View Full Version : Is it just me, or does Jackass suck?
October 31st, 2003, 01:51 PM
The title says it all really, I find myself one of few people who dislike Jackass, most other people being at least middle-aged.
Some of the stuff they do is interesting in an original, obscure kind of way - like the BMX jousting. That's simple, harmless fun.
Most of the other stuff is revolting or just plain stupid.
I think the reason that I personally do not like it, along with other trash-TV is because it's not admirable, there's no talent. *Anyone* stupid enough can do jackass, even I could do it, so why the hell is it broadcast around the world to millions of people?
I'm not above childish acts, but they're funny when it's happening before you, inolving people you know.
Why the fuck is someone bathing in raw sewage, or slamming thumb tacks into their head a billion dollar industry?
Oh, and I generally dislike very popular things as there's no individuality.
So, am I alone in thinking this?
October 31st, 2003, 02:02 PM
Jackass is a symptom of the disease that is MTV. MTV used to have original groundbreaking content, they even has these things called music videos where you could listen to songs and watch stuff at the same time. Now all they have are things that appeal to teenagers, and the problems of teenagers are quite lame.
I cringe every time I see Ashton Kutcher trying some lame gag on a celeb, or some whiny ass bitch complaining about boys on one of those increadably stupid reality TV shows they have. Why just yesterday they were filming some sort of cheerleader camp training session, bull shit.
Even MTV 2 only shows a bunch of damn hiphop shit. That is not music, whatever else it is. I know damn well the black thugs aren't watching it, it's all the rich milkfed suburban WHITE wannabes that like this crap.
*Sigh*, I'm too old for MTV and too young for VH1. What's a fella to do?
October 31st, 2003, 02:49 PM
*Sigh*, I'm too old for MTV and too young for VH1. What's a fella to do?
Watch BBC :D
No seriously, this "nigga" culture pisses me off too, because those clips tend to justify crime, abuse of social service and women as pure sex objects.
It's so fucking cheap.
October 31st, 2003, 03:32 PM
Though a bit off topic and I'm a newbie but it's water cooler afterall.
True MTV in perticuler and entertainment TV chennels in general are showing the same tendencies as Vulture has mentioned(and of course I don't watch any of them lately).But RIGHT now attending the youth festival of my institute I feel like asking a question to
vulture:Aren't women just sex object? I always tried to think otherwise all the time.Again RIGHT now attending the youth festival of my institute I feel they are sex objects because they behave like one.
October 31st, 2003, 04:23 PM
I don't bother watching MTV or the crap on commercial TV cause it's a waste of time. I detest R&B, as I see this is entertainment for monkeys. Perhaps it's indeed the white kids watching this crap, having nigga culture as role model sucks but eventually this R&B crap will blow over. To be replaced by something equally stupid no doubt. But what does one care for mainstream movements?
I agree with Thrall that many women reduce themselves to sex objects, but this is done by popular culture as much as their own minds. Though at all times I prefer the looks of a woman who wears styleful clothing instead of next to no clothing.
October 31st, 2003, 04:32 PM
Nigga culture is the worst, I'm too lazy to give my 3 page speech on it, i think ill write my college dissertation on it :). I have met Bam Margera, and he's a fucking suburban cunt. I dont like him and he thinks hes a hotshot, but i dont get out of the way for cunts like him so he doesn't like me too much either.
October 31st, 2003, 04:55 PM
Heh, Pablo Francisco (a comedian) made some really fun jokes on those black wanna-be gangstas on MTV, hope someone knows what I'm talking about.. I recommend to search for this on kazaa or something.. :) (file is called something like "Pablo Francisco - comedy central")
November 1st, 2003, 10:06 PM
Jackass was actualy a quality show compared to the crap they have on right now. I downloaded all 4 seasons of Jackass and most the of the episodes were entertaining imo. I have to agree with Anthony, why should they get paid for what they do? But on the other hand it is entertaining, and thats what its about.
November 2nd, 2003, 06:51 AM
although i dont really like jackass, i prefer it to other similar shows such as dirty sanchez.
jackass atleast has some amusing stuff in, snowboarding down stairs, etc. . (punct)
dirty sanchez is like all the parts i hate about jackass, rolled into its own series. i could have gone seen it live at reading, i'm glad i didn't. from what i hear their show involved shooting each other in the nuts with bb guns, sandpapering their assholes and other such fun.
November 2nd, 2003, 11:18 AM
One way of putting it. How about I pass? I really don't understand how people can be amused by that stuff. Its a bunch of idiots making asses out of themselves. There are a lot of shows I'd rather watch than Jackass. That is what I have to say.
- klassasin
November 2nd, 2003, 12:50 PM
Some of the stuff that has gone on in Jackass we could admit to doing at one stage in life - the shopping trolley down the hill is a classic. though quite alot of it is absolute bullshit, literally.
As for the rest of MTV, if they actually had some decent videos on such as Kylie Minogue :p then I would give it a better comment. ATM MTV is simply infested with |-|aRd<0r3 G4|\|6$74R rappas that only use the music industry to make them look cool. They are still dumb, violent, sexist thugs except they are dumb violent, sexist thugs that can make some money legitimately by "singing" songs about being dumb violent and sexist
November 2nd, 2003, 03:29 PM
I agree. MTV is rap, rap, and more rap. They need rock, GO ROCK!!!
Sonny Jim
November 2nd, 2003, 07:43 PM
Everything is black rap. I have to put up with it on the bus to college, and on the journey back. Not having to listen to that shit is motivation enough to get my driving test passed.
I get quite irritated by the fact that they have no talent at all. I mean, any idiot can rap, yet they make as much if not more money than bands and artists that actually have a measure of skill. Then there's their irritating additions to the English language. Words like 'bling' I mean. Apparently that means money, riches or something? WTF? Oh yes, then there's there use of the words 'yaw, yaw' at any point in their 'music' where they can't think of anything that fits their shitty bass line. That's assuming they even write their own slobber, which I am dobtful of.
There is yet hope though. If they keep on shooting each other, maybe they will run out.
November 2nd, 2003, 09:16 PM
I can't understand this sick facination with reality TV shows, like "Survivor" and "Big Brother". Do people have so little life they need to do it by proxy?
I also can't stand the endless crime and police dramas, which seem to pay homage to the depths humanity can sink to, and as such are too depressing to watch. Same as gangsta rap.
So by the time I cross off all the reality shows, crime shows, crappy soaps, and mindless movies, I'm left with "Scrapheap Challenge", "Billy Connelly's World Tour" (Very funny!), and a wierd little Canadian cartoon called "Untalkative Bunny".
Sometimes I wonder why I have a TV at all.
November 3rd, 2003, 02:17 AM
Tyranny is Freedom!
Thinking is Ignorance!
Watching is Living!
Television...cure for the tyranny of freedom...the soma of the masses.
Stupid fucks watch TV and think that they're learning something. :rolleyes: It's a control device to desensitize your mind into passively accepting, without critical thinking, anything that gets feed into it. It's also the lazy way of amusing yourself since you don't have to do anything more physical than push a button. No picking up, carrying, opening, or turning of the pages of a book, let alone all that tedious thinking required by reading! :eek:
You can't sit and contemplate the 3 second soundbite with the 12 embedded subliminal stressor images when you've got a continuous barrage of this shit being forced into your eyes. The brain suffers information overload from the sensory assualt, zones out, and becomes a passive receptor with the disinformation bypassing your higher thought processes and going straight into the mammalian flight/fight reflex response center.
You become a passive sponge to absorb all the crap they throw at you from the screen. All thinking goes out the window while you're watching. It's only afterwards that you can think about it, but by then it's too late, because your memory will be distorted by the tricks of the trade into remembering what they want you to remember most.
Written text can be read, set aside to be thought about, then re-read to analyze it bit by bit and see just what the writer is trying to convey (or hide). Unless you sit with a DVR and progress through it frame-by-frame, and de-layer all the audio tracks, you can't do that kind of analysis of video. And, even then, you only see what they want to show you.
Remember, 80% of human sensory input is through the eyes, thus the majority of brain "CPU cycles" is devoted to processing this information. Because of the predatory nature of humans, and the need to rapidly respond to prey/threats to our survival, our brains process visual information without the usual lag that the other senses experience. In fact, our eyes have a "pre-processor" as a bundle of nerves behind the eye that does (something, forgot exactly) that increases our visual capacity over similarly "eyed" animals.
This makes us highly reactive to primary visual stimulus (movement/light-shadow/patterns), much more so than to any other sensory input.
Rapid jerky movements of alternating light/dark patterns can trigger spikes in blood pressure (stress) without concious awareness. Likely because of deeply programmed survival programs that equate such visual stimulus with snakes in the grass, stalking predators, etc. Byusing such patterns and associating it with a certain person or group, a TV "programmer" can instill unconcious fear of such a person/group in the target audience.
Even the language of the televison industry reflects its true purpose.
A "Programmer" is the person who decides what is going to be shown. And what do "programmers" do? Make "programs". What is a program? A set of instructions to be ran by a computer. What is a computer? A machine that does only what it is told to do in a set of instructions called a program. Therefore, you are an unthinking machine that does only what the programmer tells you to do. :p
"Channels" are what you watch. "Channel" also means to guide or focus. To guide or focus something, you must first control it. If you control something, then you are channeling it. Therefore, if you are watching a channel, it's because the programmer has succeeded in writing a program that controls your attention sufficently to prevent you from changing it or *gasp!* turning it off.
A television programmer desires to channel a target audience to his programs.
How many control words are in that sentence?
"Programmer" = Person who controls a machine
"Channel" = To control or guide
"Target" = synonym for victim or prey
"Audience" = passive viewer or receiver, NOT "Performer" or actor. One who is acted upon, not acting upon others.
"Programs" = Set of instructions by which non-thinking machines are controlled.
You know how much TV the great minds of the last 50 years usually watched? ZERO. Einstein didn't watch it (or radio), nor does Hawkings. Does Ruttan, the man who made his own plane to fly non-stop around the world or his latest sub-orbital plane watch TV. No.
Did the man who built the V-2 for the Nazis, and the Saturn-V for the moon landings watch TV? No. Neither does Gates or Jobs and they're the richest men in the world.
If you ask the great thinkers, scientists (think the Newtons and Kepplers of our time, not the corporate hacks), and explorers how much TV they watch, I'll bet on them saying ZERO (or close to it).
How many losers go home and veg out in front of the TV every day for hours on end? Countless legions...all living vicarious lives through the multi-media whores calling themselves "artists" that are nothing more than silicone scultped dolls with their strings being pulled by corporate puppet masters with their psychologists-demographers-focus groups-et al telling them how best to rape your mind...while all the while not living their own lives beyond that needed to earn enough to buy the latest car/shoe/razor-blade that'll make them cooler/hipper/sexier than their neighbors/friends/co-workers.
TV industry execs don't watch TV. They know better. Just like smart drug dealers know better than to use their own product.
To (sort of) quote RATM:
Turn on the televison
Naw, fuck it, turn it off!
Fear is your only God on the televison.
Naw, fuck it, turn it off!
Your savior
My guillotine
Flex your cerebellum
What race watches the most TV in the US in every catagory of age, education, and income? Niggers. Which watch the least? Asians. Of the two, who does the best in education and income, adjusted for population? Hmmm...tough guess, huh? ;) Fluke luck? Doubtful!
What race dominates the TV industry (execs/programmers, not the talking heads in front of the camera)? Whites. (over 90%)
What race watches the most TV? Blacks.
Who were the Masters and who were the slaves?
Who are still the Masters? And who are still the slaves? :D
We've simply replaced the whips and chains of the previous slave era with the Gangsta' Rap and Nikes of the modern slave era. The slaves no longer seek freedom now that their chains are so entertaining and exciting.
Why should a slave live its own life with all the attendant struggles and hardship when it can pick from so many ready-made lives that are much more entertaining and stimulating with no difficulties that can't be solved within half an hour?
Freedom is Slavery!
November 3rd, 2003, 04:25 AM
A great speech.Not an attack but staright invasion.One more barrage to overload (this time the logical faculty) the "litte" human brain.
Here is something I want to say.The written litrature also contain a lot of crap.There are books that are "pure shit" if you bother try to get out anything from them.Most of the magazines are abyssmally degenerated.Yet we read we think and we try to "filter" the good out of them.
What to say about the news "channells";) ?They also filter and adds their biases.So is true for newspapers.In fact for almost every TV program there is a written counterpart.
All is upto you.The filtering of the news to think and try to reconstruct the events.There are a lot of crapbooks on explosives as well.the list goes on......and it's upto you to filter the crap.
I used to watch discovery and some of it's programs were good(lately I'm not watching antything,I stopped patially because of increased frequency and duration of "commercial breaks" :mad: )
I do watch news channels.It keeps you in touch.
As for degeneration, degenerated people degenerate everything anyway.let it be music,painting,any form of art.It's bound to happen so one should not be surprised about it.So the nigga thing:D remember these are trhe desendents of the people who could not die defending their freedom and chose a life of slavery.(probably they enjoy it:rolleyes: ).
This happens everytime when a great war is lost.And all the conqured are the shit of the humankind who chose a life of slavery over a a death with freedom.Remember survivability doesn't value anything but survival.In fact survivability of a sheeple is far more than survivability of ..........say you :( (He won't play with explosives or poisons or do anything that is out the limits of "Law":rolleyes: )
I'm not countering any of your points.All you said is true.This is something what you didn't say.
November 3rd, 2003, 08:22 AM
Actually thrall, I would say that the "survivability" of us and the sheeple is similar. You are more at risk of death driving a car or playing some sports than making HEs with the proper precautions. We also tend to be smarter than the sheeple and not do stupid things. Who could imagine a forum member ever winning a darwin award?
Just as we make E&W, the sheeple do other dangerous things which we are smart enough not to do.
Ollie Snowie
November 3rd, 2003, 10:51 AM
IMHO kewls are the result of all this television babble. I know this because I once had the most terrible kewl in my class (He told me to make gunpowder with washing powder and sugar :D.). He fell into the trap of all the crazes that swept past us, pokémon, digimon etc... all because the television advertising trap.
You know, I think this should be included in the "quizz to subscribe to the forum"; "what is your favourite television channel?".
I've never seen jackass, but I do go on and I find it quite funny. I can imagine the difference between jackass and stupidvideos though; jackass is done by people who are at a loose end and are generally stupid, but stupidvideos are either genuine, or well thought out.
As for rap, I can't see where the skill is. I mean, anyone can stand up on a stage and wave their hands in the air while gibberjabbering. Just to cheer yourselves up, imagine a well accepted rappa walk up on stage, be laughed at, be stared blankly at, be egged, blah... See what effect it has on you. Try to laugh. See if you hate rap even more. See if you can see the fool in that looked up to rappa.
IMHO "toughness" is made by accepting the television babble as meaningful. Again, this is what kewls are after. It should be made illegal to brainwash children into wannabe rappas. It's another of those little quirks of the law, like spammers being protected by freedom of speech. If they really want to be so pedantic about their laws, why don't they make it legal to broadcast radio and television without a licence over other frequencies? How about WHITE NOISE over the MTV frequencies. Heh? I once transmitted over radio 1 and stopped someone who was being very annoying with playing it loud from being such an annoyance anymore. I know it's short range but I still like to have an effect. It's like starting a ping war with an advertising server - it gets the anger out.
November 3rd, 2003, 02:24 PM
Brilliant rant NBK! :)
Big Brother! Don't get me started... LCDTV at its worst...
What kind of loser tunes into 24hr BB coverage to watch other losers sleep?!
I also hate the way that these stupid TV polls get far more voters than the general election, which decides who is going to run the country for the next 4 years!
My TV watching is a bit slim. Confined to the occasional good comedy (few and far between nowadays) and documentaries. I think there's about a total of 4-5 programs a week that I'd watch, and quite often I'm busy doing other things.
I agree that Dirty Sanchez is Jackass but worse. Who wants to watch a guy push a screwdriver through his arm, or hold down someone else and put burning matches under their fingernails? Them being Welsh probably explains a lot...
The only vaguely related program that I watched and liked was a Newzealand production called "Back Of the Y", completely bonkers, offbeat comedy. I only caught the final episode of the series though.
November 5th, 2003, 05:35 AM
I seem to be in a minority here... I actually like Jackass :)
November 9th, 2003, 06:55 AM
Though late and a bit OT
let me speak mathamatically
first model the thing
Risk of "normal" life(diease,accidents,natural calamity,misunderstood assasination blah blah...)
This is the risk all people are exposed to(sheeple and you as well)
EXTRA risk of making explosives or any chem synth like poisons or anything
(No matter how much precaution you take there is SOME risk so let that be Delta!=0)
let the initial population of sheeple be Ps(please read P sheeple)
initial population of the people of kind of xyz (or me:) )=Pf(Please read P free)
then growth rate sheeple (d(Ps)/d(T))=K*Ps
growth rate of free (d(Pf)/d(T))=K*Pf
mortality rate of Ps=R*Ps
mortality rate of Pf=(R+Delta)*Pf
so overall growth rate of sheeple d(Ps)/d(T)=(K-R)*Ps
for free d(Pf)/d(T)=((K-R)-Delta)*Pf
let (K-R) be C
then solving these equations
Sheeple population at time t is Ps(t=0)*EXP(C*t)
free population at time t is Pf(t=0)*EXP(C*t-Delta*t)
so the ratio at time t is (Ps(t=0)/Pf(t=0))*EXP(Delta*t)
no matter what the initial ratio is there exist a time t when sheeple raio will far more than free
say sheeple/free = SF
then t = (1/Delta)*ln((SF*Pf(t=0))/Ps(t=0)) sheeple/free will be SF (Delta != 0)
so choose any number for SF and I can give you a time when the ratio will be SF.
xyz lost !!!! xyz lost !!!!! :)
sheeple won!!!!!! sheeple won!!!!! :)
One more thing I talked about sheeple and not kewl.
well kewl can be termed as incompetent free :(
December 9th, 2003, 06:56 AM
I remember when MTV used to be rock videos. Looks like VH-1 is trying to gain
MTV's earlier audience. Most of what I watch on TV is news or documentaries.
Jackass is one of the most stupid and masochistic shows ever created. I'll never
understand how that type of behavior is considered to be funny or entertaining.
Looks like it may end up being a kewl cult classic.
The Anarch
December 9th, 2003, 07:13 PM
I'm not the only person in the world that hates jackass... i can't believe it. I hate it mostly because it goes along with that fucking sk8er culture. All skaters should burn. Another reason I hate it is because a lot of good friends of mine have gotten into it, and ever since they've been shitty friends. Jackass portrays a bunch of supposed "friends" fucking with each other, getting each other stung by bees, shitting/pissing on each others faces while they're asleep, so now my fucking frneds have started to mimic it. Not to such an extreme degree, but it's still annoying as fuck to get smacked in the head and hearing some dick laughing.
The fucking jews in charge of tv have been exploiting urban pop culture for a while now. Isn't that how a lot of things are these days, kikes commanding armies of niggers. The Disney channel is by far the best(or worst) example of this. My little siblings are constantly watching that stupid bullshit in the living room. Every time I walk downstairs I hear that stupid fucking R&B crap with 50 more notes in every verse than necessary. Walt Disney is turning in his grave...
December 9th, 2003, 09:28 PM
I've never actually sat through an episode of Jackass. Don't worry about the dominating black culture; it will disappear in time. They always do.
December 11th, 2003, 07:40 PM
Its so true...I watched some MTV today because I wanted to see what all the hype about the "Milkshake" song was all about, and I could feel my brain cells popping with every R&B beat. I fucking stupid can people get? Well actually I do know how stupid... Sexual inuendo about milkshakes? Wow... Thrall you're so right about the sheeple formula. Even if the number of intelligent people grows, the sheeple multiply by a square factor. SOME, as in a very gifted few, a couple episodes of jackass, and maybe a few skits from CKY, are actually pretty damn funny. But the rest is stupid shit! And that shit gets feed into the magic TV camera lenses, is converted into EM frequency shit, and is piped through the boobatron directly into peoples minds.
Here an idea for entertainment, its called Wall! Its simple to use, it only takes muscular coordiation of one movement! You stand in front of Wall, and bang your head against it! It kills brain cells, and fills your eyes with pretty sparkly shapes. You can use Wall with friends, with your family, even your dog can experience the enlightening effects of Wall!
Now all I need is some money to market my mass corporate scam...
December 12th, 2003, 03:39 PM
Jackass is kind of funny sometimes. It's probably one of the best things on MTV. They used to be good 10 or 20 years when they showed real music. Now all they do is that stupid ghetto nigger shit. Can't stand it.
I think though they play the type of music which sells the most. It's all about money.
tom haggen
January 2nd, 2004, 11:49 PM
I like viva la bam. Jackass was ok. though I like to skate and stuff and bam margera is a ripper. so I got a little respect for him. steveo is funny but those guys get to fucking grose a lot of the time. I do think T.V. brain washes you. but some educational programs are kinda cool
January 3rd, 2004, 12:15 AM
Jackass is ok sometimes but it gets very old quickly. I guess its suppose to be funny to hurt yourself! Yep MTV just sucks now.
January 3rd, 2004, 06:28 AM
I just watch TV for the few "educational" channels TLC, Discovery, The History Channel, Nat-Geo Max, Animal Planet, VH-1, Food Network and of cource the Cartoon Network. They have there own thought leaching drivvle here and there but for the most part, they at least give me a little culture. Cartoons are obviously pointless but I find a conforting irony in them, at least I know that they aren't real.
Mostly I look at TV as a device used to tell people they lives aren't as good as they should or could be. TV tells you you're fat, ugly, not wearing the right clothes, not getting enough sex, and if you are the person you're fucking is obviously a bigger loser than you are. You're not driving a nice enough car, you're not popular and you house is a dump. All you have to do is work as a slave in a system that you and your offspring will be forever bound to, no matter how rich or how poor you are. Your whole life will be a fruitless quest of constantly persuing an image of granduer that will never be. You will die a wasted, poisoned, diseased, husk of a humanity that was missled from the womb and even as you realize this you will never be able to break free.
On top of all that is says give up your rights, give up your morals, and don't think for yourself because you're too stupid even to do that. If there is anything American that I am ashamed of it is Television and Democrates.
January 3rd, 2004, 07:06 AM
I am so sick of watching patriocrap self glorifying american movies that seem to be everywhere now, such as 'The patriot', 'Pearl Harbour' and some shitty made for tv drivel on showtime today called 'The marine and the princess' which ended with a particularly sickening scene where the poor abused middle eastern princess gone western in a military base in love with a marine salutes to the rippling US flag saying "This is what I beleive in". What is wrong with the movie industry now, barely anything is new or original, are they so affraid of anything different that they have to surround themselves in a saftey blanket of sequels, pre-quels and mindless shit? People will look back to today and think 'what a crap time to go to the movies'
January 3rd, 2004, 11:31 AM
I'm sick of the liberal slant in media, all the fags on my TV and all the save the enviroment bullshit, I dont watch TV. Movies I watch but not TV save shows on the educational channels or forensic files etc. Maybe a little Law and Order or CSI now and then. As soon as i see a commercial I mentally leave I try to pay attention as little as possible.
January 3rd, 2004, 09:09 PM
Whats that about brain washing?? We're kinda humans and we can filter all the crap that is feed into brain. If some info/news is exaggerated, one can always compare it with other sources (internet).
Mentioning exaggerated news, like for example when an US convoy was attacked by surprise by 40 irakies and there were no casualities for US.. all irakies were dead.. buahahahaha
And those commercials.. I can't come up with any commercial that have affected my choice in products.. but maby I'm just to stubborn :P
Jackass? It is ok for a tv show, come on, you're not suppose to laugh with them or learn something, it can just be fun to watch how some people can make those stupid things and it's also fun to see reactions from observers.. they had no intention to be educational..
And, I would rather watch jackass than go to the latest James Bond movie, even if it was for free :)
January 3rd, 2004, 09:34 PM
The problem with jackass is that it is condoning the kind of moronic idiosy that is arse reeming the world, I see far too many people around where I live that I can't say deserve life. I'm not saying that all stupidity and 'naughty' behaviour in kids stems from Jackass but it is just another link in the chain that is hanging society, along with such brain cell sucking ideas like 'gansta culture' rapping or 'sk8 culture'. I don't think kids used to be such demented freaks as they are today, so it must be something that is recently emerging, and TV really isn't helping to raise the IQ.
January 4th, 2004, 07:25 AM
James Bond is a classic! And without it, the TV stations would have less stuff to repeat at christmas :)
For example, take Mr Bond and his arch rival tear-arseing around on ice in a new Aston and an XK8. I fully realise that a lot of FX have gone into it - cars don't land on their roof, barrel roll through 180 degrees and carry on driving. But there was still skilled drivers driving at high speed in a tightly controlled plan in dangerous conditions. That I will watch and admire, because it's not something I could do myself.
One of my favourite films is Memento, because it is a brilliantly made film. The person who sat and wrote the script for it was onto an idea that I couldn't come up with. They also bent their mind around the odd way the film is organised, and made it run smootly and make sense. Again, not something I could do.
But a lot of Hollywood drivel, I, or most people could do. It's written by idiots with no particular skill, but just happen to be in the right place, or have the right conections.
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