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December 17th, 2003, 07:49 PM
I know there is already a jokes thread, but I thought this was hilarious enough to warrant it's own thread. http://members.odinsrage.com/kigy/niggermanual.html Without a doubt, one of the funniest things I have EVER seen on the net.

December 17th, 2003, 11:19 PM
hmmm.... funniest EVER site, huh??
I am sorry, but it is (at least to me, as a non-nigger) a bit short of taste, and the humour is rather simple. I wouldnt want to be a 'nigger' checking this site, I don't think I would find it funny.

The Anarch
December 18th, 2003, 02:19 AM
Holy shit! I saw this site a while ago but could never find it again. It probably would have been fine in the other joke thread, but whatever. Thanks for posting the link.

Don't everyone gang up on chemoleo. I used to be big on the anti-racism myself.

December 18th, 2003, 03:12 AM
Flashpoint, don't assume just 'cause one of the big dogs is a neo-nazi that everyone is... There's all kinds of people here. Stupid little twats an inch from being banned, hyper intelligent grad students, nazis, anarchists, libertarians, apolitical powder heads, feds- and, for all you know, "niggers". That word has been used to describe other people with skin darker than yours besides the ones who came from Africa, in case you hadn't heard.

Got to agree if that's the funniest thing you've ever seen, you don't get out much.

December 18th, 2003, 04:03 AM
"banning for being soft"?!? Buahaha, flashpoint, you didnt get enough of sleep when you posted this, right?

December 18th, 2003, 05:42 AM
As a sidenote, has anyone seen this : http://someonewhocares.org/monkeys

December 18th, 2003, 07:36 AM
Flashpoint, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Chemoleo has much more interesting things to tell than you.

If you think you can survive here by preaching nazism and racism to death, you're wrong.
You haven't been posting anything but bullshit.

As of now, I'll use any silly excuse to flame your silly ass to death. :mad:

December 18th, 2003, 08:07 AM
Some of it was a little funny, but not exactly the funniest I have ever seen.
Have a look at darwinavards.com for some really fun stuff. but you all probably knew that already.

Flashpoint, , I´m glad you posted this in the watercooler, or you'd probably get banned for posting crap. Read on and check other members posts and you'll probably not come back, since you realize that you post crap.be prepared to get flamed a lot, if you can't handle it than you might as well just forget this website, because you'll end up saying dumb shit and getting banned by someone.

December 18th, 2003, 08:20 AM
I suspect that's supposed to be http://www.darwinawards.com

Not trying to nitpick or be a smartarse, just trying to help.

All these regulations and stuff is seriously hurting the important role of Natural Selection,

metal dragon
December 18th, 2003, 08:22 AM
I found it quite tasteless, really primitive actually. I had more fun laughing at the main page. I personally see nothing wrong in the “Nigger” race. I don’t really like aboriginals but other dark skinned people are ok. On the main page I heard that KKK fella yabber on about shit now that was funny.

December 18th, 2003, 09:04 AM
Well, nobody likes Aboriginals.. not even Niggers! ;)

December 18th, 2003, 01:24 PM
I'm not racist, nor am I nazi or whatever...I have plenty of friends besides white friends...I'm just saying I figured that post wasn't necessary and yeah I did have a bad night whoever asked, but there is no sense in even responding to a fucking post if your going to be a complete tard' about it.

::EDIT:: By the way nigger doesn't even have to refer to a fucking black person, so if your illiterate and don't know what words mean...shut the fuck up.

Def for Nigger : Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people. I suppose when you say it, in the past has been referred to black people, but today, its a word, I hear white people call each other. So understand, that when someone, like a "big dog" says this, they probably don't really mean black person, they are just using it as a phrase to say your fucking ignorant and probably illiterate. Vulture, by the way, flame on. I'll be ok with that, considering you haven't stopped buttfucking my threads since I started posting here. I'm here to learn, not argue...fuck off.

December 18th, 2003, 01:35 PM
but there is no sense in even responding to a fucking post if your going to be a complete tard' about it.
Au contraire- Flaming idiots or just plain low quality posts is a high art around here. If they occur outside the water cooler, it's generally followed by a swift kick.

::edit:: In the 1 month you have been a member, you haven't read much have you? :)

December 18th, 2003, 01:42 PM
I have read so much, I want to puke. But then again, I've read so much, and learned so much, there is a wealth of information available here, thanks to megalomania. But I don't see why everyone can't just chill out and not be a dick everyonce in a while. I can see when your tired of having newbie's come in and say dumb shit...and have it happen every day, that would get to me too. But there are some newbie's, that really want to learn more about the the hobby and chemistry itself. I'm more interested in chemistry than blowing shit up. I'm here to simply learn, and enjoy myself...not get yelled at through a monitor. Half the people yelling and screaming are probably little fucks, and would get stomped if they ran their mouths where I come from. But aside from that...lets just drop it...maybe I was a little harsh, but half the people that responded to it, are harsh in other posts...its just because the word nigger was used...so I'll refrain from using that word if it offends anyone, despite what I said above.

December 18th, 2003, 05:02 PM
I can see when your tired of having newbie's come in and say dumb shit

You're still a newbie and you're still saying dumb shit. So either live with getting your ass flamed off or shut up and learn. Reading is not good enough. You need to LEARN.

so I'll refrain from using that word if it offends anyone, despite what I said above.

You're free to say what you think, but then also let others say what they think.

December 18th, 2003, 05:16 PM
As much as I laugh at nigger jokes...the site has Down Syndrome. That site is retarded as hell Wanna real nigger joke?
Why are nigger's eyes always red after sex??
-The Pepper Spray

The Anarch
December 18th, 2003, 05:29 PM
Maybe if you damn Aussies hadn't invaded the aboriginies' land you wouldn't have a reason to hate them. I don't mind much when people say things about blacks or jews; sure they've faced some hardships in the past, but they're still whining about it years later and taking attention away from native groups that have been practically wiped out.

If we lived like natives life would be more fulfilling anyway.

December 18th, 2003, 05:39 PM
Very true, indeed. I'll be polite enough to refrain from using racist remarks, as well as respecting others including you, and maybe I can receive a little respect....after all, I'm not here to do any harm to anyone, or flame anyone, just simply here to read, experiment, and learn more about explosive compounds and chemistry.

December 18th, 2003, 05:55 PM
flashpoint, people don't get given respect, they earn it and then are shown it. you've neither earnt it or shown it so enough of this childish bickering and accept your place at the bottom of the ladder. the alternative is accepting a place in the BFL section.

December 18th, 2003, 05:55 PM
Respect is there to be earned. Let me say that you're not doing well at earning it. You don't get respect for posting that you want respect either.

You need to prove you're worthy of our respect. That does not include starting many new threads or postwhoring. Keeping your mouth shut will sometimes get you more respect than just saying whatever you like.

EDIT: Kingspaz beat me to it. *Bow for the king of spazzzz*

December 18th, 2003, 06:09 PM
Funny thing about the people who say "I'm not a racist"...is that they often are! :)

I've been reading through the archives and seen various arguments from '00 where people say "Racisits are stupid!" and some-such.

These same people now, in '03, are saying how "The muds are taking over my country".

I'll not name names, but I could, so I don't feel the need to point them out to everyone else because I know of their hypocrisy. Me, I've always been a racist, I've never changed on that, so my convictions are rock solid. :)

Zeitgist, remove the e-mail addy from your sig. That's what the e-mail button is for. :p


Take a week off from posting (until the 27th, effective immediately) or be banned. If you can't come up with something better than what you've been posting, we don't need to hear it.

Someone provide him with the URL for the thread with VoD's silly rant so he may see what happens to people who don't take the hint.

I always find it funny (though sad) when n00bies start saying how another newbie is breaking the rules and will be banned. :) Like they're immune or something. ;)

December 18th, 2003, 06:09 PM
1. This reference to Niggers had fuck all to do with white people flashpoint, and you fucking know it.

2. It wasn't even very well written - if you're going to go to those lengths to make a racist point, why not put some effort into what you write?

3. It, like all bigotry was offensive to the eye - maybe it was sattire, but I don't think so. And when you see something like that, from a genuinely racist person, it's like looking into their eyes and seeing the emptiness, the absence of love and the futility they feel.

It annoys the fuck out of me that there is so much racism on the board, especially coming from people who are obviously retards in any case. I make Irish jokes, Nigger jokes, wop jokes, spic jokes and all the rest, but I have no ill feeling in my heart. All the "ethnic" people who know me know that I have no malice. This is not a black vs white thing, I just hate bigotry of all kinds.

I'm always amazed that some of the most vitriolic bigots are those with least right to be that way. And since you've mentioned hjim, NBK's a good example. I have a lot of respect for NBK overall, he's intelligent, has a sense of humour that I get on with, and he has a lot to offer a board like this. And having crossed swords with him over this on many occasions in the past (as have plenty of the older members - in case you weeny nazis think otherwise) I actually have some respect for the passion of his Nazi convictions - Unlike most of you wankers, he's basing his opinion on a pretty difficult life, where he's seen the worst side of people - mainly noticing the nigs.

That doesn't make him any less wrong, but most of you seem to be talking like this because you haven't the wit to work out that the world is a BIG place, with an enormous diversity of life, culture and humanity. You can bitch about that like NBK does, and get all huffy and defensive. OR, you can get out there like I do, and open your eyes to the good in the world.

I've spent a lot of time in India, and you can see human shit pretty much everywhere you look. Having said that you can also see incredible beauty, and some amazing thing or other wherever you are. Some people go through India and ALL they see is shit - that's what Bigots are like, they LOOK for the shit because it confirms their beliefs. Why bother opening your minds when you can keep them closed - it's SO much easier!

And back to NBK, he's a nazi, and part of the master race right? Well how come he's spent the last couple of years pumping gas and selling slurpies? How come he's drifted around the country, hating everything, looking down on the "untermensch".....selling fucking SLURPIES. It must really grate when some flash homie in his rude benz cruises in. But he, like other bigots, spends his time hating and resenting, instead of working to get his own. NBK has an AMAZING mind (and I'm not ass kissing, he knows what I'm talking about) and if he put it to some use in business, or industry then he could make a million. If he was in the industry I'm in, with a bit of effort he could probably make SEVERAL million. But instead, he's wasting his life on this forum, and thinking about crime.

This isn't a rant against NBK, it's a me getting fucking SICK of the new retards on the board*, and it's me getting fucking SICK of another shitty little bit of moronic racism on here - this is an explosives and weapons forum, not a hate forum. How come it attracts so many narrow minded cunts.

Nihilist, I'm VERY disappointed, I didn't realise you were such a cunt :confused:

*I have noticed an enormous rise in the tolerance of idiocy on this board recently, not just by mods, but by other people too. What is it, RETARD week? (Or should I say mentally challenged week - in case you think I'm being offensive to retards)

December 18th, 2003, 09:05 PM
erm..Arkangel if I may quote you I make Irish jokes, Nigger jokes, wop jokes, spic jokes and all the rest, but I have no ill feeling in my heart I simply posted a link to something that I thought was funny. I didn't support either side of the real issue in my post. I simply posted a link to something racist, just the same as you have posted racist jokes(as have I), I don't see why you think I'm a "cunt" because of that. If you want my opinion on racism, i'm really not sure where I stand on the subject. I think there is definitely one race that is superior, simply owing to pure science, since due to probability one race SHOULD have evolved as superior to the others. However, that doesn't necessarily mean I hate the "inferior" races, whichever ones they may be.

The Anarch
December 18th, 2003, 09:10 PM
Wow... this thread turned to shit prett fast. Arkangel, you say that you make some ethnic jokes yourself, so then why can't Nihilist? I think he thought of the site as nothing but a joke. You'll notice he hasn't replied once since he started the thread, probably waiting for things to settle down and for people to laugh at the damn site. True that site was made by a klansman, but I don't think any racist jokes that you or I might tell were thought up by hippies.

I used to shit my pants every time someone said something racist of any sort. Then I realized... what's the point? Blacks and jews certainly didn't act any friendlier to me for it, so now I couldn't care less.

I definitely don't believe in any goddamn master race either. I probably hate whites as a whole(yeah, I'm white) more than any other race. Whites have been directly responsible for all of the shit in the world. Pollution, overpopulation and overcrowding, loss of human freedom... all from the glorious inventions of the white race. It's because of things like those that I don't even waste my time worrying about racism anymore.

December 21st, 2003, 11:49 PM
I wrote this before the E&W forum went down.

Hmm, I don't think I hit the 'popularity button' there.

Just read this thread now, and I think most has been said, but there are a few things I think I should point out :)

I did indeed read quite a bit in the forum (as much of a surprise this may be to you), but never got round to posting a huge amount as I am not *that* experienced with explosives (although I did play with a few). I thought it better to accumulate knowledge in this field before starting to post stuff; before the sadly necessary practise of banning becomes necessary. My experiences lie elsewhere, as people from SM may know :)

Anyway. Nihilist was making a very strongly directed point, and I thought it only *fair* to point out the OTHER end of the spectrum, as unpopular as it may be. Sorry, I am a strong believer of free opinion, and if this is unpopular, so be it. I dont have to swim with the flow just for popularity's sake. And if this gets me banned, then so be it, at least I stood up to my beliefs.

To be honest, I think it's a very sad thing to not to respect someone else's opinion. Especially, if you can't come up with a decent reason/argument against it. If someone is strongly racist, I personally accept that on the *only* grounds that this person has *solid* reasons for it, as misleaded (in my admittedly biased opinion) this may be. And you have given me no reason to accept why you believe what you believe, as your argument solely based on 'popularity'. I am sorry, that's sad to me. At least make an argument, with a solid foundation.
Getting banned for 'being soft'? I have read the rules, but I don't think being a 'softy' was was an issue there, especially in the water cooler. Members should be judged by what they contribute in terms of knowledge/experience/creativity, not by what their 'political' or ethical opinions are. The latter is beyond the mission of this forum, so they should have no bearing on the former. Do correct me if I am talking bollocks on the last one :)

At last... here's a little story. In Australia, I got robbed and threatened with my life by aboriginals, whilst camping close to a land of theirs. Robbed sounds easy. But not if you have a knife on your throat, while blood is making a little waterfall on your sleeping bag, with a broken bottle INSIDE your ear.... grinding that head bone of mine. Anyway, I got out, with hospitalisation, and twisting one of the motherf**kers wrists so that he screamed (All they wanted was my money (calling me white pig all the time), which I was sitting on, and which they never got ... so much for being soft ey?)
After, I got VERY uncomfortable when I saw Aboriginals at Ayers Rock and Alice springs, it's like being a little child after having touched a hot cooking plate and being scared of it for some time after. Once I go back there (which I will) I clearly know I will be avoiding those places. Nonetheless, I don't hate Aboriginals in general (although I would love to find those particular boys (5 altogehter) and give them a nice retribution, on equal terms, not unfair shit like attacking someone in the tent whilst sleeping). And you know what? This hasn't made me racist, who knows I might be doing the same if I was in their desperate situation. I learned I need to be more on guard ( I was pretty young then, merely 21). But you need to be careful in any city/place, regardless whether it's dominated by *blacks* or *whites* or any other colour. They will cut you up just as mercilessly. So, Flashpoint, what's your argument apart from *apparent* popularism?
I am not soft, I just think fairness is a requirement to be fair, to anyone. So, don't single me or anyone out, hoping it will make you more popular by getting me flamed/banned.

That's all folks. I am not talking out of my ass I think, even if you may disagree, I was trying to finish this up without sounding like some ultra-lefty, being tree hugging and all that... which I am not I think ... :D:D

PS. Funny, when I posted the first response, I expected some level of controversy, but certainly not THIS!

metal dragon
December 22nd, 2003, 12:53 AM
I know I don’t have even thirty posts under my name. But I have noticed these people all try to act like NBK. I personally think NBK is a smart man who applies his smarts to the world of crime. Shall we say a criminal genius? But non the less on the point of racism, I like a few good racist jokes but that site was totally and utterly tasteless only idiots would laugh at de-grading another human being down to a cage. Somebody commented on the aboriginals, they overall a bunch of fucking dick heads from the people I have meet, don’t get me wrong I have meet some nice ones and I am sure I will meet more. Let me give you an example I was walking down the street and a little abo half the size of me started calling me names and throwing objects, of course he was severely beaten back into place. Then I had to deal with a whole clan of them, which was scary but I did a good job with those little skinny shits. As I was taking on the last few, a black man broke it up he wasn’t aboriginal but what seemed to be an American-Niggro. I don’t generalise with skin colour or race but if you meet 100 Abo’s and 99 of them are dickheads of course you will assume the they are all like that. As far as I am concerned some racism is ok but when you go over bored it is wrong and makes you look petty. Here in Australia there are the dickhead race that nobody likes and tries to keep their blood pure by insist AKA the Abo. They are a public nuisance and this being statically proven most petty crime in Australia is done by Abo’s.

The Anarch
December 22nd, 2003, 02:31 AM
What the fuck? You hate abbos but then you have the nerve to say that americans aren't allowed to have any harsh feelings toward afro-americans? At least the abbos have a damn good reason to be upset, you STOLE their fucking land. Afro-americans have been freed for a fucking long time now, have all the opportunites of whites(if not more), and they're still bitching.

December 22nd, 2003, 05:09 AM
The most important point to remember from this thread, is that some lame fucking cunt (flashpoint in this case) can send a whole lot of respected and experienced people into a mindless frenzy.

metal dragon
December 22nd, 2003, 05:20 AM
Maybe I made my self-unclear, that if you have adequate reason to hate a race, not just because of there colour than do so but if you wish to generalize and say ALL blacks are bad that is wrong. I hate Abo’s but don’t Negro’s they are both black but only one pisses me off. If for some whacked reason the Abo’s changed there attitude I would no longer feel a hate for them.

December 22nd, 2003, 05:24 AM
erm...metal "color" of skin is not a race. Racism is hating a race, not a color. And I don't think anyone on this forum is stupid enough to hate someone based on the color of their skin(take literally here). For example, NBK would still hate an african american even if he or she was albino and thus had white skin.

December 22nd, 2003, 07:16 AM
The thing with aborigines is that yes their country was taken by the BRITISH unfairly, but in this is the key point. Australia was not conquered by the Australians, it was conquered by the BRITISH, and why is it that even after over 200 years the aborigines are still complaining about it to AUSTRALIANS, it wasn't even us in the first place. But even ignoring that fact, the governments in this counrty have long scince appologised and given copious amounts of welfare to these people, and are still doing so, because they are VERY distantly related to some people that were quite hard done by, I mean for christs sake, how about that 'National Sorry Day' we had a while ago. Take ab-study, a race that was hard done by over 200 years ago and has long scince regained the societal level of the white colonisers, will still get a substantial reduction on that mark required to enter any specific university course not because they specifically deserve it, but becuase they can prove that they are something like 1/64th aboriginal, I know that is I were aboriginal I would like to get into a UNI course because I DESERVED IT, not because I took a government handout that ASSUMED I was underprvalleged because of my colour and background.

My $0.02

December 22nd, 2003, 02:25 PM
Oh shit...I feel a major rant coming on...batten down the hatches 'cause it's gonna blow!

...the world is a BIG place, with an enormous diversity of life, culture and humanity. You can bitch about that like NBK does...

There are 6 billion sentient life forms, but only a few hundred million humans, on this planet. This is an enormous diversity (PC buzz-word!) of life, surely, but very little of it counts as human life.

And culture? The culture of what? The humans or the untermensch? What culture do the untermensch have?

India, for instance, has the Kama Sutra...a book all about fucking. Truely an inspiring piece of literature for the ages. What else have they written that anyone can name or would bother reading? They worship rats and cows, all while they starve to death because they give their food to fat rats and fat cows.

Africa? Surely they've got some good culinary history, what with all the cannibalism right up to this very moment that's going on in there. Architecture perhaps? Like the pyramids? Oh, wait, that was a white man (with red hair, no less) called Cheops who had the first one (or biggest one?) built. Did they ever figure out the wheel? I don't think they ever did, a whole continent worth of them. Neither did the american indians.

Asia? China had paper and gunpowder for millenia, but they've got very little history because every emperor had the history scrolls of his predecessor burnt and they never figured out how to use gunpowder for anything more than firecrackers till the white man showed them how. The japs got stuck in a time warp for 400 years by refusing to acknowledge the universal constant of change.

And back to NBK, he's a nazi, and part of the master race right? Well how come he's spent the last couple of years pumping gas and selling slurpies? How come he's drifted around the country, hating everything, looking down on the "untermensch".....selling fucking SLURPIES.

In response (to quote Adolph Hitler from Mein Kampf):

"...honest labor, no matter of what sort, disgraces no one."

Unlike the legions of porch monkeys/wet backs/boat people/paki's/and the rest of the untermensch that you refer to as "human" who come to America and suck off the government tit, I work. :)

No welfare for me.

And if I didn't have a job, I wouldn't be some beggar either as, like I've said elsewhere, I'll kill you for your wallet before I beg for your change.

Niggers are, for the most part, work-adverse. EVERY job I've had, the niggers couldn't hang with it, being fired for stealing or not showing up. How fucking hard is it to show up everyday and not steal something PETTY? It's not like they have to trek thirty miles uphill in the snow to do it, nor tempted by priceless jewels and pallets of cash for lords sake!

I walk everywhere, including to work. 2 miles in each direction, almost everyday. Torrential rain, sub-freezing with snow drifts to my knees, over 100°F with near 100% humidity and no shade...doesn't matter. I've never missed a day, nor shown up late by more than 3 minutes, regardless. This is for years. :)

I've never known a nigger to walk anywhere unless there was drugs or pussy on the other end. Too much like work. And yet, even with a car, they can't show up on time.

These jobs aren't very rewarding, either intellectually nor financially, but I PAY MY OWN WAY. I'm not a social parasite.

Slinging slurpies wasn't an illustrustrious career field, but it's not something shameful either. Oh, and I've never pumped gas...it's always been self-serve. :p Now I'm head cashier at a grocery store.

And if AH was alive today, instead of sweeping the streets of vienna, he could very well have be slinging slurpies. And he'd still be leading a nation in ten years. What you do for a living now in no way predicts what you'll be doing, or are capable of doing, in ten years. Only the restrictions of your own intellect can do that.

It must really grate when some flash homie in his rude benz cruises in. But he, like other bigots, spends his time hating and resenting, instead of working to get his own. NBK has an AMAZING mind (and I'm not ass kissing, he knows what I'm talking about) and if he put it to some use in business, or industry then he could make a million. If he was in the industry I'm in, with a bit of effort he could probably make SEVERAL million. But instead, he's wasting his life on this forum, and thinking about crime.

Thanks for the compliment on my intellect. :) (And what industry are you in, ark? Telecom, if I remember correctly?)

However, I don't feel it wasted by being here at The Forum, the same forum you're wasting your life on :p, as I spent the first thirty years of my life with no one else to discuss these sorts of things with (pyro, etc) but now I do. I learn more in a month here than I did in the years prior.

If I'm not working, I'm still not a parasite, because I'm a predator hunting sheep.

Criminals are criminals because the law, created by elected criminals called "politicians", says so. It's illegal to mine gold by washing a mountain down a flume with water, but it's more efficient at creating wealth than any other form of mining. Making money selling drugs is a crime, though you can sell all the uppers and downers you want if you're Park-Davis and have political connections through bribes to the elected criminals.

Adolph Hitler was a convict who spent time in prison, a proverbial "slurpie slinger" (street sweeper), and a Master of the Race who's called "Most Heinous Criminal" by the very vermin he had exterminated. So, to me, being called a criminal is no great insult. It is, in fact, a honor that'd I'd gladly wear along with Gobbels, Heydrick, and Mengele, as it means I'm not a sheeple.

And, as a member of the Master Race, I can restrain my impulses, something the muds are incapable of. I will not rush off half-cocked and do something stupid that lands me in prison for the rest of my life for sticking up a liquor store and blasting someone wit my gat 'cause I can nigga!

Spannungsbogen..the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp it...something muds are incapable of.

You'll notice how some of the RTPB's are related to spannungsbogen. Delaying the immediate gratification for the long term gain. Surveillance, planning, research, practice...all spannungsbogen

You'll know that I've "come up" when I retire from here, for I'll have much more important things to do, and the money to do them with, then to keep the riff-raff in check here. Though I may occassionly drop by to shock and amaze you with some new wonder.

And I can make several million from the right kind of crime. After all, if crime didn't pay, no one would bother with it, right? Ahhhhh....though I'd never admit to such a thing. Lord help the world if I ever won a 9 digit lottery prize! Mwahahahaa!

And, unlike the "flash homie with his rude benz" (rented, no doubt, using an identity stolen from a working white man), I'll not be flaunting my wealth in search of attention like some monkey slinging its feces everywhere while hooting and waving it's arms about by rolling around in a fancy car.

Everything in the RTPB can be summoned up in one word...invisibility.

Not drawing attention to oneself by action, mannerism, word, deed, appearance, clothes, car, finances, etc. To pass unseen and unnoticed, no shadows, no trail, no trace...just vanishing in plain sight.

Let others have the gaudy jewelry and shiny cars. They're the ones who are the prey of the Naturalius Born Killium. ;) Though, to get close to the plumpest sheep, you must look like a plump sheep yourself, since sheep don't get to be so tasty if they're not wary enough to avoid the predations of inferior NBK's.

I'll have the bespoke suits, cartier watch, and other such trappings of sheeple status. You must play the part.

But, in a non-hunting mode, I'll just be my usual plain vanilla self. My car will look like a typical non-descript P.O.S car, but it'll be a sleeper with full race-mod engine and all the rest. Coats would be the typical low budget kind you'd find at a discount store, but with level IIA armor built in that'll stop anything short of a rifle. Everything I have will give the appearance of being less than it really is. RTPB "Deception..."

And others can have the fame and the political power. They're the ones who are lead up to the guillotine when the regime changes, as it always does, and the mighty always fall because they're so visible.

Talleyrand, Napoleon's foreign minister, knew this well, as he survived many coups and otherthrows, living to die of old age because he was never in the forefront, working from the shadows to manipulate others.

The ones who know how to navigate the deep and silent depths of obscurity are the ones who are immune to the tossing waves of the shallow shoals of (temporary) fame and power. They are also the ones who can influence the deep currents of root causes with a thousand subtle nudges that can either calm the shallows, or stir them up into a foaming tempest. The flapping of a butterfly's wing causing a hurricane...chaos in action.

That's what I am aiming for with my desire to be frozen upon my temporary life-hiatus. Let the ephemerals thrash about over the issues of their times while the Elder Gods (such as myself ;)) guide them towards what the race should be. When you're immortal, you can afford to take the long view of centuries for plans to come to fruition, long enough that the lifespan of the buzzing gnats has no effect on them.

Those who are resurrected would very likely be in a position to control who would be able to follow in their footsteps, because the masses won't be doing it till it becomes so obvious that a blind man couldn't miss it, by which times the early pioneers will have established control over it as happens in almost every human endeavor. Those who are the first to see an opportunity and seize control of it often end up controlling it for (nearly) forever.

These are people who are risk takers, who can foresee things in the deep-future, and are planners with deep contingencies.

I've read that there are virtually no muds being frozen. A typical case of lack-of-foresight on the part of the muds. Another reason why they'll not be inheriting the earth, for they're incapable of seeing any further into the future than the end of their squashed noses, seeking only the flashy displays of gaudy wealth so they can "bling-bling" and pick up 'hoes to get their fuck on, all while wearing the latest Nike trainers and drinking their malt 40's (all owned by whites).

Here's a possibility to scare you freaky race-mixers:

The Nazi's experimented with cryogenics...Adolph Hitlers body was never found...all those who'd know that Hitler wasn't dead either went to the gallows saying "Heil Hitler!" or took poison...see where I'm going with this?

Wouldn't it just be sooooo funny if, sometime in this century when nano-tech enables ressurection, a leader with a scary resemblence to a young Hitler was to rise to dominance in a small Aryan country and turned it into a global superpower, before unleashing it on a war for global supremecy...and winning?

Sleep well mud lovers, with dreams of your grandchildren fueling the furnaces. :p

"Oh, that's impossible! Hitler will never come back! It'll never happen!"

Of course not...because it's never happened before, right? I'll not bother citing all the examples of "impossibilities" that have happened because someone didn't know about this curious "Law of Nature" that something can't happen unless it's happened before.

Typical sheeple thinking, thinking that the world will forever stay as it is, when the only constant in the universe is change.

Time will vindicate one of us. Either the Aryan race will be outbreed and die by drowning in a rising sea of human-shaped shit, or we'll throw off the dead weight in a war of racial purification that'll cleanse it of the garbage you call "human".

When I'm thawed out a century from now, I'll see what direction the world is going, though I may not be able to say "I told you so" if you've turned to dusty worm shit in that time. You should have yourself frozen when you die so we could meet a century from now and see who's right.

It may very well be that the Aryan race will die out and the muds will iinhabit all the world, but then who'd know how to operate the machines that'd be needed to revive us? And would you want to live in such a world as the last white man, surrounded by 10 billion or more of your fellow brown "humans". I wouldn't.

Nature knows that mixing is intolerable. How many animals cross-breed with others not of their own? Zero, I believe. The animal will fight off the offender trying to breed with it. And the offspring of such aborrent mixing is almost always defective and dies before it can pass on the defect. It's only us silly humans that have developed this fucked up belief in equality that permits such interbreeding of humans with the humanoids.

This is why whiggers are so offensive to me. They choose to ape the slaves. Could you imagine what whites would do to a whigger back in the days of slavery? They'd whip the black out of him, if not hang him outright, for disgracing the race. Now we tolerate such foolishness.

That'd be a good start...don't hang the niggers, hang the whiggers...making such disgraceful behavior against the Aryan race a capital offense punished by death. If you want to act like a nigger, you can hang like a nigger.

The vast majority of people, including so-called "neo-nazis", seem to think that Nazism is all about Hitler, the Third Reich, Germany, and all the rest of it.

It's not.

I'll give you the parallel story of the christian religion to explain it.

Hitler was the prophet that brought the truth before the world, as Jesus did, that there is a higher purpose to guide our lives by.

Germany was the Holy Land in which the prophet preached The Word, bore the brunt of the scorn of the world, and then died as a sacrifice for The Word and The Race, just as Jesus did in Palestine and Jerusaleum (SP?) for His Word.

And, like Jesus, there is no body for His enemies to desecrate and drag through the streets...to point at and say "See! He was but a mere man!"...such a thing will never happen for He was not a mere man, but rather a fully realized Man in an ocean of mere men...a Demi-God, in fact.

The Word has been written down for the Faithful to learn and study (Mein Kampf), just as the word of God is in the Bible.

We admire and respect the prophet, but faith in the meaning of The Race is the true meaning of it, just as faith in the bible and its teachings is what determines your beliefs in christianity.

My faith is in the purity of the Race, the ascendancy of the Human Race, and the inherent evil in tolerence and exceptance of those who'd defile that purity and prevent the ascendancy...the untermensch.

Just like the demons of the christian faith, the untermensch (with the christ-killers, the jews, as their leaders) seek to drag Humanity (Aryans) down into the fetid depths of their Sodom and Gamorrah with their vile lies!

Equality! The mantra of those who seek to pervert the natural order of the entire universe that decries that NONE are equal! All are either superior or inferior to the others around them. From sub-atomic particles to entire galaxies, one always submits to the other.

"Gays" are equal...queer marriage is just as valid as that between Man and Woman...LIES! These degenerates seek to equate their foul perversions with the desires Men and Women have towards each other in the natural desire to propage The Race with the queer agenda of "same-sex marriage". Such a thing is a disgrace to ALL Humans.

To give acceptance to such a thing is to say that the perpetuation of The Race is not important. That the acceptance of any manner of filth is more important than Purity. This is why fags were stoned to death and whole cities turned to smoking holes in the ground. Only by purging such infections when they are discovered can you keep such diseased thinking from turning into a festering cancer like we see spreading across the world.

It's no surprise that AIDS was so rampant in the faggots among the caucasian populations Just like it's rampant among the monkeys fucking each other to death in the huts of africa. Both of these are populations that have no self-restraint, slinging their sperm into each guts as often as possible, with the HIV virus to go with it.

Tolerance for cripples and other defective humans...insanity!

Do you keep a defective part in a car? No! You remove it as soon as possible and throw it away. As a mechanic I can tell you that keeping a defective part in a motor will soon result in the destruction of the entire engine. Just as impurities in the oil, fuel, and lubricants will result in destruction. Slowly, or quickly, the results are always the same.

By keeping the dregs alive, the untermensch seek to so cripple The Race with excess baggage in the form of useless life that we'll be dragged down to their level, eeking out nothing more than a mere existance of squalor amid a sea of human garbage.

But the Prophet, Hitler, showed us what The Race can achieve when it sheds off the shackles of such human chains and unifies under the rule of Purity. Purity of Race, Purity of Cause, Purity of Purpose, Purity of Reason.

The Christ killers were the first to reap the bitter harvest of the seeds they had sown on the day they had Christ nailed to the cross.. The Prophet had known that you can not tolerate the impure in your midst, lest they poison you from within and stab you in the back. That's why the jew vermin were exterminated like they were.

Christ had demonstrated the need for such action when he whipped the jew merchants from the temple, those impure profiteers who were defiling the Holy with their base and profane greed. What are jews universally known for? Greed.

The jews always seek to keep their own bloodlines unsullied by the rest of the untermensch, even going so far as to inbreed with their own close relatives (like the rothchilds) to prevent outside contamination, but they do their damnedest to ensure that The Race is polluted by the genetic garbage of the retards, cripples, and the mud races through their domination of the media, music, movies, and everything else that they've infected with their presence to infect young whites with the thoughts that "tolerance" of deviance and impurity is somehow a moral virtue, and that race mixing is "diversity", not the contamination of the pure with filth.

Tolerance = Acceptance of filth and degeneracy

Equality = Perversion of Natural Law

Diversity = Contamination and dilution

They seek to weaken The Race from within by enfeebling its mind, weaken its body, and diluting its Purity by contamination with the inferior.

But I have seen through the lies, the deceptions, the pleasing media diversions and temptations they've thrown in my path in an attempt to draw my eyes away from the truth. I'll not be led astray from the path of Purity and Ascendancy for The Race...the only truely Human race...the Aryan Race.

I will not pollute my Race by mixing my Aryan heritage with the filth of the untermensch. I will not tolerate the presence of impurity in my offspring, neither mental or physical, nor allow them to pass it on to the next generation to further contaminate the Race, nor allow them to interbreed with untermensch. I will kill them myself to prevent that.

If I myself was genetically flawed, I would not pass it on by breeding, instead adopting an otherwise neglected white child to raise as my own and to teach him the pride of his Race.

I will not shame my Aryan heritage by aping the ways of the untermensch, or act in a manner that would shame my ancestors. My ancestors were explorers of unknown frontiers, conquerers of continents, and creators of miracles. I will do my best to emulate their example.

I will not tolerate the presence of jew filth in my mind, or in the minds of my children, nor allow such things in my house in the form of radio, television, or even internet. I oppose it everytime I have the opportunity to with other whites, to expose the crap that's being foisted on them on their enemies.

All the rest will feed the furnaces, the worms, or the maggots in time. The only way you can have Purity is to remove the impure.

The Prophet has shown us by example, left us His Words to guide us, and we have only to follow His example and accept His guidance to elevate ourselves to the next level of evolution to become Masters of the world and, eventually, the Universe.


(And to those who'd ask why a satanist is referring to god as a religious reference, I say you can't have the dark without the light, one can't exist without the other. Besides, Jesus had better P.R., so that side of the story is better known, thus more accessible to the masses.)

Naturally the "non-bigots" will say all this is bullshit. Fine...it's bullshit...till the day your daughter comes home with an black ape on her arm. Then you're guts will twist in knots as the ancestors within you cry out in disgust at what you've allowed into your home!

December 22nd, 2003, 02:56 PM
Diversity = Contamination and dilution

From a purely scientific standing point, this denies the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy, thus chaos, always increases. That includes the mixture of several components, be it atoms or entities. It's just thermodynamically favorable. :p

December 22nd, 2003, 03:08 PM
NBK, I can't believe you would stoop to the level of saying "jews killed christ" as if it had any bearing on the quality of their race. I can't even believe you would make a religious reference of any kind, you are an atheist aren't you? Now, some of what you said I do agree with to some extent. People with disabilities that would never allow them to become productive members of society should probably be exterminated. I also agree that blacks may be inferior genetically to whites, I can't really provide a good argument against that one. However, Asians and Jews are most definitely anything but inferior, if not superior to the "aryan" race. How can you say that greed is a flaw in jews, when everything that you say and do revolves around self-preservation and self-gain? You are exactly like the greediest of jews in that respect, if anything you should look up to them. Another thing is that Christians(aryans essentially) only diverged from the Jewish race/religion about 2000 years ago. On the genetic scale of things that's practically nothing, there is no way that there could be any real difference in the mental capabilities and general quality of the races. Not to mention the fact that without Einstein(100% jew) we would not have atomic fusion or explosives. I live in an area that is predominantly jewish most of my friends are jews, and I can guarantee you without the slightest shred of doubt that they are in no way intellectually or morally inferior to anyone else.

Now, on to the subject of asians. In your own PDF you have "The art of war" written by Sun Tzu, who was an asian general about 3000 years ago. Your RTPB's and almost everything you say are based around the principles put forth by an ASIAN. Even Hitler didn't hate asians, in fact Germany was allied with Japan in WWII. I would seriously doubt that most of the high nazi officials even believed in their cause, focusing hatred toward a specific race is an excellent way to unite a people, and that's just what the nazi's did, and it worked brilliantly. Now, you have provided many good points about certain people that you have met being lazy and late for work and stealing, however does that make their race bad or yours good because you don't do that. Or does it simply mean that you specifically are a better person than they are? You say that the jews manipulate the media in order to influence the masses and force their will upon people, isn't that essentially your dream for yourself? Being capable of influencing an entire countries opinions on every little thing.

December 22nd, 2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by nbk2000

India, for instance, has the Kama Sutra...a book all about fucking. Truely an inspiring piece of literature for the ages. What else have they written that anyone can name or would bother reading? They worship rats and cows, all while they starve to death because they give their food to fat rats and fat cows.

Oh brother! :rolleyes: How narrow-minded can one get? Have you heard of the "Ramayana"? The "Mahabharatha"? "Aryabhatiya" maybe? Or "Susruta Samhita"? The Vedas? Heard of Rabindranath Tagore's works? No, wait, most probably you might have heard of them, but would have absolutely no clue as to what they might actually contain because they were written in a language that you have not learnt. So you conveniently refer back to Kama Sutra as the only "inspiring piece of literature" from India.
Some people go through India and ALL they see is shit - that's what Bigots are like, they LOOK for the shit because it confirms their beliefs. Why bother opening your minds when you can keep them closed - it's SO much easier!
So apt, Arkangel! Why do I get the feeling that this description fits you so well, NBK?

Let me correct your "vision" about the rats and cows you speak of there. Some people worship rats and cows. "Some" means a small portion of the population, in case I have not made myself clear. Just like some people from other countries are members of UFO cults which organize mass-suicides. Personally, I have yet to meet someone who worships rats. And don't start with that argument about "you're only from a big city, you have no idea of what goes on in the villages", because I spent the greater part of my childhood in a small village in rural West Bengal, called "Asansol".

I'm not saying that my country is El Dorado. What I'm saying is that it's not a shithole either, although many people have so eagerly painted it in that light.

All races have their own way of life, their customs, beliefs, and their shortcomings. All races have some people without any ethics or decency. That does not mean that the entire race is to be judged by the behaviour of this minority. Judging a person solely from his race is downright foolish, and such an action reflects just how shallow the judge is.

A little closer to the topic, I found the page mentioned quite devoid of any humour, but if anyone finds it funny, I have nothing against them, either. Jokes against a particular section of the population are bound to draw the criticism of others, but I feel that as long as the jokes were meant solely for harmless laughter, they're ok, as long as there are no actual ill-feelings against that section of the population. Even I crack jokes about "the sardarji...", or "the blonde who...", but I obviously don't mean them literally, and most certainly do not harbour any grudges against them.

December 23rd, 2003, 02:20 AM
Lets say, if one posts this
I live in an area that is predominantly black; most of my enemies are blacks, and I can guarantee you without the slightest shred of doubt that they are intellectually and morally inferior to my race.
one would attract hatred, because one is making assumptions about a race based on his connection to only a small number of individuals from that race, but a if one posts
I live in an area that is predominantly black; most of my friends are blacks, and I can guarantee you without the slightest shred of doubt that they are in no way intellectually or morally inferior to anyone else.
one doesn't attract hatred. Exactly like the first example, here one is making assumptions about a race based on his connection to only a small numbers of individual from that race, but strangely no one bitches about this; in fact, its not considered racism at all.

Why? Both examples ARE racism. To speak "blacks are not inferior" is racism. You are making assumptions about a race, based on life experiences related to some individuals. Notice the second form of racism doesn't attract hatred.

What is better to the system, a person who loves everyone or a person who hates everyone? The lover is better to the system, thats why society brainwashes everyone to love and tolerate. If one resists this brainwashing, becoming a racist, for example, hating blacks, one is called a "sick" person, because he is inconvenient for the system. Usually, everything that make the general people hate someone is something related to this hated person being inconvenient for the system, and general people hate this person because they were mindfucked by the system.

The system tells us "don't kill, its wrong", but they do kill people, like Waco; like they killed Timothy McVeigh. So, if its wrong, why do they kill? Because its not about right or wrong, its about what is convenient and what is inconvenient for the system. Tim's death was convenient for the system, so he died. A random person's death is inconvenient for the system (how society will survive if everyone dies?), thats why its "wrong" for us to kill someone on the streets.

See, its pure logic. Right and wrong doesn't exist, beliefs are made by those in power, they are not a natural thing. People who hate racists only do this because they were brainwashed to do so, to sustain the system, who can't survive if it becomes full of racists, rapists, etc. Society is using us, taking our freedom and sucking life out of our dreamless bodies. Racists and non-racists alike should unite themselves to destroy society.

P.S.: So, to me, being called a criminal is no great insult. It is, in fact, a honor that'd I'd gladly wear along with Gobbels, Heydrick, and Mengele, as it means I'm not a sheeple.
NBK, when I said "criminals" on the thread "Is there a God" I meant no offense to you, I did refer to mindless idiots who do PETTY crimes to survive because they are incapable of working.

December 23rd, 2003, 03:39 AM
I do not hate racists I simply believe that the belief is ill-founded in most cases. Also, the point you are quoting from me is about jews not blacks, however I didn't just say that, I also provided reasons as to why I think that, the end quote that you snipped off there was just my sort of conclusion which summed up the ideas I presented in the paragraph. I know many people like you Sarevok, who hate the system and try to do everything they can to be unlike the system, just for the sake of being anti "the system". Which is just as bad as completely conforming to the system. If this doesn't accurately describe you sorry, it just seems like you are one of those people who's goal in life is only to be the antithesis of "the system".

December 23rd, 2003, 10:10 AM
I, wishing to be "the antithesis of the system"? Heh, do you think I am some kind of silly hippie, wearing fancy clothes and all that? Phew... No matter, I could rant a lot about it, but that would be pointless.

Mea culpa, I forgot a LOP. From now on, LOP 38: Think as you like but behave like others.

December 23rd, 2003, 11:12 AM
Too bad Nazi propaganda doesn’t mention that 18% of the Nobel prizes have gone to Jews, who make up 0.5% of the earth's population. We can either disregard facts and make up stories (Fundamentalist: one who's faith is strong enough to overcome even evidence) that claim the awards are biased, or we can just accept that the idea of untermensch is crap (it's called Ockham's razor, use it). Almost every scientist working on the A-bomb was Jewish too, and it would probably have been used on Germany, with hilarious results, if they hadn’t folded like an old lady kicked in the stomach. Also, Germany was defeated through an amazing lack of foresight on Hitler's part: attacking Russia, declaring war on America, etc, so if nothing else the ubermensch sense of strategy is flawed

NBK, what would you say about Stephen Hawking? I'd be willing to bet he's contributed to humanity's knowledge of the universe far more than anyone here, that's including you members of the Aryan master race, yet he's a cripple. A "defective" part that should be destroyed.

If I ever subject a child to the torments of my parenting, why would I give a shit who she dates, as long as they're not a dumbass? If I can talk to someone for 5 minutes without having fantasies of breaking open their skull to free the air trapped inside, it doesn't really matter what colour their skin is. Granted, I'd be more wary of a black person, given that they're more prone to crime (don’t argue with me hippies, look at the relative prison populations, it's not all discrimination), but I wouldn't let it interfere much with me deciding whether I like them or not. If I did, I might just as easily decide that all Nazis are potential war criminals, and I should hang them pre-emptively.

Sarevok: saying blacks are not inferior is not racism. It just makes things simpler. Assuming they're inferior creates problems, and assuming they're superior makes the same ones, only in reverse, so it's real easy: assume they're the same as everybody else, and then evaluate them on an individual basis, the same as you would do with white people. If they turn out to be scum, throw them into a bonfire, or ignore them, whatever you feel like at the moment.

Oh yeah, just in case no one knew this, Christ was originally a JEW, and he was sentenced, nailed to the cross, and speared by ROMANS
In other words, if it wasn't for the Jews, who you Christians graciously swiped the old testament from (and then mistranslated), Christianity wouldn't exist.
And wouldn't it be funny if a major Christian sect had the name of the real murderers of Christ in its name... oh wait, never mind.

December 23rd, 2003, 01:50 PM
NBK, you simply say all this bullshit "in order to provoke a response" to quote from my english teacher. I wouldn't be surprised at all if your idenity was revealed on the news only to find that out that you have one of these flaws that you seem to be so afraid of.

Ok NBK you have finally managed to topple the government and become the supreme leader of the Ayran race. You've already started exterminating anyone that isn't blonde haired, blue eyed, 6'4 and with an IQ of 100 or more. When do you stop?
When you have finally put an end to the Jewish religon, got rid of every "mub blood" on the planet and 99% of your population is blue eyed, has blonde hair, atleast 6'4 and and IQ of 100 or more. Where do you go from there? the main problem with the "aryan race" is that if everyone was blue eyed blonde haired etc, then everything is gonna be petty damn dull. Have you also heard of random genetic drift? Natural selection? The survival of the human race doesn't depend on some wacko saying that if you dont have this, or your not this tall then you can't breed it depends on natural diversity, because everyone is different different people are good at different things so if there was a plague/nuclear holocaust/Ozone layer depletion, someone is bound to survive to continue the survival of the human race.

Let me give you an example: The chinese invade the Ayran Empire. What do 1 billion people all have in common? Slant eyes. All Asian people have an epicanthal fold which gives them there slanted eyes. Now the chinese have developed a pathogen that kills anyone without the epicanthal fold. Result, the Ayran race is extinguished because they thought having slant eyes was inferior. This example also show that everyone having similar genes can be superior as well, however you can also argue that if people are more diverse then there going to be a better chance of surviving a weapon like this and being able to make the counterattack.

You say
Tolerance = Acceptance of filth and degeneracy

Equality = Perversion of Natural Law

Diversity = Contamination and dilution

I say:
Tolerance = Treating people for who they are not what they are.

Equality = Giving everyone a chance at life.

Diversity = Better looking chicks for me :D.

December 23rd, 2003, 11:31 PM
I said I was not going to speak... I... I can't control myself!

Posted by apathyboy
Oh yeah, just in case no one knew this, Christ was originally a JEW, and he was sentenced, nailed to the cross, and speared by ROMANS
I spent a good part of my life studying to become a priest, and I have never seen so much ignorance about the bible! :eek: Christ was a jew, true. But "romans killed him" is a lie. Jews asked for his death. Thanks to Judas' betrayal, which Luke attributes to Satan's influence, jews brought Christ to the romans, asking for his death. Pilate, a roman authority, said THREE times that Christ was innocent, but the crowd of jews asked for Christ's death. Pilate decided to order Christ's death, thanks to the jewish pressure. Read the bible (you have one, right?) before you decide to talk about it. Read Mark 14 and Mark 15:1-39.

Posted by Flake2m
Tolerance = Treating people for who they are not what they are.
Equality = Giving everyone a chance at life.
Diversity = Better looking chicks for me.
You said that NBK's words are bullshit, and then you write THIS? :mad:

You know, sometimes I feel as if I'm drowning in shit. What the very Jesus said, I repeat: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

By the way, Flake2m, your signature is not agreeing with the rules. The Forum's unwritten rules... written down, Signatures, paragraph 2, states that signatures should not be more than 3 lines long.

Posted by apathyboy
In other words, if it wasn't for the Jews, who you Christians graciously swiped the old testament from (and then mistranslated), Christianity wouldn't exist.
Jews stole much of the old testament from other cultures. Christianity is not based on the old testament, but on Christ' Sermon on the Mountain. Read Matthew 5, 6, and 7.

December 24th, 2003, 01:18 AM
I'll change my sig then. I have a screen of 1280x1024, so it isn't 3 lines to me. My idea of diversity was suppose to be tongue-in-cheek.
Everyone in this forum has written some form of bullshit, I am certainly guilty of it, you are guilty of it, even Mega is guilty of it.
Another good example of bullshit on the net is that nigger manual, it isn't new, it isn't funny and just wastes bandwidth.

December 24th, 2003, 01:39 AM
Tolerance = Fuck that, why should I have to put up with stupid people? "do we have to know moles?" YES dipshit! Lazy/stupid people will get no tolerance from me.
Equality =Equality is a wonderful attribute, unfortunately it has absolutely nothing to do with real life. People die all the time for no reason at all. Nobody is born equal and people get unfair advantages all the time.
Diversity = Diversity is shitty too. Clearly one race, by way of simple genetics, is better. so why not have just that?

December 24th, 2003, 05:45 AM
Stephen Hawkings has motor neuron disease, and has lived 38 years with it, (he's 60).

While I don't totally agree with genetic and ethinic domans, I do agree with ascension. Just drive out to the country and look up at the stars on a clear night, thats a humbling experience. Humans no longer evolve, as soon as we created an organised community, it really started to slow down, as the weak were supported by the strong, the "survival of the fittest" stopped.

Why are humans still messing around on this planet, when theres an almost limitless array of planets to populate, star systems to pillage, and everything else to explore. What is the point of exestence, is the question I ask. For some reson I don't think it's sitting around, watching other peoples lives and buying funny looking pieces of crap.

December 24th, 2003, 09:48 AM
WTF has jesus got to do with this? You're getting carried away by some worthless bible drivel that very possible was just sucked out of some loons ass.:rolleyes:

December 24th, 2003, 11:18 AM
Does anyone else wonder why the OP is now under someone else's name and most of the stupid shit flashpoint posted is now completely missing? (not just edited, GONE- though most of his remaining posts are now heavily edited as well).

The Anarch
December 24th, 2003, 01:32 PM
What the Nazis did was unnatural selection, concentration camps don't grow out of the ground. Hitler probably killed off some of the best in the gene pool. Not that I really care, at this point I just think the less humans on earth the better. I'm not really for killing the weak, but rather just letting them die. Get rid of these useless vaccines, medications, pesticides and fertilizers and let nature do it's job. Technology hasn't made life any better anyway. Before technoindustrial society humans would run around having sex and killing things for 30 years, doing what they evolved to do. Now it's just 80 years of boredom.


Teddy knew what he was talking about.

December 24th, 2003, 11:40 PM

Entropy, thus chaos, always increases.

Entropy always increases at the universal level, meaning the sum of entropy for everything in existance is always increasing. However, entropy at the local level (whether atomic or planetary) can be stopped, or even reversed, if you put enough energy into it.

This accelerates universal entropy, yes, but we're not concerned with stopping entropy for the entire universe, only the Race. :)

So, to rephrase what I said, to reflect what you said:

Diversity = Entropy, thus chaos.

And since when is chaos a good thing for a Race? It's not.


NBK, I can't believe you would stoop to the level of saying "jews killed christ" as if it had any bearing on the quality of their race. I can't even believe you would make a religious reference of any kind, you are an atheist aren't you?

I said:

I'll give you the parallel story of the christian religion to explain it.

I was using religion as a means of explaining my beliefs, not as a justification for them, thus the fact that the jews DID kill Christ has nothing to do with their being inferior, just that they hate the Prophet Hitler the same as they did the Prophet Christ because both spoke the unwanted truth.

Plus, I've never hiding the fact that I'm a satanist, so how you could have missed that tidbit is astounding. You can't believe in Lucifer without acknowledging God.

However, Asians and Jews are most definitely anything but inferior, if not superior to the "aryan" race.

And both of these are societes that actively discourage interbreeding with others outside of their kind. Interesting, that, isn't it? When the gooks or kikes say "We don't want intermarriage with others!" it's called "respecting their culture" yet, when Aryans say it, it's called "EVIL RACISM!".

How can you say that greed is a flaw in jews, when everything that you say and do revolves around self-preservation and self-gain? You are exactly like the greediest of jews in that respect, if anything you should look up to them.

Everything I say and do revolves around self-preservation and self-gain because I'm a CRIMINAL. But I'm just an individual who's like that. Thus, according to you, the jews are an entire society of criminals that I should look up to.

Another thing is that Christians(aryans essentially) only diverged from the Jewish race/religion about 2000 years ago.

Christianity is a religion and has ZERO relation to race. There are christians of every race. However, judaism is almost entirely ethnic jew. So you can safely say with better than 99% certainty that a believer of judaism is an ethnic jew. You couldn't say that about christians and Aryans.

Einstein had little to do with nuclear weapons development. He did detail the e=mc2 equation that said that mass equals energy, but that was built upon the discoverys of other (white) scientists, so it would have been discovered eventually without him.

Einstein, in fact, didn't think an atom bomb could be built small enough to be delivered by anything smaller than a ship. The only reason the US bothered with it is because a Nazi scientist (forgot his name, DOH!) was working on the priniciple of nuclear fission as well and einstein recognized the fact that he may have been wrong (as he was!) about the mass of uranium required for nuclear weapons.

Oh, and the family of the Nazi scientist just this year admitted that he was indeed working on developing an Aryan A-Bomb, after 50 years of saying that he wasn't, and that he was only a couple of years from having one, the destruction of the norwegian heavy water plant being the only thing that delayed it in time to save the Allies from nuclear oblivion.

I live in an area that is predominantly jewish most of my friends are jews, and I can guarantee you without the slightest shred of doubt that they are in no way intellectually or morally inferior to anyone else.

You need to pick a better class of friends. :p I suppose if you lived in an area that was predominatly nigger, fag, and goat fuckers that you'd have niggers, fags, and goat fuckers as your friends?

I live in an area that is predominately white, work at a store where all my co-workers are white, and don't have a single associate. Why? Because I believe that one should only keep company with those you'd wish to die with. None of them are worthy. Being white doesn't automatically make you my friend, since there are plenty of whites who need exterminating as well. Whiggers being the first to go, along with those who accept "equaltiy, et al" as being true, defectives, etc.

I've never said jews are stupid, just that they're morally bankrupt and inherently evil sub-human garbage that needs exterminating.

Now, on to the subject of asians. In your own PDF you have "The art of war" written by Sun Tzu, who was an asian general about 3000 years ago.

There are aberrations in any population. It's interesting how the asians have produced only one general who's tactics are worth reading in the last 3,000 years. We (Aryans) produce at least a couple every century.

Your RTPB's and almost everything you say are based around the principles put forth by an ASIAN.

BZZZZZ...wrong. Almost everything in the RTPB's is created by me. And the inspiration from the rest came from Machiavelli...a white man.

And, if you want to get technical about it, I shall quote Sun Tzu himself:

To hear the thunder is no great feat of hearing.

In other words, his writing down of the obvious is no great proof of genius on his part, only that he was the first to do so. The tactics he espoused where no better than that used by Alexander (a white man) to conquere most of the western world. Sun Tzu and his armies never conquered most of the eastern world, did they? Nope, just killing each other in endless tribal warfare.

Germany allied with the japs because they'd divert Allied efforts from the western front. If the japs hadn't attacked the US, and instead sat it out, the war wouldn't have taken nearly as long as it did.

Speaking of the japs...notice how they're a monocultural, monoethnic, monolingual, monoreligious society? (Anything over 90% is consider mono-)

No "equality and diversity" bullshit there. They're also the only asian country which gave us a significant fight (Vietnam was a pissant guerrilla war), and are our only real economic competitors. They have a highly ordered and efficient society with low crime and poverty. Almost universal literacy, technological parity with the west, etc.

(If I wasn't concerned with racial purity, I'd have a japanese wife, because of their social awareness, loyalty, and obedience. I wouldn't mind having one as a slave, if only to translate my huge hentai collection.)

NONE of which applies to countries of highly "diverse" ethnic populations. And diversity automatically excludes "Tolerance". Tell me of one country with a highly diverse ethnic or religious population that isn't going through a civil war, rampant social chaos, or outright anarchy.

India? NOT!

America? Another civil war is coming.

Africa? HA!

The secret of community lies in suppression of the incompatible. This necessitates uniformity, inequality, and intolerance.

Muds in america try to say that the american constitution applies to them because of the line "All men are created equal.".

As it was written, "Men" applied to White Males ONLY. Not non-whites, nor white women, but WHITE MEN.

And notice how successful and prosperous we were while we adhered to that foundation.

Now that we're all "equal", we're all equally going down the toilet.

I would seriously doubt that most of the high nazi officials even believed in their cause, focusing hatred toward a specific race is an excellent way to unite a people, and that's just what the nazi's did, and it worked brilliantly.

Did any of the high Nazi officals refute their stance on the jews and untermensch when on trial for "crimes against humanity", in exchange for leniency? NO. They all hanged for it. Would you die for something you didn't believe in...something that was only a convenient means of uniting people under your leadership?

Now, you have provided many good points about certain people that you have met being lazy and late for work and stealing, however does that make their race bad or yours good because you don't do that. Or does it simply mean that you specifically are a better person than they are?

Why is it people refuse to see the obvious? If almost every single person you've known of a certain race was a lazy 'tard who'd steal the teeth out of their mothers mouth if they could sell it for a crack rock, then why wouldn't you come to the realization that, perhaps, it's not just that you've been unlucky in meeting ONLY the rock-smoking/tooth-robbing/fuck-'tards, but that it may be that ALL of them are like that?

If I'd known ONLY one nigger in my entire life, and he was like that, then you'd have a point in saying "Well, they're not all like that, and you can't base your experience with just one of them to their whole race.".

But that's the point I'm making. It's not just one, or even a dozen, but HUNDREDS of them that I've encountered in my life that are like that. And not just in prison either. When you see HUNDREDS of them that are rock-smoking/tooth-robbing/fuck-'tards, and in several states and over decades, you come to realize that this IS what they're truly like.

Look at any predominately black area and you find a ghetto. Ghetto's exist in every country, and every race has ghettos, but it's the curious fact that niggers tend to have the worst ghettos of any race, in any country. Africa, which is almost 100% nigger, is the biggest ghetto in the world, a ghetto the size of a continent.
America has huge ghettos that are entire cities...all nigger. Brazil has huge ghettos, shanty towns...all nigger.

Where are the ghetto's in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scandanavia, and the other noridic Aryan countries? Are there any? If there are any, I'd bet money on them being full of niggers/arabs/other mud race. Some of the members here would be in the position to tell us if there are any ghetto's in their country like those in the countries that have sizeable mud populations.

If you've meet a few polite oreo's (the nigger version of a whigger) in your life and that's the only experience you've had with the nigger race, than naturally YOUR point of view would be skewed to thinking that they're all like that. Or perhaps at a college or other enviroment where they tend to behave politely in front of the whites to show that they actually do belong there, and aren't only there because of a quota system.

When they're alone with each other, the ape in them comes out.

You say that the jews manipulate the media in order to influence the masses and force their will upon people, isn't that essentially your dream for yourself? Being capable of influencing an entire countries opinions on every little thing?

Yes, it is.

But the intent is what makes one vile and dispicable, the other good and rightous.

When an enemy race is trying to destroy your culture, your purity, and your very existance, then their control of the media is abhorrent and intolerable.

When you control the media to inspire your race to unify for the greater good, to accelerate the ascendancy of the Aryan race to space, and all the rest...then it is good. No, not good...glorious!


You prove my point for me. Ask anyone on the street of any country (besides india and pakistan, of course) to name a single piece of indian literature besides the Kama Sutra. I bet you'd have to get more than 1 in 1,000 to get any other answer. More like 1 in 100,000 to get anything like you mentioned.

Now apply that same question to anyone in india, only asking them to name any western work of literature, and you'd probably get a 1 for 1 for at least 2 different books, meaning probably everyone you ask (assuming they're not illiterate village dwellers with no other thought than to survive through another night of starvation) would be able to give you the titles (if not the storyline) of two different western books. Even the villagers would likely be able to give you one western book title...the Bible.

Some people go through india and see only shit...and some people only go to india to exterminate shit. The latter would be the only reason I'd go there, though not even Alexander bothered with it, mustn't be worth bothering with since you're already in the toilet.

It's appropriate that one speaks of shit when referring to third world contries like india. As a racist, I wouldn't have to look for shit (though there'd be plenty to see) as I would smell its fetid stench burning my nostrils, the taste of it in the air souring my mouth, and the turds squishing under my boots.

I didn't say ALL indians worship rats and cows. Just that there's something fundamentally wrong with a race that would.

Oh, and what caste are you from? This may shed some light on your own viewpoint.


I didn't see your post in the "Is there a God" thread, so I don't know what you're referring to, or don't remember anyways.

I was referring to how the Nazis were referred to as criminals because of their beliefs in racial purity, fighting a war to gain it, and exterminating the jew vermin in the process.

If I believe in Aryan racial purity, do what I can to achieve that goal, and refuse to allow the jew propaganda to invade my mind, then I am labeled a criminal.

So that's a label I'll happily wear. :)

Besides which, if I committed a "crime", the money from which funded research into genetics that eventually lead to a bioweapon that exterminated the muds and eventually lead to the ascendancy of the Aryan Race as immortals spreading across the universe, would it be a crime? Or would the true crime be in not doing so?

And I'd have to disagree with Christ being a jew. He was the son of God, not a son of man, hence the virgin birth. He was born from mary, but was not of mary, nor of her husband.

Just like the Hitler clones in the book "Boys from Brazil" were geneticly pure of the taint of the female bodies (native amazonian indian women) in which they were carried in and born from, having been conceived in a petri dish from pure DNA, so to would Christ be free of any jew taint.

It's also true that Christ was executed by the romans, but that's because they caved in to jew pressure to have him killed, even though he was innocent of the charges. This is why Pontus Pilot (SP?) said that he was washing his hands of the whole affair, meaning he knew he had the blood of an innocent man on his hands.


When you have finally put an end to the Jewish religon, got rid of every "mub blood" on the planet and 99% of your population is blue eyed, has blonde hair, atleast 6'4 and and IQ of 100 or more. Where do you go from there? the main problem with the "aryan race" is that if everyone was blue eyed blonde haired etc, then everything is gonna be petty damn dull.

Typical anti-Aryan bullshit. Every "anti-racist" thinks that all Aryans are blonde hair and blue eyed giants.


Anti-racists are so agitated by sterotypes yet they certainly are quick to bring one up when it suits them.

While that's the "Ideal", it's by no means the one and only. Italians, Spaniards, Portugese, Romans, Greeks, and others are also considered Aryan, and they're are by no means all blonde/blue. Hitler had black hair. Many Aryans have brown eye. Many Aryans have a darker complexion than that of skim milk, though I'm of the skim-milk variety. I believe non-whites refer to it as "pasty", since they're jealous of such purity, but I refer to it as "Aryan White". :D

As previously stated by someone else, having milk-white skin doesn't automatically make you an Aryan, any more than having darker skin automatically makes you a mud.

A green-eyed albino nigger with dyed-blonde hair is still a nigger. A darkly tanned and brown-eyed Aryan with dark curly hair is still an Aryan.

But the liberal race-traitors love to try "muddying" the waters by bringing up such red-herrings as "Blonde/Blue".

The eye fold germ? If anyone was going to develop such ethnic weapons it would be whites, since the west has such a huge lead in genetics over the asians it'll be near-impossible for them to come close to us. So they'd be the ones to be exterminated by such means as genetic warfare, not whites.

And if they did use such a weapon, they'd be killing off half of their population in the process, since not all gooks have the eye-fold, something that you, as a "non-racist", should know. But you made a "racist" assumption in assuming that all chinese are the same, didn't you? Can you name the different ethnicities of the chinese?

And would they invade? They haven't invaded anything in thousands of years. If anything, they're punks who give up their holes to anyone with some gumption, having been invaded by the mongols, russians, japanese, koreans, british, americans, etc.

They have yet to put a man into space, something the west did five decades ago. The genetics lead is probably as much, if not more so.

BTW, flake, your signature may appear as 3 lines in your browser, but in my browser it was four, and the way it looks on my computer is the only one that matters.


First of all, spell "Canada" correctly, it might help your credibilty a little.

Next, where did all these jew "geniuses" study and learn their science at? It wouldn't be at WHITE colleges, would it? I think so. And how many of these Noble awards were joint efforts with white scientists, and not solo awards? The majority, perhaps? How typical of the jew to parasite off the work and efforts of whites to boost their presitige.

As for Hawkings, his afflicition isn't genetic as far as I know, so he wouldn't have been prevented from being born or reproducing under Nazi genetic laws. If it was genetic, then he'd be sterilized, but permitted to live because his intellect is obviously useful, and not that of a moron. Those who are useful get to live. Useless life is exterminated.

And is Hawkings a white man? Or a jew? Hmmmm....

It may be that almost every AMERICAN scientist working on the A-bomb was a jew, but what about every Nazi scientist, what was their race? Oh, we don't want to bring that up, do we?

And the fact that the US built it first doesn't mean the jew scientists were any smarter than the Aryan scientist, simply that they had the resources of a huge nation that was immune to attack at their disposal, compared to a small country surrounded on all sides that was being bombed everyday...a small country that still took more than 4 years to defeat and that inflicted more than twice it's casualties and damage on it's enemies than it recieved. Hardly folding up like a broken old lady kicked in the stomach. :mad:

And why didn't jew chemists create nerve agents? Where were the jew designed cruise missiles, SRBM's (V-2), or jet fighters and bombers? Where? Why was it man got to the moon using rockets designed by a NAZI (Warner Von Buren) and not a jew? A NAZI who never renounced his beliefs, only staying quiet about them, while working for the americans?

Since you mentioned the jews and the bible, does it not say that all but 144,000 of the jews will die, and that those 144,000 will all die as martyrs or disappear in a "rapture"?

That means every jew on the planet will die or disappear when the Anti-Christ reigns over the earth. Would that not be very Nazi'ish, the eradication of every jew from the earth? Might not the Anti-Christ be a resurrected Hitler, or at least a Nazi?

Was not the swastika called a "broken cross"? Ponder that...


The more you try to refute me, the more you prove me right with your own logic.

People can see the shitholes of the world on TV everyday and yet not see the truth behind why these places are like they are. It's not the location, or the economics, but the people living there that makes them such horrible places to live.

Take the entire population of india (though you could use any non-Aryan country) and swap them with an equal number of people from Aryan countries, and in 100 years the indian continent would be a modern paradise, and the former western countries would have devolved into shitholes.

We see this in slow-motion with nations that are becoming darker. Inevitably, as the ratio of muds to whites in a country increases, so too does the prosperity of that nation decline.

When muds see something superior, they seek to tear it down and destroy it, because they recognize their own inferiority in another superiority.

When Aryans see something superior, first they emulate it, then they improve it.

Oddly enough, the japs are the only mud race that follows Aryan behavior, and that's why they're so successful.

Time will vindicate me.

If, thousands of years from now, the planet is dead of all life because the muds succeeded at outbreeding the Aryans into extinction, and exterminated all bio-habitat on the planet in an attempt to sustain such overpopulation, then we at least draw a tie with the muds because none of them will have survived either.

If they outbreed us into extinction, yet survive the ecological disaster, only to continue existing as the roaches they are, feeding and fucking in their caves and shit huts forever after...then we, as a species, have lost, since we'll have taken a giant fuck-all step backwards into being cavemen, which is where the muds were at until the Aryans came along.

If, however, Aryans exterminate all the garbage (or simply leave it behind to rot), colonize space, and expand throughout the universe to exist till the end of the universe itself (and maybe even beyond that), than my belief in Aryan superiority will be vindicated and all this non-sense of equality and diversity will be so much dust in the history books, right alongside the "earth is flat" and "sun revolves around the earth" bullshit.

Maybe the reason why the little grey men in UFO's always abduct white people is because they're very distant desendants of Aryans who come back through time so they can study their ancestors? ;) (I'm joking, of course!)

December 25th, 2003, 12:56 AM
3,896 words of pure logical poetry. And on christmas eve too. Jesus was a Nazi? what a Jolly idea.

metal dragon
December 25th, 2003, 01:16 AM
i bielieve that the fella's name is sponseburg (sp?)



December 25th, 2003, 04:35 AM
NBK, you make many good points. I will concede that blacks are geneticlaly inferior to aryans, I knew that one was a lost cause, seeing as the statistics against them are positively enormous, and their pathetic argument about never recovering from slavery is shit, because the japanese americans recovered from being put in internment camps(most of their property was sold off, all of their business's failed) quite quickly, and quite successfully.

Also, just to clear up my opinion on this subject a bit, I don't have many moral qualms with the NAZI belief system, I simply think that they were too narrow in choosing who to exterminate, and that jews and asians should have been spared. You're being an actual satanist also changes the "field of debate", as it were, considerably. I have seen you say that you were a satanist before, I just thought it was a reference to you're morals, or lack there of.

It's very hard to argue with someone who has a religious stake in the argument. If I wanted to attempt to debate the existence of god/satan with you, we would need to start another thread, and since I can't change your opinion on the inferiority of jews and asians without changing your opinion on the existence of god/satan, i'm done debating it(unless of course you wanna start that god/satan discussion in a new thread). So, without one of us conceeding to the others religious beliefs(I have none, pure atheist/nihilist) neither of our minds can be changed because I "know" i'm right, and you "know" you're right.

December 25th, 2003, 06:40 AM
So, what are the realistic steps that need to be taken to reduce the non superior race? They seem to be catching up population wise.

December 25th, 2003, 05:52 PM
Where? Why was it man got to the moon using rockets designed by a NAZI (Warner Von Buren) and not a jew?

That was Werner Von Braun.

Heisenberg is the man behind the uncertainty principle, one can not know the position and the velocity of an electron at the same time. He did cooperate in the research for nuclear power/warfare in the 2nd world war, but the big man behind it was Oppenheimer.

Oh, about that chaos. Chaos is what caused DNA to recombinate by sheer luck into something survivable. Mutations are the result of chaos, when they are (again, by sheer luck) superior to species having other DNA, they usually thrive much better.

Thus, a superior race is the result of chaos, because it only exists because of a twist of evolution.

December 25th, 2003, 07:24 PM
In Sweden, wedo not have very many niggers, in the meaning of nigger=black, african people.
The "ghettos" are instead inhibited mostly by people from balcan, and the muslim countrys.
The "problems" are the usual...

But the reason is not completely the people in themself.
It is the governements "integration plan" that has failed.
When they get "bunked" together in a place where it only lives arabs, how are they going to know how the Swedish life is. They come from countries where there is no structure in society to talk about, to the wonderful country of Sweden, and are supposed to know how things are working.

And when they are placed together, given free places to live, and money for doing nothing, why work, when they can get a better life then their country, without doing nothing.
Of course, there are a lot of them that tries to get into the society, and get jobs and education.
BUT, that is another part where the governement has fucked up big time.
an example of that comes here:
A High educationed, jugoslavian doctor comes to Sweden with his family, he immediatley applies for a Swedish course for him and his family, and gets out to look for a job. Because there is a lack of Educated medical personel, he gets job as a doctor in a hospital., And his children goes to scool.
Two and a half years later, when they have settled, got new friends, and learned Swedish, and the family gets the news that they must go home, because they have not any valid reasons to stay.
At the same time, a family, or rather a tribe, wich have done nothing to get integrated, not even get a course in Swedish. Just sitting there in their free apartment, leecing on our tax money, and celebrating the Swedish stupidity every day, get to stay.
A girl from Afghanistan, in my school, has recently got the message that her family must go back home.
In the years she has been in Sweden, she has learned very good Swedish, and she is a very good student, not like most of the other “foreigners”, wich doesn´t give a fuck about learning, going out in gangs, becoming criminals, because they know that they always will get money from the governement, and if they get caught, it´s no big deal, They wont barely notice the weak punishement they will get. For the same thing in their homeland, they would probably get a bullet in the head, but here they get told that it is not nice to do *insert crime*, and that they shall not do it again.

THIS IS SO FUCKED UP. Why the hell is the hard working man and his family sent home? Even stranger, that there is a LACK of people with his education, and he still get´s send home.
And when the criminal money lechers get to stay?

I believe that every man and woman, if he so is black or white, red or yellow, that is capable of working and get´s welfare money, shall be forced to work for the money. Let it bee sweeping the streets or emptying trash bins, but at least don´t give the money away FREE.
And criminal acts from any foreign person in Sweden, should lead to lifelong and immidiate banishement from the country.

Another thing that’s straight to hell with this fucked up “integration”system, is that if you critizise it, you are labeled as a racist.
Hell, you can´t even sing the national anthem, or wear a shirt with the Swedish flag in public, without being called a racist, or sometimes even a nazi.
In wich other country in the world are nationalism and patriotism equal to racism and nationalsocialism in most peoples eyes?
Strange really, You can wear Communist symbols without anyone saying something about it, but wear a shirt with a swastika, and you bet your ass you´ll go to court.
How I see it, Soviet, or any other communist strongholds, was no better than Hitlers ”third reich”, how many million people has not been murdered in the name of communism? 60-70 million?
How many are nationalsocialism guilty of ? a tenth?

I do not believe in the Nazi ideology, and that all other races than the Aryan must be extinguished, but I believe that mixing of the races are no good. Some would call me a racist, but I do not think of myself as one.
I Rather call my self a nationalist. I have nothing against any other race, as long as they don´t fuck with my country. So far, I have had mostly bad experiences with them. Especially When the place my mother lived was turned from a nice area with apartements, into the towns “refugee camp”.
In the beginning when I was a kid, before the first waves from jugoslavia, and later after the NATO bombings, I used to play with some other kids, which was “foreigners”, and they where all right, but later, they started “ganging up”, and such, and I quit being their friend, and kept away from them.
After a while, there majority of the residents could not understand Swedish, and the area was steadily becoming the town “ghetto”
It opened my eyes, and makes it hard for me to buy the “it is so sorry about them, they had a hard time in their homeland, they don´t know better” bullshit.
BUT, for that I don´t HATE every single muslim. If the governement had done a better work with their integration politics, these problems wouldn´t exist here.

I do not think that Sweden should send back ALL of the refugees and immigrants, ragheads if you like, to their homelands, but I believe that the steady flow must end, or at least heavily restricted. And that those who come to seek refuge from suppression, shall be sent back to their homelands as soon as the threat/conflict is over.
Most important, the desiscion of wich get to stay and wich who doesn´t, must take no longer than a couple of months. Not several years, like now.

And at last, something I heard from a friend a long time ago, about racial equality:
Scientist say that the first men evolved from apes in Africa, and then spread over the world, evolving along the way. The Africans, them being the first, thus should have had the longest time to develop technologies of different typpes, because the wouldn´t have to waste time moving around and such. BUT, when the Europeans “discovered” Africa, the black man was still swinging around in the trees. (not really, but you get the point)

How come the equally intelligent black mans most advanced tool was a bow and arrows, and ability to make fire, when the white man sailed across the oceans?.

Hope this make sence, its late, and I´m tired.

BTW, rap "music", should be banned, that is the biggest threat to the modern society, by ruining the youth.I hate to see kids running around on the streets in too big clothes, talking with a fake foreign accent. and acting like fucking monkeys.


December 25th, 2003, 10:31 PM
Whites have been directly responsible for all of the shit in the world. Pollution, overpopulation and overcrowding, loss of human freedom... all from the glorious inventions of the white race. It's because of things like those that I don't even waste my time worrying about racism anymore.

Horse and shit! Whites are "responsible" for overpopulation and overcrowding? I think not- this is the same kind of bullshit thinking that makes liberal pieces of shit say things like "diversity is our strength" and other "racially harmonious" patently incorrect platitudes.
Lets us think about China or India- overpopulated and overcrowded with nary a white man in sight. Whites were somehow responsible for this? What (primarily) white nations are overpopulated and overcrowded? Name some please.
How about South Africa? I didn't agree with apartheid- I don't really think any racial group should be suppressed solely because of the color of their skin- but the facts speak for themselves. Run by whites, the country was generally peaceful and prosperous- even in the face of major trade restrictions brought on them by more socially acceptable "progressive" nations. They did well right up until the government handed the country over to the terrorist group (run by Mandela), the ANC. Trade restrictions were lifted, the country should have flourished. Instead, years later they have rampant crime- murder rates higher than nearly anywhere else in the world and whites being run off their legally owned property, if not outright killed. Hows that for progress?
When you think about Africa, remember that before the largely "civilized" white man came to Africa- Black Africa was largely made up of warring tribes (all Black, mind you) who were doing a bang up job of killing each other by the thousands- with, again, not a white man in sight.
To blame the white race for all the troubles of the world is to be sadly out of tune with reality.
Now- you want to see a society that has done well for itself, let us look at Japan. I think you'd have a hard time saying that the economic turn-around that the Japanese people have achieved since the end WWII is nothing short of amazing. How can this possibly be in a country that is almost completely made up of the Japanese (some of the most racist people on Earth) race? Isn't diversity our strength? How is it that the Japanese managed to do so well without "the great melting pot" that we enjoy so much?
Give your head a shake, son. You have been filled with a huge load of liberal diversity bullshit- mostly due to your public school education. Maybe try researching a little (accurate) history before you say something so patently stupid. Your ignorance shows.

The Anarch
December 26th, 2003, 04:29 AM
Alright, I need to get a little off topic here. Just because a society is more "advanced" doesn't make it better than another society. Sure, us pasty ones have electricity and running water in every home, we've invented nuclear weapons and rapid communications, and what good is it all for? Technology takes away human freedom and autonomy. Because everything is done for us, we have to spend our time doing things that are really useless when you think about it. Man did not evolve over hundreds of thousands of years to waste away in a cubicle and die leaving behind nothing but his social security card number. I'd take 30 years of primitive excitement over 80 years of techno-industrial boredom.

Sure, you can tell me "If you hate your life so much here, why don't you LEAVE and join some African tribe?" Simply because, in time, western culture will pollute wherever I can flee to. No culture as a whole can resist the shiny objects the western media can dangle before their eyes. The government is even invading Amish culture on the basis of "child labor laws." What a crock of shit. Amish culture isn't consistent with the values of the system, and that's why the government fucks around with them.

So in closure, nigs do indeed piss me off now and then, but this whole argument of "We have more advanced technology than them" isn't cutting it for me.

December 26th, 2003, 06:18 AM
NBK: I misspelled Canada because I don't respect this socialist, mismanaged, frozen wasteland enough to use its correct name. It's a not-incredibly-subtle form of mockery, but it probably isn't necessary because my country speaks for itself.

But if you want to be that picky, spell "Nobel awards" correctly.

Anyways, so what if they studied at WHITE universities? WHITE people were studying at those universities too, and they obviously aren't discovering things at the same rate. For that matter, if the professors are WHITE why aren’t they doing ground breaking research instead of sitting around teaching people how to do what they should be doing themselves. Perhaps it's a manifestation of the saying "those who can't do, teach".

Now you're comparing Hitler to the anti-Christ? Didn’t your last post claim that Hitler was like Jesus? Of course, including the Bible in any argument weakens it, but this is a little much.

I'm thinking that the Jews in America didn't invent SRBM's because America is surrounded by thousands of kilometres of WATER. A fixed firing point missile with a range of about 250 km is going to be utterly useless. Or do you have so much respect for Jewish cleverness that you expect them to have come up with a Titan II right away?

Enrico Fermi managed to make a functioning nuclear reactor with resources that were no greater than what was given to Heisenberg by December 1942, while the Germans never constructed one, and they had a head start on research. The fact is they didn't make a bomb (or a reactor for that matter) because they didn't know how, not because they didn't have the money.

You think I'm ignorant? Maybe you should read a little less of the Bible, and a little more history.
The Jewish revolt and the subsequent destruction of the temple occur less than 40 years after the death of Jesus. One of the reasons for the revolt: Emperor Nero's procurator Florus tried to confiscate silver from the temple (66 AD). When they protested and mocked him, he had his soldiers sack the market and crucify some of the Jews.

Does this really sound like a government that would cave under the meagre pressure that the Jews could apply? They were so afraid of offending the Jews so they killed an innocent man, a very well known and important man, yet 35 years later they attempt to steal silver from a temple and then crucify the Jews that protest?

I'm sorry, but you can't deny that fault rests mainly on Pontius Pilate.
When they tried O.J. Simpson, people said he should be executed. Had the courts caved in and said "we think that this guy is innocent, but we're going to listen to that angry mob over there and kill him anyways" who would you say was responsible? The court's job was to tell those people to piss off and that Simpson had to have a fair trial (which he didn't but, that's not the point).

Actually, Judaism was the first religion to believe in a monotheistic non-corporeal god. They didn't borrow a whole lot from the religions of the day, because the main religions were polytheistic pagan ones that had the gods wandering the earth having sex with virgin women and producing hero children (hmm, I've heard that story recently...)

December 26th, 2003, 01:22 PM
Is that a record rant NBK? I haven't seen one that long for a while anyway:p

I'm not knocking you for selling slurpies, as you rightly say, honest work is always to be admired.Telecoms is right, we discussed it fairly recently, and having seen some of the people that have made a packet, I have no doubt that you'd be successful at it - you just have to raise your sights a little. Yes, you could make millions through crime, but if you can do it legitimately, why would you ever bother? You could still be the badass mofo without actually being a criminal. Just being successful doesn't mean that you're a guaranteed victim, about to be ripped off.

To all the non-NBK nazis out there, this is why I have some respect for NBK's position, because his views are articulate, logical, and utterly committed. Whereas most of the people who pretend are just saying it because of their own ignorance and inability to think for themselves. NBK on the other hand has taken many years of unpleasant experience, combined it with his intelligence and worked out where exactly he stands. That doesn't make it any less wrong, but I know there is no point in trying to influence him.

There is a lot of truth in what NBK says about work ethic between differtent countries, but again, who's to sday what is right and what is wrong. Nothing in the universe is an absolute, there are always degrees. This is why when you see some black people doing fuck all, you can bet your ass that there are some others doing a shitload of work. Same in India, same everywhere I've been, the states included. But by making absolute judgements you perpetuate your own prejudice. NBK's beliefs are abhorrent to me, although some of the observations he makes are correct. That said I accept him as I do most things in life, as part of the complex fabric of the universe. I know that for every NBK, there is an equal, who puts their talent to good use, bringing love and joy instead of hatred and bitterness.

December 26th, 2003, 11:37 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the vast majority of businesses that are successful are that way because they're inherently corrupt and fucking people over.

Unlike most businesses, if I'm going to fuck you over, this fact will be made immediately clear to you (likely at gun point! :D) and not discovered months down the line when you find out you got fucked by some fineprint contract that's enforced through liens and lawsuits filed by social parasites (lawyers), enforced at gunpoint by uniformed thugs (cops), on the orders of puppets controlled by the pursestrings of big businesses (judges), who'll then apply a punk tax on your ass by taking all your shit (asset seizure) and tossing you into a slave pit (prison) for the best reason of all...BECAUSE THEY CAN!

So, by being a criminal, I'm being honest with myself. I couldn't look myself in the mirror and feel good about my loot if I had to do some sleazy shit like scamming old folks out of their pensions or kicking families out of their homes after stealing their houses from them using lawyers.

Nor could I live with knowing that the taxes from my "legal" business were being used to support a corrupt terrorist ZOG regime called the "Government" of the United States, a regime that supports the oppression of the Aryan race by allowing a flood of human garbage into what was once the greatest nation on earth, all in the name of PROFIT for companies that don't even employ white americans anymore, but rather export the jobs to third world shitholes, or import the shit to work for near-nothing here.

With me, there'd no pretense, you would know you're getting robbed. The entire proceeds would fund an all-Aryan enterprise (me! ;)), no taxes would be paid on it to support the oppressors of my Race, and no muds would benefit from the money...quite the opposite.

No long and drawn out drama of going to court, filing meanless bullshit paperwork that's not going to do a damn bit of good anyways, and getting Bubba'd by the legal system that's only purpose is to ensure the survival of the status quo and fuck you if you aren't rich to start with.

And there's plenty of rich muds to prey upon, so I wouldn't have to take from whites to come up. However, race traitors are fair game.

As for my "religious" beliefs, Nazism is my religion, so how about we just agree to disagree and leave it at that. As you've said, I'm not going to change my mind, so there's no point in arguing over it.

I will say that more people become racist from being "tolerant", than become "tolerant" after having been racists, usually after something involving a mud triggers their latent racism...like a robbery, raping, or some such.

The only people I don't believe are racists are the ones fucking a mud. If you are "tolerant" enough to let one in you, or go into one, than you are definately not a racist....just a race traitor.

And I don't bring only "hatred and bitterness". Maybe to the muds, but to The Race I would wish only the love of unity and fellowship, and the joys of endless frontiers (space) to explore with all of eternity (immortality) to explore them.

I'm always seeing such short-sighted people moaning about how crowded the earth would get if everyone lived forever. That's not a problem if the planet was made much less crowded. ;) And what difference would it make if all Aryans lived forever if you have the entire UNIVERSE to expand into?

I'll stop now before I get started on yet another rant. :)

December 27th, 2003, 01:49 AM
Noooo, NBK, by all means, I actually enjoy reading yoru rants... out of most peoples, yours actually make sense. Im not saying that the arguements of others dont make sense, but yours 'hit home'.

Everyone knows my stance on religion already, since I made that clear in the thread "Is there a god??" so I wont bother going into that. However, my stance on racism is similar to NBKs, however, I have tolerance for some black people. I wouldnt risk my neck to save their asses, but I can tolerate their existance.. so long as it doesnt interfeer with mine. I myself have one black friend... and despite him being black, hes more white than many of the white people I know. Everything about him is 'white' other than his skin... if a blind man were to meet him, there would be no way for them to tell that he is black. Hes articulate, refraining from saying shit lile "nigga, lets get us sum hoes" etc. He listens to no rap, he doesnt dress like other black people around here do, his life isnt based on getting high and drunk. Hes probably the only black guy I actually respect. Other black people however... I would as soon unload a clip into their head as speak to them.

December 27th, 2003, 02:31 AM
Some small things
Hitler said in "Mean Kamf"(I read english one,of course) that Japanese were aryans.He,in fact described aryans and jews as two types of human beings that later he projected on German race and the Jews.

And till when the WHITEMAN developed so much to be so proud:rolleyes:.The first city is supposed to be the Sumerian cities(not Jericho,just reminding since Jericho was very small to be comparable to Sumerian cities anyway) and IIRC Sumeria is Dajla-Farat delta in central asia.

When egyptians built pyramids then rome wasn't there at the first place.Let me tell you the stories of Iron age,the age of torn human flesh,burnt bones and spilled blood.
Before the Dorian barbaric hordes of so called aryans came in the greek peninsula,there was a civilization triving in there.They don't have a name as such so they are called on their place "Creeto-micinion"(sp?) civilisation.They had very well built cities,a ruling system,tax collection system,law and order,and they knew the script.Now, they were not very good warriors against humans(of course they were able to protect themselves against animals but not the kind they were invaded by).Well,they fell and on that land the dorian, barbarian,aryan clans "settled" and vola! the "first civilization":rolleyes: came into being,the greek civilisation.OH! and the greeks develoded their own script 800 years after they destryed micinions.

And BTW Gengis khan was the best general who NEVER lost a battle,killed 30 million people and mongols were the one that built largest empire of the world of all the times.His tactics and his innovations,the uniform army,cavalery archers,entire army on the horse back etc. did not lose relevence till the advent of machine gun.And what about the great rome falling like castle of cards in the hands of Huns.IIRC Huns were asians.

Is it all about war?Is that the place where achivement of humankind resides?Is the power and hunger for more,bloodlust,apathy,greed and fear makes a man better or superior?Well than definitely the WHITEMAN IS superior and I want to BE inferior.

When Indus velly cities had sanitation in them the WHITEMAN WAS living in the caves.When Indian economy (2000 years ago) was incontestable WHITEMAN was looting his surroundings.Thats the way it had been it the WEST.Rome destroyed Carthege(sp?) because in economy they couldn't contest them.Once the rome was seized by barbarians(after huns obviously) the romans ransomed their own city for 200kg. Indian pepper.India was always famous for it's welth and thats exactly the reason the mediaval explorations were made to find a sea rout to it( and to rob it).Don't talk about economy,it's always the war that desided the fate of countries.

AAha! and WHITEMAN know only about "kama sutra" when it comes to Indian books.Now, that is interesting.So of all the great and fine books of Indian origin WHITEMAN CHOSE to read "kama sutra".Doesn't this mply something about WHITEMAN rather than Indian books.There are plenty much of pornographic "literature" in west as well but if you ask Indians they don't know or assocciate western literature by that.If one CHOSE to read porn it is HIS choice.

Ups and downs are natural in history.

BTW,do you know the problem of India?Or do you know the problem of divercity?apparently not. It is not divercity,it's the muslims that are "the problem".All your examples of countries degrading because of divercity are the one that have muslims as one group in them.Rest is obvious.BTW, Japan has mixed religion,that is shinto+bauddh,but it's fine for them,actually it IS fine,actually everything is fine till islam is not there.

Let me tell you,these are different kind of people,honestly! I don't know what is that guids them. Apparently they don't want to live a life of their own.These fucktards "serve" a book and probably that what they live for.Well,actully I don't know but let me substantiate myself with facts.
India:1947,The country had muslim minority 24%.The muslims wanted a seperate country of their own.And they got it as well,and that was 30% of the land.But great! only 15% out of 24% moved to that newly aquirred 30% land and 9% remained in India.In 50 years they multiplied themselves and now they constitue 16% of total population.20 lakh people were killed in paritition,and 2 carore hindus were displased.Well, the displaced people readyly assimilitated in India and now they don't exist as a seperate identity.

Pelestine:1949,the Jews captured a small part of the country that called Israel now.Some 30 lackhs Palestiniens were displaced.What the Palastiniens did? They did not find new place to live,they did not move out of the country.They made refuse camps and the fucktards are living in the same camps for 50 years,and strangely enough,even in the so called inhuman and wreched hostile conditions,they managed to multiply to double(in fact more than that).As for the Jews,they are increasing because of foreign influx rather than "multiplication".BTW,fertility rate in Jews,2 children per female,fertility rate in palestinien,at least 4 children per female.NBK you don't need to worry about Israel at least,50 years down the line they will be undone;)

Labenan:1950,The muslim minority exeeded to 40% and there were riots in all over the country.The Cristians fled and assimilited in greece or Italy and various parts of europe,They DID NOT made refuse camps and lived in them.

Thats the way muslims are,and thats the way they shall be.They want entire world for some reason.It is they who invade first and take a territory and when defeated they don't leave it,they make REFUSE CAMPS and lo! there becomes a humanitarian crisis.These people will NEVER stop doing that long as they exist or long as they don't really take entire world:rolleyes:.You cant isolate yourself ,you can't overlook,you can't hide.For instance WTC incident.(Personally I felt good about it)

Well going a bit more deep.Is't that the behaviour that Europe showed in mediaval time?Exploring new regions and killing or converting the entire population there,burning their literature and art work,destrying everything good.Well greeks also conquered a lot of territories,so as romans and so as percians.They didn't burn the literature or destroyed architecture of conquered people.But the cristians did it and so as muslims and so as Jews.BTW ,where do you think all the original greek and roman books are?they are ashes because cristians burnt them.Library of alexendria? or Library of Constantinople?ha! they burnt all,where are the books that were written by "herodotus" ash,where is Idica? ash,where is *** ? ash.
This is what cristians did to greeko-roman heritage and same is what muslims did to Indian books.

Well,Percia conqured Israel twice.Old testament survived even other books.Geece was conquered by Mecedonia but greek heritage survived,Greece was conquered by Rome but Greek Heritage survived.Egypt was conquered twice by Percia and numorous times by Greeko-romans but egyptian heritage survived,in fact these people built libraries(library of Alexendria was in Egypt if someone doesn't know that was ultimately burnt by cristians,altough some people say it was burnt by muslims,well one and same thing).
Egypt was conquered only once by muslims and everything evaporated in thin air.
And just forgot when Jews took Canan they just eliminate all the cananites.

So,It is "the books"(I've written in detail about "the books" in "Is there a god" thread) that make man Bloodthirsty,brbarian and bastard.West progressed because it left "the book" behind.

Sorry if things appear unconnected,I'm getting tired,I've something to say but maybe I've not expressed it enough.
the previous post appered while I was writng this and yes I enjoy the "rants".

December 27th, 2003, 03:39 AM
Thrall you're post would have been improved considerably if you put spaces after you're punctuation marks and if you used some better gramatical english ;) However, the content was definitely quite good.

Almost everything you said proves one of my theories about the world which is that organized religion is the root of all evil. I can cite so many sources of this and so many cases where this has been proven to be true, that I won't even bother, because you can come up with them on your own. Muslims are of course the most hardcore of religious believers, most of them are willing to die or kill or both for their beliefs(i'm not saying that their all terrorists, becuase that's far from true, I am saying that they would die and/or kill for their beliefs, if they thought that they were being challenged). Thus musliims very commonly end up killing people and destroying literature, the main functions of organized religion =p.

December 27th, 2003, 03:56 AM
Religion? The cause of evil?

Look at this then...

OK, so girls require time and money, so
Girls = Time * Money
And as we all know, time is money (Einstein even said so himself), so
Girls = Money * Money
Girls = Money2
And as we all know, money is the root of all evil
Girls = The square root of Evil2
Therefore, we are forced to conclude that
Girls = Evil :)

On a more serious note, I do agree that religion causes a lot of evil and does nothing but hamper the progress of the human race.

December 27th, 2003, 06:04 AM
Thrall, just to clear it out for you...
Hitler didn´t call the japanese for aryans in "Mein Kampf".

He divided the races into three different cathegorys in his book
: culture creators, that was the white men, the aryan race. it was when they came in contact with other people, and used them as workpower, that the first cultures outside europe was created.

"culture carriers" where people, for exemple the japanese, wich thanks to influence from the white race, could continoe to evolve. If that influence disappeared, the culture would fall within years.

The third, lowest type of man, was the "culture destroyers", That was the jews. He wrote, that the jews goal, over time was to infiltrate cultures, and then, when they had enough power, bring it to a fall.

December 27th, 2003, 06:20 AM
Thrall, I enjoyed your post. Keep working on the punctuation, but you're getting there - a HUGE improvement on your earlier writing.

For those that don't know, 1 Lakh = 100,000, one Crore = 10,000,000

And I guess you meant refugee camp, not refuse camp.............Or am I mistaken?

December 27th, 2003, 06:44 AM
Well black people ("niggers") you may say an genectically inferoir to white people however they are still bound to have a few genes in them that would be superior to ours. As you should know there skin has alot of myelin in it which makes them black. Now in an area of the world that has lots of sun like Australia or Africa this stops people from getting sunburnt and reduces the instance of skin cancer. Myelin is natural sunscreen so while you may say they are inferior to us, there skin colour gives them a genetic advantage because while white man will burn, black man wont have to worry.

So if I was going to create a master race, I'd be taking a few genes from the black man to make our master race less reliant on sunscreen. It may sound stupid but getting bad sunburn is horrible.

And xyz. Girls are evil, but dont tell them that or you'll never get any pussy. and believe me dating is just like politics and war. Money is crucial and a strategy is nessecary.

December 27th, 2003, 07:36 AM
Flake2m, whether or not you tell them that depends on the girl :p

December 27th, 2003, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Flake2m
Well black people ("niggers") you may say an genectically inferoir to white people however they are still bound to have a few genes in them that would be superior to ours. As you should know there skin has alot of myelin in it which makes them black. Now in an area of the world that has lots of sun like Australia or Africa this stops people from getting sunburnt and reduces the instance of skin cancer. Myelin is natural sunscreen so while you may say they are inferior to us, there skin colour gives them a genetic advantage because while white man will burn, black man wont have to worry.

The pigmentation chemical (at least the one in question) is melanin, not myelin. Myelin is the white coating of some nerve cells that insulates them, and speeds up the nerve impulses. If black people were covered in myelin, they'd be white, and ah, well-insulated.

Don't quote whole posts!


January 2nd, 2004, 03:01 PM
Lets not forget one more aspect of genetic *superiority* of blacks (surprising as this may be :D): They are by FAR more physically adept. They are universally gifted in sports (just look at the proportion of black vs white in basketball, athletics etc), and often are able to dance coordinatedly and flowingly without any lessons, while whites often struggle. Their rythmic/musical abilities are also high ...
Conversely, the average IQ is about 10 points lower, so their mean is at 90, while it is at 100 for the Caucasian white race. Nonetheless, looking at the Gaussian shaped distribution of IQ values vs number of people, there is still a significant portion of smart blacks.
Anyway, if you chose to define average intelligence as the measure of superiority of one race over another, then yes, whites would be superior. But that doesnt mean whites are universally superior, and neither does it mean that one can conclude from such data that every black individual you meet is necessarily inferior. Hence, where is the justification for cleansing the world of certain races?

Besides, I often think that whites *evolved* to be more intelligent as the conditions were *set* (that is, set by higher circumstances) so that they could evolve in this direction. Under different conditions, or, if certain events hadnt happened, then the old Sumers (in todays Iraq), the Egyptians etc might be what we consider todays Western World. The rise of the Western white world was more of a chance event than anything else, it didnt happen IMHO because whites were inherently superior from the start. There were many stagnating times during that rise, where things might have returned back to anarchy and loss of civilisation... just look at the plague, religious oppression etc etc.

At last, who is to say what is to happen in a few/many thousand years? on a geological scale, the rise of the Western World and white dominance might be just a quick era, where future generations might just laugh about old primitive ideas such as racial superiority, purity, etc.
People will ultimately have to realise that the mind is what matters, and not the colour of skin, slanted eyes, blonde/blueeyed-ness, or physical attributes. The mind is what makes the human race special, and hence any human should be judged accordingly.

January 3rd, 2004, 12:29 AM
The fastest men may be black, but the strongest men (weightlifters) are white. Guiness Book of Records if you don't believe me.

January 3rd, 2004, 01:51 AM
Skyscaper I might have been wrong, but newbies shouldn't subvert more established forumites. Though its good to see you know your human biology.

I judge people by their actions and waht they say. I don't judge people by there race, income, religon or sex. People that deserve respect get it. People that demend respect have to earn it. People that dont give me any respect get none themselves.

January 3rd, 2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Flake2m
Skyscaper I might have been wrong, but newbies shouldn't subvert more established forumites.
I would hardly say that I'm "subverting" you. Perhaps you meant, "contradict"?
Are you saying that I'm wrong? Or merely that it's bad for newbies to point out when you make a mistake?
If so, why?

Do you take every correction as a personal affront?

Rhadon- Sorry about that. I'll stop.

January 3rd, 2004, 03:24 PM
Well while everyone is arguing, I was just curiouse how many people here are atheist. I am a white, atheist male and I do not hate blacks or asians. The only funny part of that website was the fact that those ignorant mother fuckers that worship Adolf Hitler dont even know shit about him. For instince he was Catholic, KKK members must be Christian(which one of the clan leaders mispelled by the way). I'm not against racism or even genocide and I dont hate Hitler as most other people do so dont take as some fagit bunny hugger but during the times we live in, it would be better to keep these things to yourself and friends.

January 3rd, 2004, 06:54 PM
catholic IS christian. 'christian' has many subdivisions which believe various other acts of a pigs anus.

January 3rd, 2004, 08:29 PM
The Catholic church and the Christian church were damn near at war for many many years due to different beliefes. Slight differences yes but differences none the less.

January 3rd, 2004, 09:29 PM
The church is the mafia for tha masses.

You do have to give them credit though, they have brainwashing down to a science.

I find it funny that about every nut case in the world has god on their side but the evil satan is never mentioned when a idiot kills a bussload of people.

Kind of makes you wonder that if there is a higher power who is the good one?

January 4th, 2004, 02:12 AM
Religion is the cause for Sep.11 and the reason for all the muslum fucks that train for combat on the munkey bars.
I dont mind a little war in the world on a constant bases but when they atatck me...fuck that. No one takes an axe to my family tree. Thats what this country is to each and every man women and child in this country and no man living in this counrty can give sound reason why he should not fight to the bloody death for it. Without religion(and niggers spiks and wiggers) the world would be a marval of wonder and beauty with endless posabilities.
I'm very happy to see this reaction about religion and god from you all. It's good to know I'm not alone on this subject.

January 4th, 2004, 02:58 AM
Not true, while religion is not so neccessary currently, it was in the past. Without religion we would be nowhere today, we would still be cavemen. religion allows for control of people and restraint. Without it there would be no morality(and thus no progress if people are going around killing each other constantly). So, religion served it's purpose and now for the most part is slowly dying out as it should, because it is no longer a neccessary aspect of society. It is evolution in action.

January 4th, 2004, 03:12 AM
I just said basicaly that. I said that religion was created a long time ago because people needed it back then.
And fuck man kind! So you are saying(and I aggree) that without religion we would do nothing but kill and prey on those weaker than ourselves and therefor have nothing(be cavemen) Do you realize how pathetic that is? Without this made up set of rules and a punishment if they are broken,(reminds me of kindergarden) man kind would be no where. Religion doesnt dictate anything I do. If I want you dead, your fucking dead and you deserved it! I dont need a book to tell me what to do I'm plenty smart enough without it. I'm ashamed of mankind.

The Anarch
January 4th, 2004, 05:08 AM
Keith, what you meant to say before was that all klansmen need to be Protestant. True Hitler was raised a Catholic, but him and the rest of his crew toyed with the idea of forcing the old pagan religions of Germania on the people. They eventually decided against it because it would have caused them an unnessecary loss of support from Christians. Personally, I'd choose a pagan religion before christianity any day. The pagan religions were all about human nature rather than the basic Christian principle of "If it feels good, it's wrong."

Without religion we would be nowhere today, we would still be cavemen.

If you claim to be a nihilist, what do you have against being cavemen? That would be the perfect life for me.

January 4th, 2004, 07:38 AM
Wondering if someone could clarify something for me about klansmen/nazis etal.

On TV, you always see redneck "nazis" doing Nazi salutes. However, they thump their hand against their chest before extending it to complete the salute. I can't recall any member of the third reich doing this. AFAIK, the action was made up for that episode of Star Trek where they go to the nazi inhabited planet.

Am I on to something here, or totally got it wrong?

January 4th, 2004, 09:33 AM
Sounds to me like a perfect example of a Baudrillian simulacrab. The dominance of the electronic age has caused the masses to take the information that contriubutes to their perception of reality (which in turn determines their beliefs, and the manifestations of their beliefs) primarily from the media's/superficial pop culture's projection of reality rather than from reality itself (a projection that originates from reality, but has no obligation to continue to represent it at all!). So, yes, it is probable that the rednecks use the Star Treck's appropriation of the salute rather than the actual salute of the thrid reich. That would mean that while they believe they are rebelling against their hated 'ZOG', they are actually saluting it! How well that sums up the modern age!
(Oh, and before I start up a postmodernism debate, yes, most postmodernism is bullshit, but there are a few good ideas in there.)

January 4th, 2004, 05:45 PM
Without religion we would be nowhere today, we would still be cavemen.


During the history of science, who halted science the most and burned it's books?

January 5th, 2004, 08:55 AM
religion allows for control of people
Soooo true...I have nothing against religion as long as its just some people believing something, but as soon as their god(s) start(s) having "licenced dealers" on earth it will go all shit. Think Spanish Inquisition, todays Islamic countries etc.

January 5th, 2004, 10:33 PM
Vulture I agree, they did stop a lot of our progress, however they made it possible in the first place. Without a fear of hell and a desire for heaven, people would be uncrontrollable, and thus no progression would have occured. It is only through control that you can achieve progress(this only applies to large populations of sheeple, in intelligently populated areas, such as the internet for example, such types of control are much less neccessary).

The Anarch: I am a Nihilist, you clearly have read the textbook, and rather untrue definition of a nihilist which is "the belief that everything must be destroyed", which to a certain extent is in-keeping with the real ideals of nihilism, but not entirely. Check out: www.counterorder.com for a better idea of what it really is.

tom haggen
January 13th, 2004, 12:00 PM
The first impression I ever got of a nihilist was from the Big Laboski. They threw a weasel in that guys bath tub. They seem like a bunch of pussies to me.

January 16th, 2004, 12:26 AM
Values are the one of the few things in life that bind groups together, especially
societies. Differences in values can lead to groups opposing each other at
various levels - sometimes with deadly consequences. Most human beings will
experience these "differences" at least once in their lifetime. 9/11 is a painful
reminder of these "differences".

The Islamic world views those outside their belief system as being evil and in
need of destruction. I've often wondered if it isn't simply a con job, with the
so-called elder statesman laughing their asses off, when they brainwash people
with religious bullshit and convince them to become human guided missiles or
human Claymore mines. To me at least, this is true evil.

People aren't born with hate and resentment. These are learned behaviors.
Indoctrination and negative experiences seem to lead the way. For me it was
and is the negative experiences of life. I grow more intolerant of people whose
goal in life is to tear down the values I grew up with. There are those who believe
that people like me should tolerate their bullshit and feel guilty and apologize
for being born a WHITE MAN. To them I say dream on - it won't happen !

Unfortunately, I can't point a finger and say that this problem exists only from
those outside my family. I've got some real college-educated jackasses in my
family. They look down, not only on me, but other family members because we
haven't gone to college and got our brains washed by the asshole elitist professors.
It must be nice to go to college for 4 years and to have as your only worry that the
fucking guru with the PhD might flunk you for not kissing his/her ass enough !
These particular family members threw out the values they grew up with. And some
of them have even made disparaging remarks about their parents who busted ass
to put them through school. With the way they live, think, and vote it's clear they
never had to put up with much of the real world as most of us know it.

The elitists within my family are for the most part a pain in the ass and the bulk of
the family choose to ignore them. The elitists with no values at all are the ones that
scare me the most. This the group that seeks controlling power over humanity and
are not below using any means necessary. Their method seems to be based on the
Hegelian principle. In the case of groups with different values the elitist exploits the
"differences" of the groups and profits by having these groups at each other's
throats. The realized profit can be materialistic, such as money or land, but more
often than not the profit is a goal in a social agenda. And when the average person
stands up to say it's wrong the name-calling begins. Racist, anti-Semite, bigot,
hillbilly, gun-nut, Nazi, Fascist, Marxist, Communist, Uncle Tom, cracker - these are
relatively light. It only gets worse. As some people have found out, the elitists can
employ law enforcement to confiscate(armed robbery), harass, intimidate, imprison,
and even kill(murder) with impunity.

The lessons I've learned are clear. Stay true to my values. Ignore those who
consider me less human because of my values or my work. Don't worry about the
name-callers because this is a sign their values don't pass the smell test.
Be prepared to accept the consequences when standing up for my values.

January 16th, 2004, 03:39 AM
Why are they so good at "running" sports?
Because for several thousand years they had to run from wild animals on open plains or get eaten.
Nature works that way.
Why is that race so hated?
Because WHEREVER they go they are the same.
Why do they like rap music?
Because they used to use large drums to send messages over long distances.(hence the rap beat)..........they don't even know this!

I learned a good lession one day in a high-level biology course; The teacher put up slides comparing a ape's skull, a white's skull, and a black's skull.
The whole class was shocked to see the black's skull was nearly identical to the ape's. Those two skulls looked nothing like the white man's.
Of course, there were no blacks in that class because it was a very hard class.
And of course lets not forget that 3 out of 5 of them are either on parole or in prison.
Who are you going to blame for this?

January 16th, 2004, 03:20 PM
And of course lets not forget that 3 out of 5 of them are either on parole or in prison.

Ehm, don't you think that's a tiny weeny little bit exaggerated?

They look down, not only on me, but other family members because we
haven't gone to college and got our brains washed by the asshole elitist professors.
It must be nice to go to college for 4 years and to have as your only worry that the
fucking guru with the PhD might flunk you for not kissing his/her ass enough !

I'm a college student... So does that make me an elitist? It's not because GWB got his grades by asskissing and his fathers influence that everyone does.

In fact, I think there are not enough educated people in politics. Have you ever seen an environment secretary who had a degree in chemistry and thus knew WTF they were talking about?
No, most of them are ex-greenpeace nutcases who label everything starting with chem as evil.

January 16th, 2004, 04:25 PM
Vulture, I didn't mean to imply that all people who attend college are elitist
or brainwashed. For that I apologize. I've had some college but can't afford to
go back and therefore unable to complete my electrical engineering degree.
I should have pointed out that I was exposed to(unfortunately also required)
courses in literature and sociology where the gurus did indeed inject some of
their social agenda in the course. I disagreed with them but didn't make waves
in the classroom or on paper because I didn't want to have to repeat the course.
The instructors I had in the math and science departments were fantastic !
They didn't bother with politics and stuck to the subject matter at hand. I don't
know if this difference is due to their backgrounds, the college's background,
or what. It puzzles me to this day.

As for some of the college-educated in my family, their backgrounds are
definitely NOT in the math or science fields and at the very least they act like
snobs toward the rest of the family. They act like the elitists I despise.
I don't like being told that I'll never amount to anything in life without a college
degree. Like I said in my last post, these members had the luxury of going to
college full-time with few worries. I went part-time at night paying my own way.
The college-educated in my family are constantly on my ass about going back.

You commented on George Bush's education. I understand his GPA was in the
'C' range - mediocre. Less than admirable given the carefree environment he
grew up in. There's no excuse for that lame performance. Money doesn't buy

I'll go back when I'm financially able. BTW, you hit the nail on the head about
the Greenpeace people. They don't like us because we like chemistry, physics,
and the hard sciences in general. Have you ever felt like you're walking around
with targets painted all over your body ? Sometimes I do !

January 16th, 2004, 04:48 PM
should have pointed out that I was exposed to(unfortunately also required)
courses in literature and sociology where the gurus did indeed inject some of
their social agenda in the course.

Ah! You know, that sounds kinda familiar. ;)

Sociologists and especially philosophers, like to sneak their way into the "hard" exact sciences like chemistry, physics and maths. Mostly that is because they attempted one of the sciences themselves, but failed miserably. Thus, they try to get in afterwards by giving scientific philosophy to science students. This was EXACTLY the case for my philosophy prof.

Funny thing I had to retake the exam...hmmm...:rolleyes:

The college-educated in my family are constantly on my ass about going back.

They should. A higher education that you didn't like is worse than no higher education at all.

Have you ever felt like you're walking around
with targets painted all over your body ? Sometimes I do !

Sometimes? All the time! "Chemistry??? "You're studying chemistry??? Are you fucking insane!!??? Do you have a deathwish???" or funny remarks like "Now don't blow up the lab/house/shed/whatever!"

And then they wonder why oh why chemists ever discovered chemical weapons.... :rolleyes:

Sweet, sweet revenge..:p ....MUHAHAHAHA

January 16th, 2004, 04:56 PM
When people say that to me I just describe what goes on in some of my Biology practicals . . . now that is far more scary.

January 16th, 2004, 08:12 PM
Vulture, I'll go back to college when it's financially feasible. The parts of college I
disliked are already completed. This leaves the fun stuff that I love - math
and science ! It sounds like you've had some misery with the non-science
types yourself. On the other side of that coin, some of the non-science types
have asked questions like "Where will you ever use algebra/calculus/differential
equations in a job ?". Doesn't have to be a job. I learned how to construct
a very useful device with differential equations - a cable filter !

But back on topic. Sadly, people like us(with or without the degree) will always be
viewed as a threat precisely because science is our passion. And some of what I
see being passed around as science irks the hell out of me. One of my nephews
got a blue ribbon for a science project on recycling. This consisted of collecting
and sorting trash into categories. WTF ? A co-worker asked me about a science
project for her son. I suggested a tornado simulator which I offered to construct.
She said the school wouldn't allow it because it used a hotplate. Nor can the projects
involve the use of ANY chemical. My primary education occurred during the
late 60's and early 70's and the standards were a lot higher than they are now. Is this watered down science the result of lawsuits ? Is it the result of lowering standards
so that more people will pass ? Is it the intentional dumbing down of the
population ? Is it any combination of the 3 previous questions ? I know how this
thread started. That's why I have to ask.

January 17th, 2004, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by vulture
Ehm, don't you think that's a tiny weeny little bit exaggerated?

If you are referring to "3 out of 5 are...." no I don't.
This is a fact that has been reported by the FBI,CNN,USA Today and many other news sources.
Show the board why you doubt it if you do.

January 17th, 2004, 06:46 AM
A co-worker asked me about a science
project for her son. I suggested a tornado simulator which I offered to construct.
She said the school wouldn't allow it because it used a hotplate.

Oh my. Doesn't that also sound awfully familiar. Although, I know someone who has to make a project about chemical weapons and the teacher approved the synthesis of benzylbromide/iodide. However, it couldn't be carried out in the school lab, apparently because of lack of chemicals or the fear of the teacher...:p

Anyways, SWIM volunteered to carry it out...

This whole liability bullshit is seriously fucking things over. Parents regard their children as cows, from which they can milk money if they ever get hurt/maimed/killed because the teacher sneezed when they dropped 10% H2SO4 in a beaker. :rolleyes:

January 17th, 2004, 01:09 PM
apathyboy, I didn't say you were ignorant, I said you were ignorant about the bible; the former is namecalling, the latter isn't - EVERYONE is ignorant about some things, even Isaac Newton or whoever. I, for example, was ignorant about that silver stealing from the Temple.

Jews "stole" things from other cultures; The Noah' Ark history, for example, was originally a sumerian history, not a jewish one.

Interesting how a joke about negroids can make so much people become aggressively argumentative, while a joke about a blonde hasn't the same effect. Perhaps its funny to be racist against whites.

January 18th, 2004, 03:33 AM
Sarevok, I joke about everything, including race, but some groups have a reason to get their backs up. Sure, blond jokes are funny (kinda) but you know, nobody ever enslaved blonds. Or gassed a couple million of them.

Blond jokes are based on a stereotype, while blacks were in fact made into slaves, and are still a little bitter about that. Not that they should be freaking out against any white guy who uses the term nigger, but if someone had enslaved your grandparents, you might be a little choked if someone started making fun of it.

About the Jews, yeah, I know. I'm taking a philosophy of religion course, and the consensus opinion on the Jews is that they started out as polytheists, and over a few centuries(!) made their way into henotheism and then monotheism. But I like to try and piss off Christians, because they're supposed to "turn the other cheek". :p

But I didn't know that about the flood myth. Damn, it seems every religion has one. I'd think they could imagine a better natural disaster than a flood. :rolleyes:

January 18th, 2004, 02:32 PM
Blondes were never slaved, but they are gang raped by negroids all around. Here, some months ago, a white student was raped by a negroid. He was sent to jail but was liberated on the same day. On the same newspaper I read that, its easy to find jokes about blondes and leftist texts saying how evil the ocidental patriarchal industrial white christian civilization is. But jokes about negroids aren't found on newspapers, they are found on obscure websites. Also, blondes and whites will disappear in some generations thanks to genetics (since blonde hair, white skin, blue eyes, etc, are inherited throught recessive genes) and interracial fornication while negroids will last as long as most earthly life forms will. So there should be no jokes about blondes. Extinction is worse than slavery.

Negroids have various school advantagens, thanks to our leftist half-negroid president, which whites (blondes or not) doesn't have. Negroids might have suffered in the past, but blondes (and whites) suffer in the present and will not exist in the future. Isn't this a reason for disliking blonde jokes as much as negroid jokes are disliked?

If your intention was to piss off a christian, you wasted your time. I'm no christian.

I knew jews were polytheists some day, everyone was... most arabs were before muhammad. Imagine a non-muslim arab! That was a long time ago.

Its not only the flood, various religions, including Norse mithology, have a genesis history similar to the jew's one. I'm sure some religions copied them, while they copied other religions.

Edit: Spelling errors.

January 24th, 2004, 09:00 PM
I’m not devoid of racial prejudice myself.
‘Immigrated into Africa and learned the hard way that my way of thinking, is not in agreement with the way the majority of the “locals” think.

So perhaps it’s not about pigmentation, but rather about mind-set and use of the mind. (If any mind were present, in the first place!)

Having said that, I found the “Nigger Manual” the most appalling, piece of work that I’ve come across in a long time.

I mean apart from the contents, the whole web design screams “I’m a blooming trailer trash idiot”

Nihilist, the proverb goes: degustibus et coloribus non est disputandum, so you are welcome to your own thing, but how can this be FUNNY, I ask with tears in my eyes?

January 25th, 2004, 12:12 AM

This is gutsy stuff and I hope you know that many who read this see a lot of vulnerability in you. (A few nerves were touched I gather.)

But it is not my intention to try to psychobabble you, or put you down (‘probably would have a hard time doing so) I am merely struck by the extend of your passion and bitterness.

I am also baffled about the irrationality of some of your thoughts and it pains me to see that you loose sight of objective thought and even scientific principles!

I find something of myself in you, as I am racist myself, but that is in it self not significant –it merely makes one ponder about one’s own dispositions and that is the good thing in a post like yours.

You write some improbable bullshit man! I mean the wishful thinking regarding your cryogenic dreams is a bit too rich to swallow.

To be a visionary is great, to write embittered balderdash is not!

I’m “handicapped” by right-wing tendencies myself, but in a different way from your kind. I too love the Aryan, European, Nordic or Nordic culture and am proud of my white ancestry and culture. I love the German language and have the greatest admiration for the contributions in science, art, culture and philosophy that the Germans have brought forth.

I am also aware that the Negro race is intellectually and often morally of a lesser standing. I too resent that the mere fact that one mentions this truth makes one ostracized and heckled, whereas other truths (and lies!) that suit the “African’s Sycophants” (PC term for nigger-lovers) are propagated beyond reason.

If you don’t like to be a white man in the US as it is now, come to South Africa, where the blacks have bred themselves into a majority and now reap the spoils of their numerical victory –as taken from the white man who was the brains and the brawn behind just about e v e r y t h i n g. here. I mean they can’t even count to ten in their own language and use the English terms for this!

Affirmative action is practiced here with a total disregard for economic sense, or any sense whatsoever. I guess we should be happy they don’t slit our throats and we should allow us to be fucked over in just about every bloody way possible.

But this is not about what I experience here in Africa; I want to put my disagreement with some stuff you say into perspective.

I think that most of what you say is ‘fringe-nonsense and I can’t comment on everything. But I’ll have a go.

Firstly, I have in the past conducted a thought experiment and posed the question: “would A. Hitler have made it in modern day politics, with the modern media facilities such as live TV debates, close-up camera work and exhaustive analysis by the commentators?”

No bloody way I say! Believe me I have seen altogether many, many hours of footage of Mr Hitler, listened to what he said, (as opposed from how he said it) and I can tell you that he would have been ripped to shreds in modern times.

His oratory powers were suitable to the masses –at the time, and for the state of mind they were in.

Even in the event of an economic downfall, and the people being hungry for strong leadership, he would still be recognized for the bullshitting loon that he was.

Have you ever looked at the facial expressions of the man? I mean people complain about GW looking a bit funny at times, but A Hitler looks downright deranged and even comical much of the time.

Also, I am not what you would call a Jew-Lover, and there’s many a Jewish shyster lawyer or buishnesh-man that deserves to perish in my eyes, but this Jew thing with Hitler is all sooo pathetic.

I mean you know that the (Jewish) professors at the Arts Academy of Vienna did not think that the looser was good enough to be accepted as a student, don’t you? Hence six million of the professors’ brethren had to perish in circumstances that defy description, comprehension and -in your case, presumably- belief. (Or don’t you deny the numbers and conditions in the concentration camps?)

Hitler was a weirdo who had all kinds of very strange beliefs and he had most peculiar advisors. Fire-and-ice theory, Holy Grail stuff, the Hollow Earth and much, much more delusional interests.

You are welcome to say that it is all Jewish propaganda, but there are records and witnesses who attest to Adolf’s “eccentric” beliefs.

No, if there is one thing that one can say for him, it’s that he was an oratory genius –but that does not say a thing about the merits of what he had to say.

A politician is in the business of selling the public crap as truth, and promises as a certain outcome –as long as the masses give him the power. And Hitler was exceptionally good at selling crap to a downtrodden nation; he inspired them and made them feel great about themselves.

Any Sunday preacher worth his salt, can do the same for an hour, albeit on totally different premises.

Synopsis of Hitler’s Formula (with some anecdotal details to liven it all up):

Give electorate a scape-goat and pep talks about a Thousand Year Empire, set up massive war-industry and employ the unemployed.

Finance Deficits by invading and plundering neighboring countries, then go to other countries.

Kill the opposition (that should read literally!) Kill the scapegoats en masse.

Thousand Year Reich doesn’t seem viable after about five years, sit it out for a few more.

Send little kids with explosives in hand against enemy tanks.

In the end realize killing of six million scapegoats will not look good in post-war trials.

Kill girlfriend (sorry wife he tied the knot only a little while ago).

Say: “fuck this!” and kill oneself as the Russians are knocking on the door of one’s bunker.

“Prophet”? –hardly I say!

Last word I say about this Jew-thing is that one of the reasons why I shy away from calling them names as mud-people and calling them “inferior” is because they are not inferior!

To repeat a lie a thousand times does not make it true. The Jews have given us great science, arts and music and the world would be poorer without them. Just as basket ball (which I never watch anyway) would be poorer without blacks.

The Jews are also more intelligent than gentiles. And before you go and accuse me of lying and calling me a Jewish propagandist, I say emphatically that I am a Christian born out of strictly Christian families and that I can’t even say “some of my best friend are Jews”. I can’t stand most of the buggers!

I just don’t want to distort the true state of affairs, and I do not want to count myself amongst those sour-grape-losers, who in their (subconscious) envy, loose track of what’s real and what’s not.

Lastly, like it or not but it is biologically wrong to call the Negro race a different species or imply that they are. (“ Nature knows that mixing is intolerable. How many animals cross-breed with others not of their own? Zero, I believe”)

I myself have no problem with the fact that I am of the same species as a black.. I am secure in the knowledge that I have sufficient genetic differences to see myself as highly distinct from the Negro (and am very happy about it!)

NBK2000, you probably hate my guts after all this; so be it –I spoke the objective truth as I see it. (Hmmm I see a small oxymoron in my last sentence –leave it anyway

Oh and do you put Christ in parallel with Hitler to offend or shock? I mean you can’t be serious, as this would put you firmly in the category “highly delusional”
Christ was a Jew too…or did that change in some way when he amassed disciples and follower?

January 25th, 2004, 05:20 AM
That loon of a Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews, he wanted it “juedenfrei”,

Well I have no friends among the Jews and can’t quite stand their little ways, but methinks that their contributions to the world heavily outweigh the fact that a few of them deserve a good boot up their but at times.

Why o why do chaps like nbk2000 go on about the Jews so much, but forget so conveniently about the Muslims.

Is it perhaps because they are so much at odds with the Jews? Is that in itself reason enough to let the towelheads get away with murder?

I mean their culture, religion, scientific acumen, etc is up to bloody crap and they are just like the commies, out to conquer the world and stifle any opposition in Islamic ruled countries.

And should one be blasphemous or Satanist -like some here, it’s off with your little head.

nbk2000, you can go to Tel Aviv and scream your head off about the ”god of Abraham” and what a sod he is. You’d be perhaps locked up for disturbing the peace and asked to leave their little patch of dirt.

Now go and try the same in Abu Dhabi, or any place where Shahira Law rules. See how they like muhamed’s name be soiled and try your Satanist stuff over there.

You see perhaps where the greater danger lies?

During the WW2 the Allieds (well Churchill did have his misgivings) made the mistake to be chummy with the Commies and think: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and see where it got us for half a century!

History is amazin’, so amazin’ what we can learn from it.

Does calling A Hitler a loon, give cause for censure or banning?

If that be so, I’ll quit the practice and take my stuff somewhere else, seeing that you are boss here and have the power to make me waste my time on stuff that is not shown.

But is it because I commit “blasphemy” or do certain aspects of my critique touch a nerve………?

I do respect you for your other qualities though or I would not frequent this forum, you being in many ways the epitome of said forum. I mean I like this rogue science stuff and all.

'Like to pick a fight with big guys too :)

January 26th, 2004, 04:40 PM
Three posts in a row?

Post whoring = Death

January 27th, 2004, 08:33 AM
Definition of Irony: Someone repeatedly saying that he doesn't give a shit if he's banned for "blasphemy," because at least he's spoken his mind, and winding up banned for violating one of the most basic web board rules in the book---repeated sequential posting is bad.

Regarding the discussed issue, it would seem that the progression of the human race is based upon, well, irony. Massive genetic swap is required to prevent genetic drift and avoid extinction due to being wiped out by disease, yet now the propensity towards genetic swap seems to have halted evolution. So if we follow the suggestion of Hitler and countless others and wipe out several subdivision of the race, we wind up susceptible to mass extinction via disease, and that provides a bit of a problem for the whole great eternal race thing.

I guess they better get to work on some pretty damn good vaccines then. :rolleyes:

January 27th, 2004, 04:15 PM
As regards my cryogenic "dreams", that's already been discussed in the "Immortality" thread started by me. Also, you must realize that only half of what I say is serious, the other half is fun. Which is which I leave as an exercise for the reader. Though it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that spreading out legions of my followers to purge the universe of unter-aliens is the serious half!

I am totally serious in my belief of possible re-animation after death, mediated by cyrogenic preservation until such time as technology allows it. To say it is "IMPOSSIBLE!" is to give the rallying cry of the luddite, stuck in the past, and not the visonary looking towards the future.

And coming from a christian, who's religion says that believers will be sucked up into heaven in a "Rapture", to live forever in mansions of gold and pearl, and with crowns of light to stand as inheritors of the eternal celestial kingdom of The Lord...:rolleyes:

And you say my belief in technology enabling reanimation after cryogenic preservation is a kooky idea! HAHA! :p

I don't have to visit S. Africa to know that it's fallen into shit. Though you never hear about the failure of the south african (nigger) government to maintain order or economic progress in the US media because it doesn't suit the Jew agenda. All you ever hear about is the astronomical crime rate. Gee, who'd have guessed that a nation overrun with niggers, and fat with the largesse of decades of White prosperity, would become a mecca of criminal behavior once the ogga-bogga's got control of it all. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Anyone see Lethal Weapon 2? Mel Gibsons character battles against "Evil" apartheid and White S. Africans. The beautiful blonde S.A. attache' falls in love with him, but is killed by "Evil" White apartheid agents. Mel gets revenge.

Nice action movie, but political messages don't belong in action movies. I'm surprised they didnt' have the S.A. blonde fucking the nigger cop, but he was married and, being a fictional movie, faithful to his wife.

Anyways, while a lot of movies and shows of the time depreciated apartheid, the proof of failure that is nigger self-rule has received virtually NO coverage here. Anywhere else in the world? I don't think so. Failure is its own demonstration.

Why? Could it be that the liberal whites don't want to have to face the reality that the niggers are incapable of running a country to anywhere near the same standards as a white nation? What would this say about their precious beliefs in "equality"?

Surely, if the niggers are the equals of whites, they should be capable of doing anything whites can, right? But they can't. Run a nation? You're shitting me. They can't run anything more complex than a drug gang (tribe).

(This is the same sort of head-in-the-sand self-delusion that liberals and commie sympathizers exhibited during the cold war, denying the reality of commie atrocities because it didn't fit in with their beliefs of a socialist utopia.)

The Jews don't care, of course, because they've succeeded in destroying one of the few places in the world where Whites were rightfully held above the rabble. If the country sinks into a sea of brown human shit (niggers), they could care less, as they already intended that outcome.

I'm surprised De Klerk didn't use the few nukes the SA army had to destroy the gold and diamond mines prior to handing the country over to the nigs. You KNOW the Jews are in charge of the gold and diamond production in SA, right?

It would have been a terrible shame if, as the last ship of White refugees sailed out of the port, mushroom clouds sprouted out of the ground where the mines used to be. RTPB: Destroy that which you can't have.

Let's see the nigs and jews run a country without the artifical aid of mineral wealth to gloss over their shit. Without the gold and diamonds, SA would have long since fallen into the typical third world shithole fate of never-ending tribal barbarism.

But, perhaps, De Klerk decided to let the world taste the proverb "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." for themselves. The world pressured De Klerk to let the niggers have a vote. Fine! They got the vote, and now they got the hell of their own creation. The niggers are probably begging for a return of the White rulers, aren't they? Sure, they were oppressed, but they didn't have to worry about the lights going out or the water being full of shit.

But they'll not be getting it. They got what they asked for and now they have to live with the consequences of their choices.

Firstly, I have in the past conducted a thought experiment and posed the question: “would A. Hitler have made it in modern day politics, with the modern media facilities such as live TV debates, close-up camera work and exhaustive analysis by the commentators?”

If a fucktard like Bush can get elected, and probably re-elected, then AH would be elected president for life.

Bush has all the charisma of a bowl of dog shit, but he gets a rightous anger worked up when it comes to talking about war and revenge.

Now compare him to AH. As you said, AH was a master orator, and many, many people said that he had hypnotic eyes that'd just overwhelm you into submission, even from 30 rows back.

Add that to a global audience, with all the tricks of the TV trade, and AH would be unstoppable, I think. And the fact that he would get worked up about things would only be an advantage. How many politicans do you see get worked up over anything, regardless of what it is? They all act like stuffed corpses reading from scripts. A little animation goes a long way in politics.

Bush got animated over 'he wer on terrar! :p and people responded. Imagine AH's response to some muds flying hijacked Junkers into the Reichstag!

Pit Bush against Hitler, and Hitler would chew Bush up and spit him out like a used piece of char. You forget, Hitler rose to power on his own, not by having his brother rig a vote for him. Hitler used to debate against radical reds in public, and often violent, discussions that lead to his coming to aquiring fanatical followers. Bush hasn't said more than 10 words in his entire career that weren't scripted for him, and seriously doubt any of his "followers" would hang for him.

And "exhaustive analysis"? BWAHAHAHAA! The commentators are nothing more than talking heads. I've yet to see one network "anal-cyst" ask anything near to being a probing question of any candidate. Gary Condite ring a bell?

And if analcysts are SO probing, why didn't any of the boffens ask why monica kept the spunk stained dress, rather than washing it like any decent whore would? Could it be....SHE'S A CLEVER WHORE?! Never heard that brought up. Immediately came (no pun intended) to my mind that she may have been a sexpionage agent for a foreign government (you know monica is a jew, right), intended to discredit the nations leadership by a scandal, or at least distract the public with a trival circus show, while an event of REAL importance was being overlooked.

Even if one did ask "probing" questions of AH, AH would easily deflect it and turn it around onto the analcyst, making him look like a fool for asking it in the first place. Any decent politican can do that, let alone a master of political manipulation like AH.

Any Sunday preacher worth his salt, can do the same for an hour, albeit on totally different premises.

An hour, with maybe a few hundred...not years with tens of millions.

That's like equating the nut on a soapbox in the park with Christ or Buddha, or the boss of the local fast-food joint with the President of the US. Uh, on second thought, disregard that last example.

Many orders of magnitude, in skill/self-promotion/success, seperate the two.

Hitler wasn't a great artist, but he was a great architect. If the professors in vienna couldn't recognize talent when they saw it, oh well, their loss. And what better revenge on snobbish art kikes than to return with an army to take all the things they said your art was unworthy of hanging with?

Does turning a nation into a global superpower make one a loser? Hmmm...I guess we'd have to include Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Napolean, Cesear, and many other such "losers" to the same list as Hitler. :D All of them were betrayed, assassinated, or defeated/exiled, so that's the typical end of a great conquerer, nothing to be ashamed of.

As regards the "Hollow Cost", it wasn't a program of extermination. It was working the lazy vermin to exhaustion, while not feeding them real food that was better used to feed Aryans, that killed them. The furnances were needed to dispose of the corpses, since burial was too time consuming and polluted local water tables. Nothing too unusual about exhausted, half-starved, and half-frozen people dying of natural causes, is there? Much different than malevolent intent of stuffing them alive into furnaces or gassing them with Zyklon B.

Did 6 million jews die in the camps? Probably not. But if they did, so what? Not enough, I say. Many more non-jews died than jews, but you never hear about that, because the Jews have raised victimhood, and the promotion of such status, to a fine art.

"Oi, vey! I'm a victim! My ancestors died in zee camps! You owe me, Aryan!"

Seems the niggers have learned from their fellow garbage:

"Yo, man! I'm a victim! My ancestors died in the fields! You owe me, honky!" :rolleyes:

Is Hitlers search for the truth, as regards the Grail and such, mean he was a nut? Does belief in a omipresent and omnipotent supreme being who's never made himself visible to you (or me) make you a nut? As a self-stated christian, your belief in christ and god would automatically include the grail as part of that belief system. Must mean YOU'RE A NUT TOO!

Oh and do you put Christ in parallel with Hitler to offend or shock? I mean you can’t be serious, as this would put you firmly in the category “highly delusional”
Christ was a Jew too…or did that change in some way when he amassed disciples and follower?

Read the whole thread again, please, before commenting on the above. I used the christ parable as a construct to explain the Nazi belief system in more understandable terms that YOU obviously did NOT understand.

You'd also see I already stated that Christ wasn't a jew because he was The Son of God. How can a supreme being, creator of the universe and everything in it, be reduced to something as simple as simple as a "jew"?

When scientists eventually construct an artifical womb (like they're working on), would that make any children removed from the vat the offspring of a pepsi bottle? Or perhaps a buick? Because the womb would have plastic and metal in it, so therefore the offspring must be of the same stock, right?

If I injected cancer cells so that a tumor grew in your wifes womb, would it have fetal rights, and thus couldn't be removed because it'd be "murder"? Yet children ARE tumors that grow in the womb, taking nutrients from the host body and growing within a host that's trying to reject it.

Saying that a lifeform that was implanted into a carrier is an offspring of that carrier is absurd. If human babies could be implanted and born from animal hosts, would that make them cattle too, suitable for slaughtering and eating?

So saying that the Divine son of GOD, the creation of a omnipotent being, the creator of the Universe, the King of kings, and Lord of lords is somehow also partially or fully derived from the jew body into which he was implanted is just so retarded a thought as to render any further contemplation of your opinion on the matter would be an exercise in arguing with the retarded.

That whole "Hitler Suicide" thing....I should remind you that no one has proven to have found Hitlers body to this day. There was a burned body that might have been Hitler, but there were many body doubles for AH, and it's entirely probable that he had escaped months previously via U-boat to south america, just like many other nazis did, like Mengela (SP?) did.

With germany surrendering, Americans sick of years of war and still having to deal with the jap, and the soviets grabbing up countries like crazy, who'd want to be the one to tell the world that Hitler escaped and we didn't know where he was? We needed to stop the Red Menance, not worry about the defeated Nazi regime.

Given how he was dying anyways, it was better for all concerned to let him die in exile in the jungles of brazil, out of sight/out of mind, than to face massive humiliation for letting him get away in the first place.

Prove me wrong! Ahhh, you can't, because they've never been able to prove that Hitler DID die in the bunker.

"OH, but they heard the shot and saw his dead body!"

Would these be the same people who never renounced their Nazi beliefs, even decades later after the war was over? Some of the same people who went to the gallows shouting "Heil Hitler!"? Or the SS bodyguards who were sworn unto death to be loyal ONLY to the Fuhrer and died defending his Reich?

Might these same people have kept a BIG secret, like Hitler escaped Berlin alive? Believe it or not, there ARE people in the world who can take secrets to their grave and not sell them to tabloids. Just because YOU don't anyone like that doesn't mean there might not have been a whole bunker full of them in Berlin in 1945.

And while the Jews are inferior, they are not stupid. I don't recall ever having called the kikes stupid. Inferior vermin, yes. Stupid, no. All the more reason why they need exterminating. Smart vermin are dangerous vermin. More so than stupid vermin.

Ragheads are equally worthy of extermination, but they're not the real threat, as they're obviously foreign and easily spotted, as well as tied down by a religion that relegates them to perpetual sheep-herder status.

It's the insidious invasion of the enemy within (Jews) that needs purging. The nigs, gooks, beaners, and towelheads are all obviously non-white, but the Jews have somehow managed to insinuate themselves as being accepted as white by most, since not all of them are the sterotypical curly-locked and hooked nose kike that is most often stereotyped. There are plenty of blonde haired, blue eyed jews running about, the result of their co-mingling with whites.


That's why they need to be purged first. To remove the insidious viral infection of Jew influence on Aryan culture. Once they are gone, the rest will follow in short order.

As for your belief that we are all "human", did you know that there were "humans" in the region of australia/new guinea (SP?) that were incapable of breeding with the white settlers who raped them? How is it that they could be fucked and fucked, yet not get pregnant?

Native birth control?


They were too reverted along the ancestoral tree to be breedable with humans, practically proto-human, much like the australian aborigines are barely human. Just like you could fuck an ape or chimpanzee and not get it pregant, though you'd likely get your head torn off before you could get that friendly with it. ;)

NBK2000, you probably hate my guts after all this.

Hardly. On the scale of annoyances, you rate less than 1 out of 10. You're just another half-assed racist without the 'nads to make a stand on it, rather being an apologist and virtual race-traitor in your desire to prove how "wrong" racism is in a futile effort to be accepted by the very things you purport to hate.

For every thing you say about "hating niggers", you counterpoint it with something postive about the fuckers. So you are neither hot, nor cold, but lukewarm, thus you are spat out.

I, on the other hand, am consistant. I have always been against muds and race mixing, from the very first post I've made here, and that will likely never change. I didn't say "will never change", 'cause no one knows what the future holds for them, but I don't think it very likely to happen that I'll find love in a shiska's arms anytime soon.

I didn't ban him...yet. Just a warning. Let's see if he takes it.

Also, use the QUOTE function, not ----------, for quoting people.

January 27th, 2004, 05:48 PM
VARIANT FORMS: also shik·se
NOUN: Offensive Used as a disparaging term for a non-Jewish girl or woman.
ETYMOLOGY: Yiddish shikse, feminine of shegetz, shegetz. See shegetz.

January 27th, 2004, 07:02 PM
That whole "Hitler Suicide" thing....I should remind you that no one has proven to have found Hitlers body to this day. There was a burned body that might have been Hitler, but there were many body doubles for AH, and it's entirely probable that he had escaped months previously via U-boat to south america, just like many other nazis did, like Mengela (SP?) did.

To this day, it's still not clear if Napoleon was murdered or not.

I fear the same thing might be true for Hitler. I'm having a hard time figuring out what Hitler would really do:

a) Run and live.
b) Stand and die.

B) Seems more likely, as he was convinced that somehow the german army would turn the tide and stop the red army.

Ofcourse, if they burned his body, it might just be for the very purpose of installing the seed of doubt...

The Nazi's kicked ass at propaganda...

EDIT: I don't agree with most of the Nazi agenda. However, the jews cannot use the concentration camps as an excuse to do the very same thing to the Palestinians. THEY should know better.

IMHO, Sharon is as bad as Hitler, if not worse, for not hearing the lesson of history.

A leader that ignores history is a soon to be dead one.

The Anarch
January 28th, 2004, 03:07 AM
Amen, Vulture. As Anal Cunt put it, Jews today are "hogging up the holocaust." The Palestinians are treated like shit, and it's allowed to go on only because there are more Jews than Muslims in America. Therefore the politicians that support israel get more votes.

January 28th, 2004, 03:44 AM
Sharon is a bad, bad man to say the least.

Known to be guilty of many human rights violations. That's why I spend a lot of my time rooting for Hamas, hoping they'll put a bullet in his head, and someone who isn't such an asshole will be put into power.

January 28th, 2004, 05:35 PM
SEE! It just goes to show how pervasive the jew influence is in america, when even NBK comes to confuse a jew term of disparagment against non-jews as being a jew disparagement!


January 29th, 2004, 05:39 PM
Just don't change the thread name to schvartzer manual.

February 14th, 2004, 04:55 AM
NBK2000, my dear chap I think we’ll simply have to disagree on a whole lot of things regarding Mr. Hitler and I’m unable to address all your points for reasons of space and time.

You seem to be hell-bent on edifying some evil crazy scumbag who came to the German nation when they were at an all time low. Your deeper-seated motives for this may be a subject for analysis.

Suffice to say that I am convinced that you simply have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the utter horror that was Hitler’s regime. It is clear that you have some need for a romanticized version of A Hitler’s doings as this suits your disagreement with today’s society and likely your own position therein. (Your deluded reference to your “Spannungsbogen” may point to that)

As I said, I can’t stand the local nig-nogs, nor can I stand many of the black characters that you have roaming around in your country, but I wouldn’t dream of aspirations to live under the rule of Attila the Hun, Mao, Stalin or Hitler!

The fact that Hitler actually did inspire the Germans to achieve some great feats in the earlier parts of his regime, in terms of science and technology, as well as in military aspects, does not say so much for the character of Hitler –but rather for the Germans themselves. In fact Hitler was not even a German, didn’t look like a true Aryan and may have had some Jewish blood!

Hitler tricked the German nation; he hoodwinked them with improbable promises and terrorized all who opposed him. He needed a brutal policing apparatus to maintain his reign. He abused the hardworking and orderly manner in which the German follows instructions, without being so bold as to question orders.

At the end of the war the whole of Germany lay flat on it’s back. It’s cities, infrastructure and industry in ruins. It’s people demoralized in the realization of the terrible things they had done. Their country split into two by the vanquishing powers.
They were forced to pay a huge war debt.

And in a mere few decades they rebuilt and reinvented themselves. They became the greatest economy of Europe.
THEY WERE AND ARE A FANTASTIC NATION! (See how far Hitler would have gotten in Africa ;)

The Germans are an admirable people but not because of having allowed a loon and a loser, to rise to power at some time in their history; rather despite that fact.

If Hitler really were a great man as you wish to believe, he would have left out some of the more inhumane and evil shit out of his policies and picked out some better lieutenants –not fat cross dressing coke-heads like Goering, or utter loons like Hess. (The list is endless –having serious personal flaws seemed to be almost a prerequisite to make it amongst Hitler’s nearest and dearest. There were excellent men under his staff, especially amongst his generals. Rommel was a genius as well a thoroughly decent man.)

If Hitler really were a great man, he would have made the Germans lasted as long as say, the Roman Empire, upon which he was inspired to call his own “the Third Empire”.

Sorry to put it to you: Hitler was a loser. He talked very well, but he was an evil loser and that’s how history remembers him.

Any notion that “der Fuehrer” might be waiting, pickled in liquid nitrogen, to be thawed out some time in the future is plainly laughable. I mean to say that something is "not strictly impossible" does not mean that one can reasonably express one’s expectations that it may happen!

The premises as taken by you would presume:

--That Hitler was frozen in the first place. And that he allowed this to be done whilst he was still alive (unconscious), or immediately after his death. The Nazis had a nice little method of torture (or “experimental technique” if you will) to lay subjects (i.e. human beings) in ice (or ice / salt) water. After a while they begged to be killed. Somehow I don’t think that Adolph would have liked to be subjected to cold baths!
A bullet would be more his style. He knew he was beaten; the Russians were banging on the doors of his bunker. He had become visibly utterly depressed in the latest stages of the war –as can be seen from footage. This was a far, far cry from Hitler victorious in Paris. He had just killed his girlfriend –sorry wife. In a final act of “kindness”, he had recently married Eva –some honeymoon ;) .
He had Germany bombed into ruins; in his last act of desperation, he had eleven-year-old boys walking around with Panzerfaust grenades -to blow up Russian tanks.
Some kind of strategy –not to mention morality.
Dreams of the thousand year Reich, -or immortality- were hardly applicable in the final stage of his life, I’d say.

--Your idea would also presume that he was frozen in such a way that his cells and tissue remained undestroyed in the process –something that today is still a major problem in cryogenic tissue preservation where it concerns larger masses.

-- That in particular his brain (probably splattered all over the place by his bullet) was preserved intact, and remained in a state that would be capable to retain the personality and thoughts of A Hitler –a vegetable in a wheelchair would be not worth the while)

--That through the many, many decades that he was frozen, his loyal servants and their successors would keep the liquid N2 faithfully topped up. I mean: to come so far and then to have a busted gearbox with the liquid boiling away in the bed of one’s truck, or a rat that gnawed through the tubes of Mr Hitler’s cold coffin, -that would be sad ;)

--That this could be all done in secret over all this time. It seems to me the plot for a very weak video circuit movie.

To call me a “luddite” and to imply that you are somehow a “visionary” because you choose to anticipate a return of Hitler and I don’t, has removed a good chunk of your credibility.

According to the nature of Brownian motion, it is statistically, theoretically possible that suddenly there will be a dearth of air molecules above my keyboard in comparison to underneath. The pressure differential should cause my keyboard to rissssssssssseeeeeeeee.

Guess what; it actually happened!!!

But you would not believe that, wouldn’t you now?

By the bye, I must confess to being not clear in my previous comment. In my haste to qualify myself as having no Jewish connection or agenda, I stated my Christian antecedents. But even as I was brought up strictly Catholic, I did not buy their story ever since I was in my early teens. Even though, I suppose that the indoctrination has done it’s work to some extent as I still take exception to others bashing Christianity. To me that is somehow a no-go area. Perhaps also because I recognize the merits of organized religion -in society and for the individual. I often wish I could believe in anything of that stuff!

Further it is my observation that those who oppose my own values especially in the left-wing political arena, are often communist (trained –as here in Africa) or Muslim. (As both your black Muslims, and the disproportionally over represented Muslims in government here. Not to mention those crazy Muslim bastards who use good explosives to blow up women and children and expect to go to heaven and receive 72 virgins for their trouble. Question: How do you recognize a Muslim suicide bomber? Check out his crotch –if he’s got a hard-on, he’s about to blow………all those luvly virgins!)

I digress, so to me Christ is but a historical figure; someone who must have been quite a character and definitely a Jew. Sorry about that, I did not want to mislead you there!

Anyway talking about the Jews. I’m glad that you don’t outright deny the existence of the holocaust, but the spin that it was all an effort to make them work is in fact even more crazy.

The Germans being a well-organized nation, they surely didn’t get much work out of all those Jews! Either you want to work them and get usefull results or you want to kill as many as you want. To try and achieve both would seem to be counter productive to say the least! Not to mention unfair labor practice ;)

There is an abundance of evidence that Hitler and his bunch of thugs did in fact orchestrate the extermination of millions of Jews.

To go and deny this is foolhardy and stupid. You gloat about the miserable and undignified death of millions of babies, toddlers, once young and spirited girls and boys, teenagers, mothers, housefathers, learned doctors, brilliant authors, scientist the list is unending -that makes you seem inhumane and emotionally deprived.

It makes me re-examine my own contempt and dislike for the Negroes. After all they are stupid, but that is something they can’t help. And they are criminally predisposed –but should one not feel sorry for them? Should I despise a baboon because he can’t do integral calculus? I don’t think he should govern, but if by some ill-conceived democratic system other baboons put a big baboon in power should I not accept that?

Naaaah, I had you going for a second, you may regard me as some half-hearted would-be right winger, whereas others have decried me as some racist ogre.

I actually must be somewhere in the middle and this realization hugely reinforces my convictions –thank you :)

Nesler, about the “postwhoring” thing”

Hmm, I do in part agree that too many post in sequence make for bad form. It makes it somewhat overbearing. But I also read that the major objection was that some guys like to build up their total number of post for status purposes.

As in Post 1 “Jesterday I made nitro and it went real cool.
Post 2 Today I am gonna let it go off in my auntz chicken pen and run for hell.
Post 3 Howzit, my nitro did not explode becuz it was not made with acid but with bleach

That would constitute postwhoring insofar as that it said nothing and looked to have the objective to increase one’s post-score.

Allow me to say in my defense that the term is not quite applicable where it concerns my triple posting; see if I’m wrong:

-Posting in the watercooler does not allow for adding points, so pray tell, how could this “whoring” be in any way lucrative to me?

-Anybody with half a brain can see that I have quite a bit to say about the subject matter and if I fail (in my passion) to put all my thoughts in one single, exorbitantly long post, but find it necessary to add to previous post on revisiting the page, this does hardly constitute postwhoring.

-My current post is a good point in case: I want to address two disparate issues, to two different persons.

Also this is already a long post.
So now I am coerced to put the two stories in one single post.
It tends to lose clarity and readability.

All in all I find this preoccupation with postwhoring going a bit overboard in this case.
Postwhoring is done for personal gain.
I clearly do it for the fun of it.

I’m not a post-whore, I must be a post-slut LOL!

February 14th, 2004, 10:34 AM
Hmm... Some interesting events seem to have happened in this thread since I last viewed it!

All along this thread, one thing seems to have been made quite, quite clear. Everyone of us (including me) has their own hard and fast ideas on the topic, which they're willing to justify at all costs. The argument of what's "right" and what's "wrong" is hardly going to work- you DO realise that there is nothing that is an absolute "right" or an absolute "wrong"!
For example, NBK, you claim that "there's something fundamentally wrong" with a race that worships rats and cows. I have to point out that the members of the same "race" would find something "fundamentally wrong" with such person/persons who believe that "Kids make great targets because of the emotional impact of seeing little kids getting their limbs blown off." So, who is "fundamentally wrong", then? Everyone? No one? Or only one race because the other race deems that it, itself is "superior"?

I'm not saying that you're wrong, or I'm wrong, or you're right, or I'm right, as such a move would be a contradiction to the above fact. I'm saying that no matter how fool-proof, or absurdly obvious an idea may seem to one, there is bound to be yet another angle of looking at the same problem, and each is entitled to their own views. Claiming, however, that the other is "wrong", is unjust.

Also, everyone is so convinced that their own views are correct, they obviously aren't willing to accept the views of others. Arguing over the topic is bound to get nowhere- neither side can be expected to say, after reading a post, "Hey! you're absolutely right! I agree with you now!" I mean, we've all spent considerable time forming our arguments and presenting them to others. So can someone be expected to suddenly change their views in the blinking of an eye? Fat chance. Quote: "The more you try to refute me, the more you prove me right with your own logic." There you go. Besides, I'm always right. :rolleyes:

What I'm curious to know is, how exactly are our views affecting the way we interact with people in real life? Supposing, for example, you walked into your workplace tomorrow, and found a member of a "race" which you consider to be inferior, has become your new co-worker, or worse still, your boss? What would be your reaction:
a) One of indifference. So? you got a new co-worker. Well, let him do his job, and I'll do mine.
b) As long as he does things OK, it's fine with me, but if he makes even the smallest error...
c) I dare him to cross my path.
d) What's the company coming to nowadays? I'm quitting right now.
e) I'll write to the boss, my buddy, to get him fired ASAP.
f) Hmmm... Let's see now, how can he be framed for the murder of...
g) Where's my shotgun? I think I'll pay a "welcome visit" to him tonight.

As for my choice, even if I ended up wasting time wondering about the "inferiority" of the race of the co-worker, my reaction would be a).

Sidenote to snuk5: Your last post does not seem to have lost any clarity or readability. If you insist on separating your ideas, you could use a sub-heading in bold, like you did this time. The "edit" feature would have been useful, too. And as for long posts, you need not worry about it: we're quite used to long posts here.

February 15th, 2004, 03:20 PM
...Hitler was an evil loser...

who's done far greater things, much bolder things, and far more remarkable things than anyone here has done.

In a thousand years, they'll still be talking about the "loser", Adolph Hitler, which is 999.9 years longer than anyone will remember you after you've turned to worm shit (or ash) and been forgotten about.

"Evil" is an meaningless label. The cat is evil to the bird, the bird is evil to the worm. Any side you are on automatically makes the other side "evil", so it's purely subjective.

As an Aryan, Hitler is "Good" to me.

To a mud, Hitler is "Evil".

As Hitler is "Evil" to you, and since you hate what is "Good' to me, that makes you an "Evil" self-loathing, mud-loving, race-traitor caucasian in my eyes.

The only absolute in this world is that Aryans are superior, all others inferior.

To dare great feats and to fail at them is nothing shameful, unlike the countless sheep who blindly follow the path set for them from cradle to grave, with nary a glance past the ass of the sheep in front of them.

If AH dared great things, and was defeated in the end only after the greatest war ever in the history of man, who's the loser? He could have followed the safe course, staying a streetsweeper his whole life, and the world would be a much poorer place for it.

The Nazis had a nice little method of torture (or “experimental technique” if you will) to lay subjects (i.e. human beings) in ice (or ice / salt) water.

Would these be the experiments conducted by the scientist Joseph Mengella at the racial purification plants?

While modern scientists like to distance themselves from Nazi research that a lot of them base their own work upon, the fact is that Mengella and others were decades ahead of the rest of the world in many fields of science, simply because they were:

A) Brillant to begin with.


B) Had a huge amount of "research material" (AKA untermensch) on which to experiment upon.

Testing on humans directly nullifies all the problems inherent with animal tests and simulations, namely that humans are neither monkeys/horses/goats nor algorithms, thus results in one are not transferable to another.

Testing on humans gives you immediate APPLICABLE results on what the results are on humans. You can test on animals for years, think everything is fine, and find out that the stuff has a completely different reaction in humans.

Thalidomide is one such example. Preganant monkeys and rats, no problem. Pregnant humans, flipper limbed retards.

Why did the Nazis do so much testing on the effects of cold in the camps? Thousands and thousands of tests? Cold water survival for Nazi pilots? Proabably.

But could it not have also been for testing of cryogenic techniques, which they knew the possibilities of even back then? Would not a megalomanical psychopath like Hitler, who talked of a "Thousand Year Reich", not be interested in LIVING 1,000 years? And, of course, ruling for 1,000 years? Would that not fit the mentality of such a man?

I'm a psychopath, I'm planning on living forever after being thawed out, and wouldn't mind having an empire to rule for the entire time.

If I could imagine it, surely someone who already HAS an empire, and who HAS the technical capacity, the fanatical followers, the financial resources (just think the gold teeth from the Jews! :p), etc. could do it.

And maybe he didn't even volunteer for it. Maybe his followers decided that he was too valuable to the Aryan race to allow to suicide, so they forced him into the freezer, despite his orders to the contrary, for the greater good. It wouldn't be the first time someones followers have defied their leader to serve their own purposes.

Hell, for all we know, it did happen. And it could even be that the jews have AH's frozen body sitting in a cave in Israel, after having captured it from the cave in Brazil where the O.G. Nazis had him, and are awaiting the day when they can revive him to put him on trial for "crimes against humanity". Wouldn't that a story! :)

As long as there was a functional brain, capable of thinking, then it wouldn't matter if all of his original memories and personality were missing. Any honest psychologist will tell you that Skinner techniques can program a blank mind (like a child) to behave and think in any way you want it to, as long as you're willing to do whatever it takes, which I'd safely assume Nazis capable of.

Also, I said that it's POSSIBLE, not PROBABLE, that AH was frozen. Delusional people usally can't tell the difference between the two, which is why you couldn't? It's possible there's intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but it's not probable that they're snatching up people from trailerparks to subject them to rectal probes. :eek:

To call me a “luddite” and to imply that you are somehow a “visionary” because you choose to anticipate a return of Hitler and I don’t, has removed a good chunk of your credibility.

Typical newbie mistake...thinking they can improperly quote me...tsk, tsk, tsk.

To quote me properly on this, you'd have to quote this:

I am totally serious in my belief of possible re-animation after death, mediated by cyrogenic preservation until such time as technology allows it. To say it is "IMPOSSIBLE!" is to give the rallying cry of the luddite, stuck in the past, and not the visonary looking towards the future.

Where did I say that say that denying the possibility of HITLER's resurection was luddite? I was talking about cyrogenic resurection, in general, and said that "I am totally serious in my belief of possible re-animation after death, mediated by cyrogenic preservation until such time as technology allows it.".

Your inability to properly quote someone, as well as your insistance on making things up, is just sloppiness on your part.

You gloat about the miserable and undignified death of millions of...(untermesnch)...that makes you seem inhumane and emotionally deprived.

Such is the nature of the psychopathic personality. The only person I give a fuck about is myself, and if you're not part of my solution, then you are the problem. And that would be a fitting description of the leadership of the Reich.

Men who didn't care about anyone, with no emotions or conscienceness to prevent them from doing what needed to be done.

These Men amoung lesser men lead their nation to greatness...an ARYAN nation.

Like you said, AH wouldn't have been able to do what he did with africa, because niggers are inately stupid and inferior. A continent of lazy niggers couldn't equal a small city of whites in anything, though they'd certainly beat us whites out of "most crime", "most monkey raping", "most AIDS", and many other things that whites would rather be last in.

As a example from my own life, last night, about 20 minutes before the store was due to close for the night, a couple of niggers walked into the store and looked around for not even two minutes before walking back outside to their car right outside the door, with the motor running.

The Manager thought I was being paranoid and "rather racist for thinking that two black men must mean a robbery". Well, after them sitting there for 5 minutes, I called the cops anyways, fuck the manager, 'cause I recognize wolves (even nigger wolves) when I see them.

Cops rolled up on them, shotguns drawn (all cops in this town are red-neck white boys!), and gaffled up the nigs from their car. After tossing it up, what did they find? Yep, you guessed it, guns and masks.

Took their little black asses to jail. :D

I listened to my intuition (RTPB), and sic'd the cops on the nigs, like the blue attack dogs they are.

I know not every crim has the guidance of the RTPB's (;)) but COME ON! They couldn't have drawn any more attention to themselves if they'd shot a flare in the air while waving an airhorn around! Or at least to my eyes they couldn't.

Manager looked shocked that I called the cops after he wouldn't. Dumb ass.

Gee, who'd have ever guessed two niggers sitting in a car 10 minutes before closing on one of the busiest days of the year, after walking inside for only two minutes, could POSSIBLY be thinking of robbing the place? :rolleyes:

I won't go into how I'd do it, because that's beside the point, the point being that niggers are stupid from everything that I've observed them to do. If I ever saw an intelligent nigger, I'd probably die of shock on the spot, my heart being unable to withstand such an unnatural sight. It'd be akin to the sky parting open as a giant hand reached down out of the sky to pick me up and lift me into the heavens. In other words, extremely unlikely, though not impossible.

As regards Post Whoring, the only people who's judgement matters on this subject is the staff. If you are deemed to be Post Whoring, all the justifications you can think of won't save you, 'cause you're gone.

However, while my leniency is highly variable, some things just get to be annoying. Things like people who's sole purpose here seems to be to argue with me.

If you can't contribute as least SOMETHING E&W related ONCE in a while, and not just "NBK is a horrible racist who's wrong because I don't agree with him!" posts, no matter how fun it may be to tear your poorly formed arguments apart, then there's no reason to let you keep coming here, now is there?


Is this your next reply?

*YAWN*.....how tedious.

Arkangel and Vulture both argue with me on this same subject, yet they're still here? Why? Because they actually CONTRIBUTE something on occassion that is relevant to the Forum.

The Forum is a National Socialist Merit-based Autocracy. (say that fast five times!)

Since people who feel they need to break up their posts into single paragraph postings in order for others to understand them, lest they get as easily confused as the poster, who's incapable of keeping track of more than one thought per paragraph/post, might get confused by a long explaination, I've decided to make it simple for you:

We have a policy that is ruthlessly enforced for the greater good of the whole, not the individual.

People who contribute, and aren't "worthless lives", get recognized.

Those that are worthless, get euthanized.

And, what the Fuhrer (admin) says, goes! We don't take a fuckin' vote.

February 15th, 2004, 08:32 PM
Talking about sheeple, how many forum members would simply agree with you, NBK, because:

a) It looks more though than caring about people getting killed
b) Crawling up the admins ass and dying there is a good method to stay alive here.

Atleast, that's what they might think.

That's what annoys me the most, people who'd just go along with you to be part of the flow.

Anyways, if you're trying to convince NBK he's wrong, forget it. The chance of you winning the lottery and getting fucked by Heidi Klum the same day is higher.

That said, I don't think anyone could convince me I'm wrong... :D

February 15th, 2004, 11:19 PM
NBK2000, Congratulations on stopping that armed robbery ! It happened
to me in 1996 working as an assistant manager in a pizza shop. I wish
the cops here would adopt the attitude you described. They're more
concerned about being sued for violating the civil rights of so-called
"minorities" than about enforcing laws against violent crime. As for your
boss, I hope he's learned a lesson from this experience.

As for getting banned, that person needs to re-read(or READ) the rules,
both the written and unwritten rules. They exist for the good of the
community. Or as my junior year history teacher once said: This is not
a democracy, it's a benevolent dictatorship !

Trying to change a person's deeply held position ? Forget it !
I would like to win the lottery though !

February 17th, 2004, 03:44 AM
Speaking of useless cops, I got pulled over at 3:00 AM yesterday morning
on my way home from work. It was for a burned out tag light !
This state is #1 for armed robbery. The NAACP is headquartered here.
It seems the asshole cops are more interested in harassing people for
trivial shit instead of locking up the felons who cause most of the

February 17th, 2004, 04:23 PM
I know quite a few intelligent "Niggers" NBK, so it's a shame I can't hook you up with them ;)

Seriously, less than 7% of the UK's population is non-caucasian. People who live near ethnic populations have a totally skewed perspective, as there are concentrations in certain places. I certainly know some dumb "niggers", but by proportion, I know a FUCK load more dumb caucasians. Maybe it's the circles I move in :p

And another interesting point, iirc the best performing social group at schools in the UK are Indian girls (by quite a margin):

Statistics from Birmingham: In 2001 the following statistics were recorded in Birmingham for pupils achieving five or more GCSE passes at grades A*-C.
17% - black boys 34% - black girls
27% - Bangladeshi boys 50% - Bangladeshi girls
31% - Pakistani boys 42% - Pakistani girls
39% - white boys 50% - white girls
49% - Indian boys 65% - Indian girls
35% - average for boys 48% - average for girls

Since you'd label them as muds, how do you account for that? I mean, familial circumstances make a difference, and the girls aren't hanging around in gangs, but if they are genetically inferior, how come they do so much better than all the other groups? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but to me this makes your argument a crock of shit......

What a surprise :rolleyes:

February 17th, 2004, 05:05 PM
My my, nothing like one isolated set of statistics to completly invalidate an entire theory...

February 17th, 2004, 05:22 PM
It's really not that isolated and in any case, there's plenty out there to invalidate the theory, same as there are arguments FOR the theory.

And your cursory dismissal doesn't counter the point I was making. If Mud (Indian) kids are CAPABLE of beating white kids, why are they inferior?#

I could probably argue that the Indian kids have a better home life, more supportive families etc, but then why is that the case? Isn't that just the same as all the social factors that you and NBK so readily dismiss when arguing the case for genetic inferiority?

February 18th, 2004, 02:59 AM
Your "statistic" is worthless!

Without knowing the NUMBER sampled, a PERCENTAGE is meaningless.

If only 700 mud children are in the school system, compared to 10,000 whites (less than 7%, according to you), and the indian children have just one more bright kid amoung them than the statistical norm would dictate, then the average will be much more heavily skewed towards "intelligence" than is really there.

ONLY for a similiar number of data samples would averaging have any relevance.

I could skew the "average" to be anything I want it to be by having unequal sampling.

If I had three mud kids, two of average intelligence and one of superior, then I'd have an "average" of 33% being of superior intelligence. Compare that with 9,900 average whites with 100 geniuses, and you'd only have an "average" of 1% being of superior intelligence.

To be relevant you'd have to compare 10,000 indian kids with an equal number of white kids, both of equal socio-economic status (no fair comparing slum dwellers with upper-class) and geopolitical origin, and I think you'd be dissappointed in the results (since you hate whites so much [are YOU white?]), since they'd show the inate superiority of the whites.

Also, passing grades has nothing to do with intellect. It has to do with studying the course material, learning the material by rote, and being able to mentally regurgitate it when needed for the test.

It has nothing to do with being able to construct abstract relations between disparate data to synthesize new data, visualizing concepts, learning how something works besides knowing the fact that it does, and all the rest of it.

Apes have been trained to "speak" with sign language. Does that mean that it could one day write poetry, or a novel, simply because it has the tool of language at its disposal?


Because it is incapable of grasping the more subtle vagaries and nuances of language that differentiate between "ME WANT BANANA" and "To be, or not to be, that is the question". Both are technically english, but they are lightyears apart.

So too is inate intellegence for a racial group. Both may have the tool of language, but one group has the intellegence to use that tool to get to the moon, the other wasn't even able to devise the wheel.

If indian kids are better at regurgitating what is required to pass a test, but don't have the intelligence to create anything new with it, than they're going to stagnate into a third world hellhole...oh, wait...they already are.

Never mind then. :p

February 18th, 2004, 12:17 PM
Ok, so we have a statistical analysis. NightStalker, allow me to point out the flaw in your mathematical hypothesis. Your claim is that without mentioning the sampling number, there's bound to be a large disparity due to "stray" factors. In your haste to discount the data, you forgot to analyse it closesly. Look closely at the data. The discrepancy that you're talking about can easily be found out by seeking out the HCF of the percentages given, and 100. In your example, for instance, the % is 33.33, so the HCF is 33.33, and the minimum sample number required for such a value is 100/33.33 = 3 (which, incidentally is the exact value). This indicates that the number of samples taken must be an integral multile of 3. Now, let's apply the same analysis for the given data:

HCF (Highest common factor) for given %age and 100:

%, HCF, min. sample no.
17, 1, 100
34, 2, 50
27, 1, 100
50, 50, 2
31, 1, 100
42, 2, 50
39, 1, 100
50, 50, 2
49, 1, 100
35, 5, 20
48, 4, 25

Notice something? Only in the case of "white girls" and "bangladeshi girls" does the minimum sample number drop down to an unusually low value of 2. For all the rest of the data, the minimum sample numbers are large enough to overshadow any considerable deviations from the mean.

The foregoing proof does not indicate that the given statistic is indeed cent percent accurate. Provided that the agency that conducted the survey conducted it in a fair manner, it just indicates that the results cannot be too far from the actual values, and hence cannot be just dismissed like that.

February 18th, 2004, 02:35 PM
But there is a greater disparity between boys and girls, than white and non-white. Obviously women aren't on average significantly more intelligent than men, so are these statistics a reliable measure of intelligence?

Asian kids usually do better at school because their fathers beat them into good grades :) How else will they run that petrol station or KFC, and drive round in a Merc?

February 18th, 2004, 07:52 PM
Years ago there was a statistician who went on the CBS show 60 Minutes.
He claimed that blacks and Hispanics scored lower than whites on aptitude
tests. He also claimed that whites scored lower than Asians on these same
tests. Obviously, he pissed off every group except of course the Asians.
Blacks and Hispanics called him a racist. Some conservative white groups
called him a race traitor. Sometimes you can't win.

Maybe it has something to do with the expression:

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

All in all, if you put aside true mental retardation, I think a lot of it has to
do with an individual's attitude and what his/her true talent is.

February 19th, 2004, 02:29 AM
Asian kids usually do better at school because their fathers beat them into good grades :) Who else will they run that petrol station or KFC, and drive round in a Merc?

Interesting theory. You're kidding, right? If you aren't, I'd be interested to know what the source of this (yet another) myth is!

February 19th, 2004, 03:41 AM
I think it also comes down to a person will to achieve. You can have a person from a good middle class family background that is quite intelligent yet they take drugs and party doing almost no work, as a result they fail to graduate from high school and end up of the street.

On the other hand a person from a low class area, with a broken home and they aren't too smart can work hard and study hard and leave out the partying and drugs until last. While this person isn't too bright, they still manage to graduate from high school do an apprenticeship as an electrician and end up quite well off in a nice house in a nice neighborhood.

Intelligence is basically mind over matter. If you want to do well and put the effort in 9/10 you will succeed. If you don't give a shit then your more likely to fail.
I know this, because I have seen it with co-leagues at school one guy doesn't care and fails someone else tries hard and passes.
How ever this only works if you can set a realistic goal. You can aim for 90% in Maths but if you have trouble passing it then maybe aim for 65% and then work your way up.

February 22nd, 2004, 12:21 PM
The nigger manual was gay. And for the rest of you:


February 29th, 2004, 11:24 AM
Is this racist?



Yes, and it's funny as hell too! :D


March 3rd, 2004, 10:52 PM
hehe..quite the thread i've started here.

T_Pyro: What Anthony said about asain kids is 100% true. I know for a fact that asian parents push their children much harder than caucasian parents do, and for the most part those children perform better in school. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, though they are surprisingly few and far between.

Most of the racial differences that exist in the world, are in fact not racial, but cultural. The genetic differences between whites and blacks are very small, and the differences between "aryans" and jews are so infinitesimal, if they even exist at all, that they can be considered neglibile. However, culture plays a major role in your overall intelligence, ways of thinking, performance in school, tendency towards crime, etc.. Statisically most blacks(in the US at least) are poor, and thus they grow up in an environment where crime is the only way to make any real money.

Fiscally poorer cultures also tend to put less emphasis on education and mental development than on things like going out and making money to support ones family, which puts great pressure on them to find money as quickly as possible without working as much(laziness).

Asians on the other hand, are culturally very inclined towards hard work to achieve goals. They also are very conscious of honor and doing all that they can to please their family's. Thus asians perform well and work hard, whereas blacks do not for the most part.

Whites are somewhere in the middle of all this, I think that whites in general spend more time with their children in the earlier stages of development, which in most cases results in a more intelligent person. But whites do not posess the work ethic of the asians, nor the anti-work ethic of blacks which puts them somewhere in the middle.

However, when raised in different cultures blacks are not lazy or stupid or crime prone, I have seen it with my own eyes. The same thing with whites and asians, if a caucasian or asian is raised in a trailer park, they are going to be more crime prone and probably less intelligent.

March 4th, 2004, 03:48 AM
Home Alone

By James J. Heckman

Wall Street Journal January 23, 2004, page A14

Among African Americans, the gender gap in higher education is widening dramatically, with more women than men going to college. Recent discussions of this important social trend fail to face up to a key source of the problem and prescribe the wrong solution. Strategies to recruit and retain black men in college are too little too late because the difficulties black men face can be traced to low achievement at the onset of elementary school.

New research data casts doubt on the usual explanations for enrollment shortfalls, such as poor schools, poverty, low teacher expectations, excessive school discipline and anticipated discrimination. Young black children lag significantly in school readiness before traditional school programs and expectations of discrimination could have much effect

Black underachievement, especially among males, is present even in the best schools and is only weakly correlated with indicators of school quality, such as per-student expenditures, class size or racial composition. Poverty does not explain observed gaps, which are present for children from all social classes, including the most affluent and educated.

How can these patterns best be explained and how should the problem be addressed? The most important influences on young children's development are family, home and the immediate social circle. Social scientists have found measurable differences in the quality of these factors that may account for black-white gaps in skills that affect school and job performance.

Young black children are exposed to much lower levels of cognitive and emotional stimulation than white children, even in families with comparable income, education and IQ. They watch more TV, read fewer books, and converse and go on educational outings with their families less often. They are more likely to be raised in homes without fathers, family mealtimes or fixed routines.

These disparities lead to big gaps by age three or four (the earliest age at which they can be measured reliably). Programs such as Head Start and Title 1 can offset these deficiencies somewhat, but most improvements are ephemeral. Some elementary school programs can alleviate behaviors that impede school and job success, but results are erratic and difficult to replicate. Like it or not, the most important mental and behavioral patterns, once established, are difficult to change once children enter school. And programs for deprived children do not address underachieve-ment among the children of the middle class, who are most likely to go to college.

Because governments have little control over how people behave within families, reform must look to private behavior more than public policy. Mothers and fathers, and not their surrogates, are in the best position to alter the parenting behavior that affects the child's environment and development. There is no substitute for cultural change and behavioral reform within the black community itself. Parents, and the communities to which they belong, must acknowledge that they have a lot of catching up to do, and accept that only they can do it. They must take a hard look at how children are raised, especially in the early years, and ask how parenting practices can be improved. This strategy offers the only hope for substantial and enduring change.

Mr. Heckman, professor of economics at the University of Chicago and the 2000 Nobel Laureate in Economics, is the co-author of "Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policy" (forthcoming from MIT Press).


In other words, no matter how rich or educated the nigger is, they're still inately stupid because they ignore their own children. Any race that, as a whole, ignores its future (children), is doomed.

And culture doesn't have a lot to do with inate intelligence, only the expression of its potential.

Asian children have much more familal pressure on them to "succeed" than white children do. So they do all the extra stuff to make it.

It doesn't mean that they're inately more intelligent, just more likely to express what intelligence they have to their maximum, compared to most whites who may score slightly lower in tests, but who aren't straining to do so.

To use an analogy:

Asians are Hondas, Whites are Mercedes.

Some Hondas may be able of going 140MPH, after heavy modification, but they'll be whining like a blender on steroids, shaking and rattling the whole time, before quickly falling apart, because it wasn't built to go that fast.

The Mercedes can also go 140MPH, if not faster, but every mercedes is built to cruise the autobahn at 120MPH all day long, in total comfort and silence, because they're built to do this.


Also, I have to wonder about people comparing the exceptional asians in the white educational system, to the white students within them.

Let us compare the average asians in their native educational systems to the average white students in our native educational systems, and THEN talk about inferior and superior.

Nihilist, put some paragraph breaks in your posts, eh? 12 sentences without a paragraph break equals sloppy thinking/writing.

March 4th, 2004, 01:35 PM
Let us compare the average asians in their native educational systems to the average white students in our native educational systems, and THEN talk about inferior and superior.

Fair enough. Exactly what parameters and values of the respective "native educational systems" are we going to compare? And which factors are to be considered to evaluate the average student? I'm no educationist, but I'd include the following:
1. Ability to grasp concepts and principles.
2. Ability to apply them in real life.
3. "Out-of-course" interests.

Further, (assuming such a comparison is undertaken) how are we going to verify the data produced?

March 4th, 2004, 10:41 PM
I apolgize for the sloppy posting style, but I had to leave very quickly, and didn't have time to add tabs and such(I know I should have probably saved it and posted it later, maybe i'll edit it in a minute).

I agree with most of what that article had to say. Though, I wouldn't say that asians are intellectually inferior. To apply your analogy to what I think:

Both asians and whites are mercedes. Both are made to perform at 120 mph on the autobahn. Asians however, are heavily modified and strained to their limit, and are cruising at 160 mph, and more likely to have some nervous breakdown later in life.

In regard to blacks, I think your right that a cultural that doesn't support their children as much is inferior. But does that mean we should exterminate them all, or that we should try to change their culture? I guess that's for each person to decide on their own.

March 5th, 2004, 02:29 AM
The "ideas and concepts" thing is subject to opinion. Too many variables.

Mathematics is the only universal language, thus the only thing that is constant regardless of language/culture.

So, I'd say it'd have to be at what earliest age is someone able to grasp basic math principles like addition/multiplication/etc, how well they can grasp more complex math like algebra, and what percentage is able to go on into arcane math science like quantum phsyics and such.

Oh, and for the average joe, how well they can retain their math skills through life, in jobs that don't require daily use of them.

This covers all the bases I think, from the mental development of toddlers, to the average student, to the genius class, and how well the learning is retained in real-life after leaving school.

I'm sure there are some reputable site somewhere that keeps track of these sort of statistics, though it may be difficult, if not impossible, to find one that sorts it out by race, as such things tend to be "politically uncorrect" to discuss, especially for a researcher who wishes to continue getting grants.

March 5th, 2004, 07:21 AM
It isn't just black boys that are doing worse at school. It is boys in general.
Boys are more likely to fail/drop out of school then girls and on average perform less. Thats why universities and colleges are now starting to have more girls then boys (this is still good ;-)).
You could help fix this by having specialised learning programs for boys and girls, because as we see from an early age boys and girls both have different intrests. Barbies dolls for girls and blocks/lego for boys.
The education system (atleast in Oz) is more suited to girls then boys. How do you expect boys to achieve well if the learning system isn't suited for boys?

March 6th, 2004, 08:28 AM
So, I'd say it'd have to be at what earliest age is someone able to grasp basic math principles like addition/multiplication/etc, how well they can grasp more complex math like algebra, and what percentage is able to go on into arcane math science like quantum phsyics and such.

Right. I'm off to find out the case histories of the academic performance of as many students as I can question. For an even comparison, I'd request others to post their own findings too, regarding those who they are in close contact with. I trust the findings will be reported *as is*, without any additives, or exclusions to support, or contradict their personal views.

Maths, as stated, is indeed the language of the universe, but so is Physics, I'd say. However, since you say so, we'll concentrate only on mathematics. Quantum Physics is not a branch of "math science", by the way. It's Physics, though it does involve a heavy dose of mathematics.

Doubtless, there are countless sites which have carried out similar surveys, but I would suggest that we do not include their data "a priori" here. As should be evident to all by now, "findings of the in-depth survey so-and-so", and "he said", "she said" kind of data in this regard is of little worth, as there's no way of validating it. Only first-hand knowledge is acceptable. Therefore, if you set out to collect data on your own, you'll be compelled to believe the results.

I see you're absolutely convinced that a certain "race" is inherently superior to all others. Well, let's just take the immediate topic at hand. Have you conducted a thorough study of the education systems prevalent over the world? If you have, then I'm sure you could set this topic to rest for once and for all by telling us how you found all the other education systems to be inferior, and exactly in what respects. If, on the other hand, your ideas are based on other's findings, then what convinced you that such findings were exhaustive, and entirely accurate? I have not done any in-depth studies in the matter either, but I find it extremely hard to believe that education systems other than that of your "superior race" are so far behind as you try to make them out to be. If, however, futher (first-hand) data proves otherwise, I'll be willing to accept it.

I know for a fact that asian parents push their children much harder than caucasian parents do...
You can't make such a sweeping statement like that. I can't believe that I really have to spell it out for you, but here goes: I am an Indian, and a student, too. India is a part of Asia. I do not feel my parents push me too hard. If they did, I don't think I'd be here discussing this with you during my exams. I study what I want, when I want, according to what I feel is appropriate for the moment. Without showing you my report cards, I will state that I'm above my class average. As for others, I have some friends who are egged on by their parents a bit too much, but there are others who, far from being pushed ahead by their parents, handle their studies with little, or no help from their parents. I am sure that the situation elsewhere, too, is as widely varied.

March 6th, 2004, 08:02 PM
Sorry, my definition of the word asian was a bit ambiguous. A better word to describe it would be oriental(china, japan, korea, specifically). I do know for a fact that, in general, their parents push them harder. This is always the case, it is part of their culture of strict discipline.

March 7th, 2004, 03:42 AM
Doing such informal research as asking people what their grades were is worse than useless, as it's self-biasing, and the sample rate would be miniscule.

Only with the sample number in the many of thousands, with proper statistical controls, could it be accurate.

If we were to do it your way, then my opinion is already validated by decades of first-hand observation of the lack of math skills in most negroids, otherwise how have I been able to short change so many of them for so many years without more than 1 in 20 (at most) saying anything?

Since you don't think my technique accurate, how could I not assume the same of your offered research?


We can argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin too, but that's just as productive.

To be quite frank about it, I'm tired of arguing with people about this subject.

In case no ones noticed, I've not changed my beliefs one wit in the 4 years I've been defending my belief in Aryan Racial Purity against the TDU (Tolerance, Diversity, and Understanding) crowd that always comes against me here.

What I don't understand is what the fuck does anyone expect to gain by doing so? You came to this board for a reason.


Because we're not a bunch of fucktards talking about 30MbZ? Or snotty chemists who think of pyro and E&W as the red-headed stepchild of science?

What other site can you talk about this stuff? None, otherwise you'd be there, right?

Is this board owned, ran, and payed for by hispanics, latins, indians (american or otherwise), asians, or africans? Nope. It's done by white people. Why? I can't say for sure, but maybe it's cultural, or even racial. I'll not guess.

All I know is that Mega, NBK, and Anthony are whiteys! We like being white. I'll not speak of the others likes or dislike of other races, as that's their place, but I know their opinions. :)

This is an E&W board. E&W is what we're here to talk, not argue about race, and who's opinion is right or wrong.

You know where we stand on the subject. We might make commentary on aspects of it, as it's inevitable of human nature to talk about things that interest you, but we try to keep it lowkey.

Then a guest (as all members are) comes into OUR house, and starts talking shit about the carpet and our choice of wallpaper patterns.

We don't like this.

We believe that, if your a guest here, that you should keep quiet about your opinions on the wallpaper. If the pattern is so offensive to you that you don't feel you can keep quiet about it, leave before you say something stupid that'll get you kicked out forever.

I'm starting to come to the belief that people who post threads for the sole purpose of starting arguments, pro or con, are disruptive little trolls who need to be executed for the common good.

In fact, I think I'll start a new policy tonight.

ANYONE posting a comment or link to something that I believe will devolve into a pointless argument about race will be summarily banned. It might even be retroactively applied.

We're racist. Deal with it. Don't like it, go somewhere else, because we'll not argue it here anymore.

In the same vein is the "America sucks" threads. I don't like seeing assholes ragging on the US when the US is the only country with a written consitution that guarantees the freedom of speech. Yes, there's some minor restrictions on it, and it's not perfectly appliead, as with anything in life. So what? It's more freedom than 95% of the world has.

Talk E&W in china and get a bullet in your head. Talk it in probably any muslim country in the world (unless it's part of Jihad against the Great Satan :p) and get your head or hands whacked off.

After 4 years of listening to whiners, I'm sick of it.

Don't like it? Leave...go somewhere...fuck off and DIE! Stay here, talk shit, DIE!

Been here 3 years? Got 1,000 posts?

Doesn't matter. Talk shit, DIE! NO ONE IS INDISPENSIBLE!

End Fuhrer Communique.