know Shockwave uses 1000g of KNO3 to 250ml of NM.

December 29th, 2003, 09:43 AM
Sorry about that Anthony, I knew ANNM was cap sensitive, and assumed that PNNM wasn't from what blindreeper said about the 90g booster.

I don't know why I assumed that though, as now that you say it I can clearly remember a thread where you detonated cap sensitive PNNM inside a "triple 'ard" tree :) .

Dave Angel
December 30th, 2003, 02:48 PM
SWIM will be using the likely fireworks going on around as a cover to test some double salts caps, 30g of TNP, some ANNMAL, and possibly even an oxy-mapp balloon or two (with anti static spray).

January 3rd, 2004, 10:21 AM
Surely everyone knows that chinese new year is the time for your DIY pyro extrordinnaire. Although it would be hard explaining that to your anglo neibghours. Besides I spnt the NY in singapore, where I wouldn't risk any DIY pyro. Although I did pay a visit to Orchard Tower.. thats enogh entertainment for one night/morning.

January 4th, 2004, 07:04 AM
Funny, I've just realised that the model fuel NM that I used didn't have any colour indicator like you mentioned.

I could be wrong, but I'd think that a film can of pressed AP would be considerably more than 10gm. Loose I think it'd be about 10gm

I use the same ratio for all NM explosives - 20% NM to oxidiser. So 800gm XNO3 + 200gm NM. Although for a while I think I might have accidentally added 20% of the total oxidiser e.g. 1000gm XNO3 + 200gm NM. Which is obviously a lower NM ratio, but I never had any duds.