View Full Version : Federoff on FTP (.ace & .rar wtf?)
December 23rd, 2003, 10:55 AM
Federoff vol. 1, 2 & 3 are on the ftp but are in .ace (vol. 1 & 2) and .rar (vol. 3), :confused:
What are .ace and .rar files and how are they opened?
December 23rd, 2003, 11:12 AM
they are opened using winrar ( )
December 23rd, 2003, 11:19 AM
Boy you are really out of the loop... Ace and Rar files are different forms of compression like zip files. They are usually used for warez spanned archives and are quite common alternatives to zips. Download the free evaluation copy of winrar ( )and you will be able to open them. The rar files contain pdfs of the 3 volumes
December 23rd, 2003, 11:41 AM
Hey geeks, I just blew up my old puter, im now technologically advanced!
What does each of the 10(?) volumes of Federoff cover?
December 23rd, 2003, 01:18 PM
Has anyone successfully downloaded all 3 volumes of Federoff from chemwarriors FTP?
I successfully got vol. 1 but got a corrupt vol. 2 after 8 hours of downloading, so would be good to know if I should try again.
December 23rd, 2003, 04:47 PM
What are .ace and .rar files and how are they opened?
Oh my fuckin' gawd!
Did someone recently have a lobotomy and forget how to use Google? :rolleyes:
We (or at least I) assume that if you're here, you have some slight inkling of what the fuck a computer is and how to use it, and that we don't have to answer such basic questions for you because you're too lazy to do a Google search.
Is it too straining to your brain to type in ".rar .ace decompress program" in Google?
December 23rd, 2003, 11:57 PM
To come up with such a search term one must know what it is to begin with, in honestly all I searched for was "opening .ace files" which brings up seemingly irrelevant crap, much like what youve turned this thread into.
Heres an "up yours" from me to you.
December 24th, 2003, 12:57 AM
Hey Mr. technology challenged...try typing in .ace file extension
What the fuck? 65,000 hits? The first ten pages were NOTHING BUT
what .ace is? AMAZING!!
Take that coconut out of your own ass, stop using flash compositions
because your are evidently going BLIND and go here (
Shall I add the fact you should be very VERY afraid of NBK?
If you are too scared to touch my link try just searching for winrar.
December 24th, 2003, 01:11 AM
What darkbloodpriest, been here over a year yet can't contribute more then 14 posts of useless drivel. The solution is easy to find if you already know the answer.
December 24th, 2003, 01:19 AM
Wow "Darkbloodpriest" , you're insight into the situation was much needed. Axt is somewhere between 500 and 700 times more useful to this forum than you. Just because NBK is attacking him doesn’t mean you can. I wish you had died in the past so we wouldn't have to put up with you're shit in the present.
December 24th, 2003, 03:28 AM
Now now children, argue in the water cooler but not in here :) .
In all seriousness though, the quality of the forum has gone to shit over the past few months, Axt could have searched a bit harder but he has been a valuable member and shouldn't be jumped on like that for a minor mistake. We need to focus what little moderation we have left on the kewl and n00bs, not good members.
December 24th, 2003, 03:51 AM
XYZ is right. And besides, it was a simple mistake. Ive done that tons of times... Ive gone to search for one thing and found only useless shit on the first 10 links or so and then given up. Gratned, I tried different phrases and such afterwards, but sometimes people dont have the time for that. Simple mistake, easily fixed. No need for flaming.
Just search a little harder next time Axt.
December 24th, 2003, 05:21 AM
Chemwarrior: Can you try open the vol. 2 to see if the problem is on your end or mine?
Please try vol. 3 as well while your at it, as its a BIG download for me to find out if it opens correctly.
December 24th, 2003, 02:21 PM
Axt, volume two is corrupt, however, volume three is fine. I also checked volume one and it works fine also.
Anyone have a copy of Federoff v.2 they would be willing to upload?
Dave the Rave
December 24th, 2003, 03:44 PM
@ Chem - I´ve uploaded all 3 volumes on plais old PDF, and all 3 works fine. It only take a little longer that an rar version to download but will worth.
December 24th, 2003, 11:41 PM
Heres an "up yours" from me to you.
Here's an "up yours" from me to you, Axt...HED!
But, since you've been somewhat productive here, I'll just make it a week long ban, effective immediately and till New Years (Jan. 1, 04).
Oh, and your FTP access is suspended for the duration of your period of silence as well. :D
Though I'll be happy to make it permanent if you'd like. To signal your desire for permanent banning from the Forum, make a single post anywhere for any reason, and your request will be immediately granted. :D
December 29th, 2003, 02:02 PM
As has been written elsewhere on the forum in the past:
Personal attacks against Mega, NBK or any moderator will NOT be tolerated. Disagreement is one thing, calling our mothers whores, or us faggots, is instant HED. Closely related is calling the Forum as a whole a bunch of idiots.
Also related is sarcasm, innuendo, beating around the bush, etc. ANY reasonably perceivable insult or slight can and will get you banned. (Saying "Up yours" is a pretty obvious insult and that the admin turned a thread into "irrelevant crap"...:rolleyes: )
The Forum is a dictatorship with Mega as the Fuehrer, NBK2000 the reichsfuehrer, and the mods his Gestapo. If, in our best judgement (and our judgement is ALWAYS best), your presence here is disruptive to the Forum, then you'll disappear into the night and fog of HED.
No use bitching or crying about it because we don't care, you're already gone.
Posting in the water cooler or FTP section does not exempt one from all rules, especially this one.
As for comments on the'd all best keep them to yourselves.
Who gets banned, and the reasons why, aren't matters subject to public opinion.
Once someone is banned, they cease to exist here, both as a member and as a subject for discussion.
Defending the banned (known losers) makes one an associate of the banned, who are then liable to joining the banned, under the rule of "guilt by association with known losers". Does VoD and Electric Jesus ring any bells? :) EJ was banned, VoD defended him, and was banned in turn.
While he was a productive member, there can be no tolerance for any sort of disrespect here, because any society that tolerates disrespect for authority quickly collapses into anarchy. Go to bombshock, TOTSE, weirdpier, x-inventions, or any number of other places if you want anarchy. We are about order and discipline here.
The simple fact of the matter is he fucked up and now has to suffer for it. Anyone who's been here any length of time must realize the fact that I have very low tolerance (none, actually) for any sort of back talk, regardless of the source, and doing so is the Forum equivalant of suicide.
Common sense tells you that you don't talk smack to the admin of a site of which you're a member, an admin who's easily pissed, just like you don't talk shit to a cop when he pulls you over and gives you a ticket for driving like an idiot because that's the LEAST of what he can do to you. There are many more levels of hurt in store for you if you give him any lip. Trying to fight back is pointless because, even if you kill him, you're not going to get them all and it'll end up with you strapped down in a wood chair with a salt-soaked sponge clamped onto your head. :eek: (Roscoe...)
I gave him a warning (by e-mail, as well), which is something more than 99% of the people I ban ever get, and he pissed it away. If he didn't think I was serious, he's learned different, and his mistake is an object lesson for others to learn by. I do NOT make threats. I simply DO. I may give a warning, but that's the one and only warning I'll ever give, and that's only if I'm in a good mood at the time.
AND (argueably) starting this forum in the first place,I feel very hard done by.
And where did this tidbit come from? Not from any post I've seen. Private e-mail? If so, e-mail it to me in it's entirety ( so I may proceed to tear it apart. :)
The ONLY person who'd have any claim on having started the Forum would be Lowery. So is Axt claiming to be Lowery, or at least implying it? If so, he'd still be banned for either:
A) Being a lying sack of shit trying to claim someone elses respect by posing as Lowery.
B) He is Lowery, in which case he's a sack of shit for trying to claim credit for building something he has no claim on.
Even if he envisioned the "house" (Forum) and started laying foundation, it's Anthony who bought the land, Mega who built it up to the luxurious mansion it is today :D, and me who's guarded it against all the vandals who've trespassed here throughout the years. Members are renters, free to come and go as they wish, but subject to eviction at any time. :p
So even Lowery doesn't have any claim here, having effectively abandoned the "house" back in '98 to its own devices. Trying to come back five years later and claim credit for the countless thousands of hours of work put into this site by those who gave a shit...:mad:
ONLY Megalomania, NBK2000, and Anthony have any claim to the Forum, having been here through thick and thin all these years, while all others have come and gone, including Lowery.
Now, as for the matter of moderating n00bies, I must say I've noticed a bit more of them around here. Doubtlessly because of my reduced presence here, as well as the absence (for various reasons) of most of our mods. Rhadon has been doing a good job, but one man can only do so much of a God's ;) work. The comment.
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