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View Full Version : Creating a ftp community

November 21st, 2003, 01:16 PM
Ive decided to start this thread in the hopes that there are likeminded people who are willing to share their explosive related material and are willing to take some time and host a ftp site even if it is as temporary as mine or as Slow ;).
as i know how time consuming it is to find this tye of material (web\kazzaa\mirc\libaries etc).

Most of this stuff probably is already on the forum ftp but i wouldnt know, no access like i guess many others.

This is a collection of freely Available material which i found on the net (mainly pdf's) and hope to expand on.this probably will not really be of interest for the rougesci veterans but more for the newbie who is hungry for knowledge,
like myself who goes overboard and collects and reads all available material to gather further insight (even if not actually producing some of the more advanced compounds)

i dont have the credits for the material (people who have taken their time to scan etc) so i hope no one gets pissed,if so reply to the tread and ill have it removed.

i just hope more people decide to do this and make it easier to get info even if its a small collection like mine
just set up a ftp its easy, cause i know its hard to set it up by web,mail etc and often costs money or has limiting factors.

i'd like to give this a trial and will run one over this weekend if successfull hope to run more often in the future as i hope others would.

*recommend using some type of ftp program that has some type of resume capability my connection may time out

download a ftp server program and Start a FTP !!
* could place your ftp server details here ( if this thread is not closed,banned etc)
if you think this is a shitty idea say so.

FTP Specs

Ftp Duration: This weekend only +-3 days, hopefully weekendly in the furure.
Limit:2 users
user: anonymous
pass: (rougeSci username)@ftp.com

November 21st, 2003, 02:00 PM
Dude, you should be bitch slapped. Though I'm sure you had good intentions, but if you searched or even looked around you'd know we have a rather large ftp up and going. I personally don't have access to it, but by the specs of chemwarrior's ftp it's fast and quite expansive.

November 21st, 2003, 02:24 PM
hey i know i though why not have something that EVERYone can access without having to apply or something
almost like a starting point, building on ones knowledge then ultimately being able to contribute and join the elite forum ftp

November 21st, 2003, 06:53 PM
I would ecourage as many people as possible, if they can, to operate their own FTP site. We only restrict them to prevent abject leeching and bandwidth abuse of the general public at large. If you want to build a FTP please do so. The more we have the more information we can spread out there. Just keep in mind how many thousands of hits we get here each day, mostly from looky loos who just check in, and would love to access an FTP. Perhaps some people would feel more comfortable uploading to an unrestricted FTP, or maybe you will just get swamped with leechers. The point is the more FTP's there are the more we can spread the load.

We must all prepare for that day when laws are passed that forces The Forum to shut down, and hurles our beloved books onto the burn pile. On that day I hope we have many FTP sites running to distribute the dozens, nay hundreds, of books we have collected over the years. These books will multiply by the thousands and tens of thousands as they are copied, recopied, loaned, printed, disseminated, and distributed for decades to come. They can shut us down, but they would have to shut the entire net down to stop us all, and they will never be able to pry the books we have already obtained from our grasp!

Ollie Snowie
November 21st, 2003, 07:38 PM
Well, work starts now; I'm setting up a server at this very moment.
I'm sure someone with a bit of programming knowledge could write a sort of P2P program to search our network of FTPs.
If we have lots of FTPs, the administration of user accounts becomes a problem, but having lots of FTPs spreads the load so anonymous downloads could be allowed. More to the point would be whether to allow anonymous uploading, because of all the rubbish some people like to upload. I'm sure that people with a decent antivirus program could check through the uploaded files and ban the IPs of people who upload viruses. People who uploaded rubbish would just be given a warning in case it was accidental corruption of a useful file.
A database could be kept on a central http server for each loaction on the globe (I'm willing to do it for England ;).) and copied to other servers in case the local server is down. Passwords could be put on these http servers, making user account administration much easier, and meaning that info. about a file could be included so people know more about what they're downloading.

EDIT - [Mega, you almost made me sob about all those books being burned :(! Thinking about it, when this eventually happens, it might not be the end; the forum could be continued in the same way as the FTP network is planned to. (ie. no central server, so impossible for government to shut it down.)]

EDIT2 - [Another idea - I'm just wondering if, when you have multiple virtual machines each running servers and one of them gets is bombarded with pings, do they all collapse? I shouldn't think so. A firewall would be able to stop unauthorised pinging (?).]

November 21st, 2003, 10:15 PM
Im Glad some people are showing some type of interest in the idea

i was reading Ollie Snowie post and got me thinking, ive been using mirc for a while just talking getting files , and came accross a warez room called #Warez-Talk (dalnet) they have quite a clever system going where users post sites with all the credentials which get logged and stored, which users can then recieve the file which has got a list of the sites submitted, they even have a GUI system which allows one to automatically recieve the file , do searches, ratings etc.
the great thing about this is it is all automated by a bot

if something simillar can be done this would be perfect

so maybe someone with some mirc skills (bots, scripts) can possibly check this out and do some further investigating

November 21st, 2003, 10:27 PM
It's very simple to make a channel on Mirc for the use of sharing files. I had been thinking about doing this but one problem would be risking exposure. Some servers allow you to mask your IP, but when recieving a file it can easily be found by using dos. Also we would not have very tight control over who accesses the servers. Any government official could simply join the channel and download from someone. If we made the channels invite only, someone or several people would have to identify and invite each user that wants to come into the channel. If anyone still likes this idea, I could help get us started. To serve files, just download Invision or Excursion, some of the most popular file sharing programs used on MIRC.

Edit: I'm not a lawyer but whenever entering a channel you usually see something like this: If you are affiliated with any government,police. ANTI-Piracy Group,RIAA,MPAA,FBI,movie production company/distribution company or related groups you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995,Therefore you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s),person(s) or company(s) storing these file(s) and cannot prosecute anyone. And you ::must LEAVE this Channel NOW!!

If that is true, then we should be able to safely run a channel on IRC without the fear of anyone trying to shut us down.

November 22nd, 2003, 10:23 AM
As for the forum going down because of government oppression I think IT can not happen so easily.Cause there are a lot of people outside US in the forum and may be someone from a rogue country cand host it.Then Uncle sam won't be doing anything ;) .
As I'm noticing ,when I joined the number of members was around 3800. In just couple of months it's around 5000.Great growth rate! and I can understand that a lot of people are newbie not only in the Forum but also in pyro feild.
It took me months to get started , though I had chemistry till high school.What about the people that don't know chemistry much? I feel in the wake of this "newbie rush" there should be something for newbies to get started with and elevate them to the level where they at the least understand all the threads in the Forum.Getting an FTP account is way too long.And in this rush it will certainly not possible to give an FTP account in short time for sheer reason of resources ,even one forget any other complication.
What I suggest is some kind of collection of pdf's or books for the beginers to get started with.May be then we won't have a lot of stupid newbie questions.Some FTP can do it but what about free hosting sites or some other site,to keep the collection of pdf's for the beginners.
(Well I got some books from a link in a thread in issues and opinion and it was good:) )

November 22nd, 2003, 10:40 AM
Cause there are a lot of people outside US in the forum and may be someone from a rogue country cand host it.Then Uncle sam won't be doing anything ;). Hosting The Forum in a country with other laws doesn't guarantee its accessability in the US / Europe. They could just use an internet filter like some countries already do today (Mexico and China I think). I'm not sure if this can be circumvented by using proxy servers which are located outside the US / Europe.

November 22nd, 2003, 03:50 PM
Here is a file that may be of interest to load on your FTP site.


November 22nd, 2003, 06:50 PM
sorry to those who were connected but my connection shat out
the new ip is so those who were getting files canfinish up
the temporary running is almost over and will have to disconnect in a few hours time
good to see the response.

just over the short time it has been running its transfered just over 400Mb pretty good for a slow 56 kb connection, now imagine if say even 10 users did the same
my holiday starts soon and will be looking into some type of ftp cataloging program possibly mirc based so will be doing a little bit of messing around this holiday.

oh and that file is there thanks.