October 7th, 2002, 03:48 PM
A new voice
Posts: 36
From: Australia
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 05:47 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew of any plastic explosives that are easy to make out of common ingredients and that can be detonated with AP. I saw something in Anarchist cookbook about extracting potassium chlorate from bleach using potassium chloride. i heard that anarchist cookbook often leave out safety information so i don't know whether to try this one. any help please!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 229
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 10:10 AM
i don't wanna start a flame or nuffin, but
doesn't this question sound awfuly familiar?
I read about the plastic explosives from bleach file in Jolly Roger's cookbook and various other places. Some say that u can make potassium chlorate by mixing bleach with potassium chloride.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this just too conincidental?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 290
From: 11 Downing Street, London, England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 02:02 PM
I agree; these books have a lot to answer for. Aussie kid, don't take what these books says too seriously otherwise you'll end up being Kewl (or dead).
Frequent Poster
Posts: 97
From: im not saying
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 08:08 PM
haha I asked this question at the old forum. I asked alot of other Jolly Rodger/Exodus crap. But no one ever answered the question, I just got laughed at. Will this method work or is this just another way to kill off kewl bombers.
A new voice
Posts: 36
From: Australia
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 11:29 PM
ok so the bleach thing is dangerous
back to the question what is the easiest high explosive that can be made with easily accessible ingredients and detonated with ap?
ANNM looks easy but i don't know where to get nitromethane. is it easy to get in australia? or can it be easily synthesized?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 11:46 PM
nitromethane is sold at hobby shops for petrol powerd R/C cars i dunno if they sell it pure or not cause no shop in my town sells it
if it's not sold pure could you just buy the fuel for the R/C cars and use that or would the other impuritys stuff it up?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 411
From: USA
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 12:16 AM
deleting post.
[This message has been edited by 10fingers (edited March 19, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 203
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 31, 2000 04:02 AM
vaseline and potassium chlorate burns fast, but it is a low explosive like SC+sugar. Since vaseline burns and the potassium chlorate is a very good oxydizer, it burns fast but not enough to make a high explosive.
Posts: 2304
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 01:51 PM
I make KCL03 that way, except I use a saturated solution of NaCLO3 instead of bleach. It shouldn't be dangerous if you're careful, hot 100% HNO3 is far more dangerous.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
A good site with tonnes of information on chlorate/perchlorare synthesis including thermal decomposition of hypochlorites (which is what you're after)
Potassium chlorate/vaseline is a high explosive, a "chedite" if I'm not mistaken,. it is a pain in the arse to detonate and has a very low det. velocity. Using it as a low explosive is a bit pointless considering many other fuels can be added to KCLO3 that have much better properties.
Straight sodium chlorate can be detonated by itself, can KClO3 do the same?
A new voice
Posts: 29
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 08:03 PM
Well, here's one method. Credit goes to Kitchen Imrovised Plastic Explosives #1 and nbk2000's website/pdf. Most of this is not my own content.
It's not the bleach formula because I find this one much more effective and cheaper.
Plastic Explosives From Swimming Pool Chlorinating Compound (HTH)
This explosive is a chlorate explosive from bleach. This method of production of potassium or sodium chlorate is easier and yields a more pure product than does the plastique explosive from bleach process. In this reaction the H.T. H. ( calcium hypo-chlorate - CaClO ) is mixed with water and heated with either sodium chloride (table salt, rock salt) or potassium chloride (salt substitute). The latter of these salts is the salt of choice due to the easy crystalization of the potassium chlorate. This mixture will need to be boiled to ensure complete reaction of thc ingredients.
Obtain some H.T.H. swimming pool chlorination compound or equivalent (usually 65% calcium hypochlorite). As with the bleach is also a dissociation reaction. In a large pyrex glass or enameled steel container place 1200 g. H.T.H. and 220 G. potassium chloride or 159 g. sodium chloride. Add enough boiling water to dissolve the powder and boil this solution. A chalky substance ( calcium chloride ) will be formed. When the formation of this chalky substance is no longer formed, the solution is filtered while boiling hot. If potassium chloride was used, potassium chlorate will be formed. This potassium chlorate will drop out or crystalize as the clear liquid left after filtering cools.These crystals are filtered out when the solution reaches room temperature. If the sodium chloride salt was used this clear filtrate ( clear liquid after filtration ) will need to have all water evaporated. This will leave crystals which should be saved.
These crystals should be heated in a slightly warm oven in a pyrex dish to drive off all traces of water ( 40 - 75 deg.C. ). These crystals are ground to a very fine powder ( 400 mesh ).
If the sodium chloride salt is used in the initial step, the crystallization is much more time consuming. The potassium chloride is the salt to use as the resulting product will crystallize out of solution as it cools. The powdered and completely dry chlorate crystals are kneaded together with vaseline in plastique bowl.
If sodium chloride is used in this explosive, it will have a tendancy to cake and has a slightly lower detonation velocity. This explosive is composed of the following:
Potassium or sodium chlorate 90 %
Vaseline 07 %
Aluminum Powder 03 %
The detonation velocity can be raised to a slight extent by the addition of 2 - 3 % aluminum powder substituted for 2 - 3 % of the vaseline. The addition of this aluminum will give this explosive a bright flash if set off at night which will ruin night vision for a short while. The detonation velocity of this explosive is approximately 32OO M/sec. for the potassium salt and 290O M/sec. for the sodium salt based explosive.
[Edit] Also, I've read sources that say that this explosive can be detonated with a a number #3 blasting cap, I find it takes significantly more, or at least it would if I were to use it illegaly like that...which I don't Another note: This explosive should be packed to a density of 1.3g/cc. To achieve this, measure the water your container can hold, then multiply that by 1.3. That is the wieght in grams you need to put in the container. And yet another footnote, it's slightly hydroscopic, make sure to dip the finnished product in molten wax.
[This message has been edited by Bander (edited October 31, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited November 01, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 170
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 01, 2000 01:26 AM
aussie kid, after the shit you get, soon you decide to stick with AN and other stuff that's common knowledge which can just be read about from good sources.
All there is to fear is your own co-ordination
A new voice
Posts: 7
From: Ft. Collins ID usa
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 07, 2000 06:15 PM
i ams teh ideots, pls cals me stupads. thx
[This message has been edited by vehemt (edited November 07, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 229
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 08, 2000 07:44 AM
lol....nice vehemt
Frequent Poster
Posts: 91
From: ...
Registered: SEP 2000
posted November 14, 2000 05:25 AM
aussie kid if ure from VIC i might be able to help ya wit a Nitro MEthane supplier who gets 99.8% shit
hmmmmmmm i have help others from this forum get da shit man
hmmmmm but yeah if ya want to find out more
back to study !
Frequent Poster
Posts: 170
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 18, 2000 05:50 AM
Originally posted by Azazel:
aussie kid if ure from VIC i might be able to help ya wit a Nitro MEthane supplier who gets 99.8% shit
hmmmmmmm i have help others from this forum get da shit man
hmmmmm but yeah if ya want to find out more
back to study !
Any help in NSW?
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted December 03, 2000 01:37 AM
could just buy some chlorate from a supplier, skylighter, pyotek, etc
A new voice
Posts: 3
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 07:32 AM
if you want to buy nitromethane just got to a hobby shop and ask for it, if they ask why you want it (not that they should) just tell them that you want to mix your own feul
A new voice
Posts: 36
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 03, 2000 08:53 AM
I am jsut the kewleST e|_itE bomberz here. Fear my styro-4 explosivE.
What a lame. Congrats, you've made nampalm. And not even good napalm at that. Go back to TOTSE. Don't EVER quote anything from there here.
[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 03, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 203
Registered: OCT 2000
posted December 03, 2000 09:53 AM
hummm, melting fuel and styrofoam will give you napalm. If you mix fuel with oil, so will it. Napalm is something not liqui, not solid, and which burns not very well, so it burns for a long time. Neither the one with oil neither the one with styrofoam will explode, and I don't think the mix of these two will have just made napalm. If you add an oxydizer you can make a low explosive, but napalm will just act as fuel.
Posts: 2304
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 11:37 AM
NEVER post anything from &TOTSE, it is pure bullshit and just shows people how dumb you are for actually thinking it would work/not be amazingly danergous or just plain dumb.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 140
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 07:42 PM
Don't you think that only posting information that you KNOW(from experience) works would be more helpful?
A new voice
Posts: 14
From: east bay mental institution
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 14, 2000 01:32 PM
arthis what you have is not napalm, it is a real shitty version that is not worth making. It is a wast of perfectly good gas and packing styrofoam. What do you do when you run out of styrofoam cups?
military napalm, having some of that could keep my happy for a little while.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 392
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 03:51 AM
This has been covered before but isn't military napalm made from gasoline,styrene, and benzene. Making the packing penut and gas thing a little less stupid.
"ARE YOUR PAPERS IN ORDER" -- Jack Booted Thug
Frequent Poster
Posts: 93
From: ...
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 15, 2000 02:41 PM
The gasoline and styrofoam thing has always worked good for me. It does wonders when you fill a tuna can with it and stick an M-80 or a cratermaker in it. Tennis balls filled with it are fun too...
~Zero the Inestimable
~Zero the Inestimable
The A Files
{Link is a direct download.}
Frequent Poster
Posts: 591
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 03:12 PM
Hey SofaKing i heard that Military Napalm is Gasoline+Phosphorus ,,,So when people get Napalm`d they jump into the water and the burning stops because there is no oxygen and when they com out of the water it starts burning again.
Go to Section1 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Alot off Bombs/Explosives and Homemade Weapons!!
Posts: 1091
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 04:23 PM
Napalm B (currently military issue) is 50% styrene, 25% gasoline, and 25% benzene (although you can use acetone). All percentages by weight.
Burns three times hotter and ten times longer than the original napalm. Add some AP and AN (as described in my PDF file) and you'll have exploding napalm.
Regular gasoline with enough styrofoam dissolved in it to make a thin syrup is perfectly usable as napalm.
The phosphorus in military napalm comes from the igniter used to scatter and ignite it. A rod of TNT surrounded by WP runs the length of the napalm canister. When it goes off it scatters and ignites the WP which in turn ignites the napalm.
"The knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them"
Go here to download the NBK2000 website PDF.
The Real
Frequent Poster
Posts: 136
From: Columbus, OH
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 15, 2000 10:32 PM
Even neater is too load up a shotshell that throws a blob of sawdust soaked napalm. Very short shelf life (make it now, use it yesterday type thing), but it's a hell of a round. 20yds max feasible range to start anything on fire, 10yds accuracy is still enough to hit a garbage can. I've thought about using a 10ga scattergun to throw 3/4" by say 4-8" long full of napalm and and something to disperse and ignite it with. Perhaps a pipe with a arrow shaft cut to length in it full of BP, surrounded by napalm, all inside the pipe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 77
From: UK
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 08, 2001 11:18 AM
Why not buy NAPALM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Happiness is a big bang!
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 08, 2001 01:30 PM
For anyone that's interested:
I'm not entirely sure, but I think the original napalm was made from NApthalene and PALMatic acid (whatever that is). Napthalene is what's used in some old-style moth balls, and can be used to make nice fireball effects with a charge of BP to ignite and spread it.
A new voice
Posts: 16
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted January 09, 2001 02:59 AM
I Agree with Mr Cool but it is only one part of the mix.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 63
From: Redding California
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 09, 2001 09:42 PM
Well... I just got burned at
Frequent Poster
Posts: 232
From: the cretaceous period
Registered: OCT 2000
posted January 10, 2001 01:38 PM
A cheap, but less powerful alternative for making AP putty that I've come up with is mixing Acetone with polystyrene and then mixing in some AP put a fuse or igniter in and letting the acetone evaporate the ratio is about 40% acetone 20% polystyrene and 40% AP, this is junk however
but they have orange colored nitrocellulose ping pong balls here <a href=" ss%26searchstart%3D0%26template%3DTempl" target="_blank"> ss%26searchstart%3D0%26template%3DTempl</a> ates/SearchResult.htm if you want to make orange colored AP putty
A new voice
Posts: 36
From: Australia
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 05:47 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew of any plastic explosives that are easy to make out of common ingredients and that can be detonated with AP. I saw something in Anarchist cookbook about extracting potassium chlorate from bleach using potassium chloride. i heard that anarchist cookbook often leave out safety information so i don't know whether to try this one. any help please!
Frequent Poster
Posts: 229
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 10:10 AM
i don't wanna start a flame or nuffin, but
doesn't this question sound awfuly familiar?
I read about the plastic explosives from bleach file in Jolly Roger's cookbook and various other places. Some say that u can make potassium chlorate by mixing bleach with potassium chloride.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this just too conincidental?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 290
From: 11 Downing Street, London, England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 02:02 PM
I agree; these books have a lot to answer for. Aussie kid, don't take what these books says too seriously otherwise you'll end up being Kewl (or dead).
Frequent Poster
Posts: 97
From: im not saying
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 08:08 PM
haha I asked this question at the old forum. I asked alot of other Jolly Rodger/Exodus crap. But no one ever answered the question, I just got laughed at. Will this method work or is this just another way to kill off kewl bombers.
A new voice
Posts: 36
From: Australia
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 30, 2000 11:29 PM
ok so the bleach thing is dangerous
back to the question what is the easiest high explosive that can be made with easily accessible ingredients and detonated with ap?
ANNM looks easy but i don't know where to get nitromethane. is it easy to get in australia? or can it be easily synthesized?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
From: australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 30, 2000 11:46 PM
nitromethane is sold at hobby shops for petrol powerd R/C cars i dunno if they sell it pure or not cause no shop in my town sells it
if it's not sold pure could you just buy the fuel for the R/C cars and use that or would the other impuritys stuff it up?
Frequent Poster
Posts: 411
From: USA
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 12:16 AM
deleting post.
[This message has been edited by 10fingers (edited March 19, 2001).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 203
Registered: OCT 2000
posted October 31, 2000 04:02 AM
vaseline and potassium chlorate burns fast, but it is a low explosive like SC+sugar. Since vaseline burns and the potassium chlorate is a very good oxydizer, it burns fast but not enough to make a high explosive.
Posts: 2304
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 01:51 PM
I make KCL03 that way, except I use a saturated solution of NaCLO3 instead of bleach. It shouldn't be dangerous if you're careful, hot 100% HNO3 is far more dangerous.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
A good site with tonnes of information on chlorate/perchlorare synthesis including thermal decomposition of hypochlorites (which is what you're after)
Potassium chlorate/vaseline is a high explosive, a "chedite" if I'm not mistaken,. it is a pain in the arse to detonate and has a very low det. velocity. Using it as a low explosive is a bit pointless considering many other fuels can be added to KCLO3 that have much better properties.
Straight sodium chlorate can be detonated by itself, can KClO3 do the same?
A new voice
Posts: 29
Registered: SEP 2000
posted October 31, 2000 08:03 PM
Well, here's one method. Credit goes to Kitchen Imrovised Plastic Explosives #1 and nbk2000's website/pdf. Most of this is not my own content.
It's not the bleach formula because I find this one much more effective and cheaper.
Plastic Explosives From Swimming Pool Chlorinating Compound (HTH)
This explosive is a chlorate explosive from bleach. This method of production of potassium or sodium chlorate is easier and yields a more pure product than does the plastique explosive from bleach process. In this reaction the H.T. H. ( calcium hypo-chlorate - CaClO ) is mixed with water and heated with either sodium chloride (table salt, rock salt) or potassium chloride (salt substitute). The latter of these salts is the salt of choice due to the easy crystalization of the potassium chlorate. This mixture will need to be boiled to ensure complete reaction of thc ingredients.
Obtain some H.T.H. swimming pool chlorination compound or equivalent (usually 65% calcium hypochlorite). As with the bleach is also a dissociation reaction. In a large pyrex glass or enameled steel container place 1200 g. H.T.H. and 220 G. potassium chloride or 159 g. sodium chloride. Add enough boiling water to dissolve the powder and boil this solution. A chalky substance ( calcium chloride ) will be formed. When the formation of this chalky substance is no longer formed, the solution is filtered while boiling hot. If potassium chloride was used, potassium chlorate will be formed. This potassium chlorate will drop out or crystalize as the clear liquid left after filtering cools.These crystals are filtered out when the solution reaches room temperature. If the sodium chloride salt was used this clear filtrate ( clear liquid after filtration ) will need to have all water evaporated. This will leave crystals which should be saved.
These crystals should be heated in a slightly warm oven in a pyrex dish to drive off all traces of water ( 40 - 75 deg.C. ). These crystals are ground to a very fine powder ( 400 mesh ).
If the sodium chloride salt is used in the initial step, the crystallization is much more time consuming. The potassium chloride is the salt to use as the resulting product will crystallize out of solution as it cools. The powdered and completely dry chlorate crystals are kneaded together with vaseline in plastique bowl.
If sodium chloride is used in this explosive, it will have a tendancy to cake and has a slightly lower detonation velocity. This explosive is composed of the following:
Potassium or sodium chlorate 90 %
Vaseline 07 %
Aluminum Powder 03 %
The detonation velocity can be raised to a slight extent by the addition of 2 - 3 % aluminum powder substituted for 2 - 3 % of the vaseline. The addition of this aluminum will give this explosive a bright flash if set off at night which will ruin night vision for a short while. The detonation velocity of this explosive is approximately 32OO M/sec. for the potassium salt and 290O M/sec. for the sodium salt based explosive.
[Edit] Also, I've read sources that say that this explosive can be detonated with a a number #3 blasting cap, I find it takes significantly more, or at least it would if I were to use it illegaly like that...which I don't Another note: This explosive should be packed to a density of 1.3g/cc. To achieve this, measure the water your container can hold, then multiply that by 1.3. That is the wieght in grams you need to put in the container. And yet another footnote, it's slightly hydroscopic, make sure to dip the finnished product in molten wax.
[This message has been edited by Bander (edited October 31, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited November 01, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 170
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 01, 2000 01:26 AM
aussie kid, after the shit you get, soon you decide to stick with AN and other stuff that's common knowledge which can just be read about from good sources.
All there is to fear is your own co-ordination
A new voice
Posts: 7
From: Ft. Collins ID usa
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 07, 2000 06:15 PM
i ams teh ideots, pls cals me stupads. thx
[This message has been edited by vehemt (edited November 07, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 229
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 08, 2000 07:44 AM
lol....nice vehemt
Frequent Poster
Posts: 91
From: ...
Registered: SEP 2000
posted November 14, 2000 05:25 AM
aussie kid if ure from VIC i might be able to help ya wit a Nitro MEthane supplier who gets 99.8% shit
hmmmmmmm i have help others from this forum get da shit man
hmmmmm but yeah if ya want to find out more
back to study !
Frequent Poster
Posts: 170
Registered: OCT 2000
posted November 18, 2000 05:50 AM
Originally posted by Azazel:
aussie kid if ure from VIC i might be able to help ya wit a Nitro MEthane supplier who gets 99.8% shit
hmmmmmmm i have help others from this forum get da shit man
hmmmmm but yeah if ya want to find out more
back to study !
Any help in NSW?
Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted December 03, 2000 01:37 AM
could just buy some chlorate from a supplier, skylighter, pyotek, etc
A new voice
Posts: 3
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 07:32 AM
if you want to buy nitromethane just got to a hobby shop and ask for it, if they ask why you want it (not that they should) just tell them that you want to mix your own feul
A new voice
Posts: 36
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 03, 2000 08:53 AM
I am jsut the kewleST e|_itE bomberz here. Fear my styro-4 explosivE.
What a lame. Congrats, you've made nampalm. And not even good napalm at that. Go back to TOTSE. Don't EVER quote anything from there here.
[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 03, 2000).]
Frequent Poster
Posts: 203
Registered: OCT 2000
posted December 03, 2000 09:53 AM
hummm, melting fuel and styrofoam will give you napalm. If you mix fuel with oil, so will it. Napalm is something not liqui, not solid, and which burns not very well, so it burns for a long time. Neither the one with oil neither the one with styrofoam will explode, and I don't think the mix of these two will have just made napalm. If you add an oxydizer you can make a low explosive, but napalm will just act as fuel.
Posts: 2304
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 11:37 AM
NEVER post anything from &TOTSE, it is pure bullshit and just shows people how dumb you are for actually thinking it would work/not be amazingly danergous or just plain dumb.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 140
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 03, 2000 07:42 PM
Don't you think that only posting information that you KNOW(from experience) works would be more helpful?
A new voice
Posts: 14
From: east bay mental institution
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 14, 2000 01:32 PM
arthis what you have is not napalm, it is a real shitty version that is not worth making. It is a wast of perfectly good gas and packing styrofoam. What do you do when you run out of styrofoam cups?
military napalm, having some of that could keep my happy for a little while.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 392
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 03:51 AM
This has been covered before but isn't military napalm made from gasoline,styrene, and benzene. Making the packing penut and gas thing a little less stupid.
"ARE YOUR PAPERS IN ORDER" -- Jack Booted Thug
Frequent Poster
Posts: 93
From: ...
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 15, 2000 02:41 PM
The gasoline and styrofoam thing has always worked good for me. It does wonders when you fill a tuna can with it and stick an M-80 or a cratermaker in it. Tennis balls filled with it are fun too...
~Zero the Inestimable
~Zero the Inestimable
The A Files
{Link is a direct download.}
Frequent Poster
Posts: 591
From: ?
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 03:12 PM
Hey SofaKing i heard that Military Napalm is Gasoline+Phosphorus ,,,So when people get Napalm`d they jump into the water and the burning stops because there is no oxygen and when they com out of the water it starts burning again.
Go to Section1 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Alot off Bombs/Explosives and Homemade Weapons!!
Posts: 1091
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted December 15, 2000 04:23 PM
Napalm B (currently military issue) is 50% styrene, 25% gasoline, and 25% benzene (although you can use acetone). All percentages by weight.
Burns three times hotter and ten times longer than the original napalm. Add some AP and AN (as described in my PDF file) and you'll have exploding napalm.
Regular gasoline with enough styrofoam dissolved in it to make a thin syrup is perfectly usable as napalm.
The phosphorus in military napalm comes from the igniter used to scatter and ignite it. A rod of TNT surrounded by WP runs the length of the napalm canister. When it goes off it scatters and ignites the WP which in turn ignites the napalm.
"The knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them"
Go here to download the NBK2000 website PDF.
The Real
Frequent Poster
Posts: 136
From: Columbus, OH
Registered: DEC 2000
posted December 15, 2000 10:32 PM
Even neater is too load up a shotshell that throws a blob of sawdust soaked napalm. Very short shelf life (make it now, use it yesterday type thing), but it's a hell of a round. 20yds max feasible range to start anything on fire, 10yds accuracy is still enough to hit a garbage can. I've thought about using a 10ga scattergun to throw 3/4" by say 4-8" long full of napalm and and something to disperse and ignite it with. Perhaps a pipe with a arrow shaft cut to length in it full of BP, surrounded by napalm, all inside the pipe.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 77
From: UK
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 08, 2001 11:18 AM
Why not buy NAPALM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Happiness is a big bang!
Mr Cool
Frequent Poster
Posts: 991
From: None of your bloody business!
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 08, 2001 01:30 PM
For anyone that's interested:
I'm not entirely sure, but I think the original napalm was made from NApthalene and PALMatic acid (whatever that is). Napthalene is what's used in some old-style moth balls, and can be used to make nice fireball effects with a charge of BP to ignite and spread it.
A new voice
Posts: 16
From: Australia
Registered: SEP 2000
posted January 09, 2001 02:59 AM
I Agree with Mr Cool but it is only one part of the mix.
Frequent Poster
Posts: 63
From: Redding California
Registered: DEC 2000
posted January 09, 2001 09:42 PM
Well... I just got burned at
Frequent Poster
Posts: 232
From: the cretaceous period
Registered: OCT 2000
posted January 10, 2001 01:38 PM
A cheap, but less powerful alternative for making AP putty that I've come up with is mixing Acetone with polystyrene and then mixing in some AP put a fuse or igniter in and letting the acetone evaporate the ratio is about 40% acetone 20% polystyrene and 40% AP, this is junk however
but they have orange colored nitrocellulose ping pong balls here <a href=" ss%26searchstart%3D0%26template%3DTempl" target="_blank"> ss%26searchstart%3D0%26template%3DTempl</a> ates/SearchResult.htm if you want to make orange colored AP putty