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December 15th, 2003, 04:26 AM
I'm about to be out of a place to live, because I lost my job. I'll be on the street with nothing more than my car. Anyone got any advice on how to get back on my feet? I don't know anyone where I live, as I have moved very far away from where I grew up. I just moved here a few weeks ago. Anyone care to help me formulate a plan? I'm in desperate need of money to buy food. I've got exactly $121 dollars left right now, and thats only available on my credit card. Thank you in advance.

December 15th, 2003, 11:12 AM
Stop wasting valuable money by accessing this forum. You'll do yourself and us a favor.

December 15th, 2003, 12:31 PM
I don't know much but raeding archived therads of E&W on google I came across this book
If it helps;).
EDIT:any comments on the book?

December 15th, 2003, 05:05 PM
You've got a car, a credit card and Net access - you arent really that hard up. If lifes really got the best of you tuck your tail between your legs and go home.

mongo blongo
December 15th, 2003, 05:57 PM
Become a prostitute and live on tree bark for food ;)

December 15th, 2003, 07:20 PM
A quote from a friend-
Either get a job or a gun you damn begger!

December 15th, 2003, 07:33 PM
You can get free net acess from most librarys.Take care of your car,it is now taking care of you,stay after the oil and drive it as little as possible.Try the salvation army in your area youl have a warm place to stay and hot meals.Large metro areas also have soup kitchens.Need employment fast?Pizza delivery, never done it myself,but I know lots of people that do and make a half decent wage.Also, If you have a clean record,try a thorobred track.They have dorms for the help,kitchens and most of the facilities you need.Buy a good pair of walkin shoes,break them in and tell the guard at the gate you want to "walk-hots".This is a job reserved for the inexperienced,retarded or the inept,however it pays well and you get done early.Be patient when waiting for the job.Good luck!!!!
PS Oh yeah,you could do like everybody else and come down here to Florida and sleep on the beach.In San fransisco,I heard they pay their homeless upto $400.00 a month,but I think thats about to change.

This thread could evolve into how to "live off the grid" in case Skynet comes after you.

December 16th, 2003, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by vulture
Stop wasting valuable money by accessing this forum. You'll do yourself and us a favor.

Thanks for your unimformed reply sir, but accessing this forum doesn't cost me anything. Internet access is free in lots of places. Many fast food restraunts here have it, the library, and schools.

December 16th, 2003, 07:41 PM
Vapor, we dont give a shit if YOU are wasting YOUR money, but your waisting bandwidth on here. And thus costing us more money. Hence why Vulture told you to fuck off.

Ill reiterate what he said-
Stop wasting valuable money by accessing this forum. You'll do yourself and us a favor.

Jacks Complete
December 16th, 2003, 09:10 PM

all I can say is, nice topic title!

Sadly, since you haven't told us where you are, how are we supposed to tell you anything?

The Anarch
December 16th, 2003, 10:58 PM
Picking on a guy that's broke... yeah, you guys are tough shit alright.

December 17th, 2003, 03:05 AM
Start looking in the paper/internet/local notice boards for potential jobs.
Make a resume or edit your existing one. Ask a friend to write a reference for you.
To make to most with the existing money you have, buy in bul fairly cheap stuff. A few Kgs of rice might be bland but keep you fed. Avoid fast food outlets as they are expensive.

If you keep searching for a job, eventually you will get one. At a job interview just be polite, well presented and make it look like you know alot about the position.

December 17th, 2003, 12:21 PM
Hey,Anach,I think they were giving him a hard time 'cause of the quality of some of his posts,
Temp or pimp services can get you cash in a flash and some cater to the homeless,remember "all the world needs ditch diggers".I almost was forced to go to one of these,you had to meet them at 5am but they'd pick you up and take you to the jobsite.The jobs I heard were mostly cleanup,so lots of sweeping and raking.
Also rice while cheap can be a pain to prepare on the fly.When I lived in Louisville,I used to blow all my money on strippers and whores(ah,the joyous issuances of youth!)And be broke on Monday.I learned to live on less than ten bucks a week.The fact I lived where I worked helped immensely.The key,two words:
YAY!PEANUTBUTTER!In a pinch you dont even need bread,no prep and lots of calories.Did'nt yall ever read "Marine Sniper"?Carlos Hathcock Lived on peanutbutter and crackers.I hope you dont have an allergy.Also I remember in the last hot days of the cold war being told in worst case scenario,that dry dog food would do in a pinch.High in carbs and protein,you dont need to cook it, unless your doin gravy train I guess.And no refrigeration needed.
One last thing in most states, in "Kwikie Marts"you can buy ephedrine packaged as"Yellow Jackets" or "Black Beauties".These are usually formulated to be very similar to amphetamine,and may help you in certain situations, in a pinch.But thats your decision.Expect to look,feel and smell like hell after prolonged use.

December 17th, 2003, 01:16 PM
One last thing in most states, in "Kwikie Marts"you can buy ephedrine packaged as"Yellow Jackets" or "Black Beauties".These are usually formulated to be very similar to amphetamine,and may help you in certain situations, in a pinch.But thats your decision.Expect to look,feel and smell like hell after prolonged use.

or just plain drop dead after taking them... :-x Good luck to you mate...look in the newspaper, or find a "labor finder" program...such as Able Body or something...there are many places to get food at shelters and shit, don't be afraid to ask...tell them your sitauation, they'll understand...good luck again.

December 17th, 2003, 09:30 PM
Get a job or get a gun.

If you've allowed yourself to become homeless, then your options are very nearly exhausted. Drastic action is required. Allowing yourself to be debased to the level of a beggar, sucking off the government tit is, to me, worse than prison.

Once you get into that system you're very likely to never escape it. It's not designed to get people back on their feet, but rather to entrap them as virtual slaves of the states welfare system. There's no incentive to get you working when they can feed you scraps and let you die on your own, all the while using your fetid and unwashed walking corpse to justify increasing the taxes to "feed and house the disadvantaged". :barf:

Show some respect for yourself and either get a job, something piss-easy to get if you're not picky, like a clerk/janitor/etc, or get a gun (make it if you have to) and start TAKING what you need.

Only take cash, as that's the hardest thing to connect to you, whereas stolen items are traceable by serial numbers and such. NO cars, watches, cellular phones, etc, as it's all worthless crap. ONLY CASH!

I've got a job. If I'm on the street I know how to make any number of weapons from things I can get for free, so I'd not be lacking for a means of taking my sustanence.

I'll kill you for your wallet before I ever beg you for your change.

And, regardless of your situation, don't look ratty. You know...the person who looks like they've existeded under a bridge so long that they could grow moss for a beard...that's not good.

Always keep yourself presentable, as this allows you to walk right up to people who stay in condition white (unawares), unlike the ratty whino which people stay far away from and on the look out for.

December 18th, 2003, 01:16 AM
I kept my gun. Never robbed someone before, so i'm a little bit worried about having another guy pull a gun out on me. Any tips on staying in control? I also picked up a job today for $6.50/hour, and they are going to pay me weekly. I am doing much better now, meeting lots of people, may have a roommate tomorrow, he is thinking it over.

December 18th, 2003, 06:08 PM
Tactics are plentiful. Read up on it at gun-related sites.

Though standing behind thick concrete or wood (think phone poles) while they're in the open with no place to duck behind puts you in prime advantage. :)